974 resultados para robotics manipulators


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When a robotic manipulator is fault tolerant it is beneficial to study the configurations which tolerate non-catastrophic locked joint failures with a minimum relative change for the joint velocities. This problem is addressed using the properties of the condition number of the Jacobian matrix. The relationship between the faults within the joints of the manipulators and the condition number of the Jacobean matrix is used to introduce the optimal configurations for fault recovery. These optimum configurations require a minimum reconfiguration for fault tolerance of robotics manipulators. Then these configurations are studied for a 4-DOF planar manipulator to validate the proposed framework.


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An effort to maintain the availability of partially failed manipulator is addressed based on redundant trajectories obtained by primitive constraints. The objective is to facilitate the existing manipulators to continue their point to point motion tasks when a non catastrophic fault occurs into a joint. The fault is assumed as a joint locked failure. This is achieved through fault to primitive constraints mapping which gives the primitive constraints due to the faults. Then they are applied to update the manipulator constraints for the trajectory planning. Then it purposes a new trajectory in the case of availability. Finally the method is applied for a 6DOF manipulator and validated under a fault scenario within a simulation study and the results are presented.


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The ninth release of the Toolbox, represents over fifteen years of development and a substantial level of maturity. This version captures a large number of changes and extensions generated over the last two years which support my new book “Robotics, Vision & Control”. The Toolbox has always provided many functions that are useful for the study and simulation of classical arm-type robotics, for example such things as kinematics, dynamics, and trajectory generation. The Toolbox is based on a very general method of representing the kinematics and dynamics of serial-link manipulators. These parameters are encapsulated in MATLAB ® objects - robot objects can be created by the user for any serial-link manipulator and a number of examples are provided for well know robots such as the Puma 560 and the Stanford arm amongst others. The Toolbox also provides functions for manipulating and converting between datatypes such as vectors, homogeneous transformations and unit-quaternions which are necessary to represent 3-dimensional position and orientation. This ninth release of the Toolbox has been significantly extended to support mobile robots. For ground robots the Toolbox includes standard path planning algorithms (bug, distance transform, D*, PRM), kinodynamic planning (RRT), localization (EKF, particle filter), map building (EKF) and simultaneous localization and mapping (EKF), and a Simulink model a of non-holonomic vehicle. The Toolbox also including a detailed Simulink model for a quadcopter flying robot.


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This paper discusses some of the sensing technologies available for guiding robot manipulators for a class of underground mining tasks including drilling jumbos, bolting arms, shotcreters or explosive chargers. Data acquired with such sensors, in the laboratory and underground, is presented.


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This paper discusses some of the sensing technologies and control approaches available for guiding robot manipulators for a class of underground mining tasks including drilling jumbos, bolting arms, shotcreters or explosive chargers. Data acquired with such sensors, in the laboratory and underground, is presented.


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In this paper, the architectures of three degrees of freedom (3-DoF) spatial, fully parallel manipulators (PMs), whose limbs are structurally identical, are obtained systematically. To do this, the methodology followed makes use of the concepts of the displacement group theory of rigid body motion. This theory works with so-called 'motion generators'. That is, every limb is a kinematic chain that produces a certain type of displacement in the mobile platform or end-effector. The laws of group algebra will determine the actual motion pattern of the end-effector. The structural synthesis is a combinatorial process of different kinematic chains' topologies employed in order to get all of the 3-DoF motion pattern possibilities in the end-effector of the fully parallel manipulator.


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Workspace analysis and optimization are important in a manipulator design. As the complete workspace of a 6-DOF manipulator is embedded into a 6-imensional space, it is difficult to quantify and qualify it. Most literatures only considered the 3-D sub workspaces of the complete 6-D workspace. In this paper, a finite-partition approach of the Special Euclidean group SE(3) is proposed based on the topology properties of SE(3), which is the product of Special Orthogonal group SO(3) and R^3. It is known that the SO(3) is homeomorphic to a solid ball D^3 with antipodal points identified while the geometry of R^3 can be regarded as a cuboid. The complete 6-D workspace SE(3) is at the first time parametrically and proportionally partitioned into a number of elements with uniform convergence based on its geometry. As a result, a basis volume element of SE(3) is formed by the product of a basis volume element of R^3 and a basis volume element of SO(3), which is the product of a basis volume element of D^3 and its associated integration measure. By this way, the integration of the complete 6-D workspace volume becomes the simple summation of the basis volume elements of SE(3). Two new global performance indices, i.e., workspace volume ratio Wr and global condition index GCI, are defined over the complete 6-D workspace. A newly proposed 3 RPPS parallel manipulator is optimized based on this finite-partition approach. As a result, the optimal dimensions for maximal workspace are obtained, and the optimal performance points in the workspace are identified.


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The paper describes a self-tuning adaptive PID controller suitable for use in the control of robotic manipulators. The scheme employs a simple recursive estimator which reduces the computational effort to an acceptable level for many applications in robotics.


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This paper presents an efficient technique to design dynamic feedback control scheme for single-link flexible manipulators.  A linear model can be derived for the robotic system using the assumed-mode method.  Conventional techniques such as pole-placement or LQR require physical measurements of all systme states,  posing a stringent requirement for its implementation.  To overcome this problem, a low-order state functional observer is proposed here for reconstruction of the state feedback control action.  The observer design involves solving an optimisation problem with the objective to generate a feedback gain that is as close as possible to that of the required feedback controller.  A condition for robust stability of the closed-loop system under the observer-based control scheme is given.  The attractive features of the propsed technique are the resulted functional state observer is of a very low order and it requires only sensor measurements of only the output- the tip position of the arm.


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If the end-effector of a robotic manipulator moves on a specified trajectory, then for the fault tolerant operation, it is required that the end-effector continues the trajectory with a minimum velocity jump when a fault occurs within a joint. This problem is addressed in the paper. A way to tolerate the fault is to find new joint velocities for the faulty manipulator in which results into the same end-effector velocity provided by the healthy manipulator. The aim of this study is to find a strategy which optimally redistributes the joint velocities for the remained healthy joints of the manipulators. The optimality is defined by the minimum end-effector velocity jump. A solution of the problem is presented and it is applied to a robotics manipulator. Then through a case study and a simulation study it is validated. The paper shows that if would be possible the joint velocity redistribution results into a zero velocity jump.


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The design of locally optimal fault-tolerant manipulators has been previously addressed via adding constraints on the bases of a desired null space to the design constraints of the manipulators. Then by algebraic or numeric solution of the design equations, the optimal Jacobian matrix is obtained. In this study, an optimal fault-tolerant Jacobian matrix generator is introduced from geometric properties instead of the null space properties. The proposed generator provides equally fault-tolerant Jacobian matrices in R3 that are optimally fault tolerant for one or two locked joint failures. It is shown that the proposed optimal Jacobian matrices are directly obtained via regular pyramids. The geometric approach and zonotopes are used as a novel tool for determining relative manipulability in the context of fault-tolerant robotics and for bringing geometric insight into the design of optimal fault-tolerant manipulators.


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There are many applications for which reliable and safe robots are desired. For example, assistant robots for disabled or elderly people and surgical robots are required to be safe and reliable to prevent human injury and task failure. However, different levels of safety and reliability are required for different tasks so that understanding the reliability of robots is paramount. Currently, it is possible to guarantee the completion of a task when the robot is fault tolerant and the task remains in the fault-tolerant workspace (FTW). The traditional definition of FTW does not consider different reliabilities for the robotic manipulator's different joints. The aim of this paper is to extend the concept of a FTW to address the reliability of different joints. Such an extension can offer a wider FTW while maintaining the required level of reliability. This is achieved by associating a probability with every part of the workspace to extend the FTW. As a result, reliable fault-tolerant workspaces (RFTWs) are introduced by using the novel concept of conditional reliability maps. Such a RFTW can be used to improve the performance of assistant robots while providing the confidence that the robot remains reliable for completion of its assigned tasks. © 2012 Copyright Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japan.