997 resultados para property taxes


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" ... the Commission's fifth examination of property taxes in Illinois. The previous reports, released in 1990, 1997, 2001, and 2005, provided a history of the property tax as well as an examination of the property tax cycle, equalized assessed value, property tax exemptions, and property tax relief. This report is an update and will focus on the trends associated with equalized assessed value, property tax extensions, and property tax relief."


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" ... The Commission's fourth examination of property taxes in Illinois. The previous reports, released in 1990, 1997 and 2001, provided a history of the property tax as well as an examination of the property tax cycle, equalized assessed value, property tax exemptions, and property tax relief. This report is an update and will focus on the trends associated with equalized assessed value, property tax extensions, and property tax relief." -- p. 3.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Property taxes serve as a vital revenue source for local governments. The revenues derived from the property tax function as the primary funding source for a variety of critical local public service systems. Property tax appeal systems serve as quasi-administrative-judicial mechanisms intended to assure the public that property tax assessments are correct, fair, and equitable. Despite these important functions, there is a paucity of empirical research related to property tax appeal systems. This study contributes to property tax literature by identifying who participates in the property tax appeal process and examining their motivations for participation. In addition, the study sought to determine whether patterns of use and success in appeal systems affected the distribution of the tax burden. Data were collected by means of a survey distributed to single-family property owners from two Florida counties. In addition, state and county documents were analyzed to determine appeal patterns and examine the impact on assessment uniformity, over a three-year period. The survey data provided contextual evidence that single-family property owners are not as troubled by property taxes as they are by the conduct of local government officials. The analyses of the decision to appeal indicated that more expensive properties and properties excluded from initial uniformity analyses were more likely to be appealed, while properties with homestead exemptions were less likely to be appealed. The value change analyses indicated that appeals are clustered in certain geographical areas; however, these areas do not always experience a greater percentage of the value changes. Interestingly, professional representation did not increase the probability of obtaining a reduction in value. Other relationships between the variables were discovered, but often with weak predictive ability. Findings from the assessment uniformity analyses were also interesting. The results indicated that the appeals mechanisms in both counties improved assessment uniformity. On average, appealed properties exhibited greater horizontal and vertical inequities, as compared to non-appealed properties, prior to the appeals process. After, the appeal process was completed; the indicators of horizontal and vertical equity were largely improved. However, there were some indications of regressivity in the final year of the study.


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This Powerpoint presentation gives statistics on property taxes throughout the state.


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This Powerpoint presentation gives statistics on property taxes in South Carolina.


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Australia is a country, which has much of its legislative roots in its Commonwealth heritage. However due to its size and nature, its planning and development processes are more aligned to countries such as the United States. This paper will present an overview of the Australian urban land market, its infrastructure funding mechanisms (property taxes) and current provisions in each of Australia’s seven States and Territories that provide for developer contributions for local infrastructure (impact fees).


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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La historia de la tributación en Colombia en los últimos años se ha caracterizado por un sistema tributario ineficiente y poco equitativo. La reforma tributaria del año 2006, continua con la misma tendencia tributaria de años anteriores y además, crea una serie de beneficios y exenciones tributarias que están en contra de los principios constitucionales de Equidad, Progresividad y Eficiencia. Respecto al impuesto de renta, crea nuevas tarifas, descuentos y beneficios tributarios que generan un impuesto ineficiente en términos de control y de recaudo. Por otro lado, los beneficios dirigidos a sectores económicos en específico y a los contribuyentes más ricos del país, están en contra de un sistema tributario equitativo y progresivo. Finalmente, la extensión del impuesto al patrimonio, se considera como un impuesto ineficiente ya que es un impuesto transitorio que se ha vuelto permanente y costoso para el país. Se observa entonces, un carácter inequitativo, regresivo e ineficiente de la ley 1111 de 2006, soportado en la evidencia de los beneficios y descuentos tributarios otorgados a grandes capitales y la extensión del Impuesto al Patrimonio.


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First, we survey recent research in the application of optimal tax theory to housing. This work suggests that the under-taxation of housing for owner occupation distorts investment so that owner occupiers are encouraged to over-invest in housing. Simulations of the US economy suggest that this is true there. But, the theoretical work excludes consideration of land and the simulations exclude consideration of taxes other than income taxes. These exclusions are important for the US and UK economies. In the US, the property tax is relatively high. We argue that excluding the property tax is wrong, so that, when the property tax is taken into account, owner occupied housing is not undertaxed in the US. In the UK, property taxes are relatively low but the cost of land has been increasing in real terms for forty years as a result of a policy of constraining land for development. The price of land for housing is now higher than elsewhere. Effectively, an implicit tax is paid by first time buyers which has reduced housing investment. When land is taken into account over-investment in housing is not encouraged in the UK either.


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Tax avoidance has been a problem for governments since taxes were introduced. Thirteenth century English property taxes were avoided by taxpayers moving their assets outside the sheriff’s jurisdiction. Even more conniving were the citizens of 17th century England who avoided the Window Tax by covering their windows before the tax collector’s visit.


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Esta dissertação estima e discute a capitalização do imposto de propriedade no preço de imóveis, isto é, quanto um aumento de IPTU reduz os preços de imóveis e vice-versa. Por um modelo de diferença em diferenças e algumas tentativas de falseamento, obtiveram-se fortes evidências de capitalização, onde, em média, 100% de variação no imposto altera por volta de 30% o preço dos imóveis. Com isto, políticas de isenção ou redução de IPTU com fins sociais podem ser questionadas, pois dificultariam o acesso à moradia das famílias mais pobres, contribuindo para o processo de favelização. Ao mesmo tempo, maiores patamares do imposto poderiam ser utilizados não somente para elevar as receitas municipais ou como contrapartida ao uso de serviços públicos locais, mas também para tornar os preços dos imóveis mais acessíveis, reduzindo a pobreza e estimulando o crescimento das cidades.


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A degradação ambiental é um problema global, afetando as sociedades de modo profundo. As gerações presentes e futuras percebem que as mudanças imprimidas no meio ambiente produziram perda de qualidade de vida, ao ponto de ser revisto o modo de produção de bens e principalmente o modo como a sociedade se relaciona com o meio ambiente. O crescimento urbano é uma tendência igualmente global, entretanto, a qualidade de vida dos centros urbanos não acompanha seu crescimento, gerando uma série de problemas ambientais que devem ser enfrentados pelo Poder Público e pela sociedade como um todo. Os tributos ambientais vêm sendo adotados como instrumentos de intervenção na economia, com objetivo de produzir comportamentos ambientalmente favoráveis, seja por meio de incentivos, seja por meio de encargos sobre fatos que prejudicam o meio ambiente. Os Municípios, no Brasil, pela importância histórica que possuem e pela competência tributária definida constitucionalmente, tem à sua disposição o Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano, um tributo que pode ser utilizado como ferramenta de proteção ambiental. A Constituição Federal de 1988 prevê a utilização deste imposto como meio de proteção ambiental nos centros urbanos, sendo que ainda permite aos municípios a criação de impostos prediais que atendam às realidades locais, transformando esta exação em interessante ferramenta de proteção do meio ambiente.


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Irrigation is vital to the economic activity of the west-central Great Plains. The crops grown, the distribution of center-pivot irrigation systems, and the basic transportation infrastructure is the same in northwest Kansas, northeast Colorado, and southwest Nebraska. But buyers of agricultural land face a different price for irrigated cropland in each of the states, even when the production characteristics of the land are similar. After accounting for factors like productivity and local property tax differences, we argue that it is the difference in water marketing rights between the three states that explains the price difference. The link between land values and water marketing rights is statistically developed by using Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) regression techniques. After adjusting for differences in property taxes, the analysis reveals that the implicit value of full water-marketing rights in the region is approximately $1,026 per acre. This valuation is within the range of estimates provided by other comparable studies across the country.


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A corporation is an artificial person that is created and operated according to state corporation statutes. It is a separate taxpayer subject to specific and detailed federal, state, and local tax laws. The advice and service of your lawyer are indispensable in organizing and operating a farm corporation. There are three basic forms of farm business organization, the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. Variations of these forms have resulted in the limited partnership and the "tax option" corporation. These three basic forms are discussed in this research publication.