989 resultados para phytic phosphorus
The increasing consumption of soybeans due to its bioactive compounds has attracted interest in describing the grain's constituents and variation during processing. Phytate has been the aim of much research since it chelates essential minerals but also has beneficial antioxidant effects. This study evaluated the variation of phytate, calcium, zinc, and iron during soaking and cooking of soybeans. The phytate: Zn and phytate: Fe molar ratios were determined in order to estimate the bioavailability of these minerals. Six food-type varieties were used: BR 36, BRS 213, BRS 216, BRS 232, BRS 155, and Embrapa 48. The samples were soaked in water 3:1 (w/w) for 12 hours at room temperature and cooked. Cooking time was determined by modeling the softening of each variety using fractional conversion. Water content, phytate, and minerals were determined in raw, soaked and cooked samples. The water content of raw grains for all varieties was 9.9 g.100 g-1 increasing to a range of 58.1-63.7 g.100 g-1 after soaking and 63.1-66.0 g.100 g-1 after cooking. Soaking caused a significant reduction in phytate (23-30%), but cooking caused no additional reduction. The phytate: Zn molar ratio was 20 indicating that zinc absorption could be impaired, while the phytate: Fe molar ratio was 8, below the level of compromising absorption
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da meta-análise, o efeito da fitase e da xilanase sobre a digestibilidade ileal aparente (DIa) de aminoácidos, cálcio e fósforo, em suínos em fase de crescimento. A base de dados consistiu de 21 artigos publicados entre 1998 e 2009, no total de 82 tratamentos e 644 suínos. A meta-análise foi realizada por análise gráfica, de correlação, de variância-covariância. As concentrações de fósforo fítico e as frações fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina em detergente ácido, nas dietas, apresentaram correlações baixas e negativas com a DIa do cálcio, fósforo e aminoácidos. A adição de fitase às dietas aumentou em 2% a DIa da arginina, em 14% a do cálcio e em 34% a do fósforo. A DIa da arginina, fenilalanina, isoleucina e lisina foi 3,3% superior em suínos alimentados com dietas com xilanase, em relação às dietas sem a enzima. O fósforo fítico e as fibras, nas dietas, reduzem a DIa do cálcio, do fósforo e dos aminoácidos essenciais. O uso de fitase e xilanase, nas dietas, melhora o aproveitamento de cálcio, fósforo e alguns aminoácidos. No entanto, o excesso de cálcio e fósforo nas dietas reduz a ação da fitase sobre a digestibilidade ileal dos nutrientes.
This work was designed to evaluate the effect of storage forms and conditions upon the enzyme activity of phytase and bioavaibility of calcium and phosphorus in broiler diets. The work was accomplished in two steps. The first step, made in the laboratory measured the activity of the phytase enzyme along the storage period. In this step, two experiments were performed: Experiment 1, constituted of 5 treatments (pure phytase stored at 0 °C, 4 °C and environmental temperature and mixed to vitamin and mineral supplement, stored at environmental temperature) in CRD and split plot scheme. The activities were evaluated every 14 days for 112 days of storage, being verified that the phytase storage in the pure form at 0o C was superior to the other treatments. Experiment 2, made up of 4 treatments (phytase mixed to the ration directly, directly and afterwards pelleted, via mineral supplement and via vitamin supplement),all the treatments being stored at environmental temperature, in CRD and split plot scheme. The activities were evaluated every 7 days for 56 days' storage, being verified that the storage of the phytase mixed to the ration via vitamin supplement and directly with the ration pelleted later, provoked a fall in phytase activity when compared with the other treatments. In the second step, the effect of phytase on the bioavaibility of calcium and phytic phosphorus was evaluated, 2 experiments being accomplished (3 and 4); in both experiments were utilized 576 broiler line chicks, housed in an array of heated batteries, receiving practical diets on the basis of corn and soybean meal (basal) for 21days. At the end of 27 days of age,96 birds were slaughtered for evaluation of the mineral contents (Ca and P) in the tíbias and plasma phosphorus. The excretae were collected from 22 to 27 days of age of the birds. Experiment 3: A CRD with the treatments in 2 x 3 x 2 +4 factorial arrangement was utilized, namely, two levels of total phosphorus (0.35 and 0.45% of total phosphorus), three leveis of phytase (500, 750 and 1,000 FTU) and four additional treatments with levels of 0.35 and 0.45 % of available phosphorus for each sex, with three replicates per treatment. There was significant interaction among levels of phosphorus and phytase (P< 0.05) for weight gain, ration consumption and feed conversion. Phytase did not indicate significant differences when the level 0.45% was utilized, nevertheless, at the level 0.35% as phytase was supplemented, weight gain, ration consumption and feed conversion were improved, chiefly with 1,000 FTU/Kg, in both sexes. The males presented greater weight gain. The ration consumption and feed conversion were equal to those of females. The contrast 0.45% did not affect the performance of males and females, the same not occurring with the level 0.35%,at which the available phosphorus was superior in both the sexes. The highest contents of ashes, phosphorus and calcium in the tíbias and plasma phosphorus were obtained with the levels of 750 and 1,000 FTU/Kg of phytase and 0.45% of total phosphorus. The males presented higher contents of ashes in the tibias. The level 0.45% of available phosphorus presented the greatest contents of ashes, calcium and phosphorus in the tibias, and phosphorus in the plasma. The lowest excretions of phosphorus occurred at the levels 0.35% of total phosphorus and 1,000FTU/kg of phytase. The lowest contents of ashes and calcium in the excretae were obtained with 0.35% and 1,000FTU/Kg of phytase. The females excreted smallest amounts of ashes, calcium and phosphorus than the males. Experiment 4: a CRD with the treatments in 3 x 4 x 2 factorial arrangement, namely, three levels of phytase (0, 500 and 1,000 FTU), four levels of calcium (0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0%) with four replicates per treatment. The performance was not affected by the treatments utilized, the males being superior to the females in weight gain, feed consumption and conversion. The contents of ashes in the tibias were not affected by the levels of phytase but as calcium levels raised, the ash contents increased. The contents of calcium and phosphorus in the tibias increased with the supplementation of 500 and 1,000 FTU/kg of phytase and with calcium levels. The utilization of phytase did not decrease the excretion of ashes, calcium and phosphorus.
The effects of microbial phytase supplementation of phosphorus-adequate, wheat-based diets with available lysine : energy density ratios ranging from 0.75 to 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE on growth performance of weaner pigs were investigated in 3 studies. In the first study, increasing levels of dietary phytate depressed growth rates (P<0.08) and efficiency of feed conversion (P<0.01) and phytase supplementation enhanced growth rates (P<0.05) and tended to improve feed efficiency (P<0.15). There were no significant interactions between dietary phytate and phytase inclusion to support the hypothesis that dietary substrate levels of phytate govern responses to phytase. However, in this and other studies, percentage increases in efficiency of feed conversion generated by phytase were positively correlated to dietary phytate concentrations to a significant extent (P<0.005), so it is possible that dietary substrate levels are of importance to the magnitude of responses following phytase supplementation. Diets with 3 levels of protein, expressed as 0.80, 0.85, and 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE, were offered to pigs without and with phytase in the second study. Protein/amino acid levels or lysine : energy density ratios did not influence growth performance, which was not expected. However, phytase tended to increase growth rates (P<0.08) and improved feed efficiency (P<0.01). Although it is believed that phytase may have a positive influence on protein utilisation, this was not demonstrated in this experiment. In the third study, the simultaneous inclusion of phytase and xylanase feed enzymes in wheat-based weaner diets did not increase growth performance responses in comparison with phytase alone. Individually, phytase improved feed efficiency (P<0.05) and numerically increased growth rates (P<0.25). Although responses in growth performance of weaner pigs following phytase supplementation lacked consistency, they were generally positive and indicative of anti-nutritive properties of phytate that are unrelated to P availability. That these positive responses were observed in diets with suboptimal available lysine : energy density ratios is consistent with the possibility that phytate has a negative influence on protein utilisation, which is ameliorated by phytase. However, these antinutritive effects and their underlying mechanisms need to be better defined if full advantage of the potential protein-sparing effects of microbial phytase is to be taken.
A total of 160 samples of 20 Australian-sourced feed ingredients of plant origin for pigs and poultry was analysed for total phosphorus and phytate-phosphorus contents and endogenous phytase activity. The majority of total P was present as phytate-phosphorus, and these concentrations were significantly correlated in 9 feed ingredients. The endogenous phytase activity in tested feed ingredients was negligible other than for wheat, its by-products and barley. Phytate-phosphorus was determined by a standard 'ferric chloride precipitation' method, which was satisfactory for individual feed ingredients, with the exception of lupins and faba beans. It appears that phytate is more difficult to extract from these two feedstuffs, possibly because of the affinity of phytate for protein. Ferric chloride precipitation methods are not suitable for phytate-phosphorus determinations of complete feed samples containing other sources of phosphorus, which is a distinct limitation. A lesser limitation is that these methods cannot distinguish between the various esters of myo-inositol phosphate present. Given the variation of phytate contents within ingredients, particularly wheat, the desirability of determining dietary substrate levels is emphasised to take full advantage of including exogenous phytases in pig and poultry diets to reduce phosphorus excretion and abate phosphorus pollution.
In old, phosphorus (P)-impoverished habitats, root specializations such as cluster roots efficiently mobilize and acquire P by releasing large amounts of carboxylates in the rhizosphere. These specialized roots are rarely mycorrhizal. We investigated whether Discocactus placentiformis (Cactaceae), a common species in nutrient-poor campos rupestres over white sands, operates in the same way as other root specializations. Discocactus placentiformis showed no mycorrhizal colonization, but exhibited a sand-binding root specialization with rhizosheath formation. We first provide circumstantial evidence for carboxylate exudation in field material, based on its very high shoot manganese (Mn) concentrations, and then firm evidence, based on exudate analysis. We identified predominantly oxalic acid, but also malic, citric, lactic, succinic, fumaric, and malonic acids. When grown in nutrient solution with P concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 μM, we observed an increase in total carboxylate exudation with decreasing P supply, showing that P deficiency stimulated carboxylate release. Additionally, we tested P solubilization by citric, malic and oxalic acids, and found that they solubilized P from the strongly P-sorbing soil in its native habitat, when the acids were added in combination and in relatively low concentrations. We conclude that the sand-binding root specialization in this nonmycorrhizal cactus functions similar to that of cluster roots, which efficiently enhance P acquisition in other habitats with very low P availability.
Plants that deploy a phosphorus (P)-mobilising strategy based on the release of carboxylates tend to have high leaf manganese concentrations ([Mn]). This occurs because the carboxylates mobilise not only soil inorganic and organic P, but also a range of micronutrients, including Mn. Concentrations of most other micronutrients increase to a small extent, but Mn accumulates to significant levels, even when plants grow in soil with low concentrations of exchangeable Mn availability. Here, we propose that leaf [Mn] can be used to select for genotypes that are more efficient at acquiring P when soil P availability is low. Likewise, leaf [Mn] can be used to screen for belowground functional traits related to nutrient-acquisition strategies among species in low-P habitats.
Kinetics modelling was used to study the effects of different dietary phosphorus (P) levels on P metabolism in young sheep. An experiment was conducted with 12 Santa Ines lambs receiving a basal diet of a hay-concentrate mixture. Different amounts of dicalcium phosphate were added to the basal diet, to give the following treatments levels of 0, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 g/animal/day. The isotopic dilution technique (32 p) was used for analyze four compartments: gastrointestinal tract, plasma, bone and soft tissues (liver, heart, kidney and muscle), as well as nutrient flows between them. All P flows showed a positive linear or exponential relationship with P intake. Both incorporation and reabsorption in bone and soft tissue increased with increasing P levels in the diet, with positive retention above 3 g/day. On the 4.5g P/day treatment, reduced P absorption and increased P in the faeces from dietary origin was noted. Three g/day of P treatment was sufficient to meet soft tissue requirements for young sheep. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Seed phytate and protein content in beans depending on the application of basalt powder. The content of phytate in the grains is correlated with the supply of phosphorus to the plant, but there is a lack of knowledge as to possible effect of slower availability of nutrients in the soil. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of rock powder, alone or combined with cattle manure, on the productivity, levels of phosphorus, protein and phytate content in beans. The experiment was carried out in a randomized blocks design, with four replications. The treatments were control (limestone, granite and natural phosphate); conventional fertilization; powder basalt (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ton. ha(-1)); cattle manure, and doses of powder basalt with cattle manure. In the treatment with conventional fertilizer, the total phosphorus content in grain was higher than the control, but the application of powder of basalt did not show a difference significant. Increase in the doses of basalt powder increased the phosphorus content, but phytate content remained constant. Basalt powder proved to be an alternative to maintain low levels of phosphorus in the form of phytate in the grains.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose effect in the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutrition and production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutritional state and its components of growth in function of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose by fertilization. The experimental outlining was entirely made casually in factorial scheme 3(3) + 1, being 3 factors (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - NPK), 3 doses and in evidence (without fertilization), with 3 repetitions. The experimental milt was constituted by two tubes of 2,8 cm diameter and 12,3 cm high with a graft box (Hipobioto) of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in each tube. The doses used were constituted by doses of N (460; 920 e 18,10 mg dm(-3)), P (50; 100 e 200 mg dm(-3)) and K (395; 790 e 1580 mg dm(-3)). The fertilization with N and K was carried out by fertirrigations and the P added to the substract of Pinus rind and vermiculite before the seeding. when the plants were 133 days after the germination they were subdivided in radicular system and air part for the determinations of the dry matter mass, height, foliar area, stem diameter and contents of nutrients. The N, K and P doses of 920 mg dm(-3), 790 mg dm(-3), 100 mg dm(-3), respectively, were enough for the suitable development of the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in tubes.
Mehlich-1, resin-HCO(3), and Pi tests were used to assess available P in an acid tropical Oxisol in Brazil treated with gypsum, which has been preferred over lime to ameliorate the Al toxicity in the subsoil. The soil was incubated in the laboratory at rates up to 75 g kg(-1) of phosphogypsum (PG) containing 0.3% total P, natural gypsum, or reagent-grade gypsum, and up to 100 mg P kg(-1) as triple superphosphate (TSP) or phosphate rock (PR). In the greenhouse, two consecutive maize crops were grown on the soil treated with 50 mg P kg(-1) of TSP and PG rates up to 75 g kg(-1). The results of the incubation study showed that Mehlich-P and Pi-P increased with increasing PG rate for the treatments of TSP, PR, and control. Resin-HCO(3) underestimated available P from TSP and PR because of the reaction between resin-HCO(3) and gypsum. Mehlich-1 overestimated available P from PR compared with TSP because of an excessive dissolution of PR by the strongly acidic Mehlich-1. Pi underestimated available P from PR in the treatments of natural and reagent-grade gypsum because of Ca common-ion effect from gypsum on depressing PR dissolution. The results in terms of the effect of PG on available P are similar in both incubation and greenhouse studies. Both Mehlich-P and Pi-P correlated well with P uptake by maize, whereas resin-P did not.
There is concern that the use of lower quality phosphate rock can result in elevated amounts of Fe-Al-P water-insoluble compounds in fertilizers and, consequently, low agronomic effectiveness. Therefore, studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of some of these compounds on plant growth. Four commercial superphosphates varying in chemical composition (two single and two triple superphosphates) were selected for the study. Fertilizer impurities were collected as water-insoluble residues by washing each P source with deionized water. A modal analysis, based primarily on elemental chemical analysis and x-ray diffractometry, was used to estimate the chemical composition of each P source. Water-soluble monocalcium phosphate (MCP) and the water-leached fertilizer residues were prepared to give a range of fertilizers in terms of water-soluble phosphorus (WSP) (0-100% of the available P as MCP). The water-leached fractions, MCP, and the mixtures of MCP with water-leached fractions were applied to supply 40 mg available P kg(1) to a thermic Rhodic Kanhapludult with pH values of 5.2 +/- 0.05 (unlimed) and 6.4 +/- 0.08 (limed). Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a greenhouse for 101 d served as the test crop. The requirement for WSP was source and pH dependent. At a soil pH of 5.2, the fertilizers required 73 to 95% WSP to reach the maximum dry-matter yield, while they required 60 to 86% WSP at pH 6.4. To reach 90% of the maximum yield, all superphosphate fertilizers required <50% WSP. These results show that it is not always necessary to have high water solubility as required by legislation in many countries.
Florida Spodosols axe sandy, inherently low in Fe- and Al-based minerals, and sorb phosphorus (P) poorly. We evaluated runoff and leachate P losses from a typical Florida Spodosol amended with biosolids and triple superphosphate (TSP). Phosphorus losses were evaluated with traditional indoor rainfall simulations but used a double-deck box arrangement that allowed leaching and runoff to be determined simultaneously. Biosolids (Lakeland, OCUD, Milorganite, and Disney) represented contrasting values of total P, percent water-extractable p (PWEP), and percentage of solids. All P sources were surface applied at 224 kg P ha(-1), representing a soil P rate typical of N-based biosolids application. All biosolids-P sources lost less P than TSp, and leachate-P losses generally dominated. For Lakeland-amended I soil, bioavailable P (BAP) was mainly lost by runoff (81% of total BAP losses). This behavior was due to surface scaling and 1 drying after application of the slurry (31 g kg(-1) solids), material. For all other P sources, BAP losses in leachate were much,greater than in runoff, representing 94% of total BAP losses for TSP, 80% for Milorganite, 72% for Disney, and 69% for OCUD treatments. Phosphorus leaching can be extreme and represents a great concern in many coarse-textured Florida Spodosols, and other coastal plain soils with low P-sorption,capacities. The PWEP values of P sources were significantly correlared with total P and BAP losses in runoff and leachate. The PWEP of a source can serve as a good indicator of potential P loss when amended to sandy soils with low P-retention capacities.
Hedley er al. (1982) developed what has become the most widely used land modified), phosphorus (P) fractionation technique. It consists of sequential extraction of increasingly less phytoavailable P pools. Extracts are centrifuged at up to 25000 g (RCF) and filtered to 0.45 mu m to ensure that soil is not lost between extractions. In attempting to transfer this method to laboratories with limited facilities, it was considered that access to high-speed centrifuges, and the cost of frequent filtration may prevent adoption of this P fractionation technique. The modified method presented here was developed to simplify methodology, reduce cost, and therefore increase accessibility of P fractionation technology. It provides quantitative recovery of soil between extractions, using low speed centrifugation without filtration. This is achieved by increasing the ionic strength of dilute extracts, through the addition of NaCl, to flocculate clay particles. Addition of NaCl does not change the amount of P extracted. Flocculation with low speed centrifugation produced extracts comparable with those having undergone filtration (0.025 mu m). A malachite green colorimetric method was adopted for inorganic P determination, as this simple manual method provides high sensitivity with negligible interference from other anions. This approach can also be used for total P following digestion, alternatively non-discriminatory methods, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, may be employed.