1000 resultados para profitability ratios


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The objective of this paper is to relate the set of financial ratios that are directly related to the success of public traded companies using a methodological approach and the method of multivariate principal component analysis. This study consists in the use of profitability ratios, debt and liquidity, to define the relationship between financial ratios with the best public traded companies listed in the magazine Exame Melhores e Maiores of 2013. Multivariate analysis was used to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data, making linear combinations of the original variables (financial ratios) and express the data in principal components that result in new variables that contains much of the original data. As a result, we got the optimal number of five principal components, and both represent 95.6% of the original data. Among of all financial ratios, we can highlight the direct relationship between profitability ratios for the first principal component, and the direct relationship between the liquidity ratios, both inversely related with non-capital participation rates and degree indebtedness to the second principal component


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The breeding of crocodilians is still a recent activity in Brazil. Its peak was in the 1990's, but it has gaps in its production, as there are no norms for the commercial breeding of these animals in captivity. However, its economic potential is great, and the search for ecological balance and viability of commercial production has become a challenge among farmers of this activity. Therefor, the objective of the study was to economically analyze the production of Caiman crocodilus yacare on a farm located in Caceres, state of Mato Grosso, identifying relevant items of costs in the activity, as well as the parameters related to the profitability and viability of the activity. The economic results for the breeding of this animal were positive, with profitability ratios higher than 70%.


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El sector del vino experimenta, en las últimas décadas, un vertiginoso proceso de cambio y nuevas dinámicas, que están afectando el desempeño y estrategias de las empresas del sector: internacionalización creciente, caída de los mercados internos de los países tradicionalmente productores, entrada de capital exógeno, etc. La pericia que muestre la organización para adecuarse a la nueva situación se reflejará en la rentabilidad, indicador básico para juzgar la eficiencia en la gestión empresarial. En este estudio, a partir de una muestra representativa de empresas de Castilla-La Mancha, región española con la mayor dimensión vinícola mundial, se ha planteado un modelo econométrico novedoso integrado por variables de desempeño, definidas con la técnica de componentes principales. De los resultados obtenidos se infiere que la rentabilidad de las empresas proviene de: a) su estructura societaria (mayor si son empresas capitalistas que sociedades cooperativas), b) de su tamaño (mejor desempeño a mayor tamaño, aprovechando economías de escala), y c) estructura financiera (mayor rentabilidad si en la composición de la misma priman los recursos propios y liquidez). Por el contrario, la falta de financiación permanente para hacer frente al activo fijo y una dinámica comercial más orientada hacia las ventas de vino a granel a bajo precio, reducen significativamente los ratios de rentabilidad.


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A tanulmány célja a Magyarországon működő exportáló vállalatok jellemzőinek feltárása volt a 2009-es vállalati versenyképességi felmérés alapján. Több tanulmány vizsgálta a vállalatok exportteljesítményét vállalati méret és tulajdonosi szerkezet szerinti bontásban, az elemzésben a szerző viszont ettől eltérő szemléletmódot alkalmazott. A vállalatok exportteljesítménye áll (exportértékesítés volumene, aránya, exportárbevétel változása, jövedelmezőség), a vállalati csoportképzés, klaszterelemzés középpontjában. Három jól elkülöníthető klasztert sikerült azonosítani: a jelentős exporthányaddal és folyamatos növekedéssel jellemezhető sikeres exportáló vállalatok csoportját, a stagnálással, s gyakran csökkenő exportértékesítéssel jellemezhető vállalatcsoportot, s végül a harmadik klasztert azok a jelenleg még alacsony export-ár bevétellel és alacsony exportaránnyal jellemezhető vállalatok képezték, melyekre a növekedés és a kiugróan magas jövedelmezőség volt a jellemző. Az elemzés egyediségét az adja, hogy a vállalati versenyképességi felmérés adatbázisa lehetővé tette a különböző exportteljesítmények hátterében álló működési jellemzők vizsgálatát, amelynek eredményeit a cikk bemutatja. Fő következtetésként megállapítható, hogy a sikeres exportáló vállalatok csoportja mindegyik jellemző szerint jobb működési jellemzőkkel rendelkezik a másik két csoporthoz viszonyítva. / === / The purpose of the paper is to reveal the main characteristics of the Hungarian export oriented firms. It is based on the Hungarian Competitiveness Research Survey 2009. 85% of enterprises were small or medium size in the sample. The aim of the analysis was to identify main factors and tendencies of the overall export performance. Several papers discussed the export activities of firms according to their size and ownership structure in Hungary. A different method was used here. The overall export performance (measured by volume, change, and share of export revenues, and firm profitability ratios) was put in the centre of cluster analysis. Three different clusters were identified. Firms in the firstcluster had significant export performance and growth rate. The second cluster was the group of stagnating firms and the third one contained those whose export performance was low but signaled growth with excellent profitability ratios. The uniqueness of the paper derived from the Competitiveness Research Survey because it provided an opportunity to analyse the connection between export performance and other management and operational characteristics of enterprises. The paper may induce futher research in exploring main enterprise level factors of export performance of the Hungarian firms.


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Kimutatható-e az e-kereskedelem hatása a vállalati teljesítményre a recesszióval küzdő magyar kiskereskedelmi piacon? A hagyományos bolti értékesítés vagy on-line kereskedelem vezet hazánkban jobb pénzügyi teljesítményhez? Ezekre a kérdésekre a magyar IKT (infokommunikációs technológiai) kiskereskedők 187 elemű mintáján igyekeznek a szerzők választ keresni, az adatgyűjtést újszerű módon részben automatizált webpókokra bízva, következtetéseiket pedig elsősorban klaszterelemzési technikákra építve. Megállapítják, hogy bár a legjobb bolti kereskedők többnyire valamivel nagyobb és stabilabb profitrátákkal jellemezhetők a válság éveiben is, a piac megtartása és növelése terén már egyértelműen az e-kereskedők jeleskedtek. Eredményeik szerint az e-kereskedelem hozzásegítheti a kiskereskedőket a munkaerő-hatékonyság növeléséhez is, ám ha gyors rendelkezésre állással vagy alacsony árakkal csábítják vevőiket, akkor a profittöbblet egy részét felőrölheti a magasabb készlettartási igény vagy az árverseny. _____ The study examines whether e-commerce has a significant impact on corporate performance on the Hungarian retail market struggling with the effects of economic downturn. Is it brick-and-mortal retail or e-commerce that leads to a better financial performance? Using the innovative data gathering tools of automotive web crawlers the authors seek answers to these questions on a sample of 187 Hungarian ICT retailers. Based on cluster analysis they conclude that while the best traditional retailers have somewhat higher and more stable profitability ratios even during the years of recession, e-tailers are more successful in retaining and increasing their market share. E-commerce is also associated with higher human resource productivity, but the possible profit surplus originating from this advantage could be jeopardized in the long run as new electronic traders typically attract their customers by shorter service time or lower prices.


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Increasing use of the term, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), reflects the recognition of the interdependencies between corporate strategy, organization and human resource management in the functioning of the firm. Dyer and Holder (1988) proposed a comprehensive Human Resource Strategic Typology consisting of three strategic types--inducement, investment and involvement. This research attempted to empirically validate their typology and also test the performance implications of the match between corporate strategy and HR strategy. Hypotheses were tested to determine the relationships between internal consistency in HRM sub-systems, match between corporate strategy and HR strategy, and firm performance. Data were collected by a mail survey of 998 senior HR executives of whom 263 returned the completed questionnaire. Financial information on 909 firms was collected from secondary sources like 10-K reports and CD-Disclosure. Profitability ratios were indexed to industry averages. Confirmatory Factor Analysis using LISREL provided support in favor of the six-factor HR measurement model; the six factors were staffing, training, compensation, appraisal, job design and corporate involvement. Support was also found for the presence of a second-order factor labeled "HR Strategic Orientation" explaining the variations among the six factors. LISREL analysis also supported the congruence hypothesis that HR Strategic Orientation significantly affects firm performance. There was a significant associative relationship between HR Strategy and Corporate Strategy. However, the contingency effects of the match between HR and Corporate strategies were not supported. Several tests were conducted to show that the survey results are not affected by non-response bias nor by mono-method bias. Implications of these findings for both researchers and practitioners are discussed. ^


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This article reveals the median financial results for the club industry for 2011 using 24 financial ratios. The results are based on the submission of balance sheet and selected income statement numbers from 80 clubs. The ratios are reported as median results for the entire sample as well as the median results for the top and low performing clubs delineated by return on assets. The biggest differences between the two extreme groups of clubs are (1) average collection period, (2) operating cash flows to current liabilities and long-term debt, (3) fines interest earned, (4) fixed charge coverage ratio, (5) food and beverage inventory turnovers, (6) profit margin, (7) return on assets, (8) operating efficiency ratio, (9) labor cost percentage.


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En Portugal, como en otros países, las cooperativas agrícolas tienen un papel económico importante en el sistema alimentario. Similar a otras organizaciones económicas, las cooperativas agrícolas han sido testigos de cambios estructurales en las últimas décadas en términos de modelos de gobernación y gestión. Las cooperativas agrícolas portuguesas se han visto constreñidas por su contexto a adoptar un modelo tradicional de propiedad y control. El objetivo principal de este estudio era analizar cuestiones relacionadas con la estructura de gestión y desempeño financiero de las cooperativas, basada en los datos recogidos de cooperativas de aceite de oliva situadas en la región interior norte de Portugal. La combinación de un análisis cualitativo de la estructura y toma de decisiones, una evaluación financiera y la aplicación de un enfoque en varios criterios (PROMETHEE II), los resultados están en línea con expectativas (por ejemplo, bajos niveles de participación de los miembros, gestión no profesional, ratios de rentabilidad bajos, bajo apalancamiento y una capacidad para cumplir compromisos financieros), excepto la relación entre la gestión profesional y el desempeño financiero. La existencia de gestión profesional no conduce a mejores resultados financieros. Este resultado refuerza la creencia de que las cooperativas que están estructuradas de diferente manera tienen intereses diferentes y contradictorios a las partes interesadas.


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Traders in the financial world are assessed by the amount of money they make and, increasingly, by the amount of money they make per unit of risk taken, a measure known as the Sharpe Ratio. Little is known about the average Sharpe Ratio among traders, but the Efficient Market Hypothesis suggests that traders, like asset managers, should not outperform the broad market. Here we report the findings of a study conducted in the City of London which shows that a population of experienced traders attain Sharpe Ratios significantly higher than the broad market. To explain this anomaly we examine a surrogate marker of prenatal androgen exposure, the second-to-fourth finger length ratio (2D:4D), which has previously been identified as predicting a trader's long term profitability. We find that it predicts the amount of risk taken by traders but not their Sharpe Ratios. We do, however, find that the traders' Sharpe Ratios increase markedly with the number of years they have traded, a result suggesting that learning plays a role in increasing the returns of traders. Our findings present anomalous data for the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.


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Historically ratios have been used to assess the financial standing of profit organisations. It would be expected the role which such ratios play in analysing nonprofit organisations would be considerably different due to the lack of profit motive. Many traditional ratios are based on profitability as a benchmark. The nonprofit sector plays an important role in society yet to date there has been no research carried out on financial statement analysis for nonprofit organisations in Australia. This paper examines ratios of a group of nonprofit organisations and assesses the applicability of the traditional profit-based ratios to nonprofit organisations. Financial statements of a sample of charities registered in Queensland are analysed. The traditional profitability, liquidity and financial stability ratios are analysed and calculated wherever practicable and compared to the typical benchmarks used in profit analysis.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This empirical study aims to explore the impact of increased capital ratio requirements, on the ROE of the Portuguese banking sector. The paper employs both a quantitative- and qualitative approach, with the qualitative approach as the main method of research. The method adopted to conduct the qualitative research was semi structured elite interviews with banking executives. Higher capital requirements decrease the ROE of banks in Portugal, but huge impairments charges, macroeconomic factors and increased costs of deposits are clearly the dominant reasons for the reduced levels of ROE the past years. Among the measures taken to increase capital ratios, reduction of RWAs and non-core assets have been the main focus, but the issuance of CoCos is regarded as the most expensive measure due to high interest payments. However, the CoCos will not have any effect on the ROE in the long term. It is difficult to draw any conclusions on the impact of more equity in the balance sheet on the ROE of Portuguese banks, as many banks currently don’t generate enough money to pay back on shareholders´ investments.