988 resultados para national production
This study analyses the national scientific production about college students' residence halls. The country's main data bases and electronic sites of several Brazilian higher education institutions were checked and 23 studies, published between 2000 and 2009, were found. The results of our analysis point to different focuses, which can be grouped into three categories: students who live in residence halls, residence halls themselves and actions for student assistance. Although there is large foreign scientific production about college student housing, the national production on this theme is still scarce, and the idea of student residence halls as educational spaces is still very incipient. The study points out to the need for investigating the living conditions in these places, and the impacts of this kind of habitation on students. Considering that student housing is an institutional responsibility, these studies potentially subsidize measures for proper educational conditions for college students.
The Brazil consolidated itself as the largest world producer of sugarcane, sugar and ethanol. The creation of the Programa Nacional do Alcool - PROALCOOL and the growing use of cars with flexible motors were some of the factors that helped to motivate still more the production. Evolutions in the agricultural and industrial research did the Brazilian competitiveness in sugar and ethanol globally elevated, what is evidenced when comparing the amount produced at the country and the production costs, which turned a big one differential. Therefore, the administration of costs is of great relevance to the sugar and ethanol companies, for representing a significant rationalization in the production processes, with economy of resources and the reach of better earnings, besides reducing the operational risk pertinent at the fixed costs of production. Thus, the present work has for objective to analyze the costs structure of sugar and ethanol companies of the Center-south area of the country through an empiric-analytical study based in methodologies and concepts extracted of the costs accounting. It is verified that great part of the costs and operational expenses have variable behavior, a positive factor for the sector reducing the operational risk of the activity. The main restraint of this study is the sample of five years and 10% of the number of plants in Brazil that although they represent 30% of the national production, don`t allow the generalization of the model.
This paper proposes an alternative framework for examining the international macroeconomic impact of domestic monetary and fiscal policies and focuses on the distinction between national spending and national production and the reactive behavior of foreign investors to changing external account balances. It demonstrates that under a floating exchange rate regime, monetary and fiscal policies can affect aggregate expenditure and output quite differently, with important implications for the behavior of the exchange rate, the current account balance, and national income in the short run, as well as the economy's price level in the long run. In particular, this paper predicts that expansionary monetary and fiscal policies tend to depreciate the currency and only temporarily raise gross domestic product and the current account surplus, although permanently raise the domestic price level. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Forty-Ninth International Atlantic Economic Conference, March 14–21, 2000, Munich, Germany.
Este estudo tem dois objetivos: revisar criticamente a produ????o cient??fica nacional sobre o tema ???compet??ncias no trabalho e nas organiza????es???; e apresentar o conceito e discutir sua utiliza????o no setor p??blico. Para tanto foram analisados relatos de pesquisa emp??rica e ensaios nacionais e estrangeiros ??? em peri??dicos de psicologia e administra????o. Foram discutidos: enfoques te??ricos, instrumentos de coleta de dados, procedimentos de an??lise, entre outros aspectos. Na an??lise da produ????o nacional, constatou-se que, em sua maioria, as pesquisas: descrevem compet??ncias ocupacionais ou profissionais; possuem desenho survey; apresentam pluralidade quanto ?? natureza da pesquisa e utiliza????o de m??todos e t??cnicas para coleta e an??lise de dados; e s??o realizadas principalmente no setor terci??rio da economia. Verificou-se, ainda, a converg??ncia do conceito de compet??ncia, diante da complexidade e fragmenta????o te??rica previamente constatadas na literatura. Entretanto, mesmo em evid??ncia, a produ????o cient??fica brasileira sobre o tema ?? recente e ainda h?? uma lacuna sobre a discuss??o do construto e sua aplica????o no setor p??blico, em especial no caso brasileiro, quando se trata da administra????o p??blica federal, direta, aut??rquica e fundacional.
RESUMO: O girassol é uma importante cultura na região de Parecis, no Cerrado brasileiro. Em 2014, a região respondeu pela produção de 232.700 t de grãos, 45% da produção nacional. A produção de girassol provém principalmente de um sistema que tem a soja como cultura principal. A associação entre soja e girassol pode reduzir impactos ambientais devido ao uso compartilhado de recursos. Este estudo desenvolveu uma Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) ?do berço ao túmulo? do sistema de produção soja-girassol usado na região de Parecis e comparou seu perfil ambiental ao das monoculturas de soja e girassol. Impactos relacionados ao uso do solo (emissões da mudança de uso da terra e calagem) por cada cultura foram alocados em função do tempo de ocupação do solo. O sistema soja-girassol teve impactos ambientais menores em todas as categorias de impacto quando comparado à monocultura de soja e girassol, com o mesmo rendimento. Reduções importantes foram observadas em ?Mudança do Clima?, ?Acidificação Terrestre? e ?Formação de Material Particulado?. ABSTRACT: Sunflower is an important crop in Parecis region of the Brazilian Cerrado. In 2014 the region accounted for the production of 232,700 tons of sunflower grain, 45% of national production. Sunflower production comes mostly from a system that has soybean as the main crop. The association of soybean and sunflower can reduce environmental impacts due to shared use of resources. This study performed a ?cradle to gate? Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the soybean-sunflower production system used in Parecis region and compared its environmental profile to that of the monoculture of these two crops. Impacts related to the use of soil (land use change emissions and liming) by each crop were evaluated according to time of soil occupation criterion. Soybean-sunflower system had lower environmental impacts on every impact category comparing to soybean and sunflower monoculture with the same yield. Important reduction were observed on ?Climate change?, ?Terrestrial acidification? and ?Particulate matter formation? categories.
This work was carried out to show the current situation of the temperate fruit crops in São Paulo state, Brazil, with an emphasis on grapes, peaches, apples, plums, nectarines and pears crops. Current economic data of crops, major growing regions, main cultivars produced, as well as the new technologies generated by research are presented. Regarding the grape crop, a decrease in the national production as well as in the major growing states was observed. The main grapes growing centers in São Paulo state are presented, highlighting its peculiarities regarding cultivars, cultural crop management and current researches. A trend has been observed toward increasing Niagara Rosada grape growing area rather than the fine table grape cultivars. It was also observed the adoption of cultural practices, aiming to increase productivity, to improve the fruits quality and to reduce manpower necessity. In terms of stone fruits, peaches are the most widely cultivated in São Paulo state, followed by plums and nectarines. Both for stone fruits crop and for apples and pears crops, statistics and comments are presented on the crops evolution as well as the current researches results and the requirements of these fruit crops in São Paulo state, Brazil.
This contribution discusses the state of the art and the challenges in producing biofuels, as well as the need to develop chemical conversion processes of CO2 in Brazil. Biofuels are sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for providing energy, whilst minimizing the effects of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Ethanol from fermentation of simple sugars and biodiesel produced from oils and fats are the first-generation of biofuels available in the country. However, they are preferentially produced from edible feedstocks (sugar cane and vegetable oils), which limits the expansion of national production. In addition, environmental issues, as well as political and societal pressures, have promoted the development of 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels. These biofuels are based on lignocellulosic biomass from agricultural waste and wood processing, and on algae, respectively. Cellulosic ethanol, from fermentation of cellulose-derived sugars, and hydrocarbons in the range of liquid fuels (gasoline, jet, and diesel fuels) produced through thermochemical conversion processes are considered biofuels of the new generation. Nevertheless, the available 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels, and those under development, have to be subsidized for inclusion in the consumer market. Therefore, one of the greatest challenges in the biofuels area is their competitive large-scale production in relation to fossil fuels. Owing to this, fossil fuels, based on petroleum, coal and natural gas, will be around for many years to come. Thus, it is necessary to utilize the inevitable CO2 released by the combustion processes in a rational and economical way. Chemical transformation processes of CO2 into methanol, hydrocarbons and organic carbonates are attractive and relatively easy to implement in the short-to-medium terms. However, the low reactivity of CO2 and the thermodynamic limitations in terms of conversion and yield of products remain challenges to be overcome in the development of sustainable CO2 conversion processes.
Las pymes son el mayor grupo representativo de empresas en Colombia, estas contribuyen en buena medida en los diferentes indicadores socioeconómicos y son el pilar fundamental para el empleo y la producción nacional. Es por ello que el gobierno nacional busca el desarrollo de programas que ayuden e incentiven la competitividad de estas para fomentar las exportaciones no tradicionales y generar desarrollo económico. Estas preocupaciones dan lugar a que el Estado, la empresa privada y la academia se unan en proyectos para dar herramientas a los empresarios en la preparación de sus empresas para incursionar en los mercados extranjeros. En este sentido, La secretaria de Desarrollo Económico de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, Maloka y el Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Empresarial CIDEM extensión de la Facultad de Administración del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, se unen en el Proyecto Maloka que consta de cinco fases: Inteligencia de mercados, costos, logística, área comercial, área internacional. Este proyecto tiene como finalidad el desarrollo de un plan exportador donde se plasman las estrategias y la ruta a seguir de las diferentes empresas escogidas. Lo que se presenta a continuación es el producto del trabajo que se desarrolla con Colombia Ají E.U. una de las empresas que entró a hacer parte de este programa y en donde se muestra el plan exportador resultante.
La propuesta de rescatar y perfeccionar la Bibliografía Brasileña de Educación (BBE) visa la consolidación del Centro de Información y Biblioteca en Educación (CIBEC) como centro de referencia de las informaciones educacionales producidas en Brasil, tornándose un instrumento capaz de auxiliar políticas y acciones educacionales con informaciones generadoras de conocimientos que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de la educación brasileña, en todos sus niveles y modalidades. Para eso, el CIBEC se propone hacer el inventario minucioso de quiénes producen y de lo que se produce en el área de la educación, estableciendo contactos y firmando convenios para la implantación de una red nacional para la captación de la producción de informaciones educacionales, de forma exhaustiva y saistematizada, integrando y coordinando las instituciones productoras y almacenadoras de tales informaciones para facilitar el control, el acceso y la diseminación de toda la producción nacional en el área.
El proyecto comprende una descripción de los aspectos generales que hacen referencia al sector de los abonos orgánicos en Colombia, abarcando temas como: su comportamiento, volúmenes históricos de producción a nivel nacional y los resultados de encuesta aplicada al mercado objetivo del proyecto. Después viene el desarrollo de los estudios que componen la formulación del proyecto como: Mercado (determinación del mercado objetivo, descripción del producto, el precio y estrategias de comercialización), Técnico (descripción del proceso productivo, proyección de costos, plan de inversiones, etc.), Administrativos (determinación de personal, tipo de contrato y remuneración del trabajo), Legal (se menciona el marco regulatorio de los abonos orgánicos, beneficios fiscales), Ambiental (licencias, permisos para el desarrollo del proyecto) y Financiero (supuestos, flujo de caja, escenarios y los resultados derivados de estos).
The state of Rio Grande do Norte counts with a relevant potential in the shrimp farming supply chain. In the larviculture step the state responds for more than half of the national production. In the farming step it is the second largest producer. In the industrial step, its industries have almost 40% of the shrimp processing capacity of the northeast of Brazil. However, this country has the highest tax rate comparing with the main shrimp producer countries. Considering the influence of taxes in the competition among companies, the main goal of this research is to analyze the impact of indirect taxes in the above steps of the supply chain. To achieve it, it will be used the data of the 2011 Census of the Shrimp Farming and it will be applied the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index to identify the market form of those steps. In order to contribute with the characterization of the supply chain, CEO´s of farms and industries will be interviewed. The price-elasticity of the shrimp larvae, the in natura shrimp and the processed shrimp will be analyzed in order to verify the possibility that each one of those three steps has to pass-through the onus of the end of benefit over the ICMS. The data analysis shows that the larviculture step functions as a duopoly and, facing the end of that benefit, it will be able to pass-through most its onus to the farming step. On the other hand, this step functions similar to a perfect competing market, which diminishes its capacity to pass-through that onus to the processing step. This step operates as oligopoly with a lower concentration than the larviculture step but, due to the fact that it faces an oligopsony, it will end up assuming most of that onus, which will cause a decrease in the amount of processed shrimp. It is concluded that the end of that benefit would impact negatively, in this state, the supply chain at all, but mainly the farming and the industrial steps
As tendências do mercado mundial de alimentos apontam para alto crescimento no consumo de produtos naturais, como as frutas e verduras. O mercado mundial de frutas frescas registrou, em 2005, cifra superior a US$ 31,5 bilhões e cresce US$ 1 bilhão ao ano, em média. Tal fato se reproduz no Brasil, onde se observa elevação do consumo de frutas. em termos monetários, o valor bruto da produção de frutas no Brasil atingiu, em 2006, cerca de R$ 16,3 bilhões, 16,5% do valor da produção agrícola brasileira. O presente trabalho buscou analisar características econômicas da participação brasileira no comércio mundial de frutas, entre 1997 e 2008. Ademais, foi analisada a evolução da balança comercial das principais frutas brasileiras, discriminação das exportações em frescas ou processadas, representatividade do comércio externo no valor da produção nacional e participação da exportação de frutas selecionadas na exportação total do agronegócio. Foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; o Sistema de Análise e Levantamento do Comércio Exterior - AliceWeb do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior e o banco de dados do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Após levantamento das frutas que seriam estudadas, constatou-se que o crescimento das exportações foi maior que o crescimento das importações brasileiras de 1997 a 2008. Isso contribuiu para que o seu saldo comercial aumentasse em 112% no período. As exportações de frutas frescas cresceram relativamente mais que as exportações de frutas processadas. Porém houve queda da participação das exportações de frutas nas exportações do agronegócio brasileiro, de 5,8%, em 1997, para 3,9%, em 2008.
The northeastern region is responsible to 14.32% of sugarcane national production. This lowered contribution is due to edaphoclimatic condition. Flowering is a vital process to plant which consumes lots of energy and it culminates in a process called isoporization. This one can give in a decreasing of 60% on alcohol and water production. It may consider that cropped sugarcane has a hibrid with octaploid genome, there are varieties with a flowering standard until of non flowering. Using this natural genetic potential on different croppings of sugarcane, the aim of this work was to understand as this process occurs by the usage of subtractive approaches. The total RNA was extracted using Trizol of peaks of merisematics of croppings with induced flowering and other with late flowering. From this total RNA were built four subtractives libraries (B1- induced early flowering subtracted on late flowering not induced; B2- late flowering not induced subtracted induced early flowering; B3- induced early flowering subtracted of not induced early flowering; B02- not induced early flowering subtracted from induced early flowering) using kits Super Smart cDNA synthesis and BD Clontech kit select cDNA subtraction (Clontech). This material was clone don vector pGEM T-easy(Promega) and changed in competent cells of E.coli DH10B. Given analysis sequence was carried out a program BLASTn against database of NCBI and genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, rice and maize. Clones were grouped in 9 different classes according to function. Some factors already related as couples of flower induction were identified at different libraries. And grouped proteins with cell cycle and it controls were presents, mainly kinases proteins. Related factors to proteic sinthesis, metabolism, defence, cell communication were also given in both libraries .Some identified genes did not show similarity on database or homology with hypothesis function, and it can represents new genes to be deposited in international database. These results offers that some identified on sugarcane, classified as on factors classes, cell cycle and cell communication, trough unknown genes, can be linked with genetic changing to the flowering process found in the northeastern region
The present research aimed to analyze the presence of national scientific production in undergraduate studies in Psychology of Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, the bibliographical references contained in education plan of subjects linked to the common center of the courses, which were taught in 2011 in three Psychology courses of the state, were focused. The analysis of the material was based on bibliographical and contextual aspects of the production, such as year, nationality, type of material, authorship (including the link of authors to PPGs), structuring axis of the subject in which it was mentioned, among others. The results showed that the national production is predominant in all courses, and they are, mostly, originated from PPGs of Psychology. Among these, the publications resulted from programs in Southwest, with emphasis to PUC-SP, are recent (mostly from 2000s) and they are predominantly composed by books (organizations and full texts). Regarding the distribution of Psychology PPGs production by the structuring axes, it is observed that it surpasses the foreign production only in axis C (procedures of scientific investigation and professional practice) and axis F (professional practices). Accordingly, it is concluded that Psychology production is found in graduation, sharing space with foreign publications and from other areas of knowledge. On the one hand, this is positive, by taking into account the importance of several foreign works and from other fields to build the knowledge in Psychology; on the other hand, it shows that the production from this area is inserted in graduation in a less significant way than its growth, which points out the existence of gaps in the development of some investigative domains from national Psychology
Aim. To describe the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in Brazil and analyze the impact of federal government measures addressing the problem since its onset.Method. Retrospective review of AIDS epidemic data from its onset in 1980 up to the last published data in June 2001.Results. AIDS was first reported in Brazil in 1980. By 1988, all 27 Brazilian states had diagnosed cases, and until June 2000 more than half of Brazilian municipalities had recorded at least one case of the disease. The AIDS incidence reached its peak between 1996 and 1997 (14.7 per 100,000 population), and then declined between 1998 and 2000 to 9 per 100,000 population. In the last two decades, the proportion of deaths has been also significantly reduced. These were not random events, but reflected the efficiency of the program implemented by the Brazilian Health Ministry's Coordination on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. The program includes an epidemiological surveillance modeling system, which records cases from several regular epidemiological bulletins; national network of diagnosis and monitoring of HIV-infected individuals (ill or not); highly active antiretroviral therapy available free to all patients; mother-infant protection program; educational programs on condom use; the introduction of the female condom; development of AIDS studies in different areas to provide practical solutions; constant preoccupation about drug costs accounting for the patent breaking; and national production of many drugs currently in use.Conclusion. Well-planned and implemented national program against AIDS can significantly reduce the burden of this disease to the population.