976 resultados para nichtlineare Optik, Vierwellenmischen, Hohlfaser, licht-induzierte Drift, Antiwasserstoff
In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung und experimentelle Umsetzung einer kontinuierlichen, kohärenten Lichtquelle im vakuumultravioletten Wellenlängenbereich um 122 nm präsentiert. Diese basiert auf der nichtlinearen optischen Summenfrequenzmischung dreier Fundamentallaserstrahlen in einer mit Quecksilberdampf gefüllten Hohlfaser. Die Wellenlängen der fundamentalen Laser sind dabei an der Niveaustruktur des Quecksilbers orientiert, um eine mehrfach resonante Überhöhung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität zu erreichen. Der transversale Einschluss der Lichtfelder in der Faser verlängert die Wechselwirkungszone mit dem nichtlinearen Medium um mehrere Größenordnungen gegenüber dem Regime fokussierter Strahlen und erlaubt so signifikante Steigerungen der Mischeffizienz.rnrnIm Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde neben einer umfassenden mathematischen Analyse des nichtlinearen Mischprozesses unter Einfluss der Fasercharakteristika eine Apparatur zur Erzeugung und Detektion vakuumultravioletter Strahlung entwickelt. Die Generierung ausreichend hoher Dampfdichten innerhalb des 50 µm durchmessenden Faserkerns konnten spektroskopisch nachgewiesen werden.rnrnDas erste erfolgreiche Summenfrequenzmischen zu 121,26 nm in der Faser wurde demonstriert. Die erzielten Mischeffizienzen sind bereits mit denen vergleichbar, welche unter Verwendung fokussierter Strahlen erreicht werden, obwohl eine Phasenanpassung in der Faser bisher nicht möglich war. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit markieren damit einen wichtigen Schritt hin zu Leistungssteigerungen kohärenter, kontinuierlicher vakuumultravioletter Lichtquellen.rnrnEine solche Quelle wird für zukünftige Laserkühlung von magnetisch gefangenem Antiwasserstoff auf dem Lyman-Alpha Übergang, sowie die Rydberganregung von Calciumionen in einer Paulfalle zur Implementierung quantenlogischer Operationen benötigt.rnrnFerner hat eine Untersuchung der, für eine effiziente Konversion essentiellen, 6^1S_0 - 7^1S_0 Zwei-Photonen Resonanz in Quecksilber Hinweise auf eine bis dato experimentell nicht beobachtete, auf einer Mehr-Photonen Anregung beruhende Licht-induzierte Drift ergeben.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine kohärente, kontinuierliche Strahlungsquelle im vakuum-ultravioletten (VUV) Spektrum vorgestellt. Sie basiert auf einem Vierwellenmischprozess in Quecksilberdampf mit Fundamentalstrahlen bei 253,7 nm, 407,9 nm und 545,5 nm Wellenlänge. Diese fundamentalen Strahlen werden durch frequenzverdoppelte bzw. frequenzvervierfachte Festkörperlasersysteme bereit gestellt. Durch das Ausnutzen der 6^1S-7^1S Zweiphotonenresonanz und zusätzlich der 6^1S-6^3P Einphotonenresonanz kann der Vierwellenmischprozess deutlich effizienter betrieben werden als zuvor. Eine nahe Einphotonenresonanz verringert die optimale Phasenanpassungstemperatur des Vierwellenmischprozesses, wodurch Druck- und Stoßverbreiterungen des Quecksilbers verkleinert und damit der nichtlineare Prozess effizienter wird. So können Leistungen bis zu 0,3 nW bei 121,56 nm, dem 1S-2P Lyman-alpha Übergang von Wasserstoff, erzeugt werden. Diese Lyman-alpha Quelle soll für die zukünftige Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff genutzt werden. rnrnNeben der Generierung von Strahlung bei Lyman-alpha kann, durch Veränderung der dritten Fundamentalwellenlänge, auch Strahlung in der Nähe zu einer Einphotonresonanz im VUV bei dem 6^1S-12^1P Übergang in Quecksilber durch Vierwellenmischen erzeugt werden. Durch diese weitere Einphotonresonanz kann die nichtlineare Suszeptibilität, verantwortlich für das Vierwellenmischen, stark vergrößert werden, ohne Einfluss auf die Phasenanpassung zu haben. Damit lässt sich der Mischprozess um drei Größenordnungen effizienter gestalten und Leistungen von 6 µW im VUV konnten realisiert werden. Dies entspricht einer Leistungsteigerung um einen Faktor 30 im Vergleich zu früheren Quellen. rnrnDarüberhinaus konnte die Zweiphotonenresonanz in Quecksilber ausführlich untersucht werden. Man erhält bei kleinen Rabifrequenzen der Fundamentalstrahlen eine geschwindigkeitsselektive Doppelresonanz, die den gleichen Ursprung wie Dunkelresonanzen in Lambda-Systemen hat. Bei hohen Rabifrequenzen kann die Anregung in das Zweiphotonenniveau so stark werden, dass auf dem 7^1S-6^1P Übergang ein Laserprozess initiiert wird. Dieser Prozess wurde hier zum ersten Mal mit kontinuierlichen Fundamentallasern nachgewiesen. Es wird gezeigt, dass der zusätzliche Laserprozess das Vierwellenmischen nicht beeinträchtigt.
In summary, thermoresponsive polyacrylamides with various amounts of different photoswitchable side groups, i. e. azobenzene, salicylideneaniline and fulgimide were successfully prepared. As such, in a first step three different chromophores with an amine functionality were synthesized. The synthesis of the stimuli-responsive materials was based on the RAFT polymerization of activated ester acrylates followed by a polymer analogous reaction with different amines. The procedure has been designed to allow the synthesis of well-defined materials with functional groups. All copolymers prepared in this way showed a LCST in aqueous solution. The LCST was in general decreased by increasing the amount of hydrophobic dye incorporated into the thermoresponsive polymer. However, in the case of the fulgimide, the LCST was hardly affected by the chromophore. For azobenzene containing PNIPAM polymers and analogues, higher LCST values were measured after irradiation of the polymer sample solutions with UV-light (Delta LCSTmax = 7.3°C). A reversible light-induced solubility change within a certain temperature range was possible. In contrast to this, irradiated samples of salicylideneaniline containing thermoresponsive copolymers showed an irreversible increase in the LCST (Delta LCSTmax = 13.0°C). Fulgimide chromophores did not influence the LCST of PNIPAM based copolymers after UV-light exposure.rnSimilar to the thermoresponsive polyacrylamides with azobenzene side groups, poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) [P(OEGMA)] polymers with azobenzene end groups showed a LCST shift upon UV-irradiation. These polymers were synthesized by RAFT polymerization using a functional chain transfer agent (CTA). For this, PFP-CTA was used as a RAFT-agent for end group functionalization of (thermoresponsive) polymers. In contrast to the statistically arranged copolymers with azobenzene side groups, P(OEGMA) polymers with terminal azobenzene showed a linear increase of the LCST shifts with increasing amount of chromophore (Delta LCSTmax = 4.3°C). Noteworthy, the chemical nature of the end group exhibited a strong influence on the LCST in the case of short thermoresponsive P(OEGMA) polymers.rnThe investigation on temperature- and lightresponsive polymers was transferred onto block copolymers capable to self-assemble into polymeric micelles. Therefore, PEO-b-PNIPAM block copolymers with azobenzene moieties were synthesized successfully. These polymers showed a “smart” behavior in aqueous solution, as the reversible formation and disruption of the micelles could either be controlled by temperature or using light as a stimulus. The usefulness of these materials was demonstrated by encapsulation of a hydrophobic dye in the core of the micelle. Such materials might have a great potential as a model system for several technical or biological applications.rnFinally, double thermoresponsive block copolymers forming micellar structures in a certain temperature range with functional end groups could successfully be synthesized. These “smart materials” based on POEGMA-b-PNIPMAM have been demonstrated to be very promising for a temperature selective immobilization on a protein surface. This might be a suitable concept for further biological applications.rnConcluding, different thermoresponsive copolymers and block copolymers with lightresponsive moieties arranged along the backbone or located at the chain ends were successfully prepared and investigated. By controlling the nature of functional groups and their respective incorporation ratios, the LCST could be dialed in precisely. Further, the LCST of the polymers could be triggered by light. A light-controlled disruption of micellar structures could be shown for functional block copolymers. The importance of end groups of thermoresponsive polymers was demonstrated by a temperature-controlled protein-polymer binding of a terminal biotin-functionalized double thermoresponsive polymer. The synthetic approaches and the material properties presented here should be promising for further research and applications beyond this dissertation.rn
Relaxor-Ferroelektrika sind wegen ihrer möglichen technischen Anwendungen und vom Standpunkt der Grundlagenforschung als Beispiel für ungeordnete Systeme von wissenschaftlichem Interesse. Trotz zahlreicher experimenteller Untersuchungen sind die mikroskopischen Ursachen ihrer Eigenschaften aber nach wie vor ungeklärt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum Bleimagnesiumniobat-Bleititanat (PMN-10PT) mittels linearer und nichtlinearer dielektrischer Spektroskopie untersucht. Durch Anregung mit starken elektrischen Wechselfeldern konnten mit der Methode des nichtresonanten dielektrischen Lochbrennens frequenzselektiv einzelne spektrale Bereiche aus dem verbreiterten Relaxationsspektrum herausgegriffen und deren Rückrelaxation separat verfolgt werden. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigten, daß eine langlebige dynamische Heterogenität der dipolaren Reorientierung existiert. Durch ihr ausgeprägt nichtergodisches Verhalten zeigen Relaxor-Ferroelektrika starke Alterungseffekte. Die Untersuchung des Alterungsverhaltens der dielektrischen Suszeptibilität zeigte, daß ein Gedächtnis für die bei einer Alterungstemperatur eingenommene Konfiguration bestehen bleibt, sofern die Temperatur nach einer unvollständigen isothermen Alterung nur um einige Grad abgesenkt oder erhöht wurde.Außerdem wurde die induzierte Polarisation bei stochastischen dielektrischen Anregungen mit elektrischen Feldern, die in sehr guter Näherung ein weißes Rauschen darstellten, untersucht. Über die Bildung der Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion zwischen Feld und Polarisation konnte die Impulsantwortfunktion des Systems berechnet werden.Die experimentellen Ergebnisse am Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum PMN-10PT können sehr gut mit einem Modell eines ungeordneten Ferroelektrikums erklärt werden, dessen Domänenwände unordnungsbedingt an sogenannten Pinning-Zentren festhaften.
Unstructured text data, such as emails, blogs, contracts, academic publications, organizational documents, transcribed interviews, and even tweets, are important sources of data in Information Systems research. Various forms of qualitative analysis of the content of these data exist and have revealed important insights. Yet, to date, these analyses have been hampered by limitations of human coding of large data sets, and by bias due to human interpretation. In this paper, we compare and combine two quantitative analysis techniques to demonstrate the capabilities of computational analysis for content analysis of unstructured text. Specifically, we seek to demonstrate how two quantitative analytic methods, viz., Latent Semantic Analysis and data mining, can aid researchers in revealing core content topic areas in large (or small) data sets, and in visualizing how these concepts evolve, migrate, converge or diverge over time. We exemplify the complementary application of these techniques through an examination of a 25-year sample of abstracts from selected journals in Information Systems, Management, and Accounting disciplines. Through this work, we explore the capabilities of two computational techniques, and show how these techniques can be used to gather insights from a large corpus of unstructured text.
This paper is directed towards providing an answer to the question, ”Can you control the trajectory of a Lagrangian float?” Being a float that has minimal actuation (only buoyancy control), their horizontal trajectory is dictated through drifting with ocean currents. However, with the appropriate vertical actuation and utilising spatio-temporal variations in water speed and direction, we show here that broad controllabilty results can be met such as waypoint following to keep a float inside of a bay or out of a designated region. This paper extends theory experimen- tally evaluted on horizontally actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for trajectory control utilising ocean forecast models and presents an initial investi- gation into the controllability of these minimally actuated drifting AUVs. Simulated results for offshore coastal and within highly dynamic tidal bays illustrate two tech- niques with the promise for an affirmative answer to the posed question above.
In this video, text floats on screen amidst a field of swirling coloured orbs and a stock music soundtrack. The text is sourced from Internet dating websites and combine into a single animated portrait charting an array of likes, dislikes, influences, beliefs and hobbies. This work examines the nature of consciousness and identity in a contemporary context. It reworks the languages of Internet dating websites to question how we construct and communicate our sense of self. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s theoretical work on “liquid modernity”, this work presents an exaggerated take on contemporary identity that emphasizes its construction through consumer tastes, lifestyle choices and relationships with popular culture.
Microenterprise development programs (MEPs) have been recognised as a valuable way to help the poor engage in micro-businesses (Green et al., 2006; Vargas, 2000), presenting a way out of poverty (Choudhury et al., 2008; Strier, 2010). Concerns have been raised however, that the benefits of MEPs often don’t reach the extremely poor (Jones et al., 2004; Midgley, 2008; Mosley and Hulme, 1998; Nawaz, 2010; Pritchett, 2006). Balancing reach of these programs with depth is a challenging task. Targeting as many poor people as possible often results in MEPs focusing on the upper or middle poor, overlooking the most challenging group. As such, MEPs have been criticised for mission drift – losing sight of the organisation’s core purpose; assisting those more likely to succeed.
This thesis examines the stewardship and investment style monitoring by managers and boards of U.S. equity funds. Results indicate that complying with a fund’s declared style, especially in value-growth dimension, remains a challenge for fund managers and boards, and that style-based investors should be aware of the risk of style drift since fund managers and boards do not always monitor the fund’s investment style as stated in the prospectus. Results also show that the quality of fund stewardship, as reflected by fund board quality, corporate culture, manager compensation, regulatory history, and fees are effective in ensuring that fund managers and boards perform their fiduciary obligation by increasing monitoring of the fund investment style.
A 34-year-old female patient with a three year history of generalized granuloma annulare was treated systemically with dapsone (DADPS). Six weeks after the onset of treatment, the patient developed an extensive tonsillitis of the base of the tongue with fever and malaise. Routine laboratory work showed a leukocytopenia with agranulocytosis. Further investigation revealed a marked decrease of the enzyme activity of N-acetyltransferase 2, which plays an important role in dapsone metabolism. Treatment included the cessation of dapsone, antibiotic coverage, and G-CSF leading to the rapid improvement of symptoms and normalization of leukocyte counts. Dapsone-induced angina agranulocytotica is a rare event and is interpreted as an idiosyncratic reaction. Depending on genetic polymorphisms of various enzymes, dapsone can be metabolized to immunologically or toxicologically relevant intermediates. Because of the risk of severe hematologic reactions, dapsone should only be employed for solid indications and with appropriate monitoring. [Article in German]
Business processes are prone to continuous and unexpected changes. Process workers may start executing a process differently in order to adjust to changes in workload, season, guidelines or regulations for example. Early detection of business process changes based on their event logs – also known as business process drift detection – enables analysts to identify and act upon changes that may otherwise affect process performance. Previous methods for business process drift detection are based on an exploration of a potentially large feature space and in some cases they require users to manually identify the specific features that characterize the drift. Depending on the explored feature set, these methods may miss certain types of changes. This paper proposes a fully automated and statistically grounded method for detecting process drift. The core idea is to perform statistical tests over the distributions of runs observed in two consecutive time windows. By adaptively sizing the window, the method strikes a trade-off between classification accuracy and drift detection delay. A validation on synthetic and real-life logs shows that the method accurately detects typical change patterns and scales up to the extent it is applicable for online drift detection.
We consider a Linear system with Markovian switching which is perturbed by Gaussian type noise, If the linear system is mean square stable then we show that under certain conditions the perturbed system is also stable, We also shaw that under certain conditions the linear system with Markovian switching can be stabilized by such noisy perturbation.
This study evaluates how the advection of precipitation, or wind drift, between the radar volume and ground affects radar measurements of precipitation. Normally precipitation is assumed to fall vertically to the ground from the contributing volume, and thus the radar measurement represents the geographical location immediately below. In this study radar measurements are corrected using hydrometeor trajectories calculated from measured and forecasted winds, and the effect of trajectory-correction on the radar measurements is evaluated. Wind drift statistics for Finland are compiled using sounding data from two weather stations spanning two years. For each sounding, the hydrometeor phase at ground level is estimated and drift distance calculated using different originating level heights. This way the drift statistics are constructed as a function of range from radar and elevation angle. On average, wind drift of 1 km was exceeded at approximately 60 km distance, while drift of 10 km was exceeded at 100 km distance. Trajectories were calculated using model winds in order to produce a trajectory-corrected ground field from radar PPI images. It was found that at the upwind side from the radar the effective measuring area was reduced as some trajectories exited the radar volume scan. In the downwind side areas near the edge of the radar measuring area experience improved precipitation detection. The effect of trajectory-correction is most prominent in instant measurements and diminishes when accumulating over longer time periods. Furthermore, measurements of intensive and small scale precipitation patterns benefit most from wind drift correction. The contribution of wind drift on the uncertainty of estimated Ze (S) - relationship was studied by simulating the effect of different error sources to the uncertainty in the relationship coefficients a and b. The overall uncertainty was assumed to consist of systematic errors of both the radar and the gauge, as well as errors by turbulence at the gauge orifice and by wind drift of precipitation. The focus of the analysis is error associated with wind drift, which was determined by describing the spatial structure of the reflectivity field using spatial autocovariance (or variogram). This spatial structure was then used with calculated drift distances to estimate the variance in radar measurement produced by precipitation drift, relative to the other error sources. It was found that error by wind drift was of similar magnitude with error by turbulence at gauge orifice at all ranges from radar, with systematic errors of the instruments being a minor issue. The correction method presented in the study could be used in radar nowcasting products to improve the estimation of visibility and local precipitation intensities. The method however only considers pure snow, and for operational purposes some improvements are desirable, such as melting layer detection, VPR correction and taking solid state hydrometeor type into account, which would improve the estimation of vertical velocities of the hydrometeors.