996 resultados para novice teacher


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Previous research on computers and graphics calculators in mathematics education has examined effects on curriculum content and students’ mathematical achievement and attitudes while less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers’ professional learning in specific classroom and school environments. This observation is critical in the current context of educational policy making, where it is assumed – often incorrectly – that supplying schools with hardware and software will increase teachers’ use of technology and encourage more innovative teaching approaches. This paper reports on a research program that aimed to develop better understanding of how and under what conditions Australian secondary school mathematics teachers learn to effectively integrate technology into their practice. The research adapted Valsiner’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Free Movement and Zone of Promoted Action to devise a theoretical framework for analysing relationships between factors influencing teachers’ use of technology in mathematics classrooms. This paper illustrates how the framework may be used by analysing case studies of a novice teacher and an experienced teacher in different school settings.


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There is argument for differentiation between induction and mentoring programs. A basis of this paper is that both programs must coexist; that neither program can be effective without the other. Literature, data and the experiences of a novice teacher revealed components of effective mentoring/induction programs for teachers.


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As a Novice Teacher at Comprehensive School: The authentic experiences of the beginning teachers during their first year of teaching The aim of this study is to explicate the novice year of teaching in the light of teachers´ authentic experiences. The subject of this investigation is the teachers´ subjective world of experience during their first academic year of teaching and the sharing of these experiences in collaborative consulting meetings. The themes discussed in the meetings were introduced into the collaborative group by the novice teachers themselves, and the progress of discussion was con-trolled by them. The research data was gathered in a consultative working group where the way a novice teacher starts to interpret, analyze and identify his/her own complex and dynamic teaching situations was observed. The research data gathered in this way illuminates novice teachers´ world of experience and mental picture as well as the unconscious sides of school life. In a theoretical frame of reference, the work of a teacher is identified, according to systemic scientific thought, as a dynamic triangle in which the basic elements are the personality of the teacher, the role of the teacher and the school as an organization. These basic elements form a whole within which the teacher works. The dynamics of this triangle in a teacher’s work are brought to light through the study of the phenomena of groups and group dynamics since a teacher works either as a member of a group (working community), as a leader of a group (teaching situations) or in a network (parent – teacher cooperation). Therefore, tension and force are always present in teaching work. The main research problem was to explain how a novice teacher experiences his/her first working year as a teacher. The participants (n=5) were teaching at five different comprehensive schools in the city of Helsinki. This was their first long-term post as a teacher. The research data consists of seven collaborative consulting meetings, as well as recordings and transcripts of the meetings. A classificatory framework was developed for data analysis which enabled a sys-tematic qualitative content analysis based on theory and material. In addition to the consulting meetings, the teachers were interviewed at the beginning and at the end of the process of collecting the research material. The interviews were used to interpret the meanings of the content analysis based on raw data. The findings show that there is a gap between teacher education and the reality of school life, which causes difficulties for a novice teacher during his/her first teaching year. The gap is rather a global educational problem than a national one, and therefore it is independent of cultural factors. Novice teachers desire a well-structured theory of teacher education and a clear programme where the themes and content delve deeper and deeper into the subject matter during the study years. According to the novice teachers, teacher education frequently consists of sporadic and unconnected study and class situations. An individual content weakness of teacher education is the lack of insufficient initiation into evaluation processes. The novice teachers suggest that a student must be provided good-quality and competent guidance during the study years and during his or her induction. There should be a well-organized, structured and systematic induction program for novice teachers. The induction program should be overseen by an organization so that the requirements of a qualified induction can be met. The findings show that the novice teachers find the first year of teaching at comprehensive school emotionally loaded. The teachers experienced teaching as difficult work and found the workload heavy. Nevertheless, they enjoyed their job because, as they said, there were more pleasant than unpleasant things in their school day. Their main feeling at school was the joy of success in teaching. The novice teachers felt satisfaction with their pupils. The teachers experienced the more serious feelings of anger and disgust when serious violence took place. The most difficult situations arose from teaching pupils who had mental health problems. The toughest thing in the teacher´s work was teaching groups that are too heterogeneous. The most awkward problems in group dynamics happened when new immigrants, who spoke only their own languages, were integrated into the groups in the middle of the school year. Teachers wanted to help children who needed special help with learning but restated at the same time that the groups being taught shouldn’t be too heterogeneous. The teachers wished for help from school assistants so that they could personally concentrate more on teaching. Not all the parents took care of their children according to the comprehensive school law. The teachers found it hard to build a confidential relationship between home and school. In this study, novice teachers found it hard to join the teaching staff at school. Some of the teachers on staff were very strong and impulsive, reacting loudly and emotionally. These teachers provoked disagreement, conflicts, power struggles and competition among the other teachers. Although the novice teachers of the study were all qualified teachers, three of them were not interested in a permanent teaching job. For these teachers teaching at a primary school was just a project, a short period in their working life. They will remain in the teaching profession as long as they are learning new things and enjoying their teaching job. This study is an independent part of the research project on Interplay – Connecting Academic Teacher Education and Work, undertaken by the Department of Applied Sciences of Education at the University of Helsinki. Key words: novice teacher, emotions, groups and group dynamics, authority, co-operation between home and school, teacher community, leadership at school, induction, consulting


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This dissertation empirically explores the relations among three theoretical perspectives: university students approaches to learning, self-regulated learning, as well as cognitive and attributional strategies. The relations were quantitatively studied from both variable- and person-centered perspectives. In addition, the meaning that students gave to their disciplinary choices was examined. The general research questions of the study were: 1) What kinds of relationships exist among approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and cognitive and attributional strategies? What kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles can be identified among university students, and how are such profiles related to study success and well-being? 3) How do university students explain their disciplinary choices? Four empirical studies addressed these questions. Studies I, II, and III were quantitative, applying self-report questionnaires, and Study IV was qualitative in nature. Study I explored relations among cognitive strategies, approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and study success by using correlations and a K-means cluster analysis. The participants were 366 students from various faculties at different phases of their studies. The results showed that all the measured constructs were logically related to each other in both variable- and person-centered approaches. Study II further examined what kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles could be identified among first-year university students (n=436) in arts, law, and agriculture and forestry. Differences in terms of study success, exhaustion, and stress among students with differing profiles were also looked at. By using a latent class cluster analysis (LCCA), three groups of students were identified: non-academic (34%), self-directed (35%), and helpless students (31%). Helpless students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion. Self-directed students received the highest grades. In Study III, cognitive-motivational profiles were identified among novice teacher students (n=213) using LCCA. Well-being, epistemological beliefs, and study success were looked at in relation to the profiles. Three groups of students were found: non-regulating (50%), self-directed (35%), and non-reflective (22%). Self-directed students again received the best grades. Non-regulating students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion, the lowest level of interest, and showed the strongest preference for certain and practical knowledge. Study IV, which was qualitative in nature, explored how first-year students (n = 536 ) in three fields of studies, arts, law, and veterinary medicine explained their disciplinary choices. Content analyses showed that interest appeared to be a common concept in students description of their choices across the three faculties. However, the objects of interest of the freshmen appeared rather unspecified. Veterinary medicine and law students most often referred to future work or a profession, whereas only one-fifth of the arts students did so. The dissertation showed that combining different theoretical perspectives and methodologies enabled us to build a rich picture of university students cognitive and motivational predispositions towards studying and learning. Further, cognitive-emotional aspects played a significant role in studying, not only in relation to study success, but also in terms of well-being. Keywords: approaches to learning, self-regulation, cognitive and attributional strategies, university students


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Este estudo põe em evidência o valor formativo da reflexão pela escrita, estruturada em portfolios reflexivos, desenvolvidos durante a disciplina de Supervisão I, nas quatro turmas/cursos de formação complementar em Supervisão Pedagógica e Formação de Formadores, para o Exercício de Outras Funções, decorrida entre 1999-2004, na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, do Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu. Trata-se de uma investigação de índole qualitativa desenvolvida segundo a metodologia de estudo de caso, na vertente de estudo de casos múltiplos, dada a singularidade de que cada portfolio se reveste. A investigação foi perspectivada após a conclusão do referido curso com base na existência, ao tempo, de pouca investigação realizada no âmbito da utilização de portfolios na Formação Complementar de professores. As questões investigativas foram, por esse motivo, desenhadas a posteriori, o que podemos considerar uma limitação do estudo, ainda que os resultados obtidos confirmem as perspectivas desenvolvimentistas desta estratégia de formação, evidenciadas em investigações realizadas noutros contextos nacionais e internacionais. A adopção do portfolio reflexivo (Sá-Chaves, 2000) numa dupla dimensão – formativa e avaliativa – resultou de uma concepção de formação conducente ao desenvolvimento de professores reflexivos, capazes de exercer funções supervisivas alicerçadas na reflexão, no diálogo, na partilha e na intervenção. Pretendemos com a aplicação de portfolios reflexivos verificar até que ponto a construção de este tipo de narrativa autobiográfica podia contribuir para o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente de professores inseridos na carreira há já alguns/muitos anos, proporcionando-lhes a(s) ferramenta(s) reflexiva(s) necessária(s) a uma intervenção e/ou alteração de práticas mais adequadas às novas funções supervisivas que a legislação recente previa que viessem a exercer. Pudemos confirmar que a redacção do portfolio constituiu uma mais valia para os seus autores no que respeita ao seu desenvolvimento da sua profissionalidade, tendo-se verificado um crescimento evidente nas dimensões de conhecimento profissional, com especial incidência: no autoconhecimento; no conhecimento sobre estratégias reflexivas e supervisivas para o exercício de novas funções; no conhecimento de teorias práticas subjacentes às suas experiências supervisivas (passadas, presentes e futuras); no conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento curricular e sua flexibilização; no conhecimento sobre estratégias de avaliação alternativa e compreensiva; no conhecimento do Outro, no qual se incluem os alunos, os colegas de profissão e os restantes elementos da comunidade educativa; e no conhecimento sobre os contextos. Verificámos igualmente que a compreensão das competências supervisivas dos formandos também evoluiu. As reflexões vertidas neste estudo evidenciam que os formandos consciencializaram a necessidade de possuírem uma competência de intervenção fundamentada na reflexão, exercida sob uma perspectiva dialógica e humanista de supervisão e de adaptabilidade aos contextos profissionais. Acresce que alguns destes formandos manifestaram vontade e maior coragem para assumir essa intervenção, considerada imprescindível para que a escola evolua e se inove, como resposta à imprevisibilidade e à complexidade dos nossos tempos. Tornou-se igualmente evidente que os formandos desenvolveram as competências de integração da prática na teoria ou vice-versa e de autenticação das suas próprias teorias. Os professores são unânimes ao afirmar que a estratégia de portfolio contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da sua competência reflexiva e/ou de análise crítica, a qual, por sua vez, conduziu à auto-consciencialização da sua matriz identitária e à coragem para serem mais autênticos e interventivos/pró-activos. Terem sido capazes de ultrapassar as dificuldades e os receios colocados por uma estratégia que desconheciam, conferiu-lhes maior auto-estima e autonomia. Este aspecto está bem patente nas meta-análises realizadas por cada autor do portfolio, nas quais, aceitam a estratégia inicialmente combatida, reconhecendo-lhe valor formativo e a capacidade de revelação de conhecimento sobre si próprios. Pese embora o curto espaço de tempo em que a experiência de construção dos portfolios decorreu, tanto os formandos como nós consideramos que esta narrativa profissional autobiográfica é uma estratégia promotora de uma auto-supervisão contínua, que fornece e regista pistas de autodireccionamento profissional, sempre passíveis de avaliação e de redireccionamento. Com base nestas constatações consideramos que o portfolio reflexivo pode tornar-se no instrumento mais completo e diacrónico de auto-avaliação de professores, prevista no ECD, na medida em que permite retratar o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal do seu autor e possibilita que este se reveja e redimensione a sua profissionalidade, sempre que acrescenta reflexões novas ou complementa anteriores, como resultado dos conselhos e/ou das discussões com o(s) Outro(s) e o próprio.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialidade Supervisão em Educação


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Entre 15% et 20% des enseignants du Québec abandonnent la profession avant d’atteindre cinq années d’expérience (Martel et Ouellette, 2003). Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent perturber leur insertion et freiner le développement de leur identité professionnelle (Baillauquès et Breuse, 1993). Pour les soutenir, des commissions scolaires offrent des mesures parmi lesquelles le mentorat est privilégié. La recherche visait à mieux comprendre le mentorat en enseignement pour en identifier des caractéristiques favorables au développement de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants débutants. Les deux concepts sont mis en relation, s’appuyant sur les travaux de Houde (1995) et de Gohier, Anadón, Bouchard, Charbonneau et Chevrier (2001). Les aspects retenus pour l’analyse sont : les caractéristiques de la relation mentorale, les fonctions du mentor et le développement des sentiments de compétence, de reconnaissance et d’appartenance à la profession. Cinq entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès d’enseignantes débutantes du primaire de la région de Montréal ayant vécu une relation mentorale d’un an. Les données ont été traitées qualitativement. Les résultats montrent que, selon les participantes, le mentorat peut favoriser le développement du sentiment de compétence. Toutefois, les sentiments de reconnaissance et d’appartenance sont attribuables à l’expérience et la sociabilité. Un portrait du mentor et des conditions de réussite de la relation mentorale sont aussi présentés. Le fait que seules des mentorées du primaire aient été interrogées constitue une limite. La généralisation est impossible, mais les résultats peuvent servir à d’autres études sur l’identité professionnelle ainsi qu’au développement de programmes d’insertion professionnelle et à la formation de mentors.


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The first teaching experiences of student teachers have changed significantly in Australia even during the last fifty years. One constant has been their involvement with a supervisor, usually a practising teacher of experience. The importance attributed to this supervisory relationship has waxed and waned over the years, but it is presently receiving prominence as being the real place of learning for the novice teacher. This paper argues that the apprenticeship model, with its emphasis on performance and product, is most prominent in present supervisory conferences, despite being inappropriate for inducting student teachers into teaching as a profession. The paper suggests that the development of professional teachers calls for supervisory relationships which include discourses of critical reflection, rather than relationships that are dominated by the techniques of teaching. Further, such relationships are seen as professionally empowering for both student teachers and their supervisors.


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This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education


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This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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[ES]El profesor novel se caracteriza por no tener experiencia y por encontrarse en un período inicial de formación. Dentro de estas peculiaridades, encuentra dificultades de docencia, de investigación y de gestión. Teniendo presente estas ideas nos proponemos dar a conocer las dificultades relacionadas con la docencia del profesor novel universitario durante sus primeros días en el aula universitaria. Daremos a conocer estas dificultades por medio de una experiencia que ha sido recogida en diarios de investigación [EN]The novice teacher has the next features: this individual does not have experience and is in an initial training. Inside of these particularities, the novice teacher has difficulties of teaching, of research, and of management. If we have in account these ideas, we propose to give to know the difficulties related with the teaching of novice teacher in the university during her first days in the university class. We discuss these difficulties through of an experience that have been related in diary of research.


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This study explores how two American history teachers - one novice and one experienced – make in-the-moment choices among their history subject matter and classroom-related purposes during the teaching of an American history unit. Using classroom observations, lesson artifacts, student work products, and deep, retrospective interviews with the teachers as they watched videos of their teaching, this study maps out in detail the teachers’ purposes, both within and across different lesson activity structures. This study finds that the novice and the experienced teacher navigated among their purposes differently from each other, and that the characteristics of each teacher’s purposes navigation aligned with student outcomes in that teacher’s class. The novice teacher acted more like a juggler, with visible, reactive navigation among each purpose operational throughout his teaching; student outcomes in his class were similarly fragmented and discrete. The experienced teacher presented more like an orchestra conductor, interweaving his purposes and anticipating the navigation decisions that would create a more seamless whole; student outcomes in his class were aligned with his holistic navigation of purposes. Findings from this study have important implications for education research and teacher practice, including the relationship between teachers’ navigation among purposes and desired student outcomes, the integral role of classroom-related purposes interwoven with history subject matter purposes in teachers’ decision-making, and the differences in purposes navigation between a novice and an experienced history teacher.


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Despite the acknowledged importance of assessment in education, there has been minimal research into the preparation of preservice teachers for the important role of involving preservice teachers in marking, grading, moderating and providing feedback on student work. This article reports on a pilot project in which preservice teachers participated in an ongoing peer assessment and social moderation process in a dedicated course on assessment. The purpose of the project was to investigate specific ways in which key assessment processes can be effectively taught to preservice teachers. The research involved 96 preservice teachers who completed a Likert scale survey and free text responses to set questions. The results indicated that while preservice teachers valued the process, continual opportunities to learn the nature and purpose of essential assessment practices related to marking, grading, moderating and providing feedback are necessary to graduate competent and work-ready assessors.