1000 resultados para modelo de Chapman-Richards


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as tendências de crescimento de variáveis do povoamento e avaliar alternativas para construção de curvas de índice de local para teca (Tectona grandis), em plantios localizados na região de Tangará da Serra - Mato Grosso. Para isso, foram utilizados dados de 50 parcelas permanentes com no mínimo quatro medições sucessivas. As tendências de crescimento em altura, diâmetro, área basal e volume foram analisadas por meio da análise de regressão, utilizando o modelo Chapman-Richards. Dois métodos de construção de curvas de índices de local, com diferentes modelos, foram avaliados. Após análises, verificou-se que o modelo Chapman-Richards ajustou-se bem aos dados observados, descrevendo as tendências de crescimento das variáveis dos povoamentos. A melhor alternativa para construir curvas de índices de local foi o método da curva-guia, empregando o modelo Chapman-Richards.


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The aim of the study was to develop a system of growth and yield models for thinned stands of Eucalyptus spp.; and to assess the behavior of the growth in scenarios with 10% decrease or increase in rainfall. The probability distribution functions Weibull 2 and 3 parameters and Johnson SB for different methods were fitted. Correlation between the fitted parameters with age was evaluated. Dominant height growth behavior was evaluated to check if thinned stand changes its growth when compared to a non-thinned stands. The stand variables dominant height and basal area were projected and simultaneously predicted and projected, respectively. Individual tree equations were fitted, which were fitted as functions of stand level variables in order to decrease the error propagation. R software was used to fit all the proposed models and consequently all the fitted models were evaluated by their parameters significance (F-test) and graphs of predicted values in relation to the observed values around the 1:1 line. Thus, the prognosis system was made by two ways, first one using the full data set, and for the second one the dataset was restricted at age 7.5. Increase and decrease in 20% of rainfall were assessed by updating the site index function. Method of moments was the most precise to describe the diameter distribution for every age in eucalyptus stands for Johnson SB and Weibull 2 parameters pdfs. When observed for each pdf the correlation for their fitted parameters with age, we noticed that shape parameters for a thinned stand were no longer correlated with age, differently of non-thinned stands. Thus, thinning effect was accounted in the basal area prediction and projection modeling. This result emphasized the necessity of applying the Parameter Recovery method in order to assess differences and capture the right pattern for thinned and non-thinned stands in the future. Dominant height was not influenced by thinning intensity. Therefore the fitted Chapman-Richards model did not account for a stand being thinned or not. All the fitted equations behaved with good precision, no matter using full or precocious dataset. The prognosis system using full and/or precocious date set was evaluated for when using Parameter Recovery method for Sb and Weibull pdfs, and by then, graphical analysis and precision statistics showed appropriated results. Finally, the increase or decrease in rainfall regime were observed for eucalyptus stand yields and we may notice how important is to observe this effect, since the growth pattern is strictly affected by water.


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En el noroeste del Chubut, los álamos se encuentran establecidos en cortinas de protección en predios de pastoreo o donde se cultivan pasturas y forrajes en secano. El Populus nigra ‘Italica’ es el clon más difundido en plantaciones lineales, ubicadas en diferentes calidades de sitio. No existen antecedentes sobre crecimiento en altura e Índice de Sitio en la zona. Se seleccionaron ocho sitios de muestreo, donde fueron apeados 24 árboles dominantes, a los que se les realizó análisis fustal. Con los pares de datos de edad-altura, resultantes del análisis de fuste de los árboles muestra, se ajustó el modelo de Chapman-Richards mediante técnicas de regresión no lineal. Se construyó una familia de curvas de crecimiento en altura, según la metodología de curva guía. Las curvas de Índice de Sitio, basadas en altura y edad, se construyeron mediante deducción matemática a partir de la función de crecimiento en altura, tomándose como edad de referencia 25 años a la altura del pecho. Se definieron cinco calidades de sitio, con un rango de 4 metros, con Índices de Sitio comprendidos entre 19 y 35 m.


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A uniformidade de aplicação de água é um importante fator a ser considerado na avaliação dos sistemas de irrigação por aspersão. A uniformidade em sistemas convencionais de aspersão depende de fatores como: o tipo de aspersor e suas condições operacionais, a disposição e o espaçamento entre aspersores no campo, e a velocidade e a direção do vento durante o período de aplicação de água. Tendo em visa que as complexas relações entre esses fatores e a uniformidade podem ser caracterizadas de forma mais eficiente com o auxílio da modelagem matemática, neste estudo, foram avaliadas simulações, fornecidas pelo modelo semiempírico de RICHARDS & WEATHERHEAD (1993), da distribuição espacial da água aplicada pelo canhão PLONA-RL250, operando sob diferentes condições de vento. Valores de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC), obtidos com dados de ensaios de campo e em simulações digitais, foram comparados, mostrando-se, por meio de diversos índices (R² = 0,73; desvio absoluto médio de 4,1% e índice de desempenho de 0,78), que o modelo semiempírico avaliado fornece estimativas adequadas do CUC de sistemas convencionais de irrigação. Demonstra-se que a modelagem matemática permite reduzir o esforço e o tempo requeridos em trabalhos de campo envolvendo a avaliação da distribuição de água de canhões hidráulicos operando sob condições de vento.


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Site-specific height-diameter models may be used to improve biomass estimates for forest inventories where only diameter at breast height (DBH) measurements are available. In this study, we fit height-diameter models for vegetation types of a tropical Atlantic forest using field measurements of height across plots along an altitudinal gradient. To fit height-diameter models, we sampled trees by DBH class and measured tree height within 13 one-hectare permanent plots established at four altitude classes. To select the best model we tested the performance of 11 height-diameter models using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The Weibull and Chapman-Richards height-diameter models performed better than other models, and regional site-specific models performed better than the general model. In addition, there is a slight variation of height-diameter relationships across the altitudinal gradient and an extensive difference in the stature between the Atlantic and Amazon forests. The results showed the effect of altitude on tree height estimates and emphasize the need for altitude-specific models that produce more accurate results than a general model that encompasses all altitudes. To improve biomass estimation, the development of regional height-diameter models that estimate tree height using a subset of randomly sampled trees presents an approach to supplement surveys where only diameter has been measured.


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In this work we study the problem of modeling identification of a population employing a discrete dynamic model based on the Richards growth model. The population is subjected to interventions due to consumption, such as hunting or farming animals. The model identification allows us to estimate the probability or the average time for a population number to reach a certain level. The parameter inference for these models are obtained with the use of the likelihood profile technique as developed in this paper. The identification method here developed can be applied to evaluate the productivity of animal husbandry or to evaluate the risk of extinction of autochthon populations. It is applied to data of the Brazilian beef cattle herd population, and the the population number to reach a certain goal level is investigated.


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Para testar o desempenho de um modelo numérico em predizer a variação em umidade (θ) e tensão da água (|ψm|) no tempo e no espaço, foram escolhidos dados da literatura de dois materiais porosos com diferentes propriedades hidráulicas: uma areia marinha (Tottori, Japão) e um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo de textura média (Piracicaba, SP). Os resultados encontrados levaram às seguintes conclusões: (a) em ambos os materiais porosos estudados, o desempenho do modelo foi altamente significativo, onde os perfis de umidade transladaram-se satisfatoriamente no tempo; (b) o modelo também foi capaz de prever muito bem o comportamento da densidade de fluxo em função do tempo; (c) os maiores desvios do modelo em relação aos dados de campo foram encontrados nos tempos iniciais do processo de redistribuição da água, muito embora esses desvios tenham ocorrido em apenas 0,2% do tempo total estudado no experimento em areia marinha e 2,0% para o Latossolo; (d) o desempenho do modelo foi ligeiramente superior para a areia marinha em relação ao Latossolo, devido, provavelmente, à maior homogeneidade nas propriedades hidráulicas da areia. Este trabalho foi realizado, no segundo semestre de 1996, na Universidade Federal do Paraná.


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En la mayoría de los países, los negocios familiares representan un alto porcentaje de todas las empresas constituidas. Colombia no es la excepción a este comportamiento, donde las empresas familiares representan el 70% de todas las compañías, según la Superintendencia de Sociedades, en las que se incluyen PYMES y grandes grupos económicos. Este trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo estructurar un modelo de gestión eficiente para la empresa AJ Colombia S.A.S. una empresa mediana que se ha venido estructurando de manera empírica, por lo que tras el análisis de sus procesos encontramos posibles mejoras usando herramientas como el Cambio Estratégico y la Reingeniería, además de la generación de valor por medio de los Inventarios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research surrounding the transition from II to I millennium cal BC in Eastern Iberian Peninsula has a large and extensive tradition of investigation. However, the chances to do research on this historical process have been limited by the lack of a well contextualized and dated stratigraphic sequence. For this reason, recent studies in this topic have followed the periodic proposals which were developed in closer regions and areas, especially in the South East and North East of the Peninsula. The investigation perspective about the Late Bronze in Eastern Iberian has however now improved, with the development of several archaeological investigations, the increase in the number of sites being dated and more recent studies into the region helping to bring about this change. As such, it is now in the correct state to be able to propose a new periodization and delve into the changes which occurred in the transition between 1500 and 725 cal BC.


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The physical model was based on the method of Newton-Euler. The model was developed by using the scientific computer program Mathematica®. Several simulations where tried varying the progress speeds (0.69; 1.12; 1.48; 1.82 and 2.12 m s-1); soil profiles (sinoidal, ascending and descending ramp) and height of the profile (0.025 and 0.05 m) to obtain the normal force of soil reaction. After the initial simulations, the mechanism was optimized using the scientific computer program Matlab® having as criterion (function-objective) the minimization of the normal force of reaction of the profile (FN). The project variables were the lengths of the bars (L1y, L2, l3 and L4), height of the operation (L7), the initial length of the spring (Lmo) and the elastic constant of the spring (k t). The lack of robustness of the mechanism in relation to the variable height of the operation was outlined by using a spring with low rigidity and large length. The results demonstrated that the mechanism optimized showed better flotation performance in relation to the initial mechanism.


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The purpose of this work was to analyze the logistical distribution of Brazilian soybean by applying a quadratic programming to a spatial equilibrium model. The soybean transportation system is an important part of the soybean complex in Brazil, since the major part of the costs of this commodity derives from the transportation costs. Therefore, the optimization of this part of the process is essential to a better competitiveness of the Brazilian soybean in the international market. The Brazilian soybean complex have been increasing its agricultural share in the total of the exportation value in the last ten years, but due to other countries' investments the Brazilian exportations cannot be only focused on increasing its production but it still have to be more efficient. This way, a model was reached which can project new frames by switching the transportation costs and conduce the policy makers to new investments in the sector.


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The field activities are essential for the education of a good taxonomist. The most common problems found in field activities are: a) large number of students, b) heterogeneous educational background and unlevelled knowledge of the participants, c) repetitions and tendency of collecting the more evidents life-forms. The causes and consequences of such problems are discussed herein. The proposed solution is a methodology, based on many years of experience in field courses for undergraduate and graduate courses. Topics about the ideal number of participants, area of coverage, period of activity, division of work and the necessary material and equipment are discussed. According to the number of species collected at the same place, this methodology may result in a list of local species with precise information about the life-forms, habitat, common names, frequency, uses, phenology and further information in this kind of work. The results of the aplication of this metodology in a field course held in the region of Ubatuba-SP are presented.


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A common breeding strategy is to carry out basic studies to investigate the hypothesis of a single gene controlling the trait (major gene) with or without polygenes of minor effect. In this study we used Bayesian inference to fit genetic additive-dominance models of inheritance to plant breeding experiments with multiple generations. Normal densities with different means, according to the major gene genotype, were considered in a linear model in which the design matrix of the genetic effects had unknown coefficients (which were estimated in individual basis). An actual data set from an inheritance study of partenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) was used for illustration. Model fitting included posterior probabilities for all individual genotypes. Analysis agrees with results in the literature but this approach was far more efficient than previous alternatives assuming that design matrix was known for the generations. Partenocarpy in zucchini is controlled by a major gene with important additive effect and partial dominance.