Binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot: Quantum confinement and Stark effects

Autoria(s): Li SS (Li Shu-Shen); Xia JB (Xia Jian-Bai)



We calculate the binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot (QD) in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory using the plane wave basis. The variation of the binding energy with edge length, position of the impurity, and external electric field is studied in detail. A finite potential model is adopted in our calculations. Compared with the infinite potential model [C. I. Mendoza , Phys. Rev. B 71, 075330 (2005)], the following results are found: (1) if the impurity is located in the interior of the QD, our results give a smaller binding energy than the infinite potential model; (2) the binding energies are more sensitively dependent on the applied electric field in the finite potential model; (3) the infinite potential model cannot give correct results for a small QD edge length for any location of the impurity in the QD; (4) some degeneracy is lifted when the dot is no longer cubic. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.





Li, SS (Li, Shu-Shen); Xia, JB (Xia, Jian-Bai) .Binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot: Quantum confinement and Stark effects ,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,MAY 1 2007,101 (9):Art.No.093716

Palavras-Chave #半导体物理 #OFF-CENTER DONOR
