40 resultados para scramble


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We argue that the partition of ethnic groups following the Scramble for Africa does not itself matter for development in Africa. It matters only when the partitioned groups are relatively small because small groups lack political representation which may promote ethnic mobilization and foster support for informal (rather than formal) institutions which then may a ect development. Furthermore, the analysis of data from the Afrobarometer shows that the persistence of informal/tribal institutions related to property rights and the rule of law is one of the possible channels through which the size of the partitioned group a ects development.


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The presence and importance of the sea as a factor that has helped shape the history of England since at least the Roman invasions of 55-54 BC (less successful, incidentally, than most of Caesar’s other military ventures ...) need no particular urging or demonstration. Nonetheless, a bird’s-eye view would necessarily survey the waves of invasions and settlements that, one after the other, came dashing over the centuries upon England’s shores; not to mention the requested invasion of 1688, Angles and Saxons, Scandinavians, Normans, they all crossed the whale’s path and cast anchor in England’s green and pleasant land. In the course of this retrospective voyage through the oceans of History, one would inevitably stop at the so-called ‘Discoveries’ of the 15th-16th centuries, meet their navigators, sailors and pirates extolled by Richard Hakluyt (1553?-1616), face an anonymous crowd of merchants and witness the huge expansion of trade, largely to the benefit of the ‘discovering’ countries as prescribed by the economic Gospel Adam Smith (1723-90) would later baptize as “mercantilism”.


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We measured plasma androgen (combined testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone) (A) and corticosterone (B) in the promiscuous green turtle (Chelonia mydas) during courtship in the southern Great Barrier Reef. This study examined if reproductive behaviors and intermale aggression induced behavioral androgen and adrenocortical responses in reproductively active male and female green turtles. Associations between reproductive behavior and plasma steroids were investigated in green turtles across the population and within individuals. Levels across a range of both asocial and social behaviors were compared including (a) free swimming behavior; (b) initial courtship interactions; (c) mounted behavior (male and female turtles involved in copulatory activities); (d) intermale aggression (rival males that physically competed with another male turtle or mounted males recipient to these aggressive interactions); and (e) extensive courtship damage (male turtles that had accumulated excessive courtship damage from rival males). Behavioral androgen responses were detected in male turtles, in that plasma A was observed to increase with both attendant and mounted behavior. Male turtles who had been subjected to intermale aggression or who had accumulated severe courtship damage exhibited significantly lower plasma A than their respective controls. No pronounced adrenocortical response was observed after either intermale aggression or accumulation of extensive courtship damage. Female turtles exhibited a significant increase in plasma B during swimming versus mounted behavior, but no change in plasma A. We discuss our results in terms of how scramble polygamy might influence behavioral androgen interactions differently from more typical combative and territorial forms Of male polygamy. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Biological invasions are considered as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, as they may lead to disruption and homogenization of natural communities, and in the worst case, to native species extinctions. The introduction of gene modified organisms (GMOs) to agricultural, fisheries and forestry practices brings them into contact with natural populations. GMOs may appear as new invasive species if they are able to (1) invade into natural habitats or (2) hybridize with their wild relatives. The benefits of GMOs, such as increased yield or decreased use of insecticides or herbicides in cultivation, may thus be reduced due the potential risks they may cause. A careful ecological risk analysis therefore has to precede any responsible GMO introduction. In this thesis I study ecological invasion in relation to GMOs, and what kind of consequences invasion may have in natural populations. A set of theoretical models that combine life-history evolution, population dynamics, and population genetics were developed for the hazard identification part of ecological risks assessment of GMOs. In addition, the potential benefits of GMOs in management of an invasive pest were analyzed. In the first study I showed that a population that is fluctuating due to scramble-type density dependence (due to, e.g., nutrient competition in plants) may be invaded by a population that is relatively more limited by a resource (e.g., light in plants) that is a cause of contest-type density dependence. This result emphasises the higher risk of invasion in unstable environments. The next two studies focused on escape of a growth hormone (GH) transgenic fish into a natural population. The results showed that previous models may have given too pessimistic a view of the so called Trojan gene -effect, where the invading genotype is harmful for the population as a whole. The previously suggested population extinctions did not occur in my studies, since the changes in mating preferences caused by the GH-fish were be ameliorated by decreased level of competition. The GH-invaders may also have to exceed a threshold density before invasion can be successful. I also showed that the prevalence of mature parr (aka. sneaker) strategy among GH-fish may have clear effect on invasion outcome. The fourth study assessed the risks and developed methods against the invasion of the Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB, Leptinotarsa decemlineata). I showed that the eradication of CPB is most important for the prevention of their establishment, but the cultivation of transgenic Bt-potato could also be effective. In general, my results emphasise that invasion of transgenic species or genotypes to be possible under certain realistic conditions and resulting in competitive exclusion, population decline through outbreeding depression and genotypic displacement of native species. Ecological risk assessment should regard the decline and displacement of the wild genotype by an introduced one as a consequence that is as serious as the population extinction. It will also be crucial to take into account different kinds of behavioural differences among species when assessing the possible hazards that GMOs may cause if escaped. The benefits found of GMO crops effectiveness in pest management may also be too optimistic since CPB may evolve resistance to Bt-toxin. The models in this thesis could be further applied in case specific risk assessment of GMOs by supplementing them with detailed data of the species biology, the effect of the transgene introduced to the species, and also the characteristics of the populations or the environments in the risk of being invaded.


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To understand harbor seal social and mating strategies, I examined site fidelity, seasonal abundance and distribution, herd integrity, and underwater behavior of individual harbor seals in southern Monterey Bay. Individual harbor seals (n = 444) were identified by natural markings and represented greater than 80% of an estimated 520 seals within this community. Year to year fidelity of individual harbor seals to southern Monterey Bay coastline was 84% (n = 388), and long-term associations (>2 yrs) among individuals were common (>40%). Consistent with these long-term associations, harbor seals were highly social underwater throughout the year. Underwater social behavior included three primary types: (1) visual and acoustic displays, such as vocalizing, surface splashing, and bubble-blowing; (2) playful or agonistic social behavior such as rolling, mounting, attending, and biting; and (3) signal gestures such as head-thrusting, fore-flipper scratch~ng, and growling. Frequency of these types of behavior was related to seal age, gender, season, and resource availability. Underwater behavior had a variety of functions, including promotion of learning and social development, reduction of aggression and preservation of social bonds by maintaining social hierarchy, and facilitation of mate selection during breeding season. Social behavior among adult males was significantly correlated with vocalization characteristics (r = 0.99, X2 = 37.7, p = 0.00087), indicating that seals may assess their competition based on underwater vocalization displays and adopt individual strategies for attracting females during breeding season based on social status. Individual mating strategies may include defending underwater territories, using scramble tactics, and developing social alliances. (PDF contains 105 pages)


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在随机Oracle模型的基础上, 提出一种基于单向陷门置换(trapdoor permutations, TDPs)的、可并行的、长消息签密方案——PLSC (parallel long-message signcryption). 该方法采用“整体搅乱, 局部加密(scramble all, and encrypt small)”的思想, 用一个伪随机数对要传送的消息和用户的身份(ID)进行“搅乱(scrambling operation)”, 然后对两个固定长度的小片段(并行地)进行单向陷门置换(TDP)操作. 这种设计使得整个方案可直接高效地处理任意长度的消息, 既可避免循环调用单向陷门置换(如CBC模式)所造成的计算资源的极度消耗, 也可避免由“对称加密方案”与“签密方案”进行“黑盒混合(black-box hybrid)”所造成的填充(padding)冗余. 不仅可以显著地节约消息带宽, 而且可以显著地提高整体效率. 具体地说, 该方法对任何长度的消息进行签密, 仅需进行一次接收方的TDP运算(相当于加密), 以及一次发送方的TDP运算(相当于签名), 从而最大限度地降低了TDP运算的次数, 提高了整体的运算效率. 因为, 对于公钥加密算法来说, 运算量主要集中在TDP运算上, TDP运算是整个算法的瓶颈所在. 另一方面, 由于避免了填充上的冗余, 新方案的效率也高于标准的“黑盒混合”方案.重要的是, 新方案能够达到选择密文攻击下的紧致的语义安全性(IND- CCA2)、密文完整性(INT-CTXT)以及不可否认性(non-repudiation). 而且所有这些安全要求都可以在多用户(multi-user)、内部安全(insider-security)的环境下得以实现. 另外, 尽管新方案主要针对长消息的签密, 但它也可应用于某些不能进行大块数据处理的环境(智能卡或其他只有少量内存的环境). 也就是说, 对于这些小内存设备来说, 仍然可以用该方案来实现长消息的签密处理.


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In this thesis I have set out to trace the echoes of existentialism in the work of the Mexican novelist, Carlos Fuentes scrutinizing, in particular, La región más transparente, La muerte de Artemio Cruz and Cambio de piel. In the opening segment of the thesis I outline the essential tenets of existentialist thought and how it became the predominant philosophical and literary movement of the early part of the twentieth-century. Stemming from the work of Sören Kierkegaard in Denmark towards the end of the nineteenth-century, it challenged the arid philosophies of previous generations and provided a new way of looking at man and the human condition. In this opening chapter, I study the works of the more important philosophers in this regard such as Heidegger, Sartre, Jaspers, Marcel, Unamuno, and Ortega y Gasset and show how each in his own way contributed to the further development of the new philosophy. Chapter 2 is concerned with the spread of existentialism to the Latin American continent. In the early part of the twentieth-century, Mexico was emerging from a turbulent revolutionary period and seeking a solution to the fractured nature of its society. The Spanish philosopher, Ortega y Gasset, and the many Spanish intellectuals who sought refuge from Franco’s dictatorship in Mexico, helped to popularise the new philosophy and these lively debates about existentialism served to underpin ideas around mexicanidad or Mexican national identity. Carlos Fuentes was deeply immersed in the debate of his time, positioned as he was as a prominent public intellectual. In La muerte de Artemio Cruz he shows us how great wealth and power are a poor recompense for the loss of love and compassion and lead only to alienation and selfishness. In his other best known novel, La región más transparente, he explores the rise of modern Mexico and its society – an inauthentic society that is corrupted by a scramble for wealth and self-aggrandizement. The final chapter is devoted to the study of Cambio de piel which is concerned with violence and alienation as central pillars of existence. The violence depicted here precipitates a crisis in the human condition and an accompanying sense of alienation. The thesis seeks to establish that existentialism is central not only to Fuentes’s literary concerns but also forms a part of his ethics as an artist.


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As nonprofits do not have access to the same capital markets as for-profit enterprises, organizations usually scramble for funding to keep up with their mission. This scenario can be changed through the use of the right financial engineering. This Work Project aims at studying an innovative financing mechanism based on the concept of quasi-equity for organizations devoted to social ends to cope with their capital needs. A quasi-equity investment model is built for the Portuguese social business SPEAK, and an in-depth assessment of its current financial, organizational and impact situations is conducted. This is a pioneer case study in Portugal.


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La toxine thermostable d’E.coli (STb) est une cause de diarrhée chez l’homme et l’animal. STb se lie au sulfatide, son récepteur, puis s’internalise. Dans le cytoplasme, par une cascade d’événements, STb déclenche l’ouverture des canaux ioniques permettant la sécrétion des ions et la perte d’eau menant à la diarrhée. Les jonctions serrées forment une barrière physique intercellulaire dans les cellules épithéliales intestinales, contrôlant ainsi le flux paracellulaire des ions et de l’eau. Les jonctions serrées sont affectées par divers pathogènes et par leurs toxines. À ce jour, l’effet de STb sur les jonctions serrées n’a pas été étudié. L’étude entreprise visait à explorer l’effet de STb sur les jonctions serrées et la barrière épithéliale des cellules intestinales. Des cellules épithéliales intestinales du colon humain (T84) ont été traitées pendant 24h soit avec la toxine STb purifiée soit avec une souche d’E.coli exprimant STb. La résistance transépithéliale (TER), le flux de marqueurs paracellulaires et la microscopie confocale ont été utilisés pour analyser les effets de STb sur les jonctions serrées. Les monocouches traitées par la souche E.coli exprimant STb et la toxine STb purifiée ont manifesté une forte réduction de TER (p<0.0001) parallèlement à une augmentation significative de la perméabilité paracellulaire à l’Albumine de Sérum Bovin marqué avec l’IsoThioCyanate Fluoroscéine, BSA-FITC (p<0.0001) comparativement aux cellules non traitées et aux cellules traitées par une souche d’E.coli commensale non-toxinogène. L’augmentation de la perméabilité paracellulaire induite par STb a été associée à une dissolution générale et une condensation des fibres de stress centrales des filaments d’actine. Le réarrangement des filaments d’actine a été accompagné par une redistribution et une fragmentation des protéines des jonctions serrées dont l’occludine, la claudine-1 et la Zonula Occludens-1. Les mêmes modifications on été observées après l’intoxication des cellules T84 avec un octapeptide synthétique retrouvé dans la séquence de STb correspondant à une séquence consensus de la toxine ZOT de Vibrio cholerae, impliquée dans la réorganisation des jonctions serrées. Cet effet n’a pas été observé lorsque les cellules ont été traitées avec un octapeptide synthétique comportant les mêmes acides aminés mais distribués de façon aléatoire ou avec la toxine mutée (D30V). Nos résultats montrent pour la première fois que STb induit le dysfonctionnement de la barrière épithéliale intestinale en modifiant la distribution des protéines des jonctions serrées. Ces résultats ouvrent une nouvelle voie pour la compréhension de la pathogenèse de diarrhée causée par la toxine STb.


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Time-resolved studies of chlorosilylene, ClSiH, generated by the 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1- silacyclopent-3-ene, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with trimethylsilane-1-d, Me3SiD, in the gas phase. The reaction was studied at total pressures up to 100 Torr (with and without added SF6) over the temperature range of 295−407 K. The rate constants were found to be pressure independent and gave the following Arrhenius equation: log[(k/(cm3 molecule−1 s−1)] = (−13.22 ± 0.15) + [(13.20 ± 1.00) kJ mol−1]/(RT ln 10). When compared with previously published kinetic data for the reaction of ClSiH with Me3SiH, kinetic isotope effects, kD/kH, in the range from 7.4 (297 K) to 6.4 (407 K) were obtained. These far exceed values of 0.4−0.5 estimated for a single-step insertion process. Quantum chemical calculations (G3MP2B3 level) confirm not only the involvement of an intermediate complex, but also the existence of a low-energy internal isomerization pathway which can scramble the D and H atom labels. By means of Rice−Ramsperger−Kassel−Marcus modeling and a necessary (but small) refinement of the energy surface, we have shown that this mechanism can reproduce closely the experimental isotope effects. These findings provide the first experimental evidence for the isomerization pathway and thereby offer the most concrete evidence to date for the existence of intermediate complexes in the insertion reactions of silylenes.


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BACKGROUND: Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is overexpressed in solid tumors and regarded as a putative cancer stem cell marker. Here, we report that employing EpCAM aptamer (EpApt) and EpCAM siRNA (SiEp) dual approach, for the targeted delivery of siRNA to EpCAM positive cancer cells, efficiently inhibits cancer cell proliferation. RESULTS: Targeted delivery of siRNA using polyethyleneimine is one of the efficient methods for gene delivery, and thus, we developed a novel aptamer-PEI-siRNA nanocomplex for EpCAM targeting. PEI nanocomplex synthesized with EpCAM aptamer (EpApt) and EpCAM siRNA (SiEp) showed 198 nm diameter sized particles by dynamic light scattering, spherical shaped particles, of 151 ± 11 nm size by TEM. The surface charge of the nanoparticles was -30.0 mV using zeta potential measurements. Gel retardation assay confirmed the PEI-EpApt-SiEp nanoparticles formation. The difference in size observed by DLS and TEM could be due to coating of aptamer and siRNA on PEI nanocore. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that PEI-EpApt-SiEp has superior binding to cancer cells compared to EpApt or scramble aptamer (ScrApt) or PEI-ScrApt-SiEp. PEI-EpApt-SiEp downregulated EpCAM and inhibited selectively the cell proliferation of MCF-7 and WERI-Rb1 cells. CONCLUSIONS: The PEI nanocomplex fabricated with EpApt and siEp was able to target EpCAM tumor cells, deliver the siRNA and silence the target gene. This nanocomplex exhibited decreased cell proliferation than the scrambled aptamer loaded nanocomplex in the EpCAM expressing cancer cells and may have potential for EpCAM targeting in vivo.