671 resultados para poliuretano, espanso, crosslinking


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La produzione di sedili auto rappresenta una delle principali applicazioni delle schiume poliuretaniche flessibili a bassa densità. La forte necessità di riduzione del peso totale del veicolo si traduce in una richiesta di significative riduzioni di densità dei materiali utilizzati per l’interno vettura. Tale riduzione deve tuttavia essere associata a migliorate proprietà, nel senso del mantenimento delle performance nel tempo, della sicurezza e del comfort. Ricerche di mercato hanno evidenziato la necessità di sviluppare schiume poliuretaniche con elevate performance in termini di comfort, associate a significative riduzioni di densità e significative riduzioni di spessori applicati, nell’ottica di produrre sedili sempre più sottili consentendo la massima flessibilità di design dell’interno del veicolo. Scopo del presente progetto è lo sviluppo di una nuova chimica associata a quella del poliuretano che permetta di ottenere un elevato comfort. Il corpo umano e maggiormente sensibile a vibrazioni con frequenza tra i 4 e gli 8 Hz. In questo intervallo di frequenze le vibrazioni trasmesse sono correlate con l’isteresi del materiale stesso. Solitamente basse isteresi sono associate a bassa trasmissività delle vibrazioni. I produttori di auto hanno quindi cominciato a valutare il comfort di un sedile in termini di isteresi del materiale stesso. Nel caso specifico è considerato un sedile confortevole se possiede una isteresi inferiore al 18%. Le performance in termini di comfort devono essere associate anche ad una bassa emissione di composti organici volatili, con particolare attenzione ad ammine e aldeidi, ad un 15% di riduzione di densità (l’obiettivo è raggiungere una densità di 60 g/L a fronte di una densità attuale che si colloca nel range 75-80 g/L), con proprietà fisico meccaniche e resistenza all’invecchiamento in grado di soddisfare i capitolati delle case automobilistiche. Recentemente la produzione di SMPs (silane-modified polymers) ricopre un ruolo fondamentale nel mercato dei sigillanti e degli adesivi. L’idea di utilizzare questa famiglia di silani nella produzione di schiume poliuretaniche flessibili risiede nel fatto che, esattamente come in sigillanti e adesivi, ci possa essere una reazione successiva a quella di formazione del PU che possa dare ulteriore reticolazione della frazione morbida. La reazione di post-curing del silano ha incontrato diverse problematiche relative alla scarsa reattività del silano stesso. Per attivare la reazione di idrolisi e oligomerizzazione si è utilizzato un acido di Brønsted (DBSA) ma l’interazione con le ammine presenti nel poliolo formulato, necessarie alla reazione di formazione del legame uretanico, ne hanno inibito l’attività.


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In the fabrication of osteochondral tissue engineering scaffolds, the two distinct tissues impose different requirements on the architecture. Stereo-lithography is a rapid prototyping method that can be utilised to make 3D constructs with high spatial control by radical photopolymerization. In this study, biodegradable resins are developed that can be applied in stereo-lithography. Photo-crosslinked poly(lactide) networks with varying physical properties were synthesised, and by photo polymerizing in the presence of leachable particles porous scaffolds could be prepared as well.


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The growth of suitable tissue to replace natural blood vessels requires a degradable scaffold material that is processable into porous structures with appropriate mechanical and cell growth properties. This study investigates the fabrication of degradable, crosslinkable prepolymers of l-lactide-co-trimethylene carbonate into porous scaffolds by electrospinning. After crosslinking by γ-radiation, dimensionally stable scaffolds were obtained with up to 56% trimethylene carbonate incorporation. The fibrous mats showed Young’s moduli closely matching human arteries (0.4–0.8 MPa). Repeated cyclic extension yielded negligible change in mechanical properties, demonstrating the potential for use under dynamic physiological conditions. The scaffolds remained elastic and resilient at 30% strain after 84 days of degradation in phosphate buffer, while the modulus and ultimate stress and strain progressively decreased. The electrospun mats are mechanically superior to solid films of the same materials. In vitro, human mesenchymal stem cells adhered to and readily proliferated on the three-dimensional fiber network, demonstrating that these polymers may find use in growing artificial blood vessels in vivo.


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Collagen crosslinking (CXL) has shown promising results in the prevention of the progression of keratoconus and corneal ectasia. However, techniques for in vivo and in situ assessment of the treatment are limited. In this study, ex vivo porcine eyes were treated with a chemical CXL agent (glutaraldehyde), during which polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) recordings were acquired simultaneously to assess the sensitivity of the technique to assess changes in the cornea. The results obtained in this study suggest that PS-OCT may be a suitable technique to measure CXL changes in situ and to assess the local changes in the treated region of the cornea.


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The common goal of tissue engineering is to develop substitutes that can closely mimic the structure of extracellular matrix (ECM). However, similarly important is the intensive material properties which have often been overlooked, in particular, for soft tissues that are not to bear load assumingly. The mechanostructural properties determine not only the structural stability of biomaterials but also their physiological functionality by directing cellular activity and regulating cell fate decision. The aim here is to emphasize that cells could sense intensive material properties like elasticity and reside, proliferate, migrate and differentiate accordinglyno matter if the construct is from a natural source like cartilage, skin etc. or of synthetic one. Meanwhile, the very objective of this work is to provide a tunable scheme for manipulating the elasticity of collagen-based constructs to be used to demonstrate how to engineer cell behavior and regulate mechanotransduction. Articular cartilage was chosen as it represents one of the most complex hierarchical arrangements of collagen meshwork in both connective tissues and ECM-like biomaterials. Corona discharge treatment was used to produce constructs with varying density of crosslinked collagen and stiffness accordingly. The results demonstrated that elastic modulus increased up to 33% for samples treated up to one minute as crosslink density was found to increase with exposure time. According to the thermal analysis, longer exposure to corona increased crosslink density as the denaturation enthalpy increased. However the spectroscopy results suggested that despite the stabilization of the collagen structure the integrity of the triple helical structure remained intact. The in vitro superficial culture of heterologous chondrocytes also determined that the corona treatment can modulate migration with increased focal adhesion of cells due to enhanced stiffness, without cytotoxicity effects, and providing the basis for reinforcing three-dimensional collagen-based biomaterials in order to direct cell function and mediate mechanotransduction.


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EcoP1 modification methylase was radioactively labeled when incubated with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine in the presence of ultraviolet light. Crosslinking of the enzyme as detected by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel followed by fluorography and autoradiography, was shown to be specific by a number of criteria. More importantly, EcoP1 modification methylase was also radioactively labeled with S-adenosyl-L-[carboxyl-14C]methionine demonstrating that labeling involved binding of the entire AdoMet molecule rather than methylation of the protein. Further, c2 EcoP1 mutant DNA modification methylases which show negligible or very little methylation activity, correspondingly formed a weak or no adduct upon crosslinking. These results suggest that photolabeling of EcoP1 DNA modification methylase occurs at the AdoMet binding site.


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A novel vinyl ether, 2,2-dimethyl-4-vinyioxymethyl-1,3-dioxol (DMVMD), that has a dimethyl ketal protected vicinal diol functionality was synthesizied from readily available starting materials, such as glycerol, acetone and acetylene. Copolymerisation of DMVMD with maleic anhydride (MAH) in various molar ratios was carried out using a free radical initiator. The composition of the copolymer was established by conductometric titration, and was found to be 1:1 irrespective of the monomer feed composition thus establishing its alternating nature. The copolymer formed clear free standing films upon solvent casting which became insoluble upon prolonged exposure to ambeint atmosphere. The insolubility is ascribed to moisture induced crosslinking. A plausible mechanism for the crosslinking involves the hydrolysis of some of the anhydride groups, followed by acid catalysed deketalization, and then by the reaction of the alcoholic groups, thus generated, with the residual anhydride to give ester crosslinks. This hypothesis was confirmed both by model reactions and insitu FT-IR studies.


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The goal of this study is to investigate the applicability of different constitutive models for silicone networks using comprehensive multiaxial experimental tests, including non-equibiaxial mechanical tests which introduce differential constraints on the networks in the two orthogonal directions, on samples prepared using various crosslinking densities. Uniaxial stress-strain experiments show that a decrease in crosslinker amounts used in the preparation of silicone networks lead to more compliant material response as compared to that obtained using higher amounts of crosslinker. Biaxial data were used to obtain fits to the neo- Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, Arruda-Boyce and the Edward-Vilgis slip-link constitutive models. Our results show that the slip-link model, based on separation of the individual contributions of chemical crosslinks and physical entanglements, is better at describing the stress-strain response of highly crosslinked networks at low stretches as compared to other constitutive models. Modulus obtained using the slip-link model for highly crosslinked networks agrees with experimentally determined values obtained using uniaxial tension experiments. In contrast, moduli obtained using coefficients to the other constitutive models underpredict experimentally determined moduli by over 40 %. However, the slip-link model did not predict the experimentally observed stiffening response at higher stretches which was better captured using the Arruda-Boyce model.


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Pt(cur)(NH3)(2)](NO3) (1), a curcumin-bound cis-diammineplatinum(II) complex, nicknamed Platicur, as a novel photoactivated chemotherapeutic agent releases photoactive curcumin and an active platinum(II) species upon irradiation with visible light. The hydrolytic instability of free curcumin reduces upon binding to platinum(II). Interactions of 1 with 5'-GMP and ct-DNA indicated formation of platinum-bound DNA adducts upon exposure to visible light (lambda = 400-700 nm). It showed apoptotic photocytotoxicity in cancer cells (IC50 approximate to 15 mu M), thus forming (OH)-O-center dot, while remaining passive in the darkness (IC50 > 200 mu M). A comet assay and platinum estimation suggest Pt-DNA crosslink formation. The fluorescence microscopic images showed cytosolic localization of curcumin, thus implying possibility of dual action as a chemo-and phototherapeutic agent.


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A área de pesquisa de materiais nanoestruturados tem recebido destacada atenção nos últimos anos por parte da comunidade científica, ressaltando-se os nanocompósitos à base de polímero e argila. Nesta Dissertação foram sintetizados nanocompósitos à base de poliuretano (NWPUs) com argilas do tipo montmorilonita (MMT), hidrofóbicas (organofílicas) e hidrofílica. Os monômeros empregados na síntese foram poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG); polibutadieno líquido hidroxilado (HTPB); ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e hidrazina (HYD), como extensor de cadeia. Nas formulações, foram variadas as proporções de HTPB e o teor das argilas. As argilas organofílica Cloisite 30B e hidrofílica Cloisite Na+ foram incorporadas em 1, 3 e 5 %, enquanto que a organofílica Cloisite 15A foi incorporada no teor de 1%. As dispersões foram caracterizadas quanto ao teor de sólidos totais, tamanho médio de partículas e viscosidade. Os filmes vazados a partir das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios-x (XDR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM). A resistência térmica e a transição vítrea dos materiais foram determinadas por termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), respectivamente. O teor de absorção de água e o comportamento mecânico dos filmes foram avaliados. Foi verificada, por XRD, a ausência do pico de cristalinidade, característico das argilas puras e não-deslaminadas. As micrografias obtidas por SEM confirmam uma dispersão homogênea das argilas na matriz poliuretânica. Os filmes à base de nanocompósitos (NWPUs) apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores às apresentadas por aqueles obtidos a partir das dispersões sem a presença de argila (WPUs). A adesão dos revestimentos formados, pela aplicação das dispersões em diversos substratos, também foi verificada visualmente. Os resultados das análises mostraram que houve a formação de nanocompósitos à base de água, formados tanto a partir da argila hidrofílica quanto das organofílicas


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En el presente proyecto se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de la glicólisis catalítica del PU para la despolimerización. Esta reacción se realiza entre dos reactivos: uno en fase sólida (PU) y otro en fase líquida (dietilenglicol, DEG). El producto de reacción de interés es el poliol de partida. En primer lugar se han estudiado las condiciones óptimas de reacción con el catalizador mayoritariamente utilizado para la glicólisis (dietilenamina) en un reactor discontinuo de tipo tanque agitado. Debido al problema ambiental asociado al catalizador se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de diferentes catalizadores medioambientalmente más amigables.Por último, Se ha caracterizado el producto de reacción por cromatografía de permeación de gel (GPC), espectrometría infrarroja (FTIR) y se ha determinado el contenido de agua, la viscosidad y la densidad. Así mismo se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo de re-espumación de PU empleando el poliol recuperado.


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A biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymer, PEG-b-P(LA-co-MAC), was used to prepare spherical micelles consisting of a hydrophobic P(LA-co-MAC) core and a hydrophilic PEG shell. To improve their stability, the micelles were crosslinked by radical polymerization of the double bonds in the hydrophobic blocks. The crosslinked micelles had similar sizes and a narrow size distribution compared to their uncrosslinked precursor. The improved stability of the crosslinked micelles was confirmed by measurements of the CMC and a thermodynamic investigation. These micelles can internalize into Hela cells in vitro as demonstrated by inverted fluorescence microscopy and CLSM. These stabilized nanoscale micelles have potential use in biomedical applications such as drug delivery and disease diagnosis.