982 resultados para quadratic differential form
In this paper we introduce the concept of the index of an implicit differential equation F(x,y,p) = 0, where F is a smooth function, p = dy/dx, F(p) = 0 and F(pp) = 0 at an isolated singular point. We also apply the results to study the geometry of surfaces in R(5).
Dans ce mémoire, on s'intéresse à l'action du groupe des transformations affines et des homothéties sur l'axe du temps des systèmes différentiels quadratiques à foyer faible d'ordre trois, dans le plan. Ces systèmes sont importants dans le cadre du seizième problème d'Hilbert. Le diagramme de bifurcation a été produit à l'aide de la forme normale de Li dans des travaux de Andronova [2] et Artès et Llibre [4], sans utiliser le plan projectif comme espace des paramètres ni de méthodes globales. Dans [7], Llibre et Schlomiuk ont utilisé le plan projectif comme espace des paramètres et des notions à caractère géométrique global (invariants affines et topologiques). Ce diagramme contient 18 portraits de phase et certains de ces portraits sont répétés dans des parties distinctes du diagramme. Ceci nous mène à poser la question suivante : existe-t-il des systèmes distincts, correspondant à des valeurs distinctes de paramètres, se trouvant sur la même orbite par rapport à l'action du groupe? Dans ce mémoire, on prouve un résultat original : l'action du groupe n'est pas triviale sur la forme de Li (théorème 3.1), ni sur la forme normale de Bautin (théorème 4.1). En utilisant le deuxième résultat, on construit l'espace topologique quotient des systèmes quadratiques à foyer faible d'ordre trois par rapport à l'action de ce groupe.
In this paper we consider the case of large cooperative communication systems where terminals use the protocol known as slotted amplify-and-forward protocol to aid the source in its transmission. Using the perturbation expansion methods of resolvents and large deviation techniques we obtain an expression for the Stieltjes transform of the asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of a sample covariance random matrix of the type HH† where H is the channel matrix of the transmission model for the transmission protocol we consider. We prove that the resulting expression is similar to the Stieltjes transform in its quadratic equation form for the Marcenko-Pastur distribution.
A generalised theory for the natural vibration of non-uniform thin-walled beams of arbitrary cross-sectional geometry is proposed. The governing equations are obtained as four partial, linear integro-differential equations. The corresponding boundary conditions are also obtained in an integro-differential form. The formulation takes into account the effect of longitudinal inertia and shear flexibility. A method of solution is presented. Some numerical illustrations and an exact solution are included.
In this paper, size dependent linear free flexural vibration behavior of functionally graded (FG) nanoplates are investigated using the iso-geometric based finite element method. The field variables are approximated by non-uniform rational B-splines. The nonlocal constitutive relation is based on Eringen's differential form of nonlocal elasticity theory. The material properties are assumed to vary only in the thickness direction and the effective properties for the FG plate are computed using Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The accuracy of the present formulation is demonstrated considering the problems for which solutions are available. A detailed numerical study is carried out to examine the effect of material gradient index, the characteristic internal length, the plate thickness, the plate aspect ratio and the boundary conditions on the global response of the FG nanoplate. From the detailed numerical study it is seen that the fundamental frequency decreases with increasing gradient index and characteristic internal length. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Finite volume methods traditionally employ dimension by dimension extension of the one-dimensional reconstruction and averaging procedures to achieve spatial discretization of the governing partial differential equations on a structured Cartesian mesh in multiple dimensions. This simple approach based on tensor product stencils introduces an undesirable grid orientation dependence in the computed solution. The resulting anisotropic errors lead to a disparity in the calculations that is most prominent between directions parallel and diagonal to the grid lines. In this work we develop isotropic finite volume discretization schemes which minimize such grid orientation effects in multidimensional calculations by eliminating the directional bias in the lowest order term in the truncation error. Explicit isotropic expressions that relate the cell face averaged line and surface integrals of a function and its derivatives to the given cell area and volume averages are derived in two and three dimensions, respectively. It is found that a family of isotropic approximations with a free parameter can be derived by combining isotropic schemes based on next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbors in three dimensions. Use of these isotropic expressions alone in a standard finite volume framework, however, is found to be insufficient in enforcing rotational invariance when the flux vector is nonlinear and/or spatially non-uniform. The rotationally invariant terms which lead to a loss of isotropy in such cases are explicitly identified and recast in a differential form. Various forms of flux correction terms which allow for a full recovery of rotational invariance in the lowest order truncation error terms, while preserving the formal order of accuracy and discrete conservation of the original finite volume method, are developed. Numerical tests in two and three dimensions attest the superior directional attributes of the proposed isotropic finite volume method. Prominent anisotropic errors, such as spurious asymmetric distortions on a circular reaction-diffusion wave that feature in the conventional finite volume implementation are effectively suppressed through isotropic finite volume discretization. Furthermore, for a given spatial resolution, a striking improvement in the prediction of kinetic energy decay rate corresponding to a general two-dimensional incompressible flow field is observed with the use of an isotropic finite volume method instead of the conventional discretization. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The authors have endeavored to create a verified a-posteriori model of a planktonic ecosystem. Verification of an empirically derived set of first-order, quadratic differential equations proved elusive due to the sensitivity of the model system to changes in initial conditions. Efforts to verify a similarly derived set of linear differential equations were more encouraging, yielding reasonable behavior for half of the ten ecosystem compartments modeled. The well-behaved species models gave indications as to the rate-controlling processes in the ecosystem.
This paper is concerned with linear and nonlinear magneto- optical effects in multilayered magnetic systems when treated by the simplest phenomenological model that allows their response to be represented in terms of electric polarization, The problem is addressed by formulating a set of boundary conditions at infinitely thin interfaces, taking into account the existence of surface polarizations. Essential details are given that describe how the formalism of distributions (generalized functions) allows these conditions to be derived directly from the differential form of Maxwell's equations. Using the same formalism we show the origin of alternative boundary conditions that exist in the literature. The boundary value problem for the wave equation is formulated, with an emphasis on the analysis of second harmonic magneto-optical effects in ferromagnetically ordered multilayers. An associated problem of conventions in setting up relationships between the nonlinear surface polarization and the fundamental electric field at the interfaces separating anisotropic layers through surface susceptibility tensors is discussed. A problem of self- consistency of the model is highlighted, relating to the existence of resealing procedures connecting the different conventions. The linear approximation with respect to magnetization is pursued, allowing rotational anisotropy of magneto-optical effects to be easily analyzed owing to the invariance of the corresponding polar and axial tensors under ordinary point groups. Required representations of the tensors are given for the groups infinitym, 4mm, mm2, and 3m, With regard to centrosymmetric multilayers, nonlinear volume polarization is also considered. A concise expression is given for its magnetic part, governed by an axial fifth-rank susceptibility tensor being invariant under the Curie group infinityinfinitym.
In dieser Arbeit werden die QCD-Strahlungskorrekturen in erster Ordnung der starken Kopplungskonstanten für verschiedene Polarisationsobservablen zu semileptonischen Zerfällen eines bottom-Quarks in ein charm-Quark und ein Leptonpaar berechnet. Im ersten Teil wird der Zerfall eines unpolarisierten b-Quarks in ein polarisiertes c-Quark sowie ein geladenes Lepton und ein Antineutrino im Ruhesystem des b-Quarks analysiert. Es werden die Strahlungskorrekturen für den unpolarisierten und den polarisierten Beitrag zur differentiellen Zerfallsrate nach der Energie des c-Quarks berechnet, wobei das geladene Lepton als leicht angesehen und seine Masse daher vernachlässigt wird. Die inklusive differentielle Rate wird durch zwei Strukturfunktionen in analytischer Form dargestellt. Anschließend werden die Strukturfunktionen und die Polarisation des c-Quarks numerisch ausgewertet. Nach der Einführung der Helizitäts-Projektoren befaßt sich der zweite Teil mit dem kaskadenartigen Zerfall eines polarisierten b-Quarks in ein unpolarisiertes c-Quark und ein virtuelles W-Boson, welches weiter in ein Paar leichter Leptonen zerfällt. Es werden die inklusiven Strahlungskorrekturen zu drei unpolarisierten und fünf polarisierten Helizitäts-Strukturfunktionen in analytischer Form berechnet, welche die Winkelverteilung für die differentielle Zerfallsrate nach dem Viererimpulsquadrat des W-Bosons beschreiben. Die Strukturfunktionen enthalten die Informationen sowohl über die polare Winkelverteilung zwischen dem Spinvektor des b-Quarks und dem Impulsvektor des W-Bosons als auch über die räumliche Winkelverteilung zwischen den Impulsen des W-Bosons und des Leptonpaars. Der Impuls und der Spinvektor des b-Quarks sowie der Impuls des W-Bosons werden im b-Ruhesystem analysiert, während die Impulse des Leptonpaars im W-Ruhesystem ausgewertet werden. Zusätzlich zu den genannten Strukturfunktionen werden noch die unpolarisierte und die polarisierte skalare Strukturfunktion angegeben, die in Anwendungen bei hadronischen Zerfällen eine Rolle spielen. Anschließend folgt eine numerische Auswertung aller berechneten Strukturfunktionen. Im dritten Teil werden die nichtperturbativen HQET-Korrekturen zu inklusiven semileptonischen Zerfällen schwerer Hadronen diskutiert, welche ein b-Quark enthalten. Sie beschreiben hadronische Korrekturen, die durch die feste Bindung des b-Quarks in Hadronen hervorgerufen werden. Es werden insgesamt fünf unpolarisierte und neun polarisierte Helizitäts-Strukturfunktionen in analytischer Form angegeben, die auch eine endliche Masse und den Spin des geladenen Leptons berücksichtigen. Die Strukturfunktionen werden sowohl in differentieller Form in Abhängigkeit des quadrierten Viererimpulses des W-Bosons als auch in integrierter Form präsentiert. Zum Schluß werden die zuvor erhaltenen Resultate auf die semi-inklusiven hadronischen Zerfälle eines polarisierten Lambda_b-Baryons oder eines B-Mesons in ein D_s- oder ein D_s^*-Meson unter Berücksichtigung der D_s^*-Polarisation angewandt. Für die zugehörigen Winkelverteilungen werden die inklusiven QCD- und die nichtperturbativen HQET-Korrekturen zu den Helizitäts-Strukturfunktionen in analytischer Form angegeben und anschließend numerisch ausgewertet.
The present dissertation is concerned with the determination of the magnetic field distribution in ma[.rnetic electron lenses by means of the finite element method. In the differential form of this method a Poisson type equation is solved by numerical methods over a finite boundary. Previous methods of adapting this procedure to the requirements of digital computers have restricted its use to computers of extremely large core size. It is shown that by reformulating the boundary conditions, a considerable reduction in core store can be achieved for a given accuracy of field distribution. The magnetic field distribution of a lens may also be calculated by the integral form of the finite element rnethod. This eliminates boundary problems mentioned but introduces other difficulties. After a careful analysis of both methods it has proved possible to combine the advantages of both in a .new approach to the problem which may be called the 'differential-integral' finite element method. The application of this method to the determination of the magnetic field distribution of some new types of magnetic lenses is described. In the course of the work considerable re-programming of standard programs was necessary in order to reduce the core store requirements to a minimum.
A recently developed spot form of blotch differential set of 16 barley lines was tested for reaction response to 60 Pyrenophora teres f. maculata isolates from geographically disperse barley crops of Australia. Twelve barley lines (Arimont, Barque, Chebec, CI5286, CI5791, CI9214, CII6150, Dairokkaku, Esperance Orge 289, Galleon, Keel, Skiff, Torrens and TR250) provided differential response between the isolates. The susceptible controls Gairdner and Kombar provided indication of isolate virulence or avirulence. Abundant pathogenic diversity was revealed with 33 designated pathotypes, some of which related to geographic region. AFLP analysis also revealed abundant diversity with each of the isolates representing a unique genotype and one isolate that contained both AFLP bands unique to P. teres f. maculata and P. teres f. teres, the cause of spot form and net form of net blotch respectively, suggesting that sexual recombination between the net form and spot form isolates may have occurred naturally in the field.
In this paper, the free vibration of a non-uniform free-free Euler-Bernoulli beam is studied using an inverse problem approach. It is found that the fourth-order governing differential equation for such beams possess a fundamental closed-form solution for certain polynomial variations of the mass and stiffness. An infinite number of non-uniform free-free beams exist, with different mass and stiffness variations, but sharing the same fundamental frequency. A detailed study is conducted for linear, quadratic and cubic variations of mass, and on how to pre-select the internal nodes such that the closed-form solutions exist for the three cases. A special case is also considered where, at the internal nodes, external elastic constraints are present. The derived results are provided as benchmark solutions for the validation of non-uniform free-free beam numerical codes. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present the Unified Form Language (UFL), which is a domain-specific language for representing weak formulations of partial differential equations with a view to numerical approximation. Features of UFL include support for variational forms and functionals, automatic differentiation of forms and expressions, arbitrary function space hierarchies formultifield problems, general differential operators and flexible tensor algebra. With these features, UFL has been used to effortlessly express finite element methods for complex systems of partial differential equations in near-mathematical notation, resulting in compact, intuitive and readable programs. We present in this work the language and its construction. An implementation of UFL is freely available as an open-source software library. The library generates abstract syntax tree representations of variational problems, which are used by other software libraries to generate concrete low-level implementations. Some application examples are presented and libraries that support UFL are highlighted. © 2014 ACM.