966 resultados para relació interpersonal


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En el cas sota estudi, hem revisat totes les memòries oficials de verificació disponibles dels graus en enginyeria en informàtica, enginyeria en telecomunicació i multimèdia amb l'objectiu d'analitzar diferents aspectes de la presència de diferents competències comunicatives transversals. En concret ens hem centrat en les competències d'expressió oral i escrita en llengua pròpia i estrangera (anglès), en l'habilitat en les relacions interpersonals i en la capacitat de comunicar-se amb audiències expertes i profanes sobre els matèries dels estudis.


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El tema del projecte consisteix a treballar les habilitats de relació interpersonal i de comunicació dels interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona com un possible ajut de cara a la seva reinserció i integració social posterior, ja que un domini adequat de les habilitats socials és del tot imprescindible perquè qualsevol persona pugui encaixar socialment.


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Experiencia en un IES de Mallorca sobre la atenci??n a la diversidad para alumnos con tetraplegia esp??stica. A trav??s de esta experiencia se facilita el acceso al curriculum y se favorecen las capacidades de relaci??n interpersonal para ayudar a la formaci??n de la identidad personal de adolescentes con esta discapacidad.


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Aquest projecte és la continuació d'un estudi pilot finançat per l'Institut Català de les Dones (U/01-6). Es va anar incrementant la grandària de la mostra -avaluant les característiques del maltractament, la simptomatologia, la personalitat i la seva percepció de la relació de parella-, fins que el 2003 -i gràcies a l'ajut del Departament de Benestar i Família-, dins la Fundació Vidal i Barraquer es va crear un servei d'assistència pública especialitzat en atendre dones maltractades (UNADOM); lloc on durant el 2006 hem desenvolupat el treball que ara presentem. L'objectiu general d'aquest estudi transversal consistia en analitzar la situació psicosocial d'un grup de dones maltractades que acudien a la UNADOM, afegint com a element novedós l'avaluació dels estils d'enfrontament que les dones fan servir després de l'experiència abusiva viscuda. Els instruments utilitzats són l'MCMI-II (Millon, 1999), la DAS (Spanier, 1976), el COPE (Carver et al., 1989) i una adaptació de l’Entrevista Semiestructurada sobre Maltractament Domèstic (Echeburúa et al., 1994). Es recull informació d'un total de 50 dones, 17 de les quals han completat la mesura sobre l'enfrontament. Els resultats indiquen que les escales de personalitat que apareixen més alterades són l'esquizoide, la dependent i l'evitativa, i que aquestes són coherents amb les actituds defensives i les estratègies d'enfrontament predominants de les dones de la mostra. A nivell clínic, i segons l’experiència assistencial, es conclou amb la importància de realitzar entrevistes exploratòries acurades ja que això facilita la indicació terapèutica més adient i la focalització de l'ajuda.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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In this ambitious book, Burgoon, Stern, and Dillman present the most comprehensive coverage of the literature on interpersonal adaptation that I have seen in recent years. Their mission is to make a critical examination of this whole area from both theoretical and methodological perspectives, and then to present their own synthetic theory (interpersonal adaptation theory, IAT) and research agenda. Such a mission produces very high expectations in readers, and inevitably some readers will feel that the authors do not achieve all of it. Personally, I was impressed by how much they do achieve, and I was intrigued by the questions they did not answer. One can ask no more than this of any single book.


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Two experiments examined the effects of interpersonal and group-based similarity on perceived self-other differences in persuasibility (i.e. on third-person effects, Davison, 1983). Results of Experiment 1 (N=121), based on experimentally-created groups, indicated that third-person perceptions with respect to the impact of televised product ads were accentuated when the comparison was made with interpersonally different others. Contrary to predictions, third-person perceptions were not affected by group-based similarity (i.e. ingroup or outgroup other). Results of Experiment 2 (N = 102), based an an enduring social identity, indicated that both interpersonal and group-based similarity moderated perceptions of the impact on self and other of least-liked product ads. Overall, third-person effects were more pronounced with respect to interpersonally dissimilar others. However, when social identity was salient, information about interpersonal similarity of the target did not affect perceived self-other differences with respect to ingroup targets. Results also highlighted significant differences in third-person perceptions according to the perceiver's affective evaluation of the persuasive message. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Using the framework of communication accommodation theory the authors examined convergence and maintenance on evaluations of Chinese and Australian students. In Study 1, Australian students judged interactions between an Anglo-Australian. and another interactant who either maintained his or converged in speech style. Results indicated that participants were aware of convergence but that speaker ethnicity (Anglo-Australian, Chinese Australian or Chinese national) was a stronger influence on evaluations and future intentions to interact with the speaker In Study 2, Australian students judged Chinese speakers who maintained communication style or converged on interpersonal speech markers, intergroup markers, or both types of markers. Results indicated that the more participants defined themselves in intergroup terms, the more positively they judged intergroup convergence relative to interpersonal convergence and maintenance. This points to the importance of distinguishing between, convergence on interpersonal and intergroup speech markers, and underlines the role of individual differences in the evaluation of convergence.


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The metaphor of boundary is ubiquitous and has guided much research on interpersonal and intergroup communication This article explores the metaphor by reviewing the literature on boundaries with a focus on miscommunication and problematic talk. In particular, the tensions around privacy and self-disclosure, and rules about family communication are good examples of communication and miscommunication across interpersonal boundaries. In the intergroup arena, the negotiation of boundaries implicates the sociostructural relations between, groups and the choices individuals make based on the identities that are salient to them in a given context. We argue that miscommunication can best be conceived of as an indicator of tension in negotiating boundaries as they emerge and change in interaction.


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A shortened version of the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM) developed to predict depression prone personalities was administered in a self-report questionnaire to a community-based sample of 3269 Australian twin pairs aged 18-28 years, along with Eysenck's EPQ and Cloninger's TPQ. The IPSM included four sub-scales: Separation Anxiety (SEP); Interpersonal Sensitivity (INT); Fragile Inner-Self (FIS); and Timidity (TIM). Univariate analysis revealed that individual differences in the IPSM sub-scale scores were best explained by additive genetic and specific environmental effects. Confirming previous research findings, familial aggregation for the EPQ and TPQ personality dimensions was entirely due to additive genetic effects. In the multivariate case, a model comprising additive genetic and specific environmental effects best explained the covariation between the latent factors for male and female twin pairs alike. The EPQ and TPQ dimensions accounted for moderate to large proportions of the genetic variance (40-76%) in the IPSM sub-scales, while most of the non-shared environment variance was unique to the IPSM sub-scales. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the impact of media coverage of a health issue (skin cancer) on judgements of risk to self and others and the role of related communication processes. Consistent with predictions derived from the impersonal impact hypothesis, the effects of mass communication were more evident in perceptions of risk to others rather than in perceptions of personal risk. Perceptions of personal risk were more strongly correlated with interpersonal communication. However, as suggested by media system dependency theory, the relationship between mass communication and beliefs was complex. The impact of mass communication on both personal and impersonal perceptions was bound to be moderated by self-reported dependence on mass mediated information. The effect of this two-way interaction 071 perceptions of personal risk was partially mediated through interpersonal communication. Results point to the interdependence of mass and interpersonal communication as sources of social influence and the role of media dependency in shaping media impact.