971 resultados para robotic swarm


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Cooperative control of multiple mobile robots is an attractive and challenging problem which has drawn considerable attention in the recent past. This paper introduces a scalable decentralized control algorithm to navigate a group of mobile robots (swarm) into a predefined shape in 2D space. The proposed architecture uses artificial forces to control mobile agents into the shape and spread them inside the shape while avoiding intermember collisions. The theoretical analysis of the swarm behavior describes the motion of the complete swarm and individual members in relevant situations. We use computer simulated case studies to verify the theoretical assertions and to demonstrate the robustness of the swarm under external disturbances such as death of agents, change of shape etc. Also the performance of the proposed distributed swarm control architecture was investigated in the presence of realistic implementation issues such as localization errors, communication range limitations, boundedness of forces etc.


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The problem of threat detection in an unstructured environment is considered. Three systems, comprising of robots and sensors, are proposed to form a system of systems (SoS) to find a solution to the problem. System interactions are defined to provide a framework for formulation as an SoS optimization problem. Different cost and objective functions are introduced for optimization of local criteria. Using different weights, a linear combination of the local cost and objective functions is obtained to propose a global objective function. An algorithm is suggested to find an optimum value for the global objective function leading towards optimization of the SoS.


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This paper presents the design of μAV, a palm size open source micro quadrotor constructed on a single Printed Circuit Board. The aim of the micro quadrotor is to provide a lightweight (approximately 86g) and cheap robotic research platform that can be used for a range of robotic applications. One possible application could be a cheap test bed for robotic swarm research. The goal of this paper is to give an overview of the design and capabilities of the micro quadrotor. The micro quadrotor is complete with a 9 Degree of Freedom Inertial Measurement Unit, a Gumstix Overo® Computer-On-Module which can run the widely used Robot Operating System (ROS) for use with other research algorithms.


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This thesis presents a novel approach for controlling a robotic swarm to generate a geometric pattern described by a given contour, and a suitable communication scheme which enables the robots to communicate with each other as an all-to-all network.


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Con questa tesi di laurea si muovono i primi passi di una ricerca applicata finalizzata alla costruzione-deposizione di materiale da parte di sciami di mini-robot dal comportamento indipendente che si coordinano tramite segnali lasciati e rilevati nell’ambiente in cui si muovono. Lo sviluppo di tecniche di progettazione e fabbricazione digitale ha prodotto un aumento nel grado di interconnessione tra tecnologia e design, dunque, di nuove possibilità tettoniche. Le relazioni tettoniche tradizionali stanno infatti subendo una trasformazione radicale, potendo essere esplicitamente informate e dunque mediate attraverso gli strumenti digitali dall’ideazione alla produzione. Questa mediazione informata del contenuto tettonico (che opera costantemente) è distintivo di un approccio material-based alla progettazione che aumenta l’integrazione tra struttura, materia e forma entro le tecnologie di fabbricazione (R.Oxman). Dei numerosi processi di fabbricazione per l’architettura che si servono di tecnologia robotica, pochi sono capaci di superare la logica gerarchica, rigida e lineare-sequenziale che serve di fatto agli obiettivi di automazione ed ottimizzazione. La distribuzione di forme di intelligenza semplificata ad un numero elevato di unità robot è quindi qui proposta come alternativa al modello appena descritto. Incorporando semplici decisioni di carattere architettonico negli agenti-robot che costituiscono il sistema distribuito di entità autonome, la loro interazione e le decisioni prese individualmente producono comportamento collettivo e l’integrazione delle suddette relazioni tettoniche. Nello sviluppo del progetto, si è fatto così riferimento a modelli comportamentali collettivi (di sciame) osservabili in specie comunitarie che organizzano strutture materiali -come termiti e vespe- ed in organismi semplici -come le muffe cellulari della specie Physarum polycephalum. Per queste specie biologiche il processo di costruzione non dipende da un ‘piano generale’ ma è guidato esclusivamente da azioni dei singoli individui che comunicano lasciando tracce chimiche nell’ambiente e modificano il loro comportamento rilevando le tracce lasciate dagli altri individui. A questo scopo, oltre alle simulazioni in digitale, è stato indispensabile sviluppare dei prototipi funzionali di tipo fisico, ovvero la realizzazione di mini-robot dal movimento indipendente, in grado di coordinarsi tra loro tramite segnali lasciati nell’ambiente e capaci di depositare materiale.


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Developments and advances in ground and aerial robotics have presented many end user, 'off the shelf' products for use in areas such as search and rescue, recreation, filming, defense forces and sporting. Advances in underwater robotics however have not yet become as established and widespread as their ground and aerial counterparts, though this field is emerging very quickly. Many underwater robotic vessels are built from expensive, complex components and circuitry which are often tethered to a power source and controlled remotely. This greatly limits their effectiveness and potential range. The Goal was to construct two or more simple robotic fish made from 'off the shelf' products, making use of modern technologies such as 3D printing to assist in the design and manufacture process. And further that each fish is capable of swarming with other fish and interacting with objects in water. Two points of note is the calibration of IR sensors for use underwater and the magnetic coupling of the tail foil to the fish body.


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In this study we present a combinatorial optimization method based on particle swarm optimization and local search algorithm on the multi-robot search system. Under this method, in order to create a balance between exploration and exploitation and guarantee the global convergence, at each iteration step if the distance between target and the robot become less than specific measure then a local search algorithm is performed. The local search encourages the particle to explore the local region beyond to reach the target in lesser search time. Experimental results obtained in a simulated environment show that biological and sociological inspiration could be useful to meet the challenges of robotic applications that can be described as optimization problems.


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The Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the Particle Swarm Optimization using natural selection to enhance the ability to escape from sub-optimal solutions. An extension of the DPSO to multi-robot applications has been recently proposed and denoted as Robotic Darwinian PSO (RDPSO), benefiting from the dynamical partitioning of the whole population of robots, hence decreasing the amount of required information exchange among robots. This paper further extends the previously proposed algorithm adapting the behavior of robots based on a set of context-based evaluation metrics. Those metrics are then used as inputs of a fuzzy system so as to systematically adjust the RDPSO parameters (i.e., outputs of the fuzzy system), thus improving its convergence rate, susceptibility to obstacles and communication constraints. The adapted RDPSO is evaluated in groups of physical robots, being further explored using larger populations of simulated mobile robots within a larger scenario.


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Space applications demand the need for building reliable systems. Autonomic computing defines such reliable systems as self-managing systems. The work reported in this paper combines agent-based and swarm robotic approaches leading to swarm-array computing, a novel technique to achieve self-managing distributed parallel computing systems. Two swarm-array computing approaches based on swarms of computational resources and swarms of tasks are explored. FPGA is considered as the computing system. The feasibility of the two proposed approaches that binds the computing system and the task together is simulated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.


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The work reported in this paper is motivated by biomimetic inspiration - the transformation of patterns. The major issue addressed is the development of feasible methods for transformation based on a macroscopic tool. The general requirement for the feasibility of the transformation method is determined by classifying pattern formation approaches an their characteristics. A formal definition for pattern transformation is provided and four special cases namely, elementary and geometric transformation based on repositioning all and some robotic agents are introduced. A feasible method for transforming patterns geometrically, based on the macroscopic parameter operation of a swarm is considered. The transformation method is applied to a swarm model which lends itself to the transformation technique. Simulation studies are developed to validate the feasibility of the approach, and do indeed confirm the approach.


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Space applications demand the need for building reliable systems. Autonomic computing defines such reliable systems as self-managing systems. The work reported in this paper combines agent-based and swarm robotic approaches leading to swarm-array computing, a novel technique to achieve self-managing distributed parallel computing systems. Two swarm-array computing approaches based on swarms of computational resources and swarms of tasks are explored. FPGA is considered as the computing system. The feasibility of the two proposed approaches that binds the computing system and the task together is simulated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address a classic problem – pattern formation identified by researchers in the area of swarm robotic systems – and is also motivated by the need for mathematical foundations in swarm systems. Design/methodology/approach: The work is separated out as inspirations, applications, definitions, challenges and classifications of pattern formation in swarm systems based on recent literature. Further, the work proposes a mathematical model for swarm pattern formation and transformation. Findings: A swarm pattern formation model based on mathematical foundations and macroscopic primitives is proposed. A formal definition for swarm pattern transformation and four special cases of transformation are introduced. Two general methods for transforming patterns are investigated and a comparison of the two methods is presented. The validity of the proposed models, and the feasibility of the methods investigated are confirmed on the Traer Physics and Processing environment. Originality/value: This paper helps in understanding the limitations of existing research in pattern formation and the lack of mathematical foundations for swarm systems. The mathematical model and transformation methods introduce two key concepts, namely macroscopic primitives and a mathematical model. The exercise of implementing the proposed models on physics simulator is novel.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels is not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Finally it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This paper describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics.


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In order to develop a robotic system of systems the robotic platforms must be designed and built. For this to happen, the type of application involved should be clear. Swarm robots need to be self contained and powered. They must also be self governing. Here the authors examine various applications and a prototype robot that may be useful in these scenarios.