916 resultados para photoinduced crystallization


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Despite the valuable contributions of robotics and high-throughput approaches to protein crystallization, the role of an experienced crystallographer in the evaluation and rationalization of a crystallization process is still crucial to obtaining crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction measurements. In this work, the difficult task of crystallizing the flavoenzyme l-amino-acid oxidase purified from Bothrops atrox snake venom was overcome by the development of a protocol that first required the identification of a non-amorphous precipitate as a promising crystallization condition followed by the implementation of a methodology that combined crystallization in the presence of oil and seeding techniques. Crystals were obtained and a complete data set was collected to 2.3 A resolution. The crystals belonged to space group P2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 73.64, b = 123.92, c = 105.08 A, beta = 96.03 degrees. There were four protein subunits in the asymmetric unit, which gave a Matthews coefficient V (M) of 2.12 A3 Da-1, corresponding to 42% solvent content. The structure has been solved by molecular-replacement techniques.


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Proteins containing PilZ domains are widespread in Gram-negative bacteria and have recently been shown to be involved in the control of biofilm formation, adherence, aggregation, virulence-factor production and motility. Furthermore, some PilZ domains have recently been shown to bind the second messenger bis(3'-> 5') cyclic diGMP. Here, the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of PilZ(XAC1133), a protein consisting of a single PilZ domain from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, is reported. The closest PilZ(XAC1133) homologues in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria meningitidis control type IV pilus function. Recombinant PilZ(XAC1133) containing selenomethionine was crystallized in space group P6(1). The unit-cell parameters were a = 62.125, b = 62.125, c = 83.543 angstrom. These crystals diffracted to 1.85 angstrom resolution and a MAD data set was collected at a synchrotron source. The calculated Matthews coefficient suggested the presence of two PilZ(XAC1133) molecules in the asymmetric unit.


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LipL32 is a major surface protein that is expressed during infection by pathogenic Leptospira. Here, the crystallization of recombinant LipL32(21-272), which corresponds to the mature LipL32 protein minus its N-terminal lipid-anchored cysteine residue, is described. Selenomethionine-labelled LipL32(21-272) crystals diffracted to 2.25 angstrom resolution at a synchrotron source. The space group was P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 and the unit-cell parameters were a = b = 126.7, c = 96.0 angstrom.


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Maltose-binding protein is the periplasmic component of the ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of maltose/maltodextrins. The Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri maltose-binding protein MalE has been crystallized at 293 Kusing the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystal belonged to the primitive hexagonal space group P6(1)22, with unit-cell parameters a = 123.59, b = 123.59, c = 304.20 angstrom, and contained two molecules in the asymetric unit. It diffracted to 2.24 angstrom resolution.


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Lead fluoroborate glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching technique and characterized in terms of (micro)structural and electrical properties. The study was conducted on as prepared as well as temperature- and/or electric field-treated glass samples. The results show that, in the as-prepared glassy-state materials, electrical conductivity improved with increasing the PbF(2) glass content. This result involves both an increase of the fluoride charge carrier density and, especially, a decrease of the activation energy from a glass structure expansion improving charge carrier mobility. Moreover, for the electric field-treated glass samples, surface crystallization was observed even below the glass transition temperature. As previously proposed in literature, and shown here, the occurrence of this phenomenon arose from an electrochemically induced redox reaction at the electrodes, followed by crystallite nucleation. Once nucleated, growth of beta-PbF(2) crystallites, with the indication of incorporating reduced lead ions (Pb(+)), was both (micro)structurally and electrically detectable and analyzed. The overall crystallization-associated features observed here adapt well with the floppy-rigid model that has been proposed to further complete the original continuous-random-network model by Zachariasen for closely addressing not only glasses' structure but also crystallization mechanism. Finally, the crystallization-modified kinetic picture of the glasses' electrical properties, through application of polarization/depolarization measurements originally combined with impedance spectroscopy, was extensively explored. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) form a group of multifunctional isoenzymes that catalyze the glutathione-dependent conjugation and reduction reactions involved in the cellular detoxification of xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds. GST from Xylella fastidiosa (xfGST) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified by conventional affinity chromatography. In this study, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of xfGST is described. The purified protein was crystallized by the vapour-diffusion method, producing crystals that belonged to the triclinic space group P1. The unit-cell parameters were a = 47.73, b = 87.73, c = 90.74 angstrom, alpha = 63.45, beta = 80.66, gamma = 94.55 degrees. xfGST crystals diffracted to 2.23 angstrom resolution on a rotating-anode X-ray source.


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Glossoscolex paulistus is a free-living earthworm encountered in south-east Brazil. Its oxygen transport requirements are undertaken by a giant extracellular haemoglobin, or erythrocruorin (HbGp), which has an approximate molecular mass of 3.6 MDa and, by analogy with its homologue from Lumbricus terrestris (HbLt), is believed to be composed of a total of 180 polypeptide chains. In the present work the full 3.6 MDa particle in its cyanomet state was purified and crystallized using sodium citrate or PEG8000 as precipitant. The crystals contain one-quarter of the full particle in the asymmetric unit of the I222 cell and have parameters of a = 270.8 angstrom, b = 320.3 angstrom and c = 332.4 angstrom. Diffraction data were collected to 3.15 angstrom using synchrotron radiation on beamline X29A at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and represent the highest resolution data described to date for similar erythrocruorins. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using a search model corresponding to one-twelfth of its homologue from HbLt. This revealed that HbGp belongs to the type I class of erythrocruorins and provided an interpretable initial electron density map in which many features including the haem groups and disulfide bonds could be identified.


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The filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum has a considerable cellulolytic activity that is mediated by a complex of enzymes which are essential for the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose. These enzymes were produced by the induction of T. harzianum with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) under submerged fermentation in a bioreactor. The catalytic core domain (CCD) of cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI) was purified from the extracellular extracts and submitted to robotic crystallization. Diffraction-quality CBHI CCD crystals were grown and an X-ray diffraction data set was collected under cryogenic conditions using a synchrotron-radiation source.


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The flagellated protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the aetiological agent of Chagas disease. Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs) are enzymes that are involved in energy management and nucleoside balance in the cell. T. cruzi TcNDPK1, a canonical isoform, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as an N-terminally poly-His-tagged fusion protein and crystallized. Crystals grew after 72 h in 0.2 M MgCl(2), 20% PEG 3350. Data were collected to 3.5 angstrom resolution using synchrotron X-ray radiation at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (Campinas, Brazil). The crystals belonged to the trigonal space group P3, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 127.84, c = 275.49 angstrom. Structure determination is under way and will provide relevant information that may lead to the first step in rational drug design for the treatment of Chagas disease.


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Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is involved in inflammatory responses. Human IL-22 was incubated with its soluble decoy receptor IL-22BP (IL-22 binding protein) and the IL-22 -IL-22BP complex was crystallized in hanging drops using the vapour-diffusion method. Suitable crystals were obtained from polyethylene glycol solutions and diffraction data were collected to 2.75 angstrom resolution. The crystal belonged to the tetragonal space group P41, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 67.9, c = 172.5 angstrom, and contained two IL-22-IL- 22BP complexes per asymmetric unit.


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Chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida (Pp 1,2-CCD) is considered to be an important biotechnological tool owing to its ability to process a broad spectrum of organic pollutants. In the current work, the crystallization, crystallographic characterization and phasing of the recombinant Pp 1,2-CCD enzyme are described. Reddish-brown crystals were obtained in the presence of polyethylene glycol and magnesium acetate by utilizing the vapour-diffusion technique in sitting drops. Crystal dehydration was the key step in obtaining data sets, which were collected on the D03B-MX2 beamline at the CNPEM/MCT - LNLS using a MAR CCD detector. Pp 1,2-CCD crystals belonged to space group P6(1)22 and the crystallographic structure of Pp 1,2-CCD has been solved by the MR-SAD technique using Fe atoms as scattering centres and the coordinates of 3-chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Rhodococcus opacus (PDB entry 2boy) as the search model. The initial model, which contains three molecules in the asymmetric unit, has been refined to 3.4 A resolution.


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This work reports on the crystallization of amorphous silicon (a-Si) films doped with 1 at. % of nickel. The films, with thicknesses ranging from 10 to 3000 nm, were deposited using the cosputtering method onto crystalline quartz substrates. In order to investigate the crystallization mechanism in detail, a series of undoped a-Si films prepared under the same deposition conditions were also studied. After deposition, all a-Si films were submitted to isochronal thermal annealing treatments up to 1000 degrees C and analyzed by Raman scattering spectroscopy. Based on the present experimental results, it is possible to state that (a) when compared to the undoped a-Si films, those containing 1 at. % of Ni crystallize at temperatures similar to 100 degrees C lower, and that (b) the film thickness influences the temperature of crystallization that, in principle, tends to be lower in films thinner than 1000 nm. The possible reasons associated to these experimental observations are presented and discussed in view of some experimental and thermodynamic aspects involved in the formation of ordered Si-Si bonds and in the development of Ni-silicide phases. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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BACKGROUND: This work deals with the xylitol production by biotechnological routes emphasizing the purification process using crystallization. RESULTS: Xylitol volumetric productivity of 0.665 g L(-1) h(-1) and yield of 0.7024 g g(-1) were obtained after 92 h fermentation. The fermented broth (61.3 g L(-1) xylitol) was centrifuged, treated and concentrated obtain a syrup (745.3 g L(-1) xylitol) which was crystallized twice, xylitol crystals with 98.5-99.2% purity being obtained. CONCLUSION: The hypothetical distribution obtained permits the determination of modeling parameters, which make possible the estimation of crystal dominant size from different initial experimental conditions. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry


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Nyvlt method Was used to determine the kinetic parameters of commercial xylitol in ethanol:water (50:50 %w/w) Solution by batch cooling crystallization. The kinetic exponents (n, g and in) and the system kinetic constant (B(N)) were determined. Model experiments were carried Out in order to verify the combined effects of saturation temperatures (40, 50 and 60 degrees C) and cooling rates (0.10, 0.25 and 0.50 degrees C/min) on these parameters. The fitting between experimental and Calculated crystal sizes has 11.30% mean deviation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Xylitol bioproduction from lignocellulosic residues comprises hydrolysis of the hemicellulose, detoxification of the hydrolysate, bioconversion of the xylose, and recovery of xylitol from the fermented hydrolysate. There are relatively few reports on xylitol recovery from fermented media. In the present study, ion-exchange resins were used to clarify a fermented wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate, which was then vacuum-concentrated and submitted to cooling in the presence of ethanol for xylitol crystallization. RESULTS: Sequential adsorption into two anion-exchange resins (A-860S and A-500PS) promoted considerable reductions in the content of soluble by-products (up to 97.5%) and in medium coloration (99.5%). Vacuum concentration led to a dark-colored viscous solution that inhibited xylitol crystallization. This inhibition could be overcome by mixing the concentrated medium with a commercial xylitol solution. Such a strategy led to xylitol crystals with up to 95.9% purity. The crystallization yield (43.5%) was close to that observed when using commercial xylitol solution (51.4%). CONCLUSION: The experimental data demonstrate the feasibility of using ion-exchange resins followed by cooling in the presence of ethanol as a strategy to promote the fast recovery and purification of xylitol from hemicellulose-derived fermentation media. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.