976 resultados para objective measurement


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Second-generation activity monitors have revolutionized the way in which we measure youth physical activity. Use of the monitors avoids the problems associated with self-report methods and allows for the estimation of physical activity patterns over time. This article examines important methodological issues related to the use of activity monitors in children and adolescents.


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The case study presents findings from a program of pre- and post-evaluations of buildings sponsored by the NSW government. The program aims to demonstrate leadership in the delivery of government accommodation and to provide feedback into the building design and management process.

The results from a combined evaluation of an ABGR 4.5 star government building using the KODO probe© occupant surveys and measures of environmental conditions, carried out by the Mobile Architecture and Built Environment Laboratory (MABEL) at Deakin University are summarised. In particular the paper will present the benefits of innovative performance evaluation of property for commercial benefit using the KODO productivity topographic maps©.

These maps isolate where facility solutions are needed as opposed to tenant/occupant solutions in order to optimise building and business outcomes with minimal capital investment.


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This article is concentrated on the objective computerizing method of measuring of muscle tone using compressive and decompressive deformation of superficial skeletal muscle of wrist in vivo. Four indices were highly recommended for complex analysis of muscle tone.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The goal of this study was to utilise an objective measurement tool, via an on-board Diagnostic tool (OBDII), to explore the effectiveness of a behaviour modification intervention designed to reduce over-speed violations in a group of work-related drivers. It was predicted that over-speed violations would be decreased following participation in a behaviour modification intervention where drivers received weekly feedback on their speeding performance and goal setting exercises. The final analysis included the on-road behaviour of 16 drivers, all of whom completed each stage of the intervention program. As predicted, over-speed violations significantly decreased from pre-test to post-test, after controlling for kilometres driven. These findings offer practical guidance for industry in developing interventions designed to improve work-related driving behaviour.


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The increasing availability of large, detailed digital representations of the Earth’s surface demands the application of objective and quantitative analyses. Given recent advances in the understanding of the mechanisms of formation of linear bedform features from a range of environments, objective measurement of their wavelength, orientation, crest and trough positions, height and asymmetry is highly desirable. These parameters are also of use when determining observation-based parameters for use in many applications such as numerical modelling, surface classification and sediment transport pathway analysis. Here, we (i) adapt and extend extant techniques to provide a suite of semi-automatic tools which calculate crest orientation, wavelength, height, asymmetry direction and asymmetry ratios of bedforms, and then (ii) undertake sensitivity tests on synthetic data, increasingly complex seabeds and a very large-scale (39 000km2) aeolian dune system. The automated results are compared with traditional, manually derived,measurements at each stage. This new approach successfully analyses different types of topographic data (from aeolian and marine environments) from a range of sources, with tens of millions of data points being processed in a semi-automated and objective manner within minutes rather than hours or days. The results from these analyses show there is significant variability in all measurable parameters in what might otherwise be considered uniform bedform fields. For example, the dunes of the Rub’ al Khali on the Arabian peninsula are shown to exhibit deviations in dimensions from global trends. Morphological and dune asymmetry analysis of the Rub’ al Khali suggests parts of the sand sea may be adjusting to a changed wind regime from that during their formation 100 to 10 ka BP.


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A challenge for the clinical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is the emergence of fluctuations in motor performance, which represents a significant source of disability during activities of daily living of the patients. There is a lack of objective measurement of treatment effects for in-clinic and at-home use that can provide an overview of the treatment response. The objective of this paper was to develop a method for objective quantification of advanced PD motor symptoms related to off episodes and peak dose dyskinesia, using spiral data gathered by a touch screen telemetry device. More specifically, the aim was to objectively characterize motor symptoms (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Digitized upper limb movement data of 65 advanced PD patients and 10 healthy (HE) subjects were recorded as they performed spiral drawing tasks on a touch screen device in their home environment settings. Several spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series and used as inputs to machine learning methods. The methods were validated against ratings on animated spirals scored by four movement disorder specialists who visually assessed a set of kinematic features and the motor symptom. The ability of the method to discriminate between PD patients and HE subjects and the test-retest reliability of the computed scores were also evaluated. Computed scores correlated well with mean visual ratings of individual kinematic features. The best performing classifier (Multilayer Perceptron) classified the motor symptom (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) with an accuracy of 84% and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.86 in relation to visual classifications of the raters. In addition, the method provided high discriminating power when distinguishing between PD patients and HE subjects as well as had good test-retest reliability. This study demonstrated the potential of using digital spiral analysis for objective quantification of PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms.


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Visual assessment of the fleece of Merino sheep is an accepted method to aid genetic improvement but there is little evidence to support the use of visual assessment for improving mohair production. This paper examines the extent that visual traits, including staple length, character (staple crimp), staple definition, tippiness, style and staple entanglement, are related to clean fleece weight in animals of similar live weight and mean fibre diameter (MFD) from the same flock. Measurements were made over 9 shearing periods on a population of castrated Angora males (wethers) goats representing the current range and diversity of genetic origins in Australia, including South African, Texan and interbred admixtures of these and Australian sources (these different genetic origins are defined as Breed in this work). Data on genetic origin, sire, dam, lifetime characteristics (date of birth, dam age, birth weight, birth parity (single or twin), weaning weight), live weight, fleece growth and visual fleece attributes were recorded. A restricted maximum likelihood (REML) model was developed to relate clean fleece weight with age, MFD, average fleece-free live weight, lifetime characteristics and visual fleece attributes. There were separate linear responses of clean fleece weight to MFD and staple length for each age group, a quadratic response to the square root of average fleece-free live weight, an effect of sire breed and linear responses to dam age, staple definition score and character. Depending on age at shearing, the increase in clean fleece weight was between about 50 and 80. g for each increase of 1. μm in MFD. At similar MFD, clean fleece weight was generally greater at summer shearings compared with winter shearings. There was a strong increase in clean fleece weight with average fleece-free live weight up to around 50. kg but little response in clean fleece weight for animals larger than 50. kg. There was some evidence of a smaller increase in clean fleece weight as the age of dam increased. There was an effect of Breed in the model but this effect disappeared when a random sire effect was included in the model. There was a positive response to staple length at some age groups but the response did not differ from zero in other age groups. This response varied from negligible to about 70. g per 1. cm increase in staple length. Clean fleece weight increased about 40. g per unit increase in staple definition score and increased about 30. g for every 4 units increase in the number of staple crimps. There was no evidence that clean fleece weight was affected by staple style, staple tip score or staple entanglement score or lifetime factors such as birth weight, date of birth, birth parity, or weaning weight. The results show that using a combination of measuring MFD and visually assessing the fleece for staple length, staple definition and crimps can help identify the most profitable Angora goats. In this process, the objective measurement of MFD appears essential. Visual assessment will provide some extra benefit in identifying these animals above that provided by measuring MFD alone. Animal size should be considered by mohair producers when identifying more productive mohair producing animals. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Purpose: To assess the validity and repeatability of objective compared to subjective contact lens fit analysis. Methods: Thirty-five subjects (aged 22.0. ±. 3.0 years) wore two different soft contact lens designs. Four lens fit variables: centration, horizontal lag, post-blink movement in up-gaze and push-up recovery speed were assessed subjectively (four observers) and objectively from slit-lamp biomicroscopy captured images and video. The analysis was repeated a week later. Results: The average of the four experienced observers was compared to objective measures, but centration, movement on blink, lag and push-up recovery speed all varied significantly between them (p <. 0.001). Horizontal lens centration was on average close to central as assessed both objectively and subjectively (p > 0.05). The 95% confidence interval of subjective repeatability was better than objective assessment (±0.128. mm versus ±0.168. mm, p = 0.417), but utilised only 78% of the objective range. Vertical centration assessed objectively showed a slight inferior decentration (0.371. ±. 0.381. mm) with good inter- and intrasession repeatability (p > 0.05). Movement-on-blink was lower estimated subjectively than measured objectively (0.269. ±. 0.179. mm versus 0.352. ±. 0.355. mm; p = 0.035), but had better repeatability (±0.124. mm versus ±0.314. mm 95% confidence interval) unless correcting for the smaller range (47%). Horizontal lag was lower estimated subjectively (0.562. ±. 0.259. mm) than measured objectively (0.708. ±. 0.374. mm, p <. 0.001), had poorer repeatability (±0.132. mm versus ±0.089. mm 95% confidence interval) and had a smaller range (63%). Subjective categorisation of push-up speed of recovery showed reasonable differentiation relative to objective measurement (p <. 0.001). Conclusions: The objective image analysis allows an accurate, reliable and repeatable assessment of soft contact lens fit characteristics, being a useful tool for research and optimisation of lens fit in clinical practice.


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In this work, we investigate a new objective measurement for assessing the video playback quality for services delivered in networks that use TCP as a transport layer protocol. We define the new metric as pause intensity to characterize the quality of playback in terms of its continuity since, in the case of TCP, data packets are protected from losses but not from delays. Using packet traces generated from real TCP connections in a lossy environment, we are able to simulate the playback of a video and monitor buffer behaviors in order to calculate pause intensity values. We also run subjective tests to verify the effectiveness of the metric introduced and show that the results of pause intensity and the subjective scores made over the same real video clips are closely correlated.