988 resultados para lan-ohiturak
337 p.
Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Evaluaci??n Diagn??stica 2009. An??lisis de factores y variables. 4?? Educaci??n Primaria"
Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Evaluaci??n Diagn??stica 2009. An??lisis de factores y variables. 2?? Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria"
553 p.
Electrical and magnetic properties of La3Ni2O7 and La4Ni3O10 have been investigated in comparison with those of La2NiO4, LaNiO3, and LaSrNiO4. The results suggest an increasing 3-dimensional character across the homologous series Lan+1NinO3n+1 with increase in n. Accordingly, the electrical resistivity decreases in the order La3Ni2O7, La4Ni3O10, and LaNiO3 and this trend is suggested to be related to the percolation threshold. Magnetic properties of these oxides also show some interesting trends across the series.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, by far, had been applied to LAN problems by many investigators, An analytical study of well known algorithms for generation of Orthogonal codes used in FO-CDMA systems like those for prime, quasi-Prime, Optical Orthogonal and Matrix codes has been presented, Algorithms for OOCs like Greedy/Modified Greedy/Accelerated Greedy algorithms are implemented. Many speed-up enhancements. for these algorithms are suggested. A novel Synthetic Algorithm based on Difference Sets (SADS) is also proposed. Investigations are made to vectorise/parallelise SADS to implement the source code on parallel machines. A new matrix for code families of OOCs with different seed code-words but having the same (n,w,lambda) set is formulated.
The technique of nebulized spray pyrolysis has been explored to find out whether oriented films of certain important oxides can be produced on single-crystal substrates by this relatively gentle method. Starting with acetylacetonate precursors, oriented films of metallic LaNiO3 containing nearly spherical grains (30 nm) have been obtained. Films of near-stoichiometric La4Ni3O10 and La3Ni2O7 showing metallic conductivity have been obtained by this method. This is indeed gratifying since it is difficult to prepare monophasic and stoichiometric bulk samples of these materials. Films of La2NiO4 show the expected semiconducting behavior. In the La-Cu-O system, starting with acetylacetonates, we have obtained films mainly comprising semiconducting La2Cu2O5, which is generally difficult to prepare in bulk form. More interestingly, nebulized spray pyrolysis gives excellent stoichiometric films of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 consisting of nearly spherical grains (30 nm) which show ferroelectric behavior. The present investigation demonstrates that nebulized spray pyrolysis provides a useful and desirable route to deposite oriented films of complex oxide materials on single-crystal substrates.
Fecha: 2-1975 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 7-13 / Nº de pág.: 5 (mecanografiadas)
Dual-service wireless LAN antenna-remoting system using uncooled directly modulated DFB laser diodes
Lan honen helburua enpresaren estrategia konpetitiboak Errendimendu Altuko Lan-Sistemen (EALS) ezarpenean zeresanik izan dezakeen aztertzea da, hau da, sistema hauen ezarpenean faktore baldintzatzaile bezala jokatu dezakeen edo ez analizatzea. Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza Estrategikoaren esparruan ikerketa asko egin dira “praktika onenen” potentzialtasunean estrategia konpetitiboaren jokaera aztertu dutenak, zehazki, Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza-Errendimendua binomioan duen eragina ikertu dutenak. Baina hauetan batez ere bere izaera moderatzailea aztertu da ikuspegi kontingentean oinarrituz. Izaera baldintzatzaile hau aztertzeko helburuarekin, lehenik eta behin literaturaren azterketa egiten dugu. Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza eta estrategia konpetitiboen arteko harremana lant zen duten ereduak berrikusten ditugu eta estrategia hauek EALS-kin erlazionat zen dituzten lanak ere kontutan hartzen dira. Ondoren, eta bereziki Porter-ek (1985) proposatutako estrategia konpetitiboei buruzko tipologian oinarritzen den eredua aztertuz, bertatik eratortzen diren konklusioak proposatzen dira. Horrez gain, aurrera begira EALS-n ikerketa ildo honetan sakondu beharko liratekeen urratsak proposatzen dira.
[EUS] Artikulu honetan irakurketa ohituren feminizazioaz dihardugunean, edota generoa arakatzeaz, ez gatzaizkio lotzen irakurleria femeninoa ikertzeari soilik, baizik eta literatur sistema (Even-Zohar, 1990) osoa behatzeari. Lehenik, kontuan izan ditugu emakume idazle, ilustratzaile, literatur pertsonaia femenino nahiz emakumeari atxikitzen zaizkion gaiek zenbaterainoko oihartzuna izan duten ikerturiko populazioak eginiko testu irakurketan. Hartara, populazioak eginiko irakurketen bidez emakumetasunak (autorian nahiz iruditegian) zenbaterainoko presentzia izan duen aztertu nahi izan da. Bigarrenik, emakumearen presentzia literatur sistemaren testuinguruan antzeman nahi izan da, eskolaren eta etxearen esparruan, betiere ikerturiko populazioaren irakurketa ohiturei lotuta.
Lan honetan ingeles irakasleen oinarrizko prestakuntzaren inguruan azterketa bat egingo dugu. Horretarako, Suediako Stockholms Universitet eta Bilboko Irakasle Unibertsitate Eskolan eskaintzen diren bi kurtsoren arteko konparazioa burutu dugu.