14 resultados para roadmapping


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There are several tools in the literature that support innovation in organizations. Some of the most cited are the so-called technology roadmapping methods, also known as TRM. However, these methods are designed primarily for organizations that adopt the market pull strategy of technology-product integration. Organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy are neglected in the literature. Furthermore, with the advent of open innovation, it is possible to note the need to consider the adoption of partnerships in the innovation process. Thus, this study proposes a method of technology roadmapping, identified as method for technology push (MTP), applicable to organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy, such as SMEs and independent research centers in an open-innovation environment. The method was developed through action-research and was assessed from two analytical standpoints: externally, via a specific literature review on its theoretical contributions, and internally, through the analysis of potential users` perceptions on the feasibility of applying MTP. The results indicate both the unique character of the method and its perceived implementation feasibility. Future research is suggested in order to validate the method in different types of organizations (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to develop new theories and proposals that support the effective implementation of this earliest phase of NPD. This paper presents a new method to support the development of front-end activities based on integrating technology roadmapping (TRM) and project portfolio management (PPM). This new method, called the ITP Method, was implemented at a small Brazilian high-tech company in the nanotechnology industry to explore the integration proposal. The case study demonstrated that the ITP Method provides a systematic procedure for the fuzzy front-end and integrates innovation perspectives into a single roadmap, which allows for a better alignment of business efforts and communication of product innovation goals. Furthermore, the results indicated that the method may also improve quality, functional integration and strategy alignment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho realizado sob orientação do Prof. António Brandão Moniz para a disciplina “Sócio-Economia da Inovação” do Mestrado Engenharia Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia kuinka roadmapping-tekniikkaa voidaan käyttää tarjonnan suunnittelun tukena uusien tuotteiden valmistamisen yhteydessä. Työ koostuu teoreettisesta ja käytännönläheisestä osasta. Teoreettinen runko on luotu selventämään kuinka tämän hetkisen tutkimus- ja kehitys projektit lopulta muodostavat tulevaisuuden tarjoaman. Menestyksekkään tuotetarjoaman luominen vaatii, sekä uusien teknologioiden kehittämistä, että markkinoilla olevien asiakkaiden tarpeiden ymmärtämistä. Asiakassuuntaisten tuotteiden kehittäminen vaatii toimintaympäristöstä ja asiakasrajapinnasta tulevien signaalien tunnistamista ja niiden ohjaamista tuote- ja teknologia platformeille. Strategia luodaan tukemaan päätöksentekoa prosessin eri vaiheissa. Yrityskohtainen osio koostuu analyysistä, joka on tehty teetetyn kyselyn ja haas-tattelujen pohjalta. Osana analyysia ovat Major project-yksikön tämänhetkinen tarjonnansuunnitteluprosessi, strategian soveltaminen, informaation kerääminen ja priorisointi, portfolionhallinta ja roadmap-tekniikan käyttö. Ratkaisussa on esitet-ty tarjonnan suunnitteluprosessi ja siihen liittyvät kriittiset komponentit. Roadmapping-tekniikkaaon luotu yhdistämään toimintaympäristö, tuotteet ja teknologia toisiinsa. Toimintaympäristö ja tuotteet on yhdistetty myös linked-grids-tekniikan avulla.


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Työssä tarkastellaan teknologia- ja teollisuusyritysten strategiaprosesseissa käytettyä roadmapping-menetelmää ja kartoitetaan roadmapping-menetelmän tutkimusta johtamiskirjallisuudessa ja tieteellisissä julkaisuissa. Roadmapping on strategisen johtamisen välineenä vahva visuaalisen ja aikasidonnaisen luonteensa ansiosta. Menetelmää käytetään kaikilla teollisuuden aloilla, mutta eniten informaatio- ja kommunikaatiotekniikan aloilla. Työssä käsitellään eri tilanteisiin soveltuvia roadmapping-prosesseja ja pohditaan strategisen johtamisen vaatimuksia työkaluille. Roadmapping-työkalun käyttö asiantuntijoiden yhteistyön orkestroinnissa on yleistä ja muihin johtamisjärjestelmiin integroituja kaupallisia roadmapping-sovelluksia on tarjolla yhä useampia. Roadmapping-menetelmän hyödyt saadaan esille kiinnittämällä huomiota prosessiin. Roadmapping-menetelmän tarkoituksenmukainen käyttötapa ja motivoituneet käyttäjät ovat tehokkaasti toimivan organisaation sydän.


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This paper provides a summary of the Social Media and Linked Data for Emergency Response (SMILE) workshop, co-located with the Extended Semantic Web Conference, at Montpellier, France, 2013. Following paper presentations and question answering sessions, an extensive discussion and roadmapping session was organised which involved the workshop chairs and attendees. Three main topics guided the discussion - challenges, opportunities and showstoppers. In this paper, we present our roadmap towards effectively exploiting social media and semantic web techniques for emergency response and crisis management.


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Työn tavoitteena on luoda looginen ja ehjä kuvaus nousevien teknologioiden tunnistamisesta ja analysoinnista sekä näihin toimintoihin käytettävissä olevista työkaluista kirjallisuuden perusteella. Työssä esitellään teknologian arviointiprosessi sekä sitä tukevat työkalut ja menetelmät, skenaariosuunnittelu, roadmap-menetelmä, reaalioptiot ja lead user -menetelmä. Näitä työkaluja käytetään yrityksen strategisen päätöksenteon apuna, ja ne soveltuvat myös nouseviin teknologioihin liittyviin päätöksiin. Laaja ja strateginen reaalioptioajattelu huomioi nouseviin teknologioihin liittyvät epävarmuudet, ymmärtää yrityksen joustavuuden merkityksen ja skaalautuu tiedon tarkentuessa myös laskentatoimen työkaluksi avustamaan budjetointia ja resurssien allokointia. Yrityksen strategiaa voidaan pitää reaalioptioista koostuvana portfoliona. Skenaarioanalyysillä puolestaan voidaan tunnistaa nouseviin teknologioihin liittyviä reaalioptioita ja analysoida toimintaympäristön mahdollisten muutosten yhteisvaikutusta yritykseen ja sen kilpailukykyyn. Skenaarioita laatimalla voidaan havaita vaikeastikin hahmotettavia mahdollisuuksia, parantaa ymmärrystä toimintaympäristön dynamiikasta ja varautua myös epätodennäköisiin tulevaisuudenkuviin. Teknologia-roadmap on havainnollinen tapa esittää yrityksen tarvitsemat teknologiat ja niiden kytkeytyminen toisiinsa ja muuhun liiketoimintaan. Roadmapping-prosessin voidaan ajatella keräävän yrityksen kannattavimmiksi katsomat reaalioptiot strategiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Lead user -menetelmää voidaan käyttää tukemaan kaikkia näitä metodeja markkinaepävarmuuden vähentämisessä. Lead user -menetelmä täsmentää teknologiaoptioiden arviointia, laadittujen skenaarioiden osuvuutta ja teknologia-roadmapissa näkyvää markkinoiden kytkeytymistä tuotteisiin ja teknologioihin. Nousevien teknologioiden johtamisen kannalta parhaat tulokset saavutetaan käyttämällä näitä menetelmiä yhdessä ja toistensa tukena.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia tuotteen määrittelyyn liittyvää kirjallisuutta ja perehtyä tuotteen määrittelytyön nykytilaan kohdeyrityksessä. Näihin molempiin perustuen muodostetaan prosessimalli tuotteen määrittelytyölle kohdeyrityksessä. Työssä käsitellään prosessijohtamisen pääperiaatteet sekä tuotteen määrittelyä koskevaa kirjallisuutta ja tutkimuksia. Koska kysessä oleva tuote on suurelta osalta ohjelmistotuote, ohjelmistojen suunnittelua, erityisesti ohjelmistovaatimusten hallintaa ja ohjelmistojen määrittelyä, on myös tarkasteltu työssä. Tuotteen määrittelyn haasteita on käsitelty yksityiskohtaisemmin, esimerkiksi dokumentointia, prosessin kulkua, vaatimusten epävakaisuutta sekä muutoksia. Kohdeyritys ja sen ongelmakohdat esitellään ja luodaan prosessimalli. Tämä malli esittelee seuraavat prosessit: raakavaatimusten hallinta -prosessin, roadmapping -prosessin, esisuunnittelu- ja spesifikaatioprosessin ja julkaisun suunnittelu -prosessin. Kaikki nämä ovat vaiheita ennen varsinaisen tuotekehitysprojektin aloittamista. Työssä esitellään myös kolmetasoinen dokumentaatiomalli.


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The aim of this Thesis is to study how to manage the front-end of the offering planning process. This includes actual process development and methods to gather and analyze information to achieve the best outcome in customer oriented product offering. Study is carried out in two parts: theoretical part and company related part. Theoretical framework is created introducing different types of approaches to manage product planning processes. Products are seen as platforms and they are broken down to subsystems to show different parts of the development. With the help of the matrix-based approaches product platform related information is gathered and analyzed. In this kind of analysis business/market drivers and cus-tomer/competitor information are connected with product subsystems. This gives possibilities to study product gaps/needs and possible future ideas/scenarios in different customer segments. Company related part consists of offering planning process development in real company environment. Process formation includes documents and tools that guide planning from the information gathering to the prioritization and decision making.


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Cities, which are now inhabited by a majority of the world's population, are not only an important source of global environmental and resource depletion problems, but can also act as important centres of technological innovation and social learning in the continuing quest for a low carbon future. Planning and managing large-scale transitions in cities to deal with these pressures require an understanding of urban retrofitting at city scale. In this context performative techniques (such as backcasting and roadmapping) can provide valuable tools for helping cities develop a strategic view of the future. However, it is also important to identify ‘disruptive’ and ‘sustaining’ technologies which may contribute to city-based sustainability transitions. This paper presents research findings from the EPSRC Retrofit 2050 project, and explores the relationship between technology roadmaps and transition theory literature, highlighting the research gaps at urban/city level. The paper develops a research methodology to describe the development of three guiding visions for city-regional retrofit futures, and identifies key sustaining and disruptive technologies at city scale within these visions using foresight (horizon scanning) techniques. The implications of the research for city-based transition studies and related methodologies are discussed.


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The Semantic Web has come a long way since its inception in 2001, especially in terms of technical development and research progress. However, adoption by non- technical practitioners is still an ongoing process, and in some areas this process is just now starting. Emergency response is an area where reliability and timeliness of information and technologies is of essence. Therefore it is quite natural that more widespread adoption in this area has not been seen until now, when Semantic Web technologies are mature enough to support the high requirements of the application area. Nevertheless, to leverage the full potential of Semantic Web research results for this application area, there is need for an arena where practitioners and researchers can meet and exchange ideas and results. Our intention is for this workshop, and hopefully coming workshops in the same series, to be such an arena for discussion. The Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC - formerly the European Semantic Web conference) is one of the major research conferences in the Semantic Web field, whereas this is a suitable location for this workshop in order to discuss the application of Semantic Web technology to our specific area of applications. Hence, we chose to arrange our first SMILE workshop at ESWC 2013. However, this workshop does not focus solely on semantic technologies for emergency response, but rather Semantic Web technologies in combination with technologies and principles for what is sometimes called the "social web". Social media has already been used successfully in many cases, as a tool for supporting emergency response. The aim of this workshop is therefore to take this to the next level and answer questions like: "how can we make sense of, and furthermore make use of, all the data that is produced by different kinds of social media platforms in an emergency situation?" For the first edition of this workshop the chairs collected the following main topics of interest: • Semantic Annotation for understanding the content and context of social media streams. • Integration of Social Media with Linked Data. • Interactive Interfaces and visual analytics methodologies for managing multiple large-scale, dynamic, evolving datasets. • Stream reasoning and event detection. • Social Data Mining. • Collaborative tools and services for Citizens, Organisations, Communities. • Privacy, ethics, trustworthiness and legal issues in the Social Semantic Web. • Use case analysis, with specific interest for use cases that involve the application of Social Media and Linked Data methodologies in real-life scenarios. All of these, applied in the context of: • Crisis and Disaster Management • Emergency Response • Security and Citizen Journalism The workshop received 6 high-quality paper submissions and based on a thorough review process, thanks to our program committee, the decision was made to accept four of these papers for the workshop (67% acceptance rate). These four papers can be found later in this proceedings volume. Three out of four of these papers particularly discuss the integration and analysis of social media data, using Semantic Web technologies, e.g. for detecting complex events in social media streams, for visualizing and analysing sentiments with respect to certain topics in social media, or for detecting small-scale incidents entirely through the use of social media information. Finally, the fourth paper presents an architecture for using Semantic Web technologies in resource management during a disaster. Additionally, the workshop featured an invited keynote speech by Dr. Tomi Kauppinen from Aalto university. Dr. Kauppinen shared experiences from his work on applying Semantic Web technologies to application fields such as geoinformatics and scientific research, i.e. so-called Linked Science, but also recent ideas and applications in the emergency response field. His input was also highly valuable for the roadmapping discussion, which was held at the end of the workshop. A separate summary of the roadmapping session can be found at the end of these proceedings. Finally, we would like to thank our invited speaker Dr. Tomi Kauppinen, all our program committee members, as well as the workshop chair of ESWC2013, Johanna Völker (University of Mannheim), for helping us to make this first SMILE workshop a highly interesting and successful event!


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Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) adoption in healthcare settings has the potential to reduce errors, improve patient safety, streamline operational processes and enable the sharing of information throughout supply chains. RFID adoption in the English NHS is limited to isolated pilot studies. Firstly, this study investigates the drivers and inhibitors to RFID adoption in the English NHS from the perspective of the GS1 Healthcare User Group (HUG) tasked with coordinating adoption across private and public sectors. Secondly a conceptual model has been developed and deployed, combining two of foresight’s most popular methods; scenario planning and technology roadmapping. The model addresses the weaknesses of each foresight technique as well as capitalizing on their individual, inherent strengths. Semi structured interviews, scenario planning workshops and a technology roadmapping exercise were conducted with the members of the HUG over an 18-month period. An action research mode of enquiry was utilized with a thematic analysis approach for the identification and discussion of the drivers and inhibitors of RFID adoption. The results of the conceptual model are analysed in comparison to other similar models. There are implications for managers responsible for RFID adoption in both the NHS and its commercial partners, and for foresight practitioners. Managers can leverage the insights gained from identifying the drivers and inhibitors to RFID adoption by making efforts to influence the removal of inhibitors and supporting the continuation of the drivers. The academic contribution of this aspect of the thesis is in the field of RFID adoption in healthcare settings. Drivers and inhibitors to RFID adoption in the English NHS are compared to those found in other settings. The implication for technology foresight practitioners is a proof of concept of a model combining scenario planning and technology roadmapping using a novel process. The academic contribution to the field of technology foresight is the conceptual development of foresight model that combines two popular techniques and then a deployment of the conceptual foresight model in a healthcare setting exploring the future of RFID technology.


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The business environment context points at the necessity of new forms of management for the sustainable competitiveness of organizations through time. Coopetition is characterized as an alternative in the interaction of different actors, which compete and cooperate simultaneously, in the pursuit of common goals. This dual relation, within a gain-increasing perspective, converts competitors into partners and fosters competitiveness, especially that of organizations within a specific sector. The field of competitive intelligence has, in its turn, assisted organizations, individually, in the systematization of information valuable to decision-making processes, which benefits competitiveness. It follows that it is possible to combine coopetition and competitive intelligence in a systematized process of sectorial intelligence for coopetitive relations. The general aim of this study is, therefore, to put forth a model of sectorial coopetitive intelligence. The methodological outlining of the study is characterized as a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative methods), of an applied nature, of exploratory and descriptive aims. The Coordination of the Strategic Roadmapping Project for the Future of Paraná's Industry is the selected object of investigation. Protocols have been designed to collect primary and secondary data. In the collection of the primary ata, online questionary were sent to the sectors selected for examination. A total of 149 answers to the online questionary were obtained, and interviews were performed with all embers of the technical team of the Coordination, in a total of five interviewees. After the collection, all the data were tabulated, analyzed and validated by means of focal groups with the same five members of the Coordination technical team, and interviews were performed with a representative of each of the four sectors selected, in a total of nine participants in the validation. The results allowed the systematization of a sectorial coopetitive intelligence model called ICoops. This model is characterized by five stages, namely, planning, collection, nalysis, project development, dissemination and evaluation. Each stage is detailed in inputs, activities and outputs. The results suggest that sectorial coopetition is motivated mainly by knowledge sharing, technological development, investment in R&D, innovation, chain integration and resource complementation. The importance of a neutral institution has been recognized as a facilitator and incentive to the approximation of organizations. Among the main difficulties are the financing of the projects, the adhesion of new members, the lack of tools for the analysis of information and the dissemination of the actions.