955 resultados para relay card
In this bachelor's thesis a relay card for capacitance measurements was designed, built and tested. The study was made for the research and development laboratory of VTI Technologies, which manufactures capacitive silicon micro electro mechanical accelerometers and pressure sensors. As the size of the sensors is decreasing the capacitance value of the sensors also decreases. The decreased capacitance causes a need for new and more accurate measurement systems. The technology used in the instrument measuring the capacitance dictates a framework how the relay card should be designed, thus the operating principle of the instrument must be known. To achieve accurate results the measurement instrument and its functions needed to be used correctly. The relay card was designed using printed circuit board design methods that minimize interference coupling to the measurement. The relay card that was designed in this study is modular. It consists of a separate CPU card, which was used to control the add-on cards connected to it. The CPU card was controlled from a computer through a serial bus. Two add-on cards for the CPU card were designed in this study. The first one was the measurement card, which could be used to measure 32 capacitive sensors. The second add-on card was the MUX card, which could be used to switch between two measurement cards. The capacitance measurements carried out through the MUX card and the measurement cards were characterized with a series of test measurements. The test measurement data was then analysed. The relay card design was confirmed to work and offer accurate measurement results up to a measurement frequency of 10 MHz. The length of the measurement cables limited the measurement frequency.
This report describes recent updates to the custom-built data-acquisition hardware operated by the Center for Hypersonics. In 2006, an ISA-to-USB bridging card was developed as part of Luke Hillyard's final-year thesis. This card allows the hardware to be connected to any recent personal computers via a (USB or RS232) serial port and it provides a number of simple text-based commands for control of the hardware. A graphical user interface program was also updated to help the experimenter manage the data acquisition functions. Sampled data is stored in text files that have been compressed with the gzip for mat. To simplify the later archiving or transport of the data, all files specific to a shot are stored in a single directory. This includes a text file for the run description, the signal configuration file and the individual sampled-data files, one for each signal that was recorded.
Objectives. To investigate the test-retest stability of a standardized version of Nelson's (1976) Modified Card Sorting Test (MCST) and its relationships with demographic variables in a sample of healthy older adults. Design. A standard card order and administration were devised for the MCST and administered to participants at an initial assessment, and again at a second session conducted a minimum of six months later in order to examine its test-retest stability. Participants were also administered the WAIS-R at initial assessment in order to provide a measure of psychometric intelligence. Methods. Thirty-six (24 female, 12 male) healthy older adults aged 52 to 77 years with mean education 12.42 years (SD = 3.53) completed the MCST on two occasions approximately 7.5 months (SD = 1.61) apart. Stability coefficients and test-retest differences were calculated for the range of scores. The effect of gender on MCST performance was examined. Correlations between MCST scores and age, education and WAIS-R IQs were also determined. Results. Stability coefficients ranged from .26 for the percent perseverative errors measure to .49 for the failure to maintain set measure. Several measures were significantly correlated with age, education and WAIS-R IQs, although no effect of gender on MCST performance was found. Conclusions. None of the stability coefficients reached the level required for clinical decision making. The results indicate that participants' age, education, and intelligence need to be considered when interpreting MCST performance. Normative studies of MCST performance as well as further studies with patients with executive dysfunction are needed.
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is the gold standard in the evaluation of executive dysfunction (ED) in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We evaluated 35 children with TLE and 25 healthy controls with the WCST and with a more comprehensive battery. Among the children with TLE, 77.14% showed impairment on the WCST. On other tests (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Digit Forward, Matching Familiar Figures Test, Trail Making Test, Word Fluency, Finger Windows, and Number-Letter Memory), impairment was demonstrated in 94.29%. The authors concluded that the WCST is a good paradigm to measure executive impairment in children with TLE: however, it may be not enough. Evaluation performed only with the WCST not only underestimated the number of patients with ED, but also missed relevant information regarding the type of ED. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In a changing employment climate and with the growth of demand for careers guidance at all stages of life, careers guidance practice has moved from its positivist world view, with the counsellor as expert and client as passive responder, to more holistic 'constructivist' approaches. In essence, these approaches view the career as a holistic concept in which work and personal life are inextricably intertwined, and individuals are experts in their own lives, actively constructing their careers. The first to fully explore the constructivist approach, this book: provides a theoretical background to constructivism; outlines a range of constructivist approaches to career counselling; and gives examples of the practical application of constructivism. Essential for anyone involved in career guidance wishing to learn more about this vital new approach, this book combines theory with practicable guidance, and represents a new direction for career counselling.
The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned nonresponses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to participant non-responses. Situations thus arise in which non-responses are interpersonally accountable despite agentive ambiguity. This study explores four intersections of participant-action and system-occasioned non-responses. An extension to Pomerantz's (1984b) 'pursuing a response' problems/solutions is proposed. The impact of IRC's design on its popularity is discussed in contrast to more recent chat systems. Suggestions are made for active and passive presence and non-response accounting features in future chat systems.
As estat??sticas revelam a grande demanda reprimida de cirurgias card??acas no Estado do Rio de janeiro (dados de 1996). A conseq????ncia desta restri????o, tem sido um grande n??mero de mortes prematuras, em rela????o ao esperado para o tipo de patologia e tecnologia dispon??vel. Os pacientes que sobrevivem apresentam uma qualidade de vida muito aqu??m daquela que a medicina atual poderia lhes oferecer. Com a iniciativa, a efici??ncia de todo o processo passou a ser avaliada por instrumentos de coleta de dados que permitiram o dimensionamento dos custos previstos no setor e o aumento do n??mero de cirurgias no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, resultando na redu????o da mortalidade de pacientes com cardiopatias
A informa????o, atrav??s da Educa????o em sa??de, ?? elemento b??sico para que o cidad??o possa ser participante ativo do processo de busca de maior qualidade de vida, atrav??s do tratamento oferecido. Entretanto, a dificuldade de acesso ao sistema, a falta de vagas e o tempo de espera por uma cirurgia card??aca s??o fatores t??o emergenciais no setor, que o direito ?? um sistema de transmiss??o sistem??tica de informa????o sobre o tratamento nem sempre ?? levado em conta no pr??-operat??rio. Portanto, na busca de um atendimento mais humanizado ao paciente e seus familiares, torna-se importante n??o perder de vista que o cidad??o que procura o hospital traz uma complexidade que alia a doen??a a uma s??rie de vari??veis a serem vistas al??m do lado cl??nico, o que demonstra a necessidade de uma proposta multidisciplinar que possa oferecer informa????es sobre o processo a ser vivenciado no pr?? e p??s-cir??rgico, de forma a oferecer um tratamento ainda melhor
The long term evolution (LTE) is one of the latest standards in the mobile communications market. To achieve its performance, LTE networks use several techniques, such as multi-carrier technique, multiple-input-multiple-output and cooperative communications. Inside cooperative communications, this paper focuses on the fixed relaying technique, presenting a way for determining the best position to deploy the relay station (RS), from a set of empirical good solutions, and also to quantify the associated performance gain using different cluster size configurations. The best RS position was obtained through realistic simulations, which set it as the middle of the cell's circumference arc. Additionally, it also confirmed that network's performance is improved when the number of RSs is increased. It was possible to conclude that, for each deployed RS, the percentage of area served by an RS increases about 10 %. Furthermore, the mean data rate in the cell has been increased by approximately 60 % through the use of RSs. Finally, a given scenario with a larger number of RSs, can experience the same performance as an equivalent scenario without RSs, but with higher reuse distance. This conduces to a compromise solution between RS installation and cluster size, in order to maximize capacity, as well as performance.
The current capabilities of mobile phones in terms of communication, processing and storage, enables its use to form autonomous networks of devices that can be used in case of collapse or inexistent support from a communication infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a network configuration of nodes that provides high-speed bidirectional device-to-device communication, with symmetrical data transfer rates, in Wi-Fi Direct multi-group scenarios, without using performance hindering broadcasts. Copyright © 2015 ICST.
Body and brain undergo several changes with aging. One of the domains in which these changes are more remarkable relates with cognitive performance. In the present work, electroencephalogram (EEG) markers (power spectral density and spectral coherence) of age-related cognitive decline were sought whilst the subjects performed the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Considering the expected age-related cognitive deficits, WCST was applied to young, mid-age and elderly participants, and the theta and alpha frequency bands were analyzed. From the results herein presented, higher theta and alpha power were found to be associated with a good performance in the WCST of younger subjects. Additionally, higher theta and alpha coherence were also associated with good performance and were shown to decline with age and a decrease in alpha peak frequency seems to be associated with aging. Additionally, inter-hemispheric long-range coherences and parietal theta power were identified as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance. In summary, these data reveals age-dependent as well as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance that contribute to the understanding of brain aging and related cognitive deficits.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Speckles, ou marcadores naturais do miocárdio, originam se da interferência construtiva e destrutiva do feixe de ultrassom que incide sobre os tecidos, podem fornecer um diagnóstico precoce das alterações miocárdicas e atuar na predição de certos eventos cardíacos. Devido à sua relativa estabilidade temporal, os speckles podem ser rastreados durante o ciclo cardíaco por software dedicados, promovendo a análise da função sistólica e diastólica. São identificados tanto pela escala de cinza da ecocardiografia 2D convencional quanto pela ecocardiografia 3D, sendo independentes do ângulo de incidência do ultrassom, permitindo assim a avaliação da mecânica cardíaca nos três planos espaciais: longitudinal, circunferencial e radial. O objetivo do presente artigo é discutir o papel e o significado da deformação cardíaca obtida por meio do speckle tracking durante a avaliação da fisiologia cardíaca, e discutir as aplicações clínicas desta tecnologia ecocardiográfica inovadora.
The following paper presents an overview of the Ph.D Thesis1 presented in [1], which compiles all the research done during the period of time between 2004-2007. In that dissertation the relay-assisted transmission with half-duplex relays is analyzed from different points of view. This study is motivated by the necessity of finding innovative solutions to cope with the requirements of next generation wireless services, and with current radio technology. The use of relayed communications represents a change of paradigm of conventional communications, and requires the definition and evaluation of protocols to be applied to single or multiple-user relay communication. With the two fold goal of enhancing spectral efficiency and homogenize service in cellular communications, system design is investigated at physical (type of transmissions of the relay, decoding mode, ..) and upper layers (resource allocation, dynamic link control).