1000 resultados para metallic truck-tier


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do modelo de carroceria (MC) (metálica dupla ou simples e simples de madeira) sobre a freqüência de diferentes tipos de lesões na carcaça (FLC) e sobre a qualidade da carne dos suínos. Foram utilizadas 360 fêmeas com peso vivo médio de 132,72±11,09kg. Para a análise estatística, considerou-se no modelo os efeitos de bloco (BL), o MC e a interação entre MC x BL. Verificou-se um efeito do MC sobre a freqüência de lesões na carcaça provenientes de briga e a freqüência total de lesões, sobre o pH1 do músculo Semispinalis capitis (SC), sobre o pH U dos músculos SC, Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) e sobre a cor dos músculos LD e SM. Suínos transportados em carroceria metálica simples apresentaram maiores valores de pH e da cor dos músculos avaliados. Conclui-se que suínos transportados em carroceria simples apresentam maior prevalência de lesões na carcaça e que o transporte dos suínos em carroceria metálica teve efeito positivo sobre os valores de pH e da cor carne.


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The ability to accurately predict the lifetime of building components is crucial to optimizing building design, material selection and scheduling of required maintenance. This paper discusses a number of possible data mining methods that can be applied to do the lifetime prediction of metallic components and how different sources of service life information could be integrated to form the basis of the lifetime prediction model


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Real-World Data Mining Applications generally do not end up with the creation of the models. The use of the model is the final purpose especially in prediction tasks. The problem arises when the model is built based on much more information than that the user can provide in using the model. As a result, the performance of model reduces drastically due to many missing attributes values. This paper develops a new learning system framework, called as User Query Based Learning System (UQBLS), for building data mining models best suitable for users use. We demonstrate its deployment in a real-world application of the lifetime prediction of metallic components in buildings


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This paper presents a multi-objective optimization strategy for heavy truck suspension systems based on modified skyhook damping (MSD) control, which improves ride comfort and road-friendliness simultaneously. A four-axle heavy truck-road coupling system model was established using functional virtual prototype technology; the model was then validated through a ride comfort test. As the mechanical properties and time lag of dampers were taken into account, MSD control of active and semi-active dampers was implemented using Matlab/Simulink. Through co-simulations with Adams and Matlab, the effects of passive, semi-active MSD control, and active MSD control were analyzed and compared; thus, control parameters which afforded the best integrated performance were chosen. Simulation results indicated that MSD control improves a truck’s ride comfort and roadfriendliness, while the semi-active MSD control damper obtains road-friendliness comparable to the active MSD control damper.


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Aiming at the shortage of prevailing prediction methods about highway truck conveyance configuration in over-limit freight research that transferring the goods attributed to over-limit portion to another fully loaded truck of the same configuration and developing the truck traffic volume synchronously, a new way to get accumulated probability function of truck power tonnage in basal year by highway truck classified by wheel and axle type load mass spectrum investigation was presented. Logit models were used to forecast overall highway freight diversion and single cargo tonnage diversion when the weight rules and strict of enforcement intensity of overload were changed in scheme year. Assumption that the probability distribution of single truck loadage should be consistent with the probability distribution of single goods freighted, the model describes the truck conveyance configuration in the future under strict over-limit prohibition. The model was used and tested in Highway Over-limit Research Project in Anhui by World Bank.


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Matching method of heavy truck-rear air suspensions is discussed, and a fuzzy control strategy which improves both ride comfort and road friendliness of truck by adjusting damping coefficients of the suspension system is found. In the first place, a Dongfeng EQ1141G7DJ heavy truck’s ten DOF whole vehicle-road model was set up based on Matlab/Simulink and vehicle dynamics. Then appropriate passive air suspensions were chosen to replace the original rear leaf springs of the truck according to truck-suspension matching criterions, consequently, the stiffness of front leaf springs were adjusted too. Then the semi-active fuzzy controllers were designed for further enhancement of the truck’s ride comfort and the road friendliness. After the application of semi-active fuzzy control strategy through simulation, is was indicated that both ride comfort and road friendliness could be enhanced effectively under various road conditions. The strategy proposed may provide theory basis for design and development of truck suspension system in China.


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In the critical situation of prevailing overweight transportation and crag-fast enforcement in Chinese highway networks, this paper develops a methodological framework for truck weight regulation (TWR) evaluation using System Dynamics (SD). Composed of five interrelated subsystems, the framework is able to capture the highway, vehicle and freight variables that influence the effect of TWR and transportation efficiency over time. It specifically describes the development and use of the Truck Weight Regulation Evaluating Model (TWREM) for the highway freight system in Anhui province, China. Three policy alternatives are analyzed: 1) tolerant policy approach, which allows heavy-duty freight activity to continue in its current state, and is shown to lead to nearly catastrophic results; 2) rigid policy approach, which would terminate all heavy-duty freight activities immediately, and is shown to be economically infeasible; and 3) moderate policy approach, which advocates a gradual reduction of heavy-duty freight activities to a moderate state. The simulation results shows that the moderate policy approach is the most appropriate option to solve the social and economic problems arising from the activities of the heavy-duty freight transportation in Anhui. In addition, some suggestions of TWR policy in China are also made in this paper.


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Overloading truck traffic is an untenable problem around the world. The occurrence of overloaded truck traffic can be evidence of rapid development of an economy. Most of the developing countries emphasize the development of economy, thus supporting reform of infrastructure is limited. This research investigates the relationship between truck overloading and the condition of road damage. The objective of this research is to determine the amount of economic loss due to overloaded truck traffic is. Axle load will be used to calculate the total ESAL to pavement. This study intends to provide perspective on the relationship between change in axle load due to overloading and the resultant service life of pavement. It can then be used in the estimation of pavement damage in other developing countries facing the problem of truck overloading. In conclusion, economical loss was found, which include reduction of pavement life and increase in maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) cost. As a result, net present value (NPV) of pavement investment with overloading truck traffic is higher than normal truck traffic.


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Effective focusing of electromagnetic (EM) energy to nanoscale regions is one of the major challenges in nano-photonics and plasmonics. The strong localization of the optical energy into regions much smaller than allowed by the diffraction limit, also called nanofocusing, offers promising applications in nano-sensor technology, nanofabrication, near-field optics or spectroscopy. One of the most promising solutions to the problem of efficient nanofocusing is related to surface plasmon propagation in metallic structures. Metallic tapered rods, commonly used as probes in near field microscopy and spectroscopy, are of a particular interest. They can provide very strong EM field enhancement at the tip due to surface plasmons (SP’s) propagating towards the tip of the tapered metal rod. A large number of studies have been devoted to the manufacturing process of tapered rods or tapered fibers coated by a metal film. On the other hand, structures such as metallic V-grooves or metal wedges can also provide strong electric field enhancements but manufacturing of these structures is still a challenge. It has been shown, however, that the attainable electric field enhancement at the apex in the V-groove is higher than at the tip of a metal tapered rod when the dissipation level in the metal is strong. Metallic V-grooves also have very promising characteristics as plasmonic waveguides. This thesis will present a thorough theoretical and numerical investigation of nanofocusing during plasmon propagation along a metal tapered rod and into a metallic V-groove. Optimal structural parameters including optimal taper angle, taper length and shape of the taper are determined in order to achieve maximum field enhancement factors at the tip of the nanofocusing structure. An analytical investigation of plasmon nanofocusing by metal tapered rods is carried out by means of the geometric optics approximation (GOA), which is also called adiabatic nanofocusing. However, GOA is applicable only for analysing tapered structures with small taper angles and without considering a terminating tip structure in order to neglect reflections. Rigorous numerical methods are employed for analysing non-adiabatic nanofocusing, by tapered rod and V-grooves with larger taper angles and with a rounded tip. These structures cannot be studied by analytical methods due to the presence of reflected waves from the taper section, the tip and also from (artificial) computational boundaries. A new method is introduced to combine the advantages of GOA and rigorous numerical methods in order to reduce significantly the use of computational resources and yet achieve accurate results for the analysis of large tapered structures, within reasonable calculation time. Detailed comparison between GOA and rigorous numerical methods will be carried out in order to find the critical taper angle of the tapered structures at which GOA is still applicable. It will be demonstrated that optimal taper angles, at which maximum field enhancements occur, coincide with the critical angles, at which GOA is still applicable. It will be shown that the applicability of GOA can be substantially expanded to include structures which could be analysed previously by numerical methods only. The influence of the rounded tip, the taper angle and the role of dissipation onto the plasmon field distribution along the tapered rod and near the tip will be analysed analytically and numerically in detail. It will be demonstrated that electric field enhancement factors of up to ~ 2500 within nanoscale regions are predicted. These are sufficient, for instance, to detect single molecules using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) with the tip of a tapered rod, an approach also known as tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy or TERS. The results obtained in this project will be important for applications for which strong local field enhancement factors are crucial for the performance of devices such as near field microscopes or spectroscopy. The optimal design of nanofocusing structures, at which the delivery of electromagnetic energy to the nanometer region is most efficient, will lead to new applications in near field sensors, near field measuring technology, or generation of nanometer sized energy sources. This includes: applications in tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS); manipulation of nanoparticles and molecules; efficient coupling of optical energy into and out of plasmonic circuits; second harmonic generation in non-linear optics; or delivery of energy to quantum dots, for instance, for quantum computations.


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This paper presents a proposed qualitative framework to discuss the heterogeneous burning of metallic materials, through parameters and factors that influence the melting rate of the solid metallic fuel (either in a standard test or in service). During burning, the melting rate is related to the burning rate and is therefore an important parameter for describing and understanding the burning process, especially since the melting rate is commonly recorded during standard flammability testing for metallic materials and is incorporated into many relative flammability ranking schemes. However, whilst the factors that influence melting rate (such as oxygen pressure or specimen diameter) have been well characterized, there is a need for an improved understanding of how these parameters interact as part of the overall melting and burning of the system. Proposed here is the ‘Melting Rate Triangle’, which aims to provide this focus through a conceptual framework for understanding how the melting rate (of solid fuel) is determined and regulated during heterogeneous burning. In the paper, the proposed conceptual model is shown to be both (a) consistent with known trends and previously observed results, and (b)capable of being expanded to incorporate new data. Also shown are examples of how the Melting Rate Triangle can improve the interpretation of flammability test results. Slusser and Miller previously published an ‘Extended Fire Triangle’ as a useful conceptual model of ignition and the factors affecting ignition, providing industry with a framework for discussion. In this paper it is shown that a ‘Melting Rate Triangle’ provides a similar qualitative framework for burning, leading to an improved understanding of the factors affecting fire propagation and extinguishment.