985 resultados para quantum confinement effects


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The symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group approach is applied within the extended Hubbard-Peierls model (with parameters U/t, V/t, and bond alternation delta) to study the ordering of the lowest one-photon (1(1)B(u)(-)) and two-photon (2(1)A(g)(+)) states in one-dimensional conjugated systems with chain lengths N up to N = 80 sites. Three different types of crossovers are studied, as a function of U/t, delta, and N. The ''U crossover'' emphasizes the larger ionic character of the 2A(g) state compared to the lowest triplet excitation. The ''delta crossover'' shows strong dependence on both N and U/t. the ''N crossover'' illustrates the more localized nature of the 2A(g) excitation relative to the 1B(u) excitation at intermediate correlation strengths.


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On the basis of the density functional theory (DFT) within local density approximations (LDA) approach, we calculate the band gaps for different size SnO2 quantum wire (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs). A model is proposed to passivate the surface atoms of SnO2 QWs and QDs. We find that the band gap increases between QWs and bulk evolve as Delta E-g(wire) = 1.74/d(1.20) as the effective diameter d decreases, while being Delta E-g(dot) = 2.84/d(1.26) for the QDs. Though the similar to d(1.2) scale is significantly different from similar to d(2) of the effective mass result, the ratio of band gap increases between SnO2 QWs and QDs is 0.609, very close to the effective mass prediction. We also confirm, although the LDS calculations underestimate the band gap, that they give the trend of band gap shift as much as that obtained by the hybrid functional (PBE0) with a rational mixing of 25% Fock exchange and 75% of the conventional Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional for the SnO2 QWs and QDs. The relative deviation of the LDA calculated band gap difference Lambda E-g compared with the corresponding PBE0 results is only within 5%. Additionally, it is found the states of valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) of SnO2 QWs or QDs have a mostly p- and s-like envelope function symmetry, respectively, from both LDA and PBE0 calculations.


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ZnO nanocrystals are studied using theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory. The two main effects related to the reduced size of the nanocrystals are investigated: quantum confinement and a large surface:volume ratio. The effects of quantum confinement are studied by saturating the surface dangling bonds of the nanocrystals with hypothetical H atoms. To understand the effects of the surfaces of the nanocrystals, all saturation is removed and the system is relaxed to its minimum energy position. Several different surface motifs are reported, which should be observed experimentally. Spin-polarized calculations are performed in the nonsaturated nanocrystals, leading to different magnetic moments. We propose that this magnetic moment can be responsible for the intrinsic magnetism observed in ZnO nanostructures.


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We calculate the binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot (QD) in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory using the plane wave basis. The variation of the binding energy with edge length, position of the impurity, and external electric field is studied in detail. A finite potential model is adopted in our calculations. Compared with the infinite potential model [C. I. Mendoza , Phys. Rev. B 71, 075330 (2005)], the following results are found: (1) if the impurity is located in the interior of the QD, our results give a smaller binding energy than the infinite potential model; (2) the binding energies are more sensitively dependent on the applied electric field in the finite potential model; (3) the infinite potential model cannot give correct results for a small QD edge length for any location of the impurity in the QD; (4) some degeneracy is lifted when the dot is no longer cubic. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of the geometrical shape on two electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot and subjected to an external uniform magnetic field have been calculated using a variational-perturbation method based on a direct construction of trial wave functions. The calculations show that both the energy levels and the spin transition of two electrons in elliptical quantum dots are dramatically influenced by the shape of the dots. The ground states with total spin S=0 and S=1 are affected greatly by changing the magnetic field and the geometrical confinement. The quantum behavior of elliptical quantum dots show some relation to that of laterally coupled quantum dots. For a special geometric configuration of the confinement omega(y)/omega(x)=2.0, we encounter a characteristic magnetic field at which spin singlet-triplet crossover occurs. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetic-field and confinement effects on the Land, factor in AlxGa1-xAs parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields applied parallel or perpendicular to the growth direction are theoretically studied. Calculations are performed in the limit of low temperatures and low electron density in the heterostructure. The g factor is obtained by taking into account the effects of non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the 2 x 2 Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian, and by including the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit term. A simple formula describing the magnetic-field dependence of the effective Land, factor is analytically derived by using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, and it is found in good agreement with previous experimental studies devoted to understand the behavior of the g factor, as a function of an applied magnetic field, in semiconductor heterostructures. Present numerical results for the effective Land, factor are shown as functions of the quantum-well parameters and magnetic-field strength, and compared with available experimental measurements.


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We study the photoemission from quantum wire and quantum dot superlattices with graded interfaces of optoelectronic materials on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion relations in the presence of external photo-excitation. Besides, the influence of a magnetic field on the photoemission from the aforementioned superlattices together with quantum well superlattices in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field has also been studied in this context. It has been observed taking into account HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe and InxGa1-xAs/InP that the photoemission from these nanostructures increases with increasing photon energy in quantized steps and exhibits oscillatory dependences with the increase in carrier concentration. Besides, the photoemission decreases with increasing light intensity and wavelength, together with the fact that said emission decreases with increasing thickness exhibiting oscillatory spikes. The strong dependences of the photoemission on the light intensity reflects the direct signature of light waves on the carrier energy spectra. The content of this paper finds six applications in the fields of low dimensional systems in general. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Within the Grassmannian U(2N)/U(N) x U(N) nonlinear sigma-model representation of localization, one can study the low-energy dynamics of both a free and interacting electron gas. We study the crossover between these two fundamentally different physical problems. We show how the topological arguments for the exact quantization of the Hall conductance are extended to include the Coulomb interaction problem. We discuss dynamical scaling and make contact with the theory of variable range hopping. (C) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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Various structural, dynamic and thermodynamic properties of water molecules confined in single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are investigated using both polarizable and non-polarizable water models. The inclusion of polarizability quantitatively affects the nature of hydrogen bonding, which governs many properties of confined water molecules. Polarizable water leads to tighter hydrogen bonding and makes the distance between neighboring water molecules shorter than that for non-polarizable water. Stronger hydrogen bonding also decreases the rotational entropy and makes the diffusion constant smaller than in TIP3P and TIP3PM water models. The reorientational dynamics of the water molecules is governed by a jump mechanism, the barrier for the jump being highest for the polarizable water model. Our results highlight the role of polarizability in governing the dynamics of confined water and demonstrate that the inclusion of polarizability is necessary to obtain agreement with the results of ab initio simulations for the distributions of waiting and jump times. The SPC/E water model is found to predict various water properties in close agreement with the results of polarizable water models with much lower computational costs.


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In a Nd:glass microspherical cavity the enhancement and inhibition of spontaneous-emission processes that are due to cavity QED effects have been observed. The rates of the enhanced spontaneous emission are location dependent and reach a maximum value of more than 10(3) times the free-space value. The large enhancement strongly modifies the decay processes of Nd ions in glass, and the radiative properties of Nd:glass have been changed. As a result a new spectrum including new lasing wavelengths in the Nd:glass sphere has been observed.


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We investigate the fluorescence spectrum in a nearly degenerate atomic system of a F-e = 0 -> F-g = 1 transition by analytically solving Schrodinger equations. An ultranarrow fluorescence spectral line in between the two coherent population trapping windows has been found. Our analytic solutions clearly show the origin of the ultranarrow spectral line. Due to quantum interference effects between two coherent population trapping states, the width and intensity of the central spectral line can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Such an effect may be used to detect a magnetic field.


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We report an experimental study on confined systems formed by butyloxybenzylidene octylaniline liquid crystal (4O.8) + gamma-alumina nanoparticles. The effects of the confinement in the thermal and dielectric properties of the liquid crystal under different densities of nanoparticles is analyzed by means of high resolution Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MDSC) and broadband dielectric spectroscopy. First, a drastic depression of the N-I and SmA-N transition temperatures is observed with confinement, the more concentration of nanoparticles the deeper this depression is, driving the nematic range closer to the room temperature. An interesting experimental law is found for both transition temperatures. Second, the change in shape of the heat capacity peaks is quantified by means of the full width half maximum (FWHM). Third, the confinement does not noticeably affect the molecular dynamics. Finally, the combination of nanoparticles and the external applied electric field tends to favor the alignment of the molecules in metallic cells. All these results indicate that the confinement of liquid crystals by means of gamma-alumina nanoparticles could be optimum for liquid crystal-based electrooptic devices.