874 resultados para kindergarten teacher


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Drawn from a larger mixed methods study, this case study provides an account of aspects of the music education programme that occurred with one teacher and a kindergarten class of children aged three and four years. Contrary to transmission approaches that are often used in Hong Kong, the case depicts how musical creativity was encouraged by the teacher in response to children’s participation during the time for musical free play. It shows how the teacher scaffolded the attempts of George, a child aged 3.6 years to use musical notation. The findings are instructive for kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong and suggest ways in which teachers might begin to incorporate more creative approaches to musical education. They are also applicable to other kindergarten settings where transmission approaches tend to dominate and teachers want to encourage children’s musical creativity.


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Two groups of nonmaternal day care providers, one made up of in-horne caregivers, and the other of providers of day care in centres, were asked to focus on their goals for the children in their care. A group of kindergarten teachers was asked to consider any differences they noticed in children in· the two types of day care mentioned above. It was found that in-horne caregivers, through flexibility, meet the developmental goals of the children in their care. Providers of tlay care in centres used a more structured and social program in order to meet the overall developmental goals for the children in their care. It was found that the kindergarten teachers noticed differences in the children in their classes in terms of their attitude and social behaviour. The type and quality of care were seen as possible influences on this outlook of young children in kindergarten. The one common element that each group highlighted with respect to the effects of day care at the kindergarten level was the important role of the family in the child's development not only in day care, but also in kindergarten class. There is still a strong need to determine the effects of various types of day care at all levels, and specifically at the kindergarten level. The more the kindergarten teacher is able to understand about the child's day care experience, and his or her own life,the better off these children in day care will be. This study confirmed both the importance of quality in child care, and the important role of the family in the child care decision.


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This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.


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This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.


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Hohe Erwartungen werden gegenwärtig an verschiedene Initiativen zur Sprachförderung in der frühkindlichen Bildung gestellt. Wirkungsanalysen verweisen auf die Bedeutung der Sprachförderung als Querschnittsaufgabe und damit auf die Sprachförderkompetenz der Fachkräfte, Kinder in ihrem Spracherwerb adaptiv zu unterstützen. Die hier diskutierte Interventionsstudie umfasst eine Weiterbildung für frühpädagogische Fachkräfte aus Spielgruppe, Kita und Kindergarten in Deutschland und der Schweiz, die fünf ausgewählte Strategien der Sprachförderung im Alltag thematisiert. Es werden die Strategien und ihre Umsetzung durch die Fachkräfte anhand von Fallstudien auf der Basis der Videoanalyse aufgezeigt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Im Forschungsprojekt "Prozesse der Sprachförderung im Kindergarten – ProSpiK" werden Gespräche zwischen Lehrpersonen und Kindern gefilmt und sequenzanalytisch ausgewertet, um ihre Potenziale für den Erwerb und die Förderung bildungssprachlicher Fähigkeiten zu untersuchen. Ziel ist es, Grundlagen für eine stufengerechte (integrierte, situations- und themenorientierte) Sprachdidaktik zu erarbeiten, die Bildungsungleichheit abbauen hilft, anstatt sie zu reproduzieren. In der Nummer 3/2014 der Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften wurden die Anlage des Projekts und erste Auswertungsergebnisse (zum Phänomen «Wechsel von Referenzräumen») vorgestellt (Isler, Künzli, & Wiesner, 2014). Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich weiter vertiefend mit der Ausgestaltung von pädagogischen Gesprächen: Es wird untersucht, mit welchen kommunikativen Mitteln die Kinder beim Erwerb von Fähigkeiten des Argumentierens (Beziehen und Begründen eigener Positionen) unterstützt werden können.2 Im ersten Abschnitt geht es um die Bedeutung der Prozessqualität in der frühen Bildung und um Gespräche als Erwerbskontexte sprachlicher Fähigkeiten. Im zweiten Abschnitt werden zentrale theoretische Konzepte dargestellt, die unseren Analysen zugrunde liegen. Der dritte Abschnitt gibt einen exemplarischen Einblick in das Datenmaterial und die Auswertungsarbeiten. Im vierten Abschnitt wird anhand einer exemplarischen Analyse gezeigt, wie im Kindergarten multimodal gelernt werden kann. Abschliessend werden die Ergebnisse mit Bezug auf die Forschungsfragen des Projekts diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This article investigates teacher decision-making in a time of rapid educational reforms. Institutional ethnography is used to discover how teachers’ work is co-ordinated by the texts of a new national curriculum, and a system for the assessment and ratings of kindergarten, preschool and long day-care services in individual settings and across sites. The research draws on video recorded interview data gathered from five teachers working with three to five year old children in kindergarten classrooms throughout South East Queensland. Analysis shows the reported effects of policy regimes designed to improve the quality of learning young children experience, on classroom teachers’ work. Findings suggest that increasing levels of governance enacted through policy texts are creating an audit culture where teachers’ educational work with children is changing. The article argues that the reported workload associated with the production of evidence, and the focus on providing ‘proof’ of quality, is taking teachers away from time spent building educative relationships with children. Note: In Queensland, kindergarten caters for children aged three and a half to five years. This year is known as Preschool in some Australian states.


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Previous studies indicate that positive learning experiences are related to academic achievement as well as to well-being. On the other hand, emotional and motivational problems in studying may pose a risk for both academic achievement and well-being. Thus, emotions and motivation have an increasing role in explaining university students learning and studying. The relations between emotions, motivation, study success and well-being have been less frequently studied. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of academic emotions, motivational factors and problems in studying students experienced five days before an exam of an activating lecture course, and the relations among these factors as well as their relation to self-study time and study success. Furthermore, the effect of all these factors on well-being, flow experience and academic achievement was examined. The term academic emotion was defined as emotion experienced in academic settings and related to studying. In the present study the theoretical background to motivational factors was based on thinking strategies and attributions, flow experience and task value. Problems in studying were measured in terms of exhaustion, anxiety, stress, lack of interest, lack of self-regulation and procrastination. The data were collected in December 2009 in an activating educational psychology lecture course by using a questionnaire. The participants (n=107) were class and kindergarten teacher students from the University of Helsinki. Most of them were first year students. The course grades were also gathered. Correlations and stepwise regression analysis were carried out to find out the factors that were related to or explained study success. The clusters that presented students´ problems in studying as well as thinking strategies and attributions, were found through hierarchical cluster analysis. K-means cluster analysis was used to form the final groups. One-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test and crosstabs were conducted to see whether the students in different clusters varied in terms of study success, academic emotions, task value, flow, and background variables. The results indicated that academic emotions measured five days before the exam explained about 30 % of the variance of the course grade; exhaustion and interest positively, and anxiety negatively. In addition, interest as well as the self-study time best explained study success on the course. The participants were classified into three clusters according to their problems in studying as well as their thinking strategies and attributions: 1) ill-being, 2) carefree, and 3) committed and optimistic students. Ill-being students reported most negative emotions, achieved the worst grades, experienced anxiety rather than flow and were also the youngest. Carefree students, on the other hand, expressed the least negative emotions and spent the least time on self-studying, and like committed students, experienced flow. In addition, committed students reported positive emotions the most often and achieved the best grades on the course. In the future, more in-depth understanding how and why especially young first year students experience their studying hard is needed, because early state of the studies is shown to predict later study success.


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Orientadora: Maria Leonor Simões dos Santos .Coorientadora: Marta Andreia de Sousa Jacinto Uva


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Relatório Final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Orientadora:Mestre Helena Luís.Coorientadora:Professora Doutora Gracinda Hamido


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A literatura para a infância tem sido objecto de discussão, especialmente notocante ao seu estatuto no universo literário, sobretudo a partir dos anos 70 doséculo XX, vindo, assim, a desenvolver-se e a assumir uma crescente importância. Decorrente da evolução do conceito de criança, a literatura para ainfância foi assumindo um lugar proeminente na sua formação,nomeadamente, em idade pré-escolar. A seguir à família, o educador de infância afigura-se como outro dos principais mediadores no encontro dacriança com o livro, tendo, desde aí, uma função influente face à promoção dogosto pela leitura. No entanto, este profissional sente a necessidade de, desdea sua formação inicial, sever dotado de conhecimentos básicos que lhe permitam práticas mais ajustadas e que salvaguardem as necessidades einteresses de leitura das crianças. A presente dissertação tem como principal finalidade aferir a importânciaatribuída à literatura para a infância, com especial destaque na obra de Luísa Ducla Soares, em contexto de jardim-de-infância. Apesar do lugar incontestável desta autora e da sua obra no cânone daliteratura portuguesa para a infância, a crítica literária de que tem sido alvo é ainda exígua. Por essa razão também, procurámos, através de uma análisedas especificidades da sua escrita, da diversidade das temáticas inerentes àssuas histórias e da qualidade estética e literária das suas publicações, reflectirsobre as potencialidades das obras que nos apresenta a referida escritora, pelas quais tem merecido vários prémios e nomeações. ABSTRACT: Literature for early years has been subject of quarrel, especially regarding to itsstatute in the literature universe, mostly since the 70’s of the 20th century, andconsequently came to grow and to assume an increasing importance. As aresult of the evolution of the child concept, literature for early years wasassuming a prominent position in children education, specifically, in preschoolage. After family, the kindergarten teacher figures hisself/herself as another of themain intermediaries in introducingchild to books, having, since then, an influential role endorsing reading’s taste on children. However, this practitionerneeds, since his/her formative years, to be endowed with basic knowledge thatallows him/her more adjusted practices that look after reading’s necessities and interests of children’s interests. The present dissertation’s main purpose is to survey which importance hasliterature for infants, with a special focus on the work of Luísa Ducla Soares, inearly childhood education. Even though her books are unquestionable at ruling literature for infants inPortugal, there hasn’t been that much literary analysis about it. Therefore, welooked, through the particulars aspects of her writing, the diversity of themesthat are inherent to her stories and the artistic and literary value of her publications, to proof the quality of the work presented by the mentioned writer,on behalf of which the author has justified several awards and nominations.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar