828 resultados para school break time
35 p.
Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de MARA (Modulo Activo Recreo Activo), sobre el tiempo de actividad física moderada vigorosa (AFMV) y de comportamiento sedentario de niños y niñas de 5º grado en 2 instituciones educativas oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Los participantes fueron 128 niños entre 10 y 12 años de edad, de 5to grado que asisten a dos colegios públicos en la localidad de San Cristóbal en Bogotá. La actividad física de los niños fue medida con acelerómetro GT3X+, durante 7 días entre julio y octubre de 2013. Uno de los colegios fue seleccionado aleatoriamente para ser intervenido por Muévete Escolar y su Módulo Activo Recreo Activo (MARA), (CIM) y otro colegio fue el grupo control (CC). El tiempo gastado en actividad física durante el día y en el momento de recreo fue medido antes y en la semana 10 después de la intervención: sedentario ( SED), actividad física leve ( AFL), actividad física moderada(AFM), actividad física vigorosa(AFV) y actividad física moderada a vigorosa (AFMV). Resultados: Posterior al análisis estadístico a través de modelos mixtos multinivel para ajustar por el efecto de conglomerado, se observó diferencia significativa entre CIM y CC (p < 0.0049) representado por incremento en los minutos de AFMV en CIM. Después de la intervención, los CMI disminuyeron los minutos de comportamiento sedentario (p= 0.0029), comparativamente con los CC. Conclusiones: El presente estudio contribuye a investigar sobre los efectos a corto plazo de modificar el momento del recreo, mediante la implementación de actividades guiadas, supervisadas y con el uso de materiales y equipos de juego. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que los efectos de la intervención con MARA fueron significativos especialmente en promover la práctica de AF diaria logrando incrementar los minutos de AFMV diaria, y así mismo disminuyendo comportamiento sedentario en el día. .
Characterization of indoor air quality in school classrooms is crucial to children’s health and performance. The present study was undertaken to characterize the indoor air quality in six naturally ventilated classrooms of three schools in Cassino (Italy). Indoor particle number, mass, black carbon, CO2 and radon concentrations, as well as outdoor particle number were measured within school hours during the winter and spring season. The study found the concentrations of indoor particle number were influenced by the concentrations in the outdoors; highest BC values were detected in classrooms during peak traffic time. The effect of different seasons’ airing mode on the indoor air quality was also detected. The ratio between indoor and outdoor particles was of 0.85 ± 0.10 in winter, under airing conditions of short opening window periods, and 1.00 ± 0.15 in spring when the windows were opened for longer periods. This was associated to a higher degree of penetration of outdoor particles due to longer period of window opening. Lower CO2 levels were found in classrooms in spring (908 ppm) than in winter (2206 ppm). Additionally, a greater reduction in radon concentrations was found in spring. In addition, high PM10 levels were found in classrooms during break time due to re-suspension of coarse particles. Keywords: classroom; Ni/Nout ratio; airing by opening windows; particle number
The emphasis on collegiality and collaboration in the literature on teachers' work and school reform has tended to underplay the significance of teacher autonomy. This thesis explores the dynamics of teachers' understandings and experiences of individual teacher autonomy (as contrasted with collective autonomy) in an independent school in Queensland which promoted itself as a 'teachers' school' with a strong commitment to individual teacher autonomy. The research was a case study which drew on methodological signposts from critical, feminist and traditional ethnography. Intensive fieldwork in the school over five months incorporated the ethnographic techniques of observation, interviews and document analysis. Teachers at Thornton College understood their experience of individual autonomy at three interrelated levels--in terms of their work in the classroom, their working life in the school, and their voice in the decision-making processes of the school. They felt that they experienced a great deal of individual autonomy at each of these three levels. These understandings and experiences of autonomy were encumbered or enabled by a range of internal and external stakeholder groups. There were also a number of structural influences (community perceptions, market forces, school size, time and bureaucracy) emerging from the economic, social and political structures in Australian society which influenced the experience of autonomy by teachers. The experience of individual teacher autonomy was constantly shifting, but there were some emergent patterns. Consensus on educational goals and vision, and strong expressions of trust and respect between teachers and stakeholders in the school, characterised the contexts in which teachers felt they experienced high levels of autonomy in their work. The demand for accountability and desire for relatedness motivated stakeholders and structural forces to influence teacher autonomy. Some significant gaps emerged between the rhetoric of a commitment to individual teacher autonomy and decision-making practices in the school, that gave ultimate power to the co-principals. Despite the rhetoric and promotion of non-hierarchical structures and collaborative decision-making processes, many teachers perceived that their experience of individual autonomy remained subject to the exercise of 'partial democracy' by school leaders.
[eus] Azken urteetan euskararen ezagutza handiagotzen ari bada ere, erabilera gero eta murritzagoa da bai gizartean, bai eskolan. Lan honetan, D ereduko eskola bateko Haur Hezkuntzako 5 urteko gelako hizkuntza-erabilera ikertu da eta erabilera horretan eragin ditzaketen aldagaiak aztertu dira. Horretarako, ikasleei, irakasleari eta haurren familiei ARRUE proiektuan oinarrituriko zenbait galdetegi pasatu zaizkie. Horrez gain, haurren hizkuntza-erabilera neurtzeko behaketak ere egin dira egoera ezberdinetan (gela barruan eta gelatik kanpo irakasleekin, gela barruan ikaskideekin lanak burutzen, gela barruan ikaskideekin jolas librean eta jolastorduan ikaskideekin), informazio horiez baliatuz euskararen erabilera handitzeko neurriak hartu daitezen.
Funding support for this doctoral thesis has been provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Public Health Agency of Canada, QICSS matching grant, and la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales-Université de Montréal.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
"In cooperation with Association of Classroom Teachers."
This study explores the concept of self for women in consumer culture, as it is played out in an experiential advertising campaign for a U.K. women's magazine called Red. The study qualitatively explores the tensions and ambivalences experienced by female participants in response to a campaign using the notion of self-indulgence and "me time" as they experience it in the context of their everyday lives. It shows how women attempt to reconcile the mixed emotions that the Red campaign evokes in them.
Objetivo: determinar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de niños y adolescentes entre 10 y 17 años durante los periodos de recreo escolar en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Método: estudio de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá. Fueron observados a través del sistema de observación de juego y de actividad en el tiempo libre en jóvenes (SOPLAY) los niveles y tipos de AF de niños y adolescentes en los periodos de recreo durante tres semanas, utilizando una condición de observación diferente para cada semana. Adicionalmente, las condiciones del contexto de las áreas recreo deportivas fueron evaluadas. Resultados: las prevalencias de escolares sedentarios fueron de 52,4 %, 77,3 % y 64,9 % durante la 1ª, 2ª y 3ª semana respectivamente. El sexo femenino fue más sedentario con el masculino (57 %, 82 % y 73 % vs 45 %, 70 % y 54 %) para cada semana observada. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los niveles de AF de los escolares. Conclusión: niños y adolescentes presentan elevadas prevalencias de sedentarismo siendo las actividades más frecuentes estar sentado, de pie o acostado durante los periodos de recreo. El sexo masculino mostró porcentajes superiores de participación en AF moderadas vigorosas. Las áreas recreo deportivas no contaban con condiciones del contexto relacionadas con disponibilidad de equipamiento para realizar AF ni existencia de actividades organizadas. Son necesarios programas e intervenciones eficaces que promuevan la AF en niños y adolescentes durante el recreo de la jornada escolar.
Objetivo: Estimar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de escolares de básica primaria durante el recreo, a través del uso del Sistema de Observación de Juego y Tiempo Libre en niños. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Cinco instituciones educativas de la localidad de Engativá de Bogotá participaron en el presente estudio. Se contó con una muestra a conveniencia de 2.415 escolares (1.093 niñas y 1.322 niños), los cuales cursaban de 2º a 5º de primaria. Se realizaron 261 observaciones en 87 áreas determinadas. La muestra presentó una confiabilidad del 95%. Resultados: El tiempo de recreo fue de 30 minutos, los niños mostraron mayores porcentajes de AF con respecto a las niñas, sin embargo no se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas (p=0,506). Las áreas eran totalmente accesibles y utilizables, pero ausentes de actividades organizadas. Se encontró un bajo nivel de AF 9,5% en áreas supervisadas. De los escolares; el 22,5% para niñas, y el 20,6% para niños, tuvieron comportamientos sedentarios durante el recreo. Menos del 15% de los escolares realizaron AF vigorosa en el recreo y un mayor porcentaje 62,8% para niñas vs 64,6% para niños realizaron AF moderada. Conclusión: Los escolares acumularon una cantidad valiosa de AF moderada y vigorosa durante el recreo. Es probable que se aumente el nivel de AF, si el patio de la escuela está equipado y con actividades organizadas. Es esencial que las estrategias específicas se estudien y evalúen para determinar cómo y en qué medida se fomenta la AF entre los escolares.
Downunder Grads is a 4-part series (4 x 26') screened on the Special Broadcasting Station in 2008. It's the start of the semester at one of Australia's top universities and 37,000 students, are about to embark on their studies. University is make or break time; a time that can change people forever. From free education in the 1980s to HECS fee debt and a large increase in full fee paying students, university education is now big business. Through a variety of character stories this four-part series explores the contemporary Australian university experience of both international and Australian students from a range of different backgrounds.
Summary This paper examines the impact of childhood malnutrition on schooling performance in rural Bangladesh. The results reveal that malnourished children are less likely to enrol in school on time and achieve an age-appropriate grade by 26 percentage points and 31 percentage points, respectively. Other important determinants of schooling outcomes include infrastructure and education level of parents. One major contribution of this paper is the control for the endogeneity of malnutrition status, which otherwise might lead to bias estimates.
Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays, and cold atoms in an optical lattice in a synthetic magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model with half a magnetic flux quantum per plaquette. We obtain the phase diagram of this model on a two-leg ladder at integer filling via the density matrix renormalization group approach, complemented by Monte Carlo simulations on an effective classical XY model. The ground state at intermediate correlations is consistently shown to be a chiral Mott insulator (CMI) with a gap to all excitations and staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry. We characterize the CMI state as a vortex supersolid or an indirect exciton condensate, and discuss various experimental implications.