950 resultados para propensity scoring
Current methods for constructing house price indices are based on comparisons of sale prices of residential properties sold two or more times and on regression of the sale prices on the attributes of the properties and of their locations. The two methods have well recognised deficiencies, selection bias and model assumptions, respectively. We introduce a new method based on propensity score matching. The average house prices for two periods are compared by selecting pairs of properties, one sold in each period, that are as similar on a set of available attributes (covariates) as is feasible to arrange. The uncertainty associated with such matching is addressed by multiple imputation, framing the problem as involving missing values. The method is applied to aregister of transactions ofresidential properties in New Zealand and compared with the established alternatives.
Introducción: El tratamiento estándar para los tumores renales localizados es la nefrectomía radical, sin embargo debido a la variación el tamaño del tumor renal en el momento del diagnóstico, se ha reemplazado en algunos casos por la nefrectomía parcial. Objetivo: Este estudio busca comparar el resultado oncológico de la nefrectomía parcial en términos de supervivencia cáncer específica, respecto a la nefrectomía radical, en pacientes mayores de 50 años con carcinoma renal estadio II (T2N0M0) Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, con inclusión de estudios de casos y controles, cohortes y experimentos clínicos aleatorizados incluidos en las bases de datos de MEDLINE , EMBASE y CENTRAL Resultados: La búsqueda inicial emitió un total de 101 resultados, 11 artículos fueron preseleccionados y sólo un artículo cumplió con los criterios de selección; éste se clasificó como nivel de evidencia II. Conclusión: No fue posible concluir su equivalencia oncológica de la nefrectomía radical con la nefrectomía parcial, dado que no hay diseños de estudios que permitan llegar a esta conclusión.
This research was undertaken to explore dimensions of the risk construct, identify factors related to risk-taking in education, and study risk propensity among employees at a community college. Risk-taking propensity (RTP) was measured by the 12-item BCDQ, which consisted of personal and professional risk-related situations balanced for the money, reputation, and satisfaction dimensions of the risk construct. Scoring ranged from 1.00 (most cautious) to 6.00 (most risky).^ Surveys including the BCDQ and seven demographic questions relating to age, gender, professional status, length of service, academic discipline, highest degree, and campus location were sent to faculty, administrators, and academic department heads. A total of 325 surveys were returned, resulting in a 66.7% response rate. Subjects were relatively homogeneous for age, length of service, and highest degree.^ Subjects were also homogeneous for risk-taking propensity: no substantive differences in RTP scores were noted within and among demographic groups, with the possible exception of academic discipline. The mean RTP score for all subjects was 3.77, for faculty was 3.76, for administrators was 3.83, and for department heads was 3.64.^ The relationship between propensity to take personal risks and propensity to take professional risks was tested by computing Pearson r correlation coefficients. The relationships for the total sample, faculty, and administrator groups were statistically significant, but of limited practical significance. Subjects were placed into risk categories by dividing the response scale into thirds. A 3 x 3 factorial ANOVA revealed no interaction effects between professional status and risk category with regard to RTP score. A discriminant analysis showed that a seven-factor model was not effective in predicting risk category.^ The homogeneity of the study sample and the effect of a risk-encouraging environment were discussed in the context of the community college. Since very little data on risk-taking in education is available, risk propensity data from this study could serve as a basis for comparison to future research. Results could be used by institutions to plan professional development activities, designed to increase risk-taking and encourage active acceptance of change. ^
This research was undertaken to explore dimensions of the risk construct, identify factors related to risk-taking in education, and study risk propensity among employees at a community college. Risk-taking propensity (RTP) was measured by the 12-item BCDQ, which consisted of personal and professional risk-related situations balanced for the money, reputation, and satisfaction dimensions of the risk construct. Scoring ranged from 1.00 (most cautious) to 6.00 (most risky). Surveys including the BCDQ and seven demographic questions relating to age, gender, professional status, length of service, academic discipline, highest degree, and campus location were sent to faculty, administrators, and academic department heads. A total of 325 surveys were returned, resulting in a 66.7% response rate. Subjects were relatively homogeneous for age, length of service, and highest degree. Subjects were also homogeneous for risk-taking propensity: no substantive differences in RTP scores were noted within and among demographic groups, with the possible exception of academic discipline. The mean RTP score for all subjects was 3.77, for faculty was 3.76, for administrators was 3.83, and for department heads was 3.64. The relationship between propensity to take personal risks and propensity to take professional risks was tested by computing Pearson r correlation coefficients. The relationships for the total sample, faculty, and administrator groups were statistically significant, but of limited practical significance. Subjects were placed into risk categories by dividing the response scale into thirds. A 3 X 3 factorial ANOVA revealed no interaction effects between professional status and risk category with regard to RTP score. A discriminant analysis showed that a seven-factor model was not effective in predicting risk category. The homogeneity of the study sample and the effect of a risk encouraging environment were discussed in the context of the community college. Since very little data on risk-taking in education is available, risk propensity data from this study could serve as a basis for comparison to future research. Results could be used by institutions to plan professional development activities, designed to increase risk-taking and encourage active acceptance of change.
Investiga-se a equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica entre o instrumento Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System (DVSS), utilizado para avaliar a disfunção funcional do trato urinário inferior em crianças, concebido em inglês e uma versão em português. Na primeira etapa realizou-se a avaliação da equivalência conceitual e de itens, seguida de duas traduções do instrumento original para o português. Na segunda etapa foram realizadas 63 entrevistas, com crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis, e modificação de itens segundo dificuldades de interpretação. Na terceira etapa foi realizada a retradução do instrumento em português para o inglês e avaliação da equivalência semântica. Na quarta etapa, a versão pré-teste foi aplicada em vinte duplas de crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis. Apresenta-se o instrumento em português com equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica. Sugere-se que a aplicação do DVSS seja realizada por meio de entrevista por profissional treinado e não baseada em autopreenchimento como proposto no instrumento original.
Pulmonary abnormalities are observed in chronic hepatopathy. The measurement of the maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure may evaluate lung function and the risks associated with hepatic transplantation. Thus, the present work sought to evaluate the respiratory muscle strength of 29 patients between 17 and 63 years old who were enrolled for liver transplantation. The patients were classified according to Child-Turcotte-Pugh score as A, B, or C, and also according to a physiotherapeutic evaluation, which included measurement of respiratory muscle strength by means of a digital manovactrometer, which determines the maximum inspiratory pressure (MaxIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MaxEP). The tests were performed with seated individuals having their nostrils obstructed by a nasal clip. The MaxIP was measured during the effort initiated in the residual volume, whereas the MaxEP was measured during the effort initiated in the total pulmonary capacity, keeping pressures stable for at least 1 second. The statistical analysis was performed through using the Mann-Whitney test with a 5% level of significance. The MaxIP values of Child A 95.5 +/- 40.507 cm H2O (average +/- DP) and Child B 87.2 +/- 35.02 patients were higher than those for Child C patients (34.83 +/- 3.68; P <.05). Similar results were observed for the MaxEP of Child A and B groups (116.25 +/- 31.98 and 97.28 +/- 31.08, respectively; P <.05), versus the Child C group (48.16 +/- 22.60). Between groups A and B, the MaxEP were similar (P >.05). We concluded that Child C patients display muscle weakness significantly greater than that of subjects classified as Child A or B.
Objectives To introduce a comprehensive and reliable scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee joint synovitis based on contrast-enhanced (CE) MRI. Methods Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) is a cohort study of people with, or at high risk of, knee osteoarthritis (OA). Subjects are an unselected subset of MOST who volunteered for CE-MRI. Synovitis was assessed at 11 sites of the joint. Synovial thickness was scored semiquantitatively: grade 0 (< 2 mm), grade 1 (2-4 mm) and grade 2 (> 4 mm) at each site. Two musculoskeletal radiologists performed the readings and inter-and intrareader reliability was evaluated. Whole-knee synovitis was assessed by summing the scores from all sites. The association of Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index pain score with this summed score and with the maximum synovitis grade for each site was assessed. Results 400 subjects were included (mean age 58.8 +/- 7.0 years, body mass index 29.5 +/- 4.9 kg/m(2), 46% women). For individual sites, intrareader reliability (weighted kappa) was 0.67-1.00 for reader 1 and 0.60-1.00 for reader 2. Inter-reader agreement (kappa) was 0.67-0.92. For the summed synovitis scores, intrareader reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)) was 0.98 and 0.96 for each reader and inter-reader agreement (ICC) was 0.94. Moderate to severe synovitis in the parapatellar subregion was associated with the higher maximum pain score (adjusted OR (95% CI), 2.8 (1.4 to 5.4) and 3.1 (1.2 to 7.9), respectively). Conclusions A comprehensive semiquantitative scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee synovitis is proposed. It is reliable and identifies knees with pain, and thus is a potentially powerful tool for synovitis assessment in epidemiological OA studies.
The scoring of occupational categories has along history. After reviewing the historical background, we develop and discuss the properties of two new Australian scales based on current theorising in stratification research. The first is based on the operation of the labour market and scores occupations to reflect their central role in converting educational credentials into market income. The second is based on patterns of social interaction and scores occupations to reflect the choices that people make in marriage markets. While these two scales are not theoretically or empirically equivalent, they are closely related and provide equally valid, but alternative, ways of measuring the underlying stratification order of modern societies.
The Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory (ACIRL) furnace is scaled to simulate slagging and fouling in operating boilers. This requires that the gas and target temperatures, the heat flux, and the flow pattern be the same as those in real boilers. The gas and target temperatures are maintained by insulating the wall and cooling the target respectively. The flow pattern of a small burner cannot be the same as a large furnace. However, this flow pattern is partially compensated for by placing the slagging panels in three vertical locations. The paper develops the models of radiant heat transfer from the flame to the deposits both in pilot-scale and full-scale furnaces. They are used to compare the effective radiant heat transfer of the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The experimental data both from the pilot- and full-scale furnaces are used to verify the incident heat flux and temperature profiles in the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The results showed that the thermal condition in the pilot-scale furnace meets the requirements for studying the slagging regarding the gas temperature and the incident heat flux, particularly for the panel #1. The gas temperature in the convective section also meets the requirement for studying the fouling.
Pulverised New Zealand coal samples have been tested from an initial temperature of 40 degreesC and reacted adiabatisally in an oven with oxygen to provide a full temperature history of auto-oxidation up to the self-sustained process of combustion. This procedure produces a self-heating rate index, R-70, calculated as the ratio of the time taken to reach 70 degreesC (degreesC/h). The R-70 index is a measure of the coal's propensity to spontaneous combustion. R-70 values for New Zealand coals are much higher than any previously published results. They show a rank dependence, whereby subbituminous coals have the highest propensity to spontaneous combustion (14.91-17.23 degreesC/h). A lignite sample has an R-70 value of 7.76 degreesC/h, and high-volatile bituminous B coals have R-70 values of 0.31-2.23 degreesC/h. Samples stored for 2 years show the same rank trend. The nature of this trend is most likely a function of the internal surface area of the coal that governs the available sites for oxidation. Calculating the Suggate rank; for any New Zealand coal can be used to rare its propensity to spontaneous combustion. Resin bodies in the subbituminous coal show no propensity to spontaneous combustion. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
El problema de la morosidad está cobrándose una gran importancia en los países desarrollados. En este trabajo realizamos un análisis de la capacidad predictiva de dos modelos paramétricos y uno no paramétrico abordando, en este último, el problema del sobreaprendizaje mediante la validación cruzada que, muy habitualmente, se obvia en este tipo de estudios. Además proponemos la distinción de tres tipos de solicitudes dependiendo de su probabilidad cumplimiento: conceder, no conceder (de forma automática), y dudoso y, por consiguiente, proceder a su estudio manual por parte del personal bancario.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the contribution of psychological variables and scales suggested by Economic Psychology in predicting individuals’ default. Therefore, a sample of 555 individuals completed a self-completion questionnaire, which was composed of psychological variables and scales. By adopting the methodology of the logistic regression, the following psychological and behavioral characteristics were found associated with the group of individuals in default: a) negative dimensions related to money (suffering, inequality and conflict); b) high scores on the self-efficacy scale, probably indicating a greater degree of optimism and over-confidence; c) buyers classified as compulsive; d) individuals who consider it necessary to give gifts to children and friends on special dates, even though many people consider this a luxury; e) problems of self-control identified by individuals who drink an average of more than four glasses of alcoholic beverage a day.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial de obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
Baseado no relatório avaliado na disciplina de Economia e Gestão da Inovação (Prof. Maria Luísa Lopes), no programa doutoral de Avaliação de Tecnologia, na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa em Janeiro de 2011
The clinical efficacy of continuous infusion of piperacillin/tazobactam in critically ill patients with microbiologically documented infections is currently unknown. We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study in 7 Portuguese intensive care units (ICU). We included 569 critically ill adult patients with a documented infection and treated with piperacillin/tazobactam admitted to one of the participating ICU between 2006 and 2010. We successfully matched 173 pairs of patients according to whether they received continuous or conventional intermittent dosing of piperacillin/tazobactam, using a propensity score to adjust for confounding variables. The majority of patients received 16g/day of piperacillin plus 2g/day of tazobactam. The 28-day mortality rate was 28.3% in both groups (p = 1.0). The ICU and in-hospital mortality were also similar either in those receiving continuous infusion or intermittent dosing (23.7% vs. 20.2%, p = 0.512 and 41.6% vs. 40.5%, p = 0.913, respectively). In the subgroup of patients with a Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II>42, the 28-day mortality rate was lower in the continuous infusion group (31.4% vs. 35.2%) although not reaching significance (p = 0.66). We concluded that the clinical efficacy of piperacillin/tazobactam in this heterogeneous group of critically ill patients infected with susceptible bacteria was independent of its mode of administration, either continuous infusion or intermittent dosing.