999 resultados para sheet cutting


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Succeeding in small board lot (0-20 tons) deliveries, is not always prosperous and failures as well as extra costs compared to standard costs arise. Failure deliveries from converting plants to customer locations tie a lot of unwanted and unexpected costs. Extra costs are handled as quality costs and more precise, internal failure costs. These costs revolve from unsuccessful truck payloads, redundant warehousing or unfavorable routing as examples. Quality costs are becoming more and more important factor in company’s financial decision making. Actual, realized truck payload correlates with the extra costs occurring, so filling the truck payload all get-out well is a key to lower the extra costs. Case company in this study is Corporation A, business segment Boards. Boards have outsourced half of their converting in order to gain better customer service via flexibility, lead time reductions and logistics efficiency improvements. Examination period of the study is first two quarters of year 2008 and deliveries examined are from converters to the customer locations. In Corporation A’s case, the total loss in failure deliveries is hundreds of thousands of Euros during the examination period. So, the logistics goal of getting the right product to the right place and right time for the least cost, does not completely realize.


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FEA simulation of thermal metal cutting is central to interactive design and manufacturing. It is therefore relevant to assess the applicability of FEA open software to simulate 2D heat transfer in metal sheet laser cuts. Application of open source code (e.g. FreeFem++, FEniCS, MOOSE) makes possible additional scenarios (e.g. parallel, CUDA, etc.), with lower costs. However, a precise assessment is required on the scenarios in which open software can be a sound alternative to a commercial one. This article contributes in this regard, by presenting a comparison of the aforementioned freeware FEM software for the simulation of heat transfer in thin (i.e. 2D) sheets, subject to a gliding laser point source. We use the commercial ABAQUS software as the reference to compare such open software. A convective linear thin sheet heat transfer model, with and without material removal is used. This article does not intend a full design of computer experiments. Our partial assessment shows that the thin sheet approximation turns to be adequate in terms of the relative error for linear alumina sheets. Under mesh resolutions better than 10e−5 m , the open and reference software temperature differ in at most 1 % of the temperature prediction. Ongoing work includes adaptive re-meshing, nonlinearities, sheet stress analysis and Mach (also called ‘relativistic’) effects.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella Inkeroisten kartonkitehtaan arkkileikkausprosessin tehokkuutta jälkikäsittelyosaston näkökulmasta. Työn tarkastelu keskittyi koneiden hyötysuhteiden ja arkituskustannusten perusteella tapahtuvaan tilausten leikkauskustannusten optimointiin. Tavoitteena oli kehittää tuotannonsuunnittelun apuvälineeksi leikkauskustannusten optimointimalli ja suorittaa vaikutusarviointi tuotannonsuunnittelun vakiintuneille toimintatavoille.Tilastotiedon perusteella on tarkasteltu tämän hetkistä tehokkuuden tasoa sekä laskettu kustannusvaikutukset. Kirjallisuusosuudessa on tarkasteltu toiminnanohjauksen teoriaa ja tehokkuuslaskennan menetelmiä, joiden pohjalta on pyritty kehittämään arkkileikkausprosessin tehokkuutta. Leikkauskustannuksiin vaikutti tutkimuksen mukaan ennen kaikkea arkituksen tehokkuus. Reunanauhoista aiheutuvan hylyn vaikutus oli huomattavasti pienempi. Maksimoimalla arkituksen tehokkuutta saavutettiin vähintään 20 % kustannussäästö verrattuna pituusleikkauksen hylkykustannuksen minimoimisesta aiheutuvaan kustannussäästöön.


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With advancement in computer science and information technology, computing systems are becoming increasingly more complex with an increasing number of heterogeneous components. They are thus becoming more difficult to monitor, manage, and maintain. This process has been well known as labor intensive and error prone. In addition, traditional approaches for system management are difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing environments. There is a need for automatic and efficient approaches to monitor and manage complex computing systems. In this paper, we propose an innovative framework for scheduling system management by combining Autonomic Computing (AC) paradigm, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques (NIT). Additionally, we consider the resolution of realistic problems. The scheduling of a Cutting and Treatment Stainless Steel Sheet Line will be evaluated. Results show that proposed approach has advantages when compared with other scheduling systems


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The thin disk and fiber lasers are new solid-state laser technologies that offer a combinationof high beam quality and a wavelength that is easily absorbed by metal surfacesand are expected to challenge the CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers in cutting of metals ofthick sections (thickness greater than 2mm). This thesis studied the potential of the disk and fiber lasers for cutting applications and the benefits of their better beam quality. The literature review covered the principles of the disk laser, high power fiber laser, CO2 laser and Nd:YAG laser as well as the principle of laser cutting. The cutting experiments were made with thedisk, fiber and CO2 lasers using nitrogen as an assist gas. The test material was austenitic stainless steel of sheet thickness 1.3mm, 2.3mm, 4.3mm and 6.2mm for the disk and fiber laser cutting experiments and sheet thickness of 1.3mm, 1.85mm, 4.4mm and 6.4mm for the CO2 laser cutting experiments. The experiments focused on the maximum cutting speeds with appropriate cut quality. Kerf width, cutedge perpendicularity and surface roughness were the cut characteristics used to analyze the cut quality. Attempts were made to draw conclusions on the influence of high beam quality on the cutting speed and cut quality. The cutting speeds were enormous for the disk and fiber laser cutting experiments with the 1.3mm and 2.3mm sheet thickness and the cut quality was good. The disk and fiber laser cutting speeds were lower at 4.3mm and 6.2mm sheet thickness but there was still a considerable percentage increase in cutting speeds compared to the CO2 laser cutting speeds at similar sheet thickness. However, the cut quality for 6.2mm thickness was not very good for the disk and fiber laser cutting experiments but could probably be improved by proper selection of cutting parameters.


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Throughout the industrial processes of sheet metal manufacturing and refining, shear cutting is widely used for its speed and cost advantages over competing cutting methods. Industrial shears may include some force measurement possibilities, but the force is most likely influenced by friction losses between shear tool and the point of measurement, and are in general not showing the actual force applied to the sheet. Well defined shears and accurate measurements of force and shear tool position are important for understanding the influence of shear parameters. Accurate experimental data are also necessary for calibration of numerical shear models. Here, a dedicated laboratory set-up with well defined geometry and movement in the shear, and high measurability in terms of force and geometry is designed, built and verified. Parameters important to the shear process are studied with perturbation analysis techniques and requirements on input parameter accuracy are formulated to meet experimental output demands. Input parameters in shearing are mostly geometric parameters, but also material properties and contact conditions. Based on the accuracy requirements, a symmetric experiment with internal balancing of forces is constructed to avoid guides and corresponding friction losses. Finally, the experimental procedure is validated through shearing of a medium grade steel. With the obtained experimental set-up performance, force changes as result of changes in studied input parameters are distinguishable down to a level of 1%.


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We deal with the optimization of the production of branched sheet metal products. New forming techniques for sheet metal give rise to a wide variety of possible profiles and possible ways of production. In particular, we show how the problem of producing a given profile geometry can be modeled as a discrete optimization problem. We provide a theoretical analysis of the model in order to improve its solution time. In this context we give the complete convex hull description of some substructures of the underlying polyhedron. Moreover, we introduce a new class of facet-defining inequalities that represent connectivity constraints for the profile and show how these inequalities can be separated in polynomial time. Finally, we present numerical results for various test instances, both real-world and academic examples.


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Shearing is the process where sheet metal is mechanically cut between two tools. Various shearing technologies are commonly used in the sheet metal industry, for example, in cut to length lines, slitting lines, end cropping etc. Shearing has speed and cost advantages over competing cutting methods like laser and plasma cutting, but involves large forces on the equipment and large strains in the sheet material. The constant development of sheet metals toward higher strength and formability leads to increased forces on the shearing equipment and tools. Shearing of new sheet materials imply new suitable shearing parameters. Investigations of the shearing parameters through live tests in the production are expensive and separate experiments are time consuming and requires specialized equipment. Studies involving a large number of parameters and coupled effects are therefore preferably performed by finite element based simulations. Accurate experimental data is still a prerequisite to validate such simulations. There is, however, a shortage of accurate experimental data to validate such simulations. In industrial shearing processes, measured forces are always larger than the actual forces acting on the sheet, due to friction losses. Shearing also generates a force that attempts to separate the two tools with changed shearing conditions through increased clearance between the tools as result. Tool clearance is also the most common shearing parameter to adjust, depending on material grade and sheet thickness, to moderate the required force and to control the final sheared edge geometry. In this work, an experimental procedure that provides a stable tool clearance together with accurate measurements of tool forces and tool displacements, was designed, built and evaluated. Important shearing parameters and demands on the experimental set-up were identified in a sensitivity analysis performed with finite element simulations under the assumption of plane strain. With respect to large tool clearance stability and accurate force measurements, a symmetric experiment with two simultaneous shears and internal balancing of forces attempting to separate the tools was constructed. Steel sheets of different strength levels were sheared using the above mentioned experimental set-up, with various tool clearances, sheet clamping and rake angles. Results showed that tool penetration before fracture decreased with increased material strength. When one side of the sheet was left unclamped and free to move, the required shearing force decreased but instead the force attempting to separate the two tools increased. Further, the maximum shearing force decreased and the rollover increased with increased tool clearance. Digital image correlation was applied to measure strains on the sheet surface. The obtained strain fields, together with a material model, were used to compute the stress state in the sheet. A comparison, up to crack initiation, of these experimental results with corresponding results from finite element simulations in three dimensions and at a plane strain approximation showed that effective strains on the surface are representative also for the bulk material. A simple model was successfully applied to calculate the tool forces in shearing with angled tools from forces measured with parallel tools. These results suggest that, with respect to tool forces, a plane strain approximation is valid also at angled tools, at least for small rake angles. In general terms, this study provide a stable symmetric experimental set-up with internal balancing of lateral forces, for accurate measurements of tool forces, tool displacements, and sheet deformations, to study the effects of important shearing parameters. The results give further insight to the strain and stress conditions at crack initiation during shearing, and can also be used to validate models of the shearing process.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional traits and in vitro digestibility of silages from different corn cultivars harvested at two cutting heights. It was evaluated 11 cultivars (Dina 766, Dina 657, Dina 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, Dina co 9621 and BR 205) harvest 5 cm above ground (low) and 5 cm below the intersection of the first ear (high). It was used a random block design (three blocks), arranged in a 11 × 2 factorial scheme. Silages from plants harvested at high cutting height presented average content of dry matter significantly superior to silages from plants harvested at low height. Cultivars FO 01, AG 5011, Dina co 9621 and Dina 766 presented greater content of crude protein than cultivars C 805, P 3041 and P 3021, which presented the lowest contents of this nutrient. The raise in the cut height increased in vitro dry matter true digestibility coefficients and in vitro dry matter digestibility of silage evaluated. The increase in cut height improved nutritive value of silages by decreasing concentrations of fibrous fractions and increasing in vitro dry matter digestibility.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics, bromatological-chemical composition and digestibility of 11 corn cultivars (Zea mays) harvested at two cutting heights. Cultivars D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, CO 9621 and BR 205 were evaluated when they were harvested 5 cm above ground (low) and 5 cm below the insertion of the first ear (high). The experiment was designed as random blocks, with three replicates, arranged in an 11 x 2 factorial scheme. Cultivars presented similar productions of forage dry matter and grains. Percentages of stalk, leaf, straw, cob and kernel fractions were different among cultivars, as well as dry matter content of the whole plant at harvest. Considering the whole plant, only the contents of gross energy, nitrogen in neutral detergent fiber, and in vitro neutral and acid detergent fiber digestibility did not differ among cultivars. Increase on the cutting height improved forage quality due to the reduction of stalk and leaf fractions and contents of cell wall constituents.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate herbage accumulation, morphological composition, growth rate and structural characteristics in Mombasa grass swards subject to different cutting intervals (3, 5 and 7 wk) during the rainy and dry seasons of the year. Treatments were assigned to experimental units (17.5 m(2)) according to a complete randomised block design, with four replicates. Herbage accumulation was greater in the rainy than in the dry season (83 and 17%, respectively). Herbage accumulation (24,300 kg DM ha(-1)), average growth rate (140 kg DM ha(-1) d(-1)) and sward height (111 cm) were highest in the 7 wk cutting interval, but leaf proportion (56%), leaf:stem (1.6) and leaf:non leaf (1.3) ratios decreased. Herbage accumulation, morphological composition and sward structure of Mombasa grass sward may be manipulated through defoliation frequency. The highest leaf proportion was recorded in the 3-wk cutting interval. Longer cutting intervals affected negatively sward structure, with potential negative effects on utilization efficiency, animal intake and performance.


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Using first-principles calculations it is demonstrated that Co doped graphenelike ZnO sheet presents ferromagnetic coupling. The Co atoms are energetically barrierless absorbed in the Zn sites, suffering a Jahn-Teller distortion. The results reveal that the origin of the ferromagnetic coupling, different from the bulk 3D ZnO stacking, is mainly guided by a direct exchange interaction without any additional defect. This ferromagnetic coupling is due to the system topology, namely, it is a direct consequence of the two-dimensional character of the ZnO monolayer within graphenelike structure. Increasing the number of ZnO layers the ferromagnetic coupling vanishes.


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The machining of hardened steels has always been a great challenge in metal cutting, particularly for drilling operations. Generally, drilling is the machining process that is most difficult to cool due to the tool`s geometry. The aim of this work is to determine the heat flux and the coefficient of convection in drilling using the inverse heat conduction method. Temperature was assessed during the drilling of hardened AISI H13 steel using the embedded thermocouple technique. Dry machining and two cooling/lubrication systems were used, and thermocouples were fixed at distances very close to the hole`s wall. Tests were replicated for each condition, and were carried out with new and worn drills. An analytical heat conduction model was used to calculate the temperature at tool-workpiece interface and to define the heat flux and the coefficient of convection. In all tests using new and worn out drills, the lowest temperatures and decrease of heat flux were observed using the flooded system, followed by the MQL, considering the dry condition as reference. The decrease of temperature was directly proportional to the amount of lubricant applied and was significant in the MQL system when compared to dry cutting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, an algorithm to compute the envelope of non-destructive testing (NDT) signals is proposed. This method allows increasing the speed and reducing the memory in extensive data processing. Also, this procedure presents advantage of preserving the data information for physical modeling applications of time-dependent measurements. The algorithm is conceived to be applied for analyze data from non-destructive testing. The comparison between different envelope methods and the proposed method, applied to Magnetic Bark Signal (MBN), is studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.