28 resultados para mediastinitis
We report a case of a woman, aged 53 years, presenting with a right atrial mass due to idiopathic fibrosing mediastinitis with periaortic involvement. This challenging diagnosis was confirmed by different imaging modalities and histopathologic analysis. The diagnosis of cardiac tumours is often difficult. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an intracavitary cardiac mass due to fibrosing mediastinitis. This rare disorder, which is characterized by invasive proliferation of fibrous tissue within the mediastinum, should be included in the differential diagnosis of intracardiac tumours.
We report the case of a 36-year-old man who had acquired immune deficiency syndrome and developed suppurative mediastinitis extending over the left lung and anterior thoracic wall around the sternum, pericardial effusions, splenomegaly, and mesenteric and periaortic lymphadenomegaly due to Mycobacterium avium (genotype I). The organism was isolated from an axillary lymph node and the bone marrow. Mediastinitis associated with disseminated M. avium complex infection is uncommon and, to the best of our knowledge, this manifestation has not reported before.
OBJECTIVE: Assessment of incidence and behavior of mediastinitis after cardiac transplantation. METHODS: From 1985 to 1999, 214 cardiac transplantations were performed, 12 (5.6%) of the transplanted patients developed confirmed mediastinitis. Patient's ages ranged from 42 to 66 years (mean of 52.3±10.0 years) and 10 (83.3%) patients were males. Seven (58.3%) patients showed sternal stability on palpation, 4 (33.3%) patients had pleural empyema, and 2 (16.7%) patients did not show purulent secretion draining through the wound. RESULTS: Staphylococcus aureus was the infectious agent identified in the wound secretion or in the mediastinum, or both, in 8 (66.7%) patients. Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified in 2 (16.7%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 1 (8.3%) patient, and the cause of mediastinitis could not be determined in 1 (8.3%) patient. Surgical treatment was performed on an emergency basis, and the extension of the débridement varied with local conditions. In 2 (16.7%) patients, we chose to leave the surgical wound open and performed daily dressings with granulated sugar. Total sternal resection was performed in only 1 (8.3%) patient. Out of this series, 5 (41.7%) patients died, and the causes of death were related to the infection. Autopsy revealed persistence of mediastinitis in 1 (8.3%) patient. CONCLUSION: Promptness in diagnosing mediastinitis and precocious surgical drainage have changed the natural evolution of this disease. Nevertheless, observance of the basic precepts of prophylaxis of infection is still the best way to treat mediastinitis.
We report a case of superior vena cava syndrome developing progressively over twenty years in a 48-year-old Venezuelan woman. The investigations revealed a locoregional etiology for the vena cava obstruction, namely a granulomatous mediastinitis probably secondary to histoplasmosis. We discuss the etiology, the clinical features, the natural course, and the therapy of chronic mediastinitis.
We describe a novel repair of an anterior inflammatory tracheal defect with mediastinitis, which occurred after external tracheal suspension of localized intrathoracic tracheomalacia. The malacic tracheal segment of 4-cm length containing the inflammatory tracheal defect was noncircumferentially resected. A temporary endotracheal silicone stent was introduced, and the trachea was closed by a pedicled pectoralis muscle flap reinforced with an embedded rib segment. Retrieval of the stent 5 months postoperatively resulted in a re-epithelialized, persistently stable, noncollapsible tracheal segment that showed the same diameter and configuration as the nonreconstructed part of the trachea.
We report a case of ascending aortic graft infection by an atypical bacteria, Mycoplasma hominis, with mediastinitis, a dreaded complication after cardiac surgery. A 55-year-old patient underwent ascending aorta replacement for acute type A dissection. He developed sternal instability and purulent discharge, requiring sternal wire removal and debridement. Cultures were initially sterile, but showed M. hominis infection after a significant delay and in specific culture media. The patient was treated with doxycycline and moxifloxacine. Cultures became negative and the sternum was closed on the 28th postoperative day after the first debridement. Recovery was favorable, with no signs of infection. Antibiotics were continued for one year. The patient is still asymptomatic 16 months after antibiotic interruption. Atypical organisms should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute mediastinitis of unknown etiology after routine microbiological investigations.
Objetivos: La mediastinitis se presenta hasta en el 4% de los pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, con un mortalidad hospitalaria reportada del 14 al 47%, generando aumento en los costos de atención, deterioro de la calidad de vida y la sobrevida a largo plazo del enfermo; su etiología es multifactorial. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar cuáles antecedentes clínicos del paciente y factores relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico se asocian con la aparición mediastinitis. Métodos: Diseño de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte histórica de pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica en el periodo de enero de 2005 a julio de 2011. Los pacientes con mediastinitis se compararon con un grupo control sin mediastinitis tomados del mismo grupo de riesgo en una relación 1:4, y pareados por fecha de cirugía. El diagnóstico de mediastinitis se hizo con criterios clínicos, de laboratorio y hallazgos quirúrgicos. Resultados: Se identificaron 30 casos en ese periodo. Los factores asociados a la aparición del evento fueron: Diabetes Mellitus OR 2,3 (1.1- 4,9), uso de circulación extracorpórea OR 2,4 (1,1 -5.5), tiempo de perfusión OR 1,1 (1,1 – 1.3) y pacientes mayores de 70 años OR 1.1 (1,2-1-4). Conclusiones: La mediastinitis sigue siendo una complicación de baja prevalencia con consecuencias devastadoras. El impacto clínico y económico de esta complicación debe obligar a los grupos quirúrgicos a crear estrategias de prevención con base en el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo de su población.
La mediastinitis post cirugía cardiovascular es una complicación severa de mal pronóstico, con incidencia mundial de 0.4 al 5% y mortalidad de 8.6-42%. En Bogotá 2 trabajos de investigación reportan una incidencia de 1.7% en 1999. Se pretende establecer factores de riesgo de la enfermedad y características propias de la Fundación Abood Shaio. este estudio retrospectivo de caso y control, de Enero-2000 a Diciembre-2006, buscó identificar factores de riesgo asociados con aparición de mediastinitis postcirugía cardiovascular en la Fundación Abood Shaio. Se revisaron base de datos y registros existentes sobre 6113 cirugías cardiovasculares, encontrando 48 pacientes adultos que desarrollaron mediastinitis posquirúrgica.
INTRODUCCIÓN. La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía de revascularización miocárdica es una infección infrecuente, pero potencialmente fatal. En la Fundación Cardioinfantil se ha observado una tendencia al incremento de la misma en los últimos años, obligando a un cambio en las medidas de profilaxis antimicrobiana, pasando de cefalosporinas a vancomicina – gentamicina, sin embargo no se conoce aún el impacto de estas medidas. OBJETIVO: Determinar si el cambio de la profilaxis antibiótica en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica influye en una disminución de la incidencia de mediastinitis durante los años 2012 – 2013. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, evaluando la incidencia de mediastinitis post revascularización miocárdica, en pacientes expuestos a 2 diferentes tipos de profilaxis antimicrobiana (cefalosporinas vs vancomicina-gentamicina). Se describieron los patrones de susceptibilidad y resistencia de los patógenos encontrados en mediastinitis y la mortalidad de esta patología. RESULTADOS: Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados en la mediastinitis fueron Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en la mayoría monomicrobiano. Se encontraron patógenos con perfiles de resistencia como betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Gram negativos y resistencia a la meticilina en cocos Gram positivos. El RR de mediastinitis del grupo expuesto a vancomicina-gentamicina respecto al grupo de cefalosporinas fue de 0,9 con IC 95% 0,28 – 3,28. CONCLUSIÓN: la epidemiologia microbiana de la mediastinitis no difiere de la reportada en otras series. La profilaxis antimicrobiana con vancomicina - gentamicina en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, no redujo la incidencia de mediastinitis. Se propone regresar a la terapia de profilaxis con cefalosporinas.
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-operative mediastinitis with the purpose to contribute to nursing care knowledge. To do this, an analysis was performed on 896 medical records of patients who underwent heart surgery involving sternotomy at the Cardiology Emergency Room of Recife-PE, in the period between June 2007 and June 2009. The following variables were considered: gender, age, type of surgery, personal history, length of stay, use of antibiotics, and culture of the surgical wound. A high death rate from mediastinitis was observed (33.3%). Several risk factors were identified, including: systemic arterial hypertension (80.9%); smoking (61.9%); diabetes mellitus (42.8%); and obesity (33.3%), most of which (76.2%) were identified in patients who underwent surgery for myocardial revascularization. It is concluded that mediastinitis is a serious infection that needs continuous nursing supervision and preventive measures to assure an early diagnosis and, thus, reduce mortality.
Programa de Doctorado en Patología Quirúrgica, Reproducción Humana y Factores Psicológicos y el Proceso de Enfermar
Diffuse descending necrotizing mediastinitis: surgical therapy and outcome in a single-centre series
Descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) is a rare but rapidly progressing disease with a potentially fatal outcome, originating from odontogenical or cervical infections. The aim of this article was to give an up-to-date overview on this still underestimated disease, to draw the clinician's attention and particularly to highlight the need for rapid diagnosis and adequate surgical treatment.
BACKGROUND: Nineteen patients were evaluated after closure of intrathoracic esophageal leaks by a pediculated muscle flap onlay repair in the presence of mediastinal and systemic sepsis. METHODS: Intrathoracic esophageal leaks with mediastinitis and systemic sepsis occurred after delayed spontaneous perforations (n = 7) or surgical and endoscopic interventions (n = 12). Six patients presented with fulminant anastomotic leaks. Seven patients had previous attempts to close the leak by surgery (n = 4) or stenting (2) or both (n = 1). The debrided defects measured up to 2 x 12 cm or involved three quarters of the anastomotic circumference and were closed either by a full thickness diaphragmatic flap (n = 13) or a pediculated intrathoracically transposed extrathoracic muscle flap (n = 6). All patients had postoperative contrast esophagography between days 7 and 10 and an endoscopic evaluation 4 to 6 months after surgery. RESULTS: There was no 30-day mortality. During follow-up (4 to 42 months), 16 patients (84%) revealed functional and morphological restoration of the esophagointestinal integrity without further interventions. One patient required serial dilatations for a stricture, and 1 underwent temporary stenting for a persistent fistula; both patients had normal control endoscopy during follow-up. A third patient requiring permanent stenting for stenosis died from gastrointestinal bleeding due to stent erosion during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic esophageal leaks may be closed efficiently by a muscle flap onlay approach in the presence of mediastinitis and where a primary repair seems risky. The same holds true for fulminant intrathoracic anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy or other surgical interventions at the gastroesophageal junction.