892 resultados para smart border
Tutkimuksessa ”Automatisoidut rajatarkastukset” selvitetään mitä automatisoidut rajatarkastukset tarkoittaa, mihin se perustuu, mikä se on ja miksi siihen halutaan siirtyä. Tutkimuksessa automatisoiduilla rajatarkastuksilla ei tarkoiteta pelkästään passin tarkastavaa automaattista porttia, vaan laajemmin rajatarkastustekniikan muuttumista automaattisemmaksi. Tutkimuksessa selvennetään rajaturvallisuutta yleisesti. Pääpaino tutkimuksessa on automatisoitujen rajatarkastusten kokonaisuuden selvittämisessä. Suomessa Automatisoidut rajatarkastukset ovat vielä suunnittelu-, kehittely- ja kokeiluasteella. Yhdysvalloissa on Smart Border -niminen rajatarkastusmalli jo käytössä jossain määrin. Myös muualla maailmalla on kokeilukäytössä erilaisia automaattisia rajatarkastuslaitteita. Automatisoiduilla rajatarkastuksilla halutaan vastata tämän päivän haasteisiin rajaturvallisuutta vastaan. Automatisoiduissa rajatarkastuksissa käytetään tämän hetkistä huipputekniikkaa. Tekniikka onkin yksi automatisoitujen rajatarkastusten peruspilareista. Smart Borderin tavoitteena on rajankulun parantaminen ja peruspilarit siihen ovat: seulonta, biometriikka ja informaatioteknologia. Näillä työkaluilla paranee niin rajaturvallisuus, kuin valtion sisäinenkin yleinen järjestys ja turvallisuus. Tutkimus on tehty perehtymällä erilaisiin lähdemateriaaleihin Smart Borderin periaatteista, biometriikasta sekä Suomen automatisoitujen rajatarkastusten kehittämissuunnitelmista. Tutkimuksessa on ollut haasteellista aiheen tuoreus. Suomen automatisoituja rajatarkastuksia koskien lähdemateriaalia on ollut vain vähän saatavilla johtuen kehittely- ja kokeiluvaiheesta, eikä aiheesta ei ole vielä tehty muita tutkimuksia. Yhdysvaltojen Smart Borderista, biometriikan soveltuvuudesta rajaturvallisuuteen sekä automatisoinnista yleisellä tasolla on ollut enemmän materiaalia saatavilla. Lisäksi haasteena on aiheen nopea kehittyminen. Muutoksia tapahtuu nopeasti ja tutkimuksen kolmevuotisen elinkaaren ajalle mahtuu paljon muuttuvia asioita.
El nuevo orden internacional derivado de la Guerra Fría se caracterizó por la multiplicación de nuevas amenazas a la seguridad y la construcción de bloques regionales con el propósito de enfrentarlas. Esta investigación plantea que bajo tales circunstancias, en América del Norte, fue adoptada una agenda ampliada y profundizada en materia de seguridad que permitió articular las seguridades económica, militar y la bioseguridad. En este sentido, la configuración de dicha agenda fue posible gracias a la adopción de una retórica neoliberal de seguridad económica desde la puesta en marcha del Tratado de Libre Comercio en 1994, la cual luego del 11 de septiembre de 2001 fue articulada con la agenda de seguridad militar propuesta por el gobierno estadounidense en materia de lucha antiterrorista, que a su turno permitió la adopción de una retórica y unas medidas extraordinarias en materia de bioseguridad, motivada por los ataques bioterroristas con ántrax en EE.UU., el brote de SARS en Canadá y la pandemia de AH1N1 en México.
INTRODUCTION: Study of the temporal activity of malaria vectors during the implantation of a hydroelectric power station on the River Paraná, intended to generate electrical energy. The river separates the States of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil. The objective was to verify whether alterations occurred in the wealth and diversity indices of Anopheles, following two successive floods, extended to the temporal activity and nycthemeral rhythm followed over a five year period. METHODS: Mosquito capture was performed monthly using the Human Attraction Technique and Shannon Traps. The first, executed for 24h, provided the nycthemeral rhythm and the second, lasting 15h, permitted the tracking of Anopheles during the two floods. RESULTS: The bimodal pattern of Anopheles darlingi defined before these floods was modified throughout the environment interventions. The same effect had repercussions on the populations of An albitarsis s.l., An triannulatus and An galvaoi. Activity prior to twilight was less affected by the environment alterations. CONCLUSIONS: The dam construction provoked changes in Anopheles temporal activity patterns, permitting classification of the area as an ecologically steady and unstable situation. Differences observed in Anopheles behavior due to the capture methods revealed the influence of solo and multiple attractiveness inside the populations studied.
Oscillator networks have been developed in order to perform specific tasks related to image processing. Here we analytically investigate the existence of synchronism in a pair of phase oscillators that are short-range dynamically coupled. Then, we use these analytical results to design a network able of detecting border of black-and-white figures. Each unit composing this network is a pair of such phase oscillators and is assigned to a pixel in the image. The couplings among the units forming the network are also dynamical. Border detection emerges from the network activity.
One important issue implied by the finite nature of real-world networks regards the identification of their more external (border) and internal nodes. The present work proposes a formal and objective definition of these properties, founded on the recently introduced concept of node diversity. It is shown that this feature does not exhibit any relevant correlation with several well-established complex networks measurements. A methodology for the identification of the borders of complex networks is described and illustrated with respect to theoretical (geographical and knitted networks) as well as real-world networks (urban and word association networks), yielding interesting results and insights in both cases.
Drosophila antonietae and Drosophila gouveai are allopatric, cactophilic, cryptic and endemic of South America species, which aedeagus morphology is considered the main diagnostic character. In this work, single close populations from the edge distributions of each species, located in an ""introgressive corridor"", were analyzed regarding temporal isozenzymatic genetic variability. Isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh) appeared as a diagnostic locus between D. antonieate and D. gouveai because each population was fixed for different alleles. Moreover, several polymorphic loci showed accentuated divergence in the allele frequency, as evidenced by Nei`s l(0.3188) and D (1.1432), and also by Reynolds` genetic distance and identity (1.3207 and 0.7331, respectively). Our results showed that, in spite of the very similar external morphology, related evolutionary histories, close distributions, and events of introgression in the studied area, these cryptic species have high allozymatic differentiation, and this is discussed here. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dherte PM, Negrao MPG, Mori Neto S, Holzhacker R, Shimada V, Taberner P, Carmona MJC - Smart Alerts: Development of a Software to Optimize Data Monitoring. Background and objectives: Monitoring is useful for vital follow-ups and prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of several events in anesthesia. Although alarms can be useful in monitoring they can cause dangerous user`s desensitization. The objective of this study was to describe the development of specific software to integrate intraoperative monitoring parameters generating ""smart alerts"" that can help decision making, besides indicating possible diagnosis and treatment. Methods: A system that allowed flexibility in the definition of alerts, combining individual alarms of the parameters monitored to generate a more elaborated alert system was designed. After investigating a set of smart alerts, considered relevant in the surgical environment, a prototype was designed and evaluated, and additional suggestions were implemented in the final product. To verify the occurrence of smart alerts, the system underwent testing with data previously obtained during intraoperative monitoring of 64 patients. The system allows continuous analysis of monitored parameters, verifying the occurrence of smart alerts defined in the user interface. Results: With this system a potential 92% reduction in alarms was observed. We observed that in most situations that did not generate alerts individual alarms did not represent risk to the patient. Conclusions: Implementation of software can allow integration of the data monitored and generate information, such as possible diagnosis or interventions. An expressive potential reduction in the amount of alarms during surgery was observed. Information displayed by the system can be oftentimes more useful than analysis of isolated parameters.
Background: Since the cell therapy benefits for myocardial infarction are mainly related to infarct reduction by regenerating lost myocardium or increasing survival of tissues at risk, we evaluated the effects of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (MNC), implanted after the completion of necrosis, on infarct progression and cardiac remodeling. Methods: After 48 h of induction of myocardial infarction (MI), Lewis-inbred rats were injected with 6 x 10(6) cells (MI + MNC) or saline (MI). After six weeks, scar dimension, ventricular morphology and function were analyzed by echocardiography followed by histomorphology of the infarcted and border zones. Results: After therapy, the relative size of the infarct was smaller in MI + MNC (37 +/- 1% of the left ventricle) than in MI (43 +/- 1%). While the MI group exhibited parallel elongation of the infarcted (31.6 +/- 3.8% increase) and reminiscent ventricular portions (33.5 +/- 3.7%), MNC therapy preserved the initial infarct length. Infarcted walls were thicker (979 +/- 31 mm) in the MNC group than in the untreated group (709 +/- 41 mm), also demonstrating an absence of infarct expansion. In the border zones, MNC led to increased capillary densities and capillary/myocyte ratios. The cardiac systolic function remained depressed in MI, but improved by 19 +/- 5% in MI + MNC which reduced the incidence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (37.5% in MI and 6.25% in MI + MNC). Conclusion: MNC therapy prevented the infarct expansion and thinning related to cardiac remodeling and was associated with an improvement of border zone microcirculation: as a result, MNC therapy reduced typical MI dysfunctional repercussions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The challenges in the business environment are forcing Australian firms to be innovative in all their efforts to serve customers. Reflecting this need there have been several innovation policy statements both at Federal and State government level aimed at encouraging innovation in Australian industry. In particular, the innovation policy statement launched by the Queensland government in the year 2000 primarily intends building a Sman State through innovation. During the last few decades the Australian government policy on innovation has emphasized support for industry R&D. However industry stakeholders demand a more firm-focused policy of innovation. Government efforts in this direction have been hindered by a lack of a consistent body of knowledge on innovation at the firm level. In particular the Australian literature focusing on firm level antecedents of innovation is limited and fragmented. This study examines the role of learning capabilities in innovation and competitive advantage. Based on a survey of manufacturing firms in Queensland the study finds that both technological and non·technological innovations lead to competitive advantage. The findings contribute to the theory competitive advantage and firm level antecedents of innovation. Implications for firm level innovation strategies and behaviour are discussed. In addition, the findings have important implications for Queensland government's current initiatives to build a Smart State through innovation.