96 resultados para olefin
The thesis entitled: ‘Synthesis and Photochemistry of a few Olefin appended Dibenzobarrelenes and Bisdibenzobarrelenes’ is divided into 5 chapters.In Chapter 1, the fundamental concepts of Diels-Alder reaction, di-r:methane rearrangement and energy transfer process in organic photochemistry is discussed.Chapter 2 presents the synthesis of 9-olefin appended anthracenes and bisanthracenes. The target of synthesising various bridgehead olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and some novel bisdibenzobarrelenes, led us to the synthesis of the appropriate alkenylanthracenes and bisanthracenes as precursor molecules. Diels-Alder reaction was the synthetic tool for the preparation of the target olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes. This chapter attempts to throw light on our endeavours in synthesising the various 9-alkenylanthracenes and bisanthracenes.Chapter 3 deals with the synthesis of olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes. Ever since the discovery of di-It-methane rearrangement dibenzobarrelenes, tailored with dijferent substituents at various positions have always been a tool to photochemists in unravelling the mechanisms of light induced reactions. Our intention of analysing the role of a It-moiety at the bridgehead position of the dibenzobarrelene, was synthetically envisaged via the Diels-Alder reaction. Bisdibenzobarrelenes were synthesised through tandem Diels-Alder reaction. Various alkenylanthracenes and bisanthracenes were employed as dienes and the dienophiles used were dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate and dibenzoylacetylene. In this chapter, we report our venture in synthesising the various olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes. Chapter 4 describes the preliminary time-resolved fluorescence studies of some olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes.To understand the primary and secondary physicochemical processes in a photochemical reaction it is necessary to characterise the excited states and the transient intermediates during their short lifetime. A number of methods developed on the basis of the physical properties of the transient species are available for their detection. Time-correlated single-photon counting technique has been utilised in the present study of the excited states of olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes. To understand the primary and secondary physicochemical processes in a photochemical reaction it is necessary to characterise the excited states and the transient intermediates during their short lifetime. A number of methods developed on the basis of the physical properties of the transient species are available for their detection. Time-correlated single-photon counting technique has been utilised in the present study of the excited states of olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes.Chapter 5 portrays the photochemistry of olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes. Dibenzocyclooctatetraene and dibenzosemibullvalene are the photoproducts obtained respectively through the singlet excited state and the triplet excited state of dibenzobarrelenes. Chemical literature shows evidences of the photoreactivity of dibenzobarrelenes generating both the singlet and triplet mediated photoproducts, in a single photoreaction. Our research target in synthesising various bridgehead olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes, was based on the perception that olefins are eflicient triplet quenchers, thereby quenching intramolecularly the triplet excited state of the barrelenes. A It-moiety at the bridgehead position of the dibenzobarrelene, creates a tetra tr-methane system, which similar to a 6li—7l' or tri-tr-methane systems, could be the fertile ground for interesting photochemical rearrangements. Our attempts in deciphering the photochemistry of the olefin appended dibenzobarrelenes and bisdibenzobarrelenes is the substance of this chapter.
Application of olefin metathesis for the synthesis of constrained beta-amino esters from norbornenes
Synthesis of a number of novel, conformationally rigid beta-amino esters has been achieved via a tandem olefin metathesis reaction. The starting materials are readily accessible from the Diels-Alder adduct between cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride.
In situ electrolysis within an optically transparent thin-layer electrochemical (OTTLE) cell was applied at 293-243 K in combination with FTIR spectroscopy to monitor spectral changes in the carbonyl stretching region accompanying oxidation of four tetracarbonyl olefin complexes of tungsten(0), viz., trans-[W(CO)(4)(eta(2)-ethene)(2)], trans-[W(CO)(4)(eta(2)-norbornene)(2)], [W(CO)(4)(eta(4)-cycloocta-1,5-diene)], and [W(CO)(4)(eta(4)-norbornadiene)]. In all cases, the one-electron-oxidized radical cations (17-electron complexes) have been identified by their characteristic nu(CO) patterns. For the bidentate diene ligands, the cis stereochemistry is essentially fixed in both the 18- and 17-electron complexes. The radical cation of the trans-bis(ethene) complex was observed only at 243 K, while at room temperature it isomerized rapidly to the corresponding cis-isomer. The thermal stability of the three studied radical cations in the cis configuration correlates with the relative strength of the W-CO bonds in the positions trans to the olefin ligand, which are more affected by the oxidation than the axial W-CO bonds. For the bulky norbornene ligands, their trans configuration in the bis(norbornene) complex remains preserved after the oxidation in the whole temperature range studied. The limited thermal stability of the radical cations of the trans-bis(alkene) complexes is ascribed to dissociation of the alkene ligands. The spectroelectrochemical results are in very good agreement with data obtained earlier by DFT (B3LYP) calculations.
A 1H NMR study of monosubstituted η-cyclopentadienyl-rhodium(I) complexes of type LLRh(C5H4X) and -iridium(I) complexes of type L2Ir(C5H4X) (L = ethene, LL = 1,3- or 1,5-diolefin; X = C(C6H5)3, CHO, or COOCH3) has been carried out. For complexes of both metals in which the neutral ligand is ethene or a non-conjugated diolefin the NMR spectra of the cyclopentadienyl protons are unusual in that H(2), H(5) resonate to high field either at room temperature or below. The corresponding NMR spectra for the cyclopentadienyl ring protons of complexes where the neutral ligand is a conjugated diene are, with one exception, normal. A single crystal X-ray structural analysis of (η4-2,4-dimethylpenta-1,4-diene)(η5-formylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium(I) (which exhibits an abnormal 1H NMR spectrum) reveals substantial localisation of electron density in the C(3)C(4) Cp ring bond (1.283(33) Å) which may be consistent with a contribution from an ‘allyl-ene’ rotamer to the ring—metal bonding scheme. An extended Hückel calculation with self consistent charge iteration was performed on this complex. The results predict a greater Mulliken overlap population for the C(3)C(4) bond in the cyclopentadienyl ring and show that the localisation is dependent on both the Cp ring substituent and the nature of the diolefin. The mass spectral fragmentation patterns of some representative diene complexes of iridium(I) and rhodium(I) are presented.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work, a Hydrogen Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) method has been developed to determine aromatics and ethanol in Brazilian commercial gasoline with low olefin content. The proposed method involves subdividing an 1H NMR spectrum into regions, each of which is assumed to be associated with a specific type of structural group (OH, CH, CH2 and CH3). The method is based on the assignment of overlapping regions of 1H NMR spectra due to the signals of naphthene (N), iso and normal paraffins (P) and ethanol (E). Each 1H NMR spectrum was divided into 8 regions and the integration was correlated to the percentage of the substances to be determined. The results of the analysis by 1H NMR were compared with analysis of GC-FID obtained with the PONA system. The proposed technique of 1H NMR was shown to be an appropriate method for this sample type.
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten vier neue Ligandsysteme fürPolymerisationskatalysatoren entwickelt werden, dieisoelektronisch zu Cp-Liganden (L2X-Ligand) oder Ligandenvon ansa-Metallocenen (L4X2-Ligand) sind. Dazu zählensubstituierte Azacyclopentadiene, 2-(Amionomethyl)thiophene,donorfunktionalisierte Amidine und1,4-Dithiabutan-verbrückte Bis(phenole).Alle Liganden wurden erfolgreich komplexiert. Bis auf diePyrrolkomplexe zeigten alle Komplexe zum Teil sehr hohePolymerisationsaktivitäten. Die Bis(phenolato)-Katalysatorenpolymerisieren Styrol isotaktisch und bieten Anwendungen fürverschiedene Copolymerisationsexperimente.Die neu entwickelten Katalysatoren haben sich trotz ihrerCp-isoelektronischen Ligandsysteme höchst unterschiedlichbezüglich ihrer Eignung als Polymerisations-Katalysatorengezeigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird deutlich, dass nebenden elektronischen Gegebenheiten ebenso sterische wiegeometrische Einflüsse von Bedeutung sind. Für die Zukunftwird das Aufklären der Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehung einewichtige Herausforderung bleiben. Ferner konnten meisten Syntheseschritte so ausgearbeitetwerden, dass High Throughput Experimente im Automatenmöglich sind.
Das Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit war die Synthese von definierten, sphärischen Polystyrolpartikeln im Größenbreichen von Nanometern, die als Träger für die Immobilisierung von Metallocenkatalysatoren verwendet werden sollten. Ein wichtiger Anspruch an das System war dabei die Möglichkeit einer homogene Verteilung des Metallocenes auf dem Träger and eine homogene Fragmentierung des geträgerten Katalysators während der Polymerisation im Polymerprodukt. Für diese Zielsetzung wurden unterschiedliche Polystyrolnanopartikel hergestellt. Die Polystyrolnanopartikel waren mit unterschiedlichen funktionellen Gruppen wie Polyethylenoxid- und Polypropylenoxidketten oder Hydroxygruppen auf der Oberfläche versehen, um den Metallocenkatalysator und den Cokatalysator MAO immobilisieren zu können. In verschiedenen Experimenten wurde der Einfluss dieser Polystyrolnanopartikel als Träger auf die Katalysatoreigenschaften wie Aktivität oder Produktivität und die Eigenschaften des produzierten Polyolefins wie z.B. Molekulargewicht und Morphologie untersucht. Im Vergleich zu den PS- Nanopartikeln wurden außerdem PS-Mikropartikel, Silica und Dendrimere als Träger in der heterogenen Olefinpolymerisation eingesetzt. Von all diesen Trägersystemen wurde das Fragmentierungsverhalten durch konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie untersucht. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel neuartige und leistungsfähige Träger für heterogene Polymerisationsprozesse darstellen. Die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel besaßen eine wohldefinierte sphärische Struktur, die eine homogene Verteilung des immobilisierten Metallocenkatalysators und somit auch eine vollständige Fragmentierung des geträgerten Katalysators im hergestellten Polyolefin ermöglichte. Die Katalysatorsysteme, die aus den PS- Nanopartikeln und dem Metallocenkatalysator zusammengesetzt waren, wurden in verschiedenen Polymerisationen wie der Ethylen- oder Propylenhomopolymersation und der Copolymerisation von Ethen mit α- Olefinen getestet. Die Oberflächen- funktionalisierten PS Nanopartikel immobilisierten den Metallocenkatalysator ausreichend gut, so dass kein „Leachen“ (Ablösen) des Katalysators von der Trägeroberfläche festgestellt werden konnte und deshalb Polymer von sehr guter Morphologie erhalten wurde. Um die Fragmentierung des Katalysators und den inneren Aufbau des Polymers näher untersuchen zu können, wurde die konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie für das PS- Nanopartikelträgersystem angewendet. Durch farbstoffmarkierte Trägerpartikel konnte die Verteilung des fragmentierten Katalysators innerhalb des Polymers sichtbar gemacht und analysiert werden. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass sich PS- Nanopartikel und auch Dendrimere als Träger ähnlich verhalten wie Ziegler- Natta- Katalysatoren, die auf MgCl2 immobilisiert für die heterogene Olefinpolymerisation verwendet werden. Das Fragmentierungsverhalten der Silica oder PS- Mirkopartikel geträgerten Systeme entsprach dagegen dem schichtweisen Fragmentierungsverhalten wie es bereits von Fink und Mitarbeitern beschrieben wurde.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) constituted by organic cations and inorganic anions are particular salts with a melting point below 100°C. Their physical properties such as melting point and solubility can be tuned by altering the combination of their anions and cations. In the last years the interest in ILs has been centered mostly on their possible use as “green” alternatives to the traditional volatile organic solvents (VOCs) thanks to their low vapour pressure and the efficient ability in catalyst immobilization. In this regard, the subject of the present thesis is the study of the oxodiperoxomolybdenum catalyzed epoxidation of olefins in ILs media with hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. In particular N-functionalized imidazolium salts, such as 1-(2-t-Butoxycarbonylamino-ethyl)-3-methylimidazolium (1), were synthesized with different counterions [I]-, [PF6]-, [NO3]-, [NTf2]- and [ClO4]– and tested as reaction solvents. The counterion exchange with [Cl]-, [NTf2]- and [NO3]- was also performed in unfuctionalized imidazolium salts such as 3-butyl-1-methylimidazol-3-ium (3). All the prepared ILs were tested in catalytic epoxidation of olefins exploiting oxodiperoxomolybdenum complexes [MoO(O2)2(C4H6N2)2] (4) and [MoO(O2)2(C5H8N2)2] (5) as catalysts. The IL 3[NTf2] and the catalysts 5 give rise to the best results leading to the selective formation of the epoxide of cis-cyclooctene avoiding hydrolysis side reaction. A preliminary study on the synthesis of novel NHC oxodiperoxomolybdenum complexes starting from imidazolium salts was also developed.
Diese Dissertation zeigt zum ersten Mal den Ansatz gesättigte und ungesättigte Poly(Phosphorester) herzustellen, deren Polymergerüst und Seitenketten durch präzises Anbring-en von funktionellen und/oder solubilisierenden Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Durch Kombinieren der Vorteile der Olefinmetathese mit der Vielseitigkeit der Phos-phorchemie, eröffnet dieser variable Ansatz den Zugang zu einer neuen Klasse ungesättigter Poly-phosphate. Die zu Grunde liegende Idee ist das maßgeschneiderte Anpassen der Architektur und der Mikrostruktur dieser Polymere. Lineare, verzweigte, markierte und telechele Poly(Phosphorester) können in großem Maßstab mit hohen Funktionalisierungsgrad hergestellt werden.rnEiner der größten Vorteile dieses Ansatzes ist es, das Polymerrückrat modifizieren zu können, was weder bei der Ringöffnungs- noch bei klassischen Polymerisationen möglich ist, bei denen nur eine limitierte Anzahl an Monomeren existieren.rnDie Eigenschaften des Phosphors werden in neue Polymerarchitekturen übertragen, was von Nutzen für flammenhemmenden Materialen und Anwendung bei Gewebetherapeutika ist. Diese Doktorarbeit führt auch einzigartige Poly(Phosphorester) ein, welche im Feld der Op-toelektronik als Sauerstofffänger eingesetzten werden können. Die beschriebenen Synthese-vorschriften können einfach in größeren Maßstab durchgeführt werden und sind vielversprechend für industrielle Anwendungen, da ungesättigte Polyester einen sehr wichtigen Markt repräsentieren.
Hydrophobic Ti-MCM-41 samples prepared by post-synthesis silylation treatment demonstrate to be highly active and selective catalysts in olefins epoxidation by using organic hydroperoxides as oxidizing agents in liquid phase reaction systems. Epoxide yields show important enhancements with increased silylation degrees of the Ti-mesoporous samples. Catalytic studies are combined and correlated with spectroscopic techniques (e.g. XRD, XANES, UV-Visible, 29Si MAS-NMR) and calorimetric measurements to better understand the changes in the surface chemistry of Ti-MCM-41 samples due to the post-synthesis silylation treatment and to ascertain the role of these trimethylsilyl groups incorporated in olefin epoxidation. In such manner, the effect of the organic moieties on solids, and both water and glycol molecules contents on the catalytic activity and selectivity are analyzed in detail. Results show that the hydrophobicity level of the samples is responsible for the decrease in water adsorption and, consequently, the negligible formation of the non-desired glycol during the catalytic process. Thus, catalyst deactivation by glycol poisoning of Ti active sites is greatly diminished, this increasing catalyst stability and leading to practically quantitative production of the corresponding epoxide. The extended use of these hydrophobic Ti-MCM-41 catalysts together with organic hydroperoxides for the highly efficient and selective epoxidation of natural terpenes is also exemplified.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A report is presented on the inscription of a fibre Bragg grating into a microstructured polymer optical fibre fabricated from TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer. This material offers two important advantages over poly (methyl methacrylate), which up to now has formed the basis for polymer fibre Bragg gratings: TOPAS has a much lower water affinity and has useful properties for biosensing. The grating had a Bragg wavelength of 1569 nm and a temperature sensitivity of -36.5±0.3 pm/°C.
Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been fabricated in polymer photonic crystal fibre (PCF). Results are presented using two different types of polymer optical fibre (POF); first multimode PCF with a core diameter of 50µm based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and second, endlessly single mode PCF with a core diameter of 6µm based on TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer. Bragg grating inscription was achieved using a 30mW continuous wave 325nm helium cadmium laser. Both TOPAS and PMMA fibre have a large attenuation of around 1dB/cm in the 1550nm spectral region, limiting fibre lengths to no longer than 10cm. However, both have improved attenuation of under 10dB/m in the 800nm spectral region, thus allowing for fibre lengths to be much longer. The focus of current research is to utilise the increased fibre length, widening the range of sensor applications. The Bragg wavelength shift of a grating fabricated in PMMA fibre at 827nm has been monitored whilst the POF is thermally annealed at 80°C for 7 hours. The large length of POF enables real time monitoring of the grating, which demonstrates a permanent negative Bragg wavelength shift of 24nm during the 7 hours. This creates the possibility to manufacture multiplexed Bragg sensors in POF using a single phase mask in the UV inscription manufacturing. TOPAS holds certain advantages over PMMA including a much lower affinity for water, this should allow for the elimination of cross-sensitivity to humidity when monitoring temperature changes or axial strain, which is a significant concern when using PMMA fibre.