986 resultados para optimal fault recovery


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Les noves tecnologies a la xarxa ens permeten transportar, cada cop més, grans volums d' informació i trànsit de xarxa amb diferents nivells de prioritat. En aquest escenari, on s'ofereix una millor qualitat de servei, les conseqüències d'una fallada en un enllaç o en un node esdevenen més importants. Multiprotocol Lavel Switching (MPLS), juntament amb l'extensió a MPLS generalitzat (GMPLS), proporcionen mecanismes ràpids de recuperació de fallada establint camins, Label Switch Path (LSPs), redundants per ser utilitzats com a camins alternatius. En cas de fallada podrem utilitzar aquests camins per redireccionar el trànsit. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat millorar alguns dels actuals mecanismes de recuperació de fallades MPLS/GMPLS, amb l'objectiu de suportar els requeriments de protecció dels serveis proporcionats per la nova Internet. Per tal de fer aquesta avaluació s'han tingut en compte alguns paràmetres de qualitat de protecció com els temps de recuperació de fallada, les pèrdues de paquets o el consum de recursos. En aquesta tesi presentem una completa revisió i comparació dels principals mètodes de recuperació de fallada basats en MPLS. Aquest anàlisi inclou els mètodes de protecció del camí (backups globals, backups inversos i protecció 1+1), els mètodes de protecció locals i els mètodes de protecció de segments. També s'ha tingut en compte l'extensió d'aquests mecanismes a les xarxes òptiques mitjançant el pla de control proporcionat per GMPLS. En una primera fase d'aquest treball, cada mètode de recuperació de fallades és analitzat sense tenir en compte restriccions de recursos o de topologia. Aquest anàlisi ens dóna una primera classificació dels millors mecanismes de protecció en termes de pèrdues de paquets i temps de recuperació. Aquest primer anàlisi no és aplicable a xarxes reals. Per tal de tenir en compte aquest nou escenari, en una segona fase, s'analitzen els algorismes d'encaminament on sí tindrem en compte aquestes limitacions i restriccions de la xarxa. Es presenten alguns dels principals algorismes d'encaminament amb qualitat de servei i alguna de les principals propostes d'encaminament per xarxes MPLS. La majoria dels actual algorismes d'encaminament no tenen en compte l'establiment de rutes alternatives o utilitzen els mateixos objectius per seleccionar els camins de treball i els de protecció. Per millorar el nivell de protecció introduïm i formalitzem dos nous conceptes: la Probabilitat de fallada de la xarxa i l'Impacte de fallada. Un anàlisi de la xarxa a nivell físic proporciona un primer element per avaluar el nivell de protecció en termes de fiabilitat i disponibilitat de la xarxa. Formalitzem l'impacte d'una fallada, quant a la degradació de la qualitat de servei (en termes de retard i pèrdues de paquets). Expliquem la nostra proposta per reduir la probabilitat de fallada i l'impacte de fallada. Per últim fem una nova definició i classificació dels serveis de xarxa segons els valors requerits de probabilitat de fallada i impacte. Un dels aspectes que destaquem dels resultats d'aquesta tesi és que els mecanismes de protecció global del camí maximitzen la fiabilitat de la xarxa, mentre que les tècniques de protecció local o de segments de xarxa minimitzen l'impacte de fallada. Per tant podem assolir mínim impacte i màxima fiabilitat aplicant protecció local a tota la xarxa, però no és una proposta escalable en termes de consum de recursos. Nosaltres proposem un mecanisme intermig, aplicant protecció de segments combinat amb el nostre model d'avaluació de la probabilitat de fallada. Resumint, aquesta tesi presenta diversos mecanismes per l'anàlisi del nivell de protecció de la xarxa. Els resultats dels models i mecanismes proposats milloren la fiabilitat i minimitzen l'impacte d'una fallada en la xarxa.


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Fault tolerance for a class of non linear systems is addressed based on the velocity of their output variables. This paper presents a mapping to minimize the possible jump of the velocity of the output, due to the actuator failure. The failure of the actuator is assumed as actuator lock. The mapping is derived and it provides the proper input commands for the healthy actuators of the system to tolerate the effect of the faulty actuator on the output of the system. The introduced mapping works as an optimal input reconfiguration for fault recovery, which provides a minimum velocity jump suitable for static nonlinear systems. The proposed mapping is validated through different case studies and a complementary simulation. In the case studies and the simulation, the mapping provides the commands to compensate the effect of different faults within the joints of a robotic manipulator. The new commands and the compare between the velocity of the output variables for the health and faulty system are presented.


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Fault tolerance of robotic manipulators is determined based on the fault tolerance measures. In this study a Jacobian of a 7DOF optimal fault tolerant manipulator is designed based on optimality of worse case relative manipulability and worse case dexterity from geometric perspective instead of numerical solution of constrained optimisation problem or construction of optimal Jacobean through a desired null space. The proposed Jacobean matrix is optimal and equally fault tolerant for a single joint failure within any joint of the manipulators.


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Design of locally optimal fault tolerant manipulators has been recently addressed via using the constraints of the desired null space for the Jacobian matrix of the manipulators. In the present paper the Jacobian matrices for optimal fault tolerance are presented based on geometric properties of column vectors instead of the null space. They are equally fault tolerant to a single joint failure from the worst-case relative manipulability and worst-case dexterity points of view. The optimality is achieved through a symmetric distribution of points on spheres.


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The design of locally optimal fault-tolerant manipulators has been previously addressed via adding constraints on the bases of a desired null space to the design constraints of the manipulators. Then by algebraic or numeric solution of the design equations, the optimal Jacobian matrix is obtained. In this study, an optimal fault-tolerant Jacobian matrix generator is introduced from geometric properties instead of the null space properties. The proposed generator provides equally fault-tolerant Jacobian matrices in R3 that are optimally fault tolerant for one or two locked joint failures. It is shown that the proposed optimal Jacobian matrices are directly obtained via regular pyramids. The geometric approach and zonotopes are used as a novel tool for determining relative manipulability in the context of fault-tolerant robotics and for bringing geometric insight into the design of optimal fault-tolerant manipulators.


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This thesis addresses “Optimal Fault-Tolerant Robotic Manipulators” for locked-joint failures and consists of three components. It begins by investigating the regions of workspace where the manipulator can operate with high reliability. It then continues with an efficient deployment of kinematic redundancies for fault-tolerant operation. Finally, it presents a novel method for design of optimal fault-tolerant manipulators.


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When a robotic manipulator is fault tolerant it is beneficial to study the configurations which tolerate non-catastrophic locked joint failures with a minimum relative change for the joint velocities. This problem is addressed using the properties of the condition number of the Jacobian matrix. The relationship between the faults within the joints of the manipulators and the condition number of the Jacobean matrix is used to introduce the optimal configurations for fault recovery. These optimum configurations require a minimum reconfiguration for fault tolerance of robotics manipulators. Then these configurations are studied for a 4-DOF planar manipulator to validate the proposed framework.


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This paper proposes a highly reliable fault diagnosis approach for low-speed bearings. The proposed approach first extracts wavelet-based fault features that represent diverse symptoms of multiple low-speed bearing defects. The most useful fault features for diagnosis are then selected by utilizing a genetic algorithm (GA)-based kernel discriminative feature analysis cooperating with one-against-all multicategory support vector machines (OAA MCSVMs). Finally, each support vector machine is individually trained with its own feature vector that includes the most discriminative fault features, offering the highest classification performance. In this study, the effectiveness of the proposed GA-based kernel discriminative feature analysis and the classification ability of individually trained OAA MCSVMs are addressed in terms of average classification accuracy. In addition, the proposedGA- based kernel discriminative feature analysis is compared with four other state-of-the-art feature analysis approaches. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is superior to other feature analysis methodologies, yielding an average classification accuracy of 98.06% and 94.49% under rotational speeds of 50 revolutions-per-minute (RPM) and 80 RPM, respectively. Furthermore, the individually trained MCSVMs with their own optimal fault features based on the proposed GA-based kernel discriminative feature analysis outperform the standard OAA MCSVMs, showing an average accuracy of 98.66% and 95.01% for bearings under rotational speeds of 50 RPM and 80 RPM, respectively.


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A new scheme for robust estimation of the partial state of linear time-invariant multivariable systems is presented, and it is shown how this may be used for the detection of sensor faults in such systems. We consider an observer to be robust if it generates a faithful estimate of the plant state in the face of modelling uncertainty or plant perturbations. Using the Stable Factorization approach we formulate the problem of optimal robust observer design by minimizing an appropriate norm on the estimation error. A logical candidate is the 2-norm, corresponding to an H�¿ optimization problem, for which solutions are readily available. In the special case of a stable plant, the optimal fault diagnosis scheme reduces to an internal model control architecture.


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We discuss solvability issues of H_-/H_2/infinity optimal fault detection problems in the most general setting. A solution approach is presented which successively reduces the initial problem to simpler ones. The last computational step generally may involve the solution of a non-standard H_-/H_2/infinity optimization problem for which we discuss possible solution approaches. Using an appropriate definition of the H- index, we provide a complete solution of this problem in the case of H2-norm. Furthermore, we discuss the solvability issues in the case of H-infinity-norm.


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We discuss solvability issues of ℍ -/ℍ 2/∞ optimal fault detection problems in the most general setting. A solution approach is presented which successively reduces the initial problem to simpler ones. The last computational step generally may involve the solution of a non-standard ℍ -/ ℍ 2/∞ optimization problem for which we discuss possible solution approaches. Using an appropriate definition of the ℍ -- index, we provide a complete solution of this problem in the case of ℍ 2-norm. Furthermore, we discuss the solvability issues in the case of ℍ ∞-norm. © 2011 IEEE.


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Network diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a difficult task due to their improvisational nature, invisibility of internal running status, and particularly since the network structure can frequently change due to link failure. To solve this problem, we propose a Mobile Sink (MS) based distributed fault diagnosis algorithm for WSNs. An MS, or mobile fault detector is usually a mobile robot or vehicle equipped with a wireless transceiver that performs the task of a mobile base station while also diagnosing the hardware and software status of deployed network sensors. Our MS mobile fault detector moves through the network area polling each static sensor node to diagnose the hardware and software status of nearby sensor nodes using only single hop communication. Therefore, the fault detection accuracy and functionality of the network is significantly increased. In order to maintain an excellent Quality of Service (QoS), we employ an optimal fault diagnosis tour planning algorithm. In addition to saving energy and time, the tour planning algorithm excludes faulty sensor nodes from the next diagnosis tour. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms through simulation and real life experimental results.


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The ability to tolerate failures while effectively exploiting the grid computing resources in an scalable and transparent manner must be an integral part of grid computing infrastructure. Hence, fault-detection service is a necessary prerequisite to fault tolerance and fault recovery in grid computing. To this end, we present an scalable fault detection service architecture. The proposed fault-detection system provides services that monitors user applications, grid middlewares and the dynamically changing state of a collection of distributed resources. It reports summaries of this information to the appropriate agents on demand or instantaneously in the event of failures.


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Static nonlinear systems are common when the model of the kinematics of mechanical or civil structures is analyzed for instance kinematics of robotic manipulators. This paper addresses the maximum effort toward fault tolerance for any number of the locked actuators failures in static nonlinear systems. It optimally reconfigures the inputs via a mapping that maximally accommodates the failures. The mapping maps the failures to an extra action of healthy actuators that results to a minimum jump for the velocity of the output variables. Then from this mapping, the minimum jump of the velocity of the output is calculated. The conditions for a zero velocity jump of the output variables are discussed. This shows that, when the conditions of fault tolerance are maintained, the proposed framework is capable of fault recovery not only at fault instances but also at the whole output trajectory. The proposed mapping is validated by three case studies.