832 resultados para organizational restructuring
This paper examines a process of major organizational restructuring in an Australian hospital within a context of decentralization of health services and relocation of clients, brought about by changes in government policy. The change process differed from the abrupt downsizing often found in the private sector in that the organization initiated significant job losses concomitantly with the development of new facilities around the State, while attempting to deal with employee issues related to downsizing. The paper focuses on the process involved in the downsizing, from the perspective of both the "survivors" and "victims" of the change. It draws on interviews and focus groups with managers, union officials and employees, as well a survey of employees to assess the outcomes and effectiveness of the restructuring process. Using a stakeholder analysis framework, the paper examines the complex issues and perspectives raised by the downsizing process.
We embed a simple incomplete-contracts model of organization design in a standard two-country perfectly-competitive trade model to examine how the liberalization of product and factor markets affects the ownership structure of firms.In our model, managers decide whether or not to integrate their firms, trading off the pecuniary benefits of coordinating production decisions with the private benefits of operating in their preferred ways. The price of output is a crucial determinant of this choice, since it affects the size of the pecuniary benefits. In particular, non-integration is chosen at “low” and “high” prices, while integration occurs at moderate prices. Organizational choices also depend on the terms of trade in supplier markets, which affect the division of surplus between managers. We obtain three main results. First, even when firms do not relocate across countries, the price changes triggered by liberalization of product markets can lead to significant organizational restructuring within countries. Second, the removal of barriers to factor mobility can lead to inefficient reorganization and adversely affect consumers. Third, “deep integration” — the liberalization of both product and factor markets — leads to the convergence of organizational design across countries.
Purpose – The health and social care sector is receiving growing attention due to the increased life expectancy and to the public demand for a better quality of life and better health services. New cost-efficient approaches are required, and the paper aims to present and discuss the main results of a study undertaken in a Portuguese municipality on the perceived relevance of an e-marketplace of social and healthcare services for the inhabitants in general, and for people with special needs in particular, and the identification of the most relevant services to be offered through this platform. Design/methodology/approach – A wide survey was undertaken to identify the needs of potential users and their expectancies with relation to the proposed platform. The results of the study are a support for the project promoters to understand the viability of the solution and the requirements to the deployment of the pilot experiment, as well as to drive the selection of domains of activities/classes of services to be offered by the platform. Findings – Services such as information about healthcare services, home monitoring/accompanying services 24 hours per day, and personal hygiene services provided at home are the ones recognized by the inquired citizens as the most important, which indicates that the potential users will be mostly people with special needs or their family or caregivers. Originality/value – While still at a preliminary development phase, the project represents a good opportunity to develop a totally innovative service with high potential impact for the senior population and for individuals with special needs.
Trabalho realizado sob orientação do Prof. António Brandão Moniz para a disciplina “Factores Sociais da Inovação” do Mestrado Engenharia Informática realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu pienten tuotekehityshankkeiden tehokkuutta suuressa paperikoneita valmistavassa yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen osana on selvitetty sisäisen lanseerauksen kehitystarpeita oman myyntihenkilöstön aktivoinnissa, joka onolennainen osa uuden tuotteen onnistunutta markkinalanseerausta. Tuotekehityksen ja projektin johtamisen teoreettisen tutkimuksen esittelyn jälkeen tutkimuksessa on selvitetty liiketoimintaympäristön asettamia vaatimuksia yrityksen pienille tuotekehityshankkeille. Luodun teoreettisen viitekehikon avulla on tarkasteltu neljää tuotekehitysprojektia ja niiden onnistumiseen vaikuttaneita fundamentteja. Paras kilpailukyky case-liiketoiminnassa saavutetaan korkean teknologian tuotteilla, joiden kehittäminen yrityksen sisällä on strategisesti perusteltua. Matalan teknologian tuotteet tulisi hankkia pienemmiltä kilpailijoilta. Pienten kehitysprojektien nopeampi läpivienti tuoteyksiköissä vaatii yhtenäistä osaamista vaativien tuoteryhmien muodostamista sekä nykyistä selkeämpiä rooleja tuotteiden ja tuotekehityshenkilöstön välille. Organisaatiomuutoksesta johtuen tuoteyksiköiden tulee kehittää kontaktit Service-liiketoimintalinjan alaiseen myyntiverkostoon myynnin tukemiseksi. Sisäisen lanseerauksen laajuus tulee heijastaa uuden tuotteen monimutkaisuutta. Lisäksi tuotetietomyyntiverkostossa ei ole halutulla tasolla ja vaatii kehitystoimenpiteitä jatkossa.
In 2006 UPM was able to gain a level of social legitimacy that allowed it to carry out one of the largest industrial restructuring programmes in Finnish industrial history, shut down major operations in Finland and still appear to be functioning in the interests of the nation as well as itself. This study considers and examines various contexts of this shutdown with the aim of demonstrating how profoundly mediated such organizational events are though they appear to be produced primarily through strategic company decisions. The study aims to examine the processes of mediation at two levels. At one level, through close analysis of press releases and newspaper reports in local and national newspapers, the study presents a discursive analysis of the Voikkaa case. The discursive analysis focuses on providing historical contexts for understanding why this organizational event was also an occasion for reimagining the past and future of the Finnish nation; spatial contexts for understanding the differing struggles over the meaning of the event nationally and regionally; and the temporal dynamics of the media reports. At another level, the study considers and refines methods for reading and analyzing mediation in organization studies. Bringing together recent research of media text–based legitimation studies, emerging research on organizational memory and organizational death and a Foucaultian analytics of power, this work suggests that organizational research needs to be less concerned with particular typologies and narratives of shutdowns, and more curious about the processes of mediation through which organizational events are imagined and remembered.
A través de un caso de estudio se explora cómo la construcción de sentido de un grupo de directivos, bajo una misma inspiración, generó el inicio de un cambio estratégico en una prestigiosa y reconocida universidad colombiana, la Universidad del Rosario. Una institución que en un momento determinado notó que estaba siendo percibida dentro del sector de la educación superior como pequeña, estática en el avance de algunas disciplinas del conocimiento y conservadora; en otras palabras, que estaba perdiendo el reconocimiento que usualmente la había acompañado. A través del estudio de este caso se utilizó la técnica de análisis de discurso para comprender la construcción de sentido del inicio de un cambio estratégico en las organizaciones. Esta técnica permitió analizar la información cualitativa derivada de las entrevistas que se realizaron en profundidad a la cúpula de directivos de la institución y a algunos destacados representantes del sector de la Educación Superior en Colombia. Los resultados sugieren que se hicieron presentes, efectivamente, algunas condiciones específicas que marcaron el inicio de un cambio estratégico en la institución y un viraje en su identidad e imagen. Hechos que se sustentaron en los miembros de un equipo que procuró interpretar y comprender los cambios existentes en el entorno global y local, y asimilar, igualmente, algunos destacados retos que se planteaban por aquella época, al interior de la propia Universidad
Esta dissertação examina algumas implicações do processo de implementação de estratégias para a performance corporativa. Este relacionamento é examinado na Área de negócios Abastecimento, da empresa Petróleo Brasileiro S.A, durante o período de 1996 e 2003. A despeito da profusão de estudos sobre estratégia empresarial, ainda há escassez de trabalhos que examinem o processo de implementação de mudanças organizacionais e suas implicações para o aprimoramento de certos indicadores de performance corporativa. Adicionalmente, tendem a prevalecer na literatura gerencial, abordagens pontuais de caráter imediatista e prescritivo, que não captam o processo de mudança organizacional e suas implicações para performance ao longo do tempo. o exame da implementação de estratégias é realizado com base em seis variáveis organizacionais extraídas da literatura existente: "comportamento da liderança"; "interação e influência"; "inovação e aprendizado"; "gestão de pessoas"; "comunicação e fluxos de conhecimento" e "estrutura organizacional". As implicações das mudanças na base organizacional para performance corporativa são examinadas a partir de dezenove indicadores, agrupados em três categorias: (i) operacionais, (ii) econômico-financeiro e (iii) segurança, meio ambiente e saúde. Esta dissertação consiste num estudo de caso individual, o qual é baseado em evidências empíricas qualitativas e quantitativas, coletadas em trabalhos de campo. A coleta dos dados baseou-se em fontes e técnicas múltiplas. Os efeitos das variáveis organizacionais que comporiam o Abastecimento, antes da criação da Área de negócio, em 1996, foram pequenos. Esses efeitos foram moderados no período entre 1996 a 2000, só apresentando impactos relevantes sobre indicadores operacionais entre 2000 e 2003, com reflexos positivos sobre o desempenho econômico, pois muitos custos foram reduzidos. Isso sugere que estratégias tecnológicas de longo prazo são um rumo robusto e consistente. As evidências sugerem que a empresa optou pela construção de uma base organizacional visando melhoria de performance no longo prazo, alinhando-se com autores que defendem essa construção como forma de fortalecer a competitividade no longo prazo. Esta dissertação contribui para o entendimento de fatores organizacionais que favorecem a implementação de estratégias e dos mecanismos que alavancam aprendizado e inovação numa empresa nacional. Este estudo conclui que a utilização de estruturas organizacionais, com o suporte da liderança e prática de baixas barreiras interfuncionais, alavancaram o aprendizado e a inovação, favorecendo resultados econômicos. Isto contradiz a proposição de autores que afirmam que reestruturação organizacional possui baixo potencial de geração de resultados, ou que enfatizam soluções de curto prazo para obtenção imediata de resultados, em detrimento da competitividade da empresa nos médio e longo prazos.
A mid the many transformations and advances that the contemporary society is going through, the right to education is a topic that does not end and becomes increasingly present, given the urgency of including students with disabilities in education. Given this new reality, schools are challenged to receive them with quality, and implement actions that promote favorable conditions for their development at school. Accordingly, it is fundamental the organizational restructuring of education to meet the specific needs of students. Thus, it is imperative that educational institutions defining the type of person who intend to form and the society proposing to build. These are aspects that precede any question, since the knowledge covered in the curriculum will contribute directly to the creation of human beings are involved there. Based on this theme, this assignment reports aspects of a survey of a local public school, located in Natal/RN, which deals with the analysis of the curriculum and its implementation in teaching practice in the classroom, before the inclusion of students with disabilities intellectual. Thus, to undertake a study of case with five professionals at school, involving documentary analysis and observation of the curriculum of the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom, as well as conducting an interview with all stakeholders. To this end, the data analyzed shows that, although the right of citizens with disabilities is guaranteed by constitutional law, the school, locus of this study, have not realized the extent of conquest. Does not recognize the fact of being in school and learn together with others is also a right of persons with disabilities. Thus, while your resume is to present a progressive vision, believed to be open, concerned with the selection and organization of content, with flexibility in defining the goals, with the search for diversification of the procedures adopted, as well as the planning activities teaching and learning based on the level of student learning, this is not effective in teaching practice, either through ignorance of the guidelines defined either by lack of knowledge about the proposal and an inclusive curriculum can provide answers to all educational students, including those with intellectual disability
This paper takes a practice perspective on organizing, re-conceptualizing coordination mechanisms as dynamic activities that are under continuous construction and modification in order to socially accomplish intra-organizational relationships and activities. The paper is based on the case of Servico, an organization undergoing a major reorganization of its value chain in response to a change in government regulation. We examine the specific performances through which the ostensive and abstract character of a coordination mechanism, ‘end-to-end management’, is defined and refined into a set of activities that actors can use to effect the re-organization of relationships between two divisions during the delivery of a critical regulatory goal. We find six cycles of iteration between the ostensive and performative nature of end-to-end, which progressively help to organize three phases in the reorganization of Servico; absence, presence and formalization. The discussion examines the processual evolution of these cycles and phases and their implications for the way that reorganization occurred. We draw these findings together in a process model that makes contributions to the literature on organizing, on ostensive and performative routines, and on organizational restructuring.
This paper takes a practice perspective on organizing, re-conceptualizing coordination mechanisms as dynamic activities that are under continuous construction and modification in order to socially accomplish intra-organizational relationships and activities. The paper is based on the case of Servico, an organization undergoing a major reorganization of its value chain in response to a change in government regulation. We examine the specific performances through which the ostensive and abstract character of a coordination mechanism, ‘end-to-end management’, is defined and refined into a set of activities that actors can use to effect the re-organization of relationships between two divisions during the delivery of a critical regulatory goal. We find six cycles of iteration between the ostensive and performative nature of end-to-end, which progressively help to organize three phases in the reorganization of Servico; absence, presence and formalization. The discussion examines the processual evolution of these cycles and phases and their implications for the way that reorganization occurred. We draw these findings together in a process model that makes contributions to the literature on organizing, on ostensive and performative routines, and on organizational restructuring.
This study evaluated the relative fit of both Finn's (1989) Participation-Identification and Wehlage, Rutter, Smith, Lesko and Fernandez's (1989) School Membership models of high school completion to a sample of 4,597 eighth graders taken from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, (NELS:88), utilizing structural equation modeling techniques. This study found support for the importance of educational engagement as a factor in understanding academic achievement. The Participation-Identification model was particularly well fitting when applied to the sample of high school completers, dropouts (both overall and White dropouts) and African-American students. This study also confirmed the contribution of school environmental factors (i.e., size, diversity of economic and ethnic status among students) and family resources (i.e., availability of learning resources in the home and parent educational level) to students' educational engagement. Based on these findings, school social workers will need to be more attentive to utilizing macro-level interventions (i.e., community organization, interagency coordination) to achieve the organizational restructuring needed to address future challenges. The support found for the Participation-Identification model supports a shift in school social workers' attention from reactive attempts to improve the affective-interpersonal lives of students to proactive attention to their academic lives. The model concentrates school social work practices on the central mission of schools, which is educational engagement. School social workers guided by this model would be encouraged to seek changes in school policies and organization that would facilitate educational engagement. ^
The integration of automation (specifically Global Positioning Systems (GPS)) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) through the creation of a Total Jobsite Management Tool (TJMT) in construction contractor companies can revolutionize the way contractors do business. The key to this integration is the collection and processing of real-time GPS data that is produced on the jobsite for use in project management applications. This research study established the need for an effective planning and implementation framework to assist construction contractor companies in navigating the terrain of GPS and ICT use. An Implementation Framework was developed using the Action Research approach. The framework consists of three components, as follows: (i) ICT Infrastructure Model, (ii) Organizational Restructuring Model, and (iii) Cost/Benefit Analysis. The conceptual ICT infrastructure model was developed for the purpose of showing decision makers within highway construction companies how to collect, process, and use GPS data for project management applications. The organizational restructuring model was developed to assist companies in the analysis and redesign of business processes, data flows, core job responsibilities, and their organizational structure in order to obtain the maximum benefit at the least cost in implementing GPS as a TJMT. A cost-benefit analysis which identifies and quantifies the cost and benefits (both direct and indirect) was performed in the study to clearly demonstrate the advantages of using GPS as a TJMT. Finally, the study revealed that in order to successfully implement a program to utilize GPS data as a TJMT, it is important for construction companies to understand the various implementation and transitioning issues that arise when implementing this new technology and business strategy. In the study, Factors for Success were identified and ranked to allow a construction company to understand the factors that may contribute to or detract from the prospect for success during implementation. The Implementation Framework developed as a result of this study will serve to guide highway construction companies in the successful integration of GPS and ICT technologies for use as a TJMT.
Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.
Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.