919 resultados para rail traffic


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The dynamic effects of high-speed trains on viaducts are important issues for the design of the structures, as well as for determining safe running conditions of trains. In this work we start by reviewing the relevance of some basic moving load models for the dynamic action of vertical traffic loads. The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require 3D coupled vehicle-bridge models and consideration of wheel to rail contact. We describe here a fully nonlinear coupled model, formulated in absolute coordinates and incorporated into a commercial finite element framework. An application example is presented for a vehicle subject to a strong wind gust traversing a bridge, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.


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This paper is the result of real-scale physical modeling study designed to simulate the load-deformation characteristics of railroad foundation systems that include the railroad ties, the ballast, and the sub-base layers of a railroad embankment. The study presents comparisons of the application of dynamic loads of 100kN on the rails, and the resulting deformations during a 500,000 cycle testing period for three rail support systems; wood, concrete and steel. The results show that the deformation curve has an exponential shape, with the larger portion of the deformation occurring during the first 50,000 load cycles followed by a tendency to stabilize between 100,000 to 500,000 cycles. These results indicate that the critical phase of deformations of a new railroad is within the first 50,000 cycles of loading, and after that, it slowly attenuates as it approaches a stable value. The paper also presents empirically derived formulations for the estimation of the deformations of the rail supports as a result of rail traffic.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal a análise numérica do comportamento dinâmico de uma ponte ferroviária, sob ação de tráfego ligeiro ferroviário. Neste contexto são apresentados alguns fundamentos teóricos a ter em conta nestes domínios, visando uma melhor compreensão dos fenómenos existentes no comportamento dinâmico de pontes ferroviárias quando sujeitas ao tráfego. O caso de estudo teve como foco a ponte Luiz I, uma ponte metálica situada sobre o rio Douro, que liga as cidades do Porto e Vila Nova de Gaia, sob ação de tráfego ligeiro ferroviário no seu tabuleiro superior para a condição anterior aos trabalhos de reabilitação e reforço realizados entre 2004 e 2005. Para o efeito foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico de elementos finitos da ponte realizado com recurso ao programa ANSYS, assim como um modelo numérico do veículo do Metro de Lisboa. Com base nestes modelos foram obtidos os parâmetros modais, nomeadamente as frequências naturais e os modos de vibração de toda a estrutura e do veículo. O estudo do comportamento dinâmico da ponte foi realizado por intermédio de uma metodologia de cargas móveis e de interação veículo-estrutura, através da ferramenta computacional Train-Bridge Interaction (TBI). As análises dinâmicas foram efetuadas para a passagem dos veículos de passageiros das redes de Metros do Porto e Lisboa. Nestas análises é estudada a resposta da estrutura em função da variabilidade ao nível da secção transversal, dependência do tramo, influência do veículo, da sua velocidade de circulação e impacto das frequências de vibração estimadas pelo modelo numérico.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia muutoksia Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan rautateiden henkilöliikenteessä on tapahtunut neuvostoajan lopun ja tämän päivän välillä. Tarkastelupisteiksi valittiin vuodet 1991, 1997, 2002 ja 2009. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös selvittää muutoksiin vaikuttaneita taustatekijöitä, kuvata nykytilannetta ja tarkastella tulevaisuuden vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rautateiden henkilöliikenteen määrä on supistunut noin puoleen kaikissa kolmessa maassa tarkasteltuna junakilometrien viikoittaisella määrällä. Matkustajamäärät ovat laskeneet kaikissa kolmessa maassa selvästi tarkastelujakson aikana. Syitä rautateiden henkilöliikenteen supistumiseen ovat olleet mm. kireä kilpailu linja-autoliikenteen kanssa ja lisääntynyt henkilöautojen käyttö. 1990-luvun taloudellisesti vaikeina vuosina rautateillä ei ollut mahdollisuuksia uusia kalustoaan. Kansainvälinen talouskriisi ja sen myötä heikentynyt taloudellinen tilanne kaikissa kolmessa maassa muodostaa uuden uhan rautateiden henkilöliikenteelle. Korkeat rataverkon käyttömaksut toimivat tehokkaana esteenä henkilöliikenteen kehittämiselle.


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Joukkoliikenteen merkitys suurten ihmismäärien liikuttamisessa on kasvanut. Kaupunkikeskustat ovat monin paikoin ruuhkautuneet ja joukkoliikenteestä pyritään tekemään mahdollisimman houkuttelevaa ruuhkien helpottamiseksi. Yksi keino houkutella ihmisiä joukkoliikennevälineiden käyttäjiksi on parantaa matkustajille tarjottavan informaation määrää ja laatua. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmä on monipuolinen kokonaisuus, jolla joukkoliikenteen käyttäjälle tarjotaan muun muassa opastusta, aikataulutietoa ja häiriötietoa. Informaatio voi olla staattista kuten painetut aikataulut ja kiinteät opasteet tai dynaamista kuten reaaliaikaiset näytöt ja kuulutukset. Informaatiota voidaan tarjota matkustajan käyttöön niin kotona ja liikenneasemilla kuin liikkuvassa kalustossakin. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmiä on käytössä erilaisissa joukkoliikennevälineissä, joista tässä diplomityössä syvennytään raideliikenteeseen. Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan raideliikenteen vaatimukset täyttävä IP-pohjainen audiovahvistin. Valmis vahvistin liittyy Ethernet-verkon välityksellä raideliikenteen matkustajainformaatio-järjestelmään. Laite toimii kuulutus- ja puhelinjärjestelmän keskusyksikkönä. Työn tuloksena saatiin toimiva ja sarjatuotantokelpoinen audiovahvistin. Laitteen tyyppitestit ovat tätä työtä palautettaessa vielä kesken, mutta tähän mennessä testit ovat menneet hyvin ja laite on toiminut hyvin myös osana järjestelmää.


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Der SPNV als Bestandteil des ÖPNV bildet einen integralen Bestandteil der öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge. Insbesondere Flächenregionen abseits urbaner Ballungszentren erhalten durch den SPNV sowohl ökonomisch als auch soziokulturell wichtige Impulse, so dass die Zukunftsfähigkeit dieser Verkehrsart durch geeignete Gestaltungsmaßnahmen zu sichern ist. ZIELE: Die Arbeit verfolgte das Ziel, derartige Gestaltungsmaßnahmen sowohl grundlagentheoretisch herzuleiten als auch in ihrer konkreten Ausformung für die verkehrswirtschaftliche Praxis zu beschreiben. Abgezielt wurde insofern auf strukturelle Konzepte als auch praktische Einzelmaßnahmen. Der Schwerpunkt der Analyse erstreckte sich dabei auf Deutschland, wobei jedoch auch verkehrsbezogene Privatisierungserfahrungen aus anderen europäischen Staaten und den USA berücksichtigt wurden. METHODEN: Ausgewertet wurden deutschsprachige als auch internationale Literatur primär verkehrswissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung sowie Fallbeispiele verkehrswirtschaftlicher Privatisierung. Darüber hinaus wurden Entscheidungsträger der Deutschen Bahn (DB) und DB-externe Eisenbahnexperten interviewt. Eine Gruppe 5 DB-interner und 5 DB-externer Probanden nahm zusätzlich an einer standardisierten Erhebung zur Einschätzung struktureller und spezifischer Gestaltungsmaßnahmen für den SPNV teil. ERGEBNISSE: In struktureller Hinsicht ist die Eigentums- und Verfügungsregelung für das gesamte deutsche Bahnwesen und den SPNV kritisch zu bewerten, da der dominante Eisenbahninfrastrukturbetreiber (EIU) in Form der DB Netz AG und die das Netz nutzenden Eisenbahnverkehrs-Unternehmen (EVUs, nach wie vor zumeist DB-Bahnen) innerhalb der DB-Holding konfundiert sind. Hieraus ergeben sich Diskriminierungspotenziale vor allem gegenüber DB-externen EVUs. Diese Situation entspricht keiner echten Netz-Betriebs-Trennung, die wettbewerbstheoretisch sinnvoll wäre und nachhaltige Konkurrenz verschiedener EVUs ermöglichen würde. Die seitens der DB zur Festigung bestehender Strukturen vertretene Argumentation, wonach Netz und Betrieb eine untrennbare Einheit (Synergie) bilden sollten, ist weder wettbewerbstheoretisch noch auf der Ebene technischer Aspekte akzeptabel. Vielmehr werden durch die gegenwärtige Verquickung der als Quasimonopol fungierenden Netzebene mit der Ebene der EVU-Leistungen Innovationspotenziale eingeschränkt. Abgesehen von der grundsätzlichen Notwendigkeit einer konsequenten Netz-Betriebs-Trennung und dezentraler Strukturen sind Ausschreibungen (faktisch öffentliches Verfahren) für den Betrieb der SPNV-Strecken als Handlungsansatz zu berücksichtigen. Wettbewerb kann auf diese Weise gleichsam an der Quelle einer EVU-Leistung ansetzen, wobei politische und administrative Widerstände gegen dieses Konzept derzeit noch unverkennbar sind. Hinsichtlich infrastruktureller Maßnahmen für den SPNV ist insbesondere das sog. "Betreibermodell" sinnvoll, bei dem sich das übernehmende EIU im Sinne seiner Kernkompetenzen auf den Betrieb konzentriert. Die Verantwortung für bauliche Maßnahmen sowie die Instandhaltung der Strecken liegt beim Betreiber, welcher derartige Leistungen am Markt einkaufen kann (Kostensenkungspotenzial). Bei Abgabeplanungen der DB Netz AG für eine Strecke ist mithin für die Auswahl eines Betreibers auf den genannten Ausschreibungsmodus zurückzugreifen. Als kostensenkende Einzelmaßnahmen zur Zukunftssicherung des SPNV werden abschließend insbesondere die Optimierung des Fahrzeugumlaufes sowie der Einsatz von Triebwagen anstatt lokbespannter Züge und die weiter forcierte Ausrichtung auf die kundenorientierte Attraktivitätssteigerung des SPNV empfohlen. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Handlungsansätze für eine langfristige Sicherung des SPNV können nicht aus der Realisierung von Extrempositionen (staatlicher Interventionismus versus Liberalismus) resultieren, sondern nur aus einem pragmatischen Ausgleich zwischen beiden Polen. Dabei erscheint eine Verschiebung hin zum marktwirtschaftlichen Pol sinnvoll, um durch die Nutzung wettbewerbsbezogener Impulse Kostensenkungen und Effizienzsteigerungen für den SPNV herbeizuführen.


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Nesta dissertação é apresentado o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para aplicação do método Bridge-Weigh In Motion (B-WIM) para a pesagem em movimento de trens e para a caracterização do tráfego ferroviário, permitindo-se obter informações sobre a velocidade de passagem dos trens, número e espaçamento entre eixos. Os sistemas B-WIM a partir de uma simples instrumentação permitem determinar as cargas por eixo de veículos em movimento, eliminando o efeito dinâmico. Foram implementados os algoritmos para a determinação dos valores referentes a geometria do trem e das cargas, que foi validado a partir de um exemplo teórico, onde se simulou a passagem de um trem de características conhecidas sobre a ponte e as cargas por eixos foram determinadas com 100% de exatidão. Além disso, foi feito um exemplo numérico em elementos finitos, de um viaduto em concreto armado para aplicação do método, onde foi feita a determinação das cargas por eixo para diferentes velocidades de passagem do trem. A fim de reduzir o tempo de processamento nas análises do exemplo numérico, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para a geração de cargas nodais no modelo numérico que reduziram o tempo de processamento em até 96% quando comparado com a análise de múltiplos passos (“Multi-Step”), que simula automaticamente a passagem do trem sobre a estrutura. Finalmente, o método foi testado em um caso real a partir de monitorações realizadas em um viaduto de concreto armado da Estrada de Ferro Carajás. Apesar de não ter sido possível a determinação das cargas por eixo da locomotiva, foi possível medir precisamente o peso bruto total da locomotiva quando se utilizou o modelo constitutivo de Collins & Mitchell (1991) para o concreto.


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Esta Tesis analiza, en primer lugar, las posibilidades y condiciones de los puertos españoles de Algeciras, Valencia y Barcelona para acoger en el futuro una terminal totalmente automatizada (robotizada) de contenedores con una capacidad aproximada de 1,3-1,4 millones de contenedores/año o 2 millones de TEU/año. Entre las posibles amenazas y oportunidades que pueden afectar al actual tráfico de esos puertos, la Tesis se centra en el desvío del tráfico de contenedores de transbordo, la sustitución de los tráficos marinos por tráficos ferroviarios, la posibilidad de convertir al Mediterráneo español en la puerta de entrada de productos asiáticos, el cambio de la ruta Asia-Europa a través del Canal de Suez por la ruta Asia-Europa a través del Ártico, la posibilidad de circunvalar África para evitar el Canal de Suez y la próxima apertura de nuevo Canal de Panamá ampliado. La Tesis describe el Estado del Arte de la tecnología para las terminales de contenedores automatizadas que pudiera ser aplicada en nuestro país y desarrolla una terminal automatizada con la capacidad ya mencionada de 2 millones de TEU/año. El tema del ferrocarril en las terminales de contenedores, como futura lanzadera para la proyección de la influencia de los puertos, está desarrollado como una parte esencial de una terminal de contenedores. Se investiga, también, la automatización total o parcial en la transferencia de mercancía buque-ferrocarril La Tesis también desarrolla una metodología para desglosar los costes e ingresos de una terminal automatizada. A través de esos costes e ingresos se va desarrollando, mediante la utilización de hojas Excel relacionadas, el método para mostrar la estructuración de los hitos económicos fundamentales hasta llegar al VAN, TIR y Periodo de Retorno de la Inversión como elementos clave para la calificación de la terminal como proyecto de inversión. La Tesis realiza la misma metodología para la terminal convencional de contenedores más habitual en el Mediterráneo español: la terminal que utiliza sistemas de grúas sobre ruedas (RTG) en el patio de contenedores. Por último, la Tesis establece la comparativa entre los dos tipos de terminales analizadas: la convencional y la automatizada, basándose en el coste de la mano de obra portuaria como elemento clave para dicha comparativa. Se establece la frontera que determina en qué niveles de coste del personal portuario la terminal automatizada es mejor proyecto de inversión que la terminal convencional con RTG. Mediante la creación de la metodología descrita, la Tesis permite: - La comparativa entre diferentes tipos de terminales - La posibilidad de analizar un modelo de terminal variando sus parámetros fundamentales: costes de los estibadores, nuevas tecnologías de manipulación, diferentes rendimientos, variación de los ingresos, etc. - Descubrir el modelo más rentable de una futura terminal mediante la comparación de las diferentes tecnologías que se puedan emplear para la construcción de dicha terminal ABSTRACT This Thesis examines, first, the possibilities and conditions of the Spanish ports of Algeciras, Valencia and Barcelona to host in the future a fully automated container terminal (robotized) with a capacity of approximately 1.3-1.4 million containers/year or 2 million TEU/year. Among the potential threats and opportunities that may affect the current traffic of these ports, the thesis focuses on the diversion of container transhipment traffic, the replacing of marine traffic by rail traffic, the possibility of converting the Spanish Mediterranean in the door input of Asian products, the changing of the Asia-Europe route through the Suez Canal by the Asia-Europe route through the Arctic, the possibility of circumnavigating Africa to avoid the Suez Canal and the upcoming opening of the new expanded Canal of Panama. The Thesis describes the state-of-the-art technology for automated container terminals that could be applied in our country and develops an automated terminal with the listed capacity of 2 million TEUs / year. The use of the railway system in container terminals to be used as future shuttle to the projection of the influence of the ports is developed as an essential part of a container terminal. We also investigate the total or partial automation in transferring goods from ship to rail. The Thesis also develops a methodology to break down the costs and revenues of an automated terminal. Through these costs and revenues is developed, using linked Excel sheets, the method to show the formation of structured key economic milestones until the NPV, IRR and Period of Return of Investment as key to determining the terminal as an investment project. The Thesis takes the same methodology for the conventional container terminal more common in the Spanish Mediterranean: the terminal using rubber tyred cranes (RTG) in the container yard. Finally, the Thesis provides a comparison between the two types of analyzed terminals: conventional and automated, based on the cost of stevedores labor as a key point for that comparison. It establishes the boundary that determines what levels of stevedore costs make automated terminal to be better investment project than a conventional terminal using RTG. By creating the above methodology, the Thesis allows: - The comparison between different types of terminals - The possibility of analyzing a model of terminal varying its key parameters: stevedores costs, new technologies of container handling, different loading/unloading rates, changes in incomes and so on - Unveil the most profitable model for a future terminal by comparing the different technologies that can be employed for the construction of that terminal


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The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.


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The location of ground faults in railway electric lines in 2 × 5 kV railway power supply systems is a difficult task. In both 1 × 25 kV and transmission power systems it is common practice to use distance protection relays to clear ground faults and localize their positions. However, in the particular case of this 2 × 25 kV system, due to the widespread use of autotransformers, the relation between the distance and the impedance seen by the distance protection relays is not linear and therefore the location is not accurate enough. This paper presents a simple and economical method to identify the subsection between autotransformers and the conductor (catenary or feeder) where the ground fault is happening. This method is based on the comparison of the angle between the current and the voltage of the positive terminal in each autotransformer. Consequently, after the identification of the subsection and the conductor with the ground defect, only the subsection where the ground fault is present will be quickly removed from service, with the minimum effect on rail traffic. This method has been validated through computer simulations and laboratory tests with positive results.


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When booking a trip along the railway through several train operators it is not uncommon that information about possible disruptions along the railway (that can change or cancel the booked trip) are not relayed to the passengers. Today, research on rail traffic in Sweden is limited. It is unclear how satisfied customers are with the quality of the information they receive during their trip (if they get it at all), including with respect to disruptions. Our partners have identified what they believe is a need among train operators, which is a service for disruption information to travelers. In addition to confirming that there is a need for such a service, we have an interest to investigate how such a service might look like and what the users want. Our research has shown that passengers are not satisfied with either the amount of information about disturbances or how often they get it. Along with KnowitBorlänge, we have come up with a proposed solution that uses already existing technologies to create a portal for an efficient way to get the interference information to travelers.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Despite the fact that Germany has a well- expanded traffic infrastructure, the country con-fronts a strong growth in freight volumes and it is very likely that in the forthcoming yearsit will not be able to reasonably cope with the increasing demand. Against this back-ground, the aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the transport sector in North Germany in an effort to identify, if any, the possibilities of collapse as a result of the continuous increase in the demand of freight traffic. The research based on the DelphiTechnique, collects, analyses and summarizes the opinions of a group of experts in theaforementioned issues. Results indicate that railways could represent the solution to theforecasted growing freight volumes in the next years, not only in Germany, but also in thewhole European transport sector. In spite of continuous efforts undertaken by the politicsand the economy, the existing logistics and freight traffic concepts are not sufficient. Fi-nancing is too scarce; traffic concepts take issues like sustainability, environment protec-tion and working conditions into little consideration.