987 resultados para hydrogen related defects


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In this work, we investigate the influence of some growth parameters such as high microwave power ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 kW and N2 additive on the incorporation of bonded hydrogen defects in nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films grown through a small amount of pure N2 addition into conventional 4% CH4/H2 plasma using a 5 kW microwave plasma CVD system. Incorporation form and content of hydrogen point defects in the NCD films produced with pure N2 addition was analyzed by employing Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the first time. A large amount of hydrogen related defects was detected in all the produced NCD films with N2 additive ranging from 29 to 87 µm thick with grain size from 47 nm to 31 nm. Furthermore, a specific new H related sharp absorption peak appears in all the NCD films grown with pure N2/CH4/H2 plasma at high powers and becomes stronger at powers higher than 3.0 kW and is even stronger than the 2920 cm−1 peak, which is commonly found in CVD diamond films. Based on these experimental findings, the role of high power and pure nitrogen addition on the growth of NCD films including hydrogen defect formation is analyzed and discussed.


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Since oxygen vacancies act as donors in SnO2, the electrical properties are related to deviation from stoichiometric composition. Depending on stoichiometry SnO2 can be highly insulating or may exhibit fairly high n-type conductivity. Since bandgap transitions are in the ultraviolet range, its photoconductivity is strongly dependent on the excitation source. We have measured variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength for tin dioxide grown by dip-coating sol-gel technique using several light sources: tungsten lamp, xenon, mercury and deuterium, and present selected results. The main band is obtained in the range 3-4eV according to light source spectrum in the ultraviolet range. The presence of oxygen in the cryostat also affects the spectrum since electron-hole pairs react with adsorbed oxygen specimens. © 1999 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.


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SnO2 deposited by sol-gel is a polycrystalline film with small grain size. Oxygen present at a less grain boundary traps electrons and then the depletion layer around the potential barrier of the grain boundary becomes wider, comparable to the grain size. We have modeled the conductivity taking into account the trapped charge at the depletion layer of the grain boundary and other scattering mechanisms such as ionized impurity and polar optical. Experimental data of photoconductivity of SnO2 sol-gel films are simulated considering the dominant scattering at grain boundary and crystallite bulk. The fraction of trapped charge at the grain boundary depends on temperature and wavelength of irradiating light, being as high as 50% for illumination in the range 500-600 nm for SnO2-2%Nb as grown sample annealed in air to 550°C. This fraction can be quite reduced depending on exposure to light and annealing under different oxygen partial pressure conditions.


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The semiconductor particle detectors used at CERN experiments are exposed to radiation. Under radiation, the formation of lattice defects is unavoidable. The defects affect the depletion voltage and leakage current of the detectors, and hence affect on the signal-to-noise ratio of the detectors. This shortens the operational lifetime of the detectors. For this reason, the understanding of the formation and the effects of radiation induced defects is crucial for the development of radiation hard detectors. In this work, I have studied the effects of radiation induced defects-mostly vacancy related defects-with a simulation package, Silvaco. Thus, this work essentially concerns the effects of radiation induced defects, and native defects, on leakage currents in particle detectors. Impurity donor atom-vacancy complexes have been proved to cause insignificant increase of leakage current compared with the trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen centres. Native defects and divacancies have proven to cause some of the leakage current, which is relatively small compared with trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen.


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This work demonstrates the role of defects generated during rapid thermal annealing of pulsed laser deposited ZnO/Al2O3 multilayer nanostructures in presence of vacuum at different temperatures (Ta) (500–900 C) on their electrical conductance and optical characteristics. Photoluminescence (PL) emissions show the stronger green emission at Ta 600 C and violet–blue emission at TaP800 C, and are attributed to oxygen vacancies and zinc related defects (zinc vacancies and interstitials) respectively. Current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of nanostructures with rich oxygen vacancies and zinc related defects display the electroforming free resistive switching (RS) characteristics. Nanostructures with rich oxygen vacancies exhibit conventional and stable RS behavior with high and low resistance states (HRS/LRS) ratio 104 during the retention test. Besides, the dominant conduction mechanism of HRS and LRS is explained by trap-controlled-space-charge limited conduction mechanism, where the oxygen vacancies act as traps. On the other hand, nanostructures with rich zinc related defects show a diode-like RS behavior. The rectifying ratio is found to be sensitive on the zinc interstitials concentration. It is assumed that the rectifying behavior is due to the electrically formed interface layer ZnAl2O4 at the Zn defects rich ZnO crystals – Al2O3 x interface and the switching behavior is attributed to the electron trapping/de-trapping process at zinc vacancies.


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Le cartilage est un tissu conjonctif composé d’une seule sorte de cellule nommée chondrocytes. Ce tissu offre une fondation pour la formation des os. Les os longs se développent par l'ossification endochondral. Ce processus implique la coordination entre la prolifération, la différenciation et l'apoptose des chondrocytes, et résulte au remplacement du cartilage par l'os. Des anomalies au niveau du squelette et des défauts liés à l’âge tels que l’arthrose (OA) apparaissent lorsqu’il y a une perturbation dans l’équilibre du processus de développement. À ce jour, les mécanismes exacts contrôlant la fonction et le comportement des chondrocytes pendant la croissance et le développement du cartilage sont inconnus. Le récepteur activateur de la prolifération des peroxysomes (PPAR) gamma est un facteur de transcription impliqué dans l'homéostasie des lipides. Plus récemment, son implication a aussi été suggérée dans l'homéostasie osseuse. Cependant, le rôle de PPARγ in vivo dans la croissance et le développement du cartilage est inconnu. Donc, pour la première fois, cette étude examine le rôle spécifique de PPARγ in vivo dans la croissance et le développement du cartilage. Les souris utilisées pour l’étude avaient une délétion conditionnelle au cartilage du gène PPARγ. Ces dernières ont été générées en employant le système LoxP/Cre. Les analyses des souris ayant une délétion au PPARγ aux stades embryonnaire et adulte démontrent une réduction de la croissance des os longs, une diminution des dépôts de calcium dans l’os, de la densité osseuse et de la vascularisation, un délai dans l’ossification primaire et secondaire, une diminution cellulaire, une perte d’organisation colonnaire et une diminution des zones hypertrophiques, une désorganisation des plaques de croissance et des chondrocytes déformés. De plus, la prolifération et la différenciation des chondrocytes sont anormales. Les chondrocytes et les explants isolés du cartilage mutant démontrent une expression réduite du facteur de croissance endothélial vasculaire (VEGF)-A et des éléments de production de la matrice extracellulaire. Une augmentation de l’expression de la métalloprotéinase matricielle (MMP)-13 est aussi observée. Dans les souris âgées ayant une délétion au PPARγ, y est aussi noté des phénotypes qui ressemblent à ceux de l’OA tel que la dégradation du cartilage et l'inflammation de la membrane synoviale, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression de MMP-13 et des néoépitopes générés par les MMPs. Nos résultats démontrent que le PPARγ est nécessaire pour le développement et l’homéostasie du squelette. PPARγ est un régulateur essentiel pour la physiologie du cartilage durant les stades de croissance, de développement et de vieillissement.


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La vaccination est largement utilisée pour la génération de lymphocytes T spécifiques contre les tumeurs. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'est pas adaptée aux personnes âgées car leur thymus régresse avec l'âge conduisant ainsi à une baisse dans la production de cellules T et à l'accumulation de cellules immunitaires âgées ayant des défauts liés à leurs stimulations. Comme il a été démontré auparavant que L’IL-21 est capable d’induire des fonctions thymiques, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’injection d’IL-21 à des souris âgées stimulera la thymopoïèse. Nos résultats montrent que l’administration de l’IL-21 augmente le nombre absolu de thymocytes chez les souris âgées et augmente la migration de ces cellules vers la périphérie ou ils contribuent à la diversité du TCR. De plus les cellules T en périphérie expriment un niveau plus élevé de miR181-a, et par conséquent moins de phosphatase comme SHP2, DUSP5/6 qui inhibent le TCR. En vaccinant des souris âgées avec le peptide Trp2, les souris traitées avec l’IL-21 montrent un retard dans la croissance des cellules B16 tumorales. Cette étude montre que l’IL-21 pourrait être utilisé comme stratégie pour le rétablissement du systeme immunitaire chez les personnes âgées.


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Stable, OH free zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized by hydrothermal method by varying the growth temperature and concentration of the precursors. The formation of ZnO nanoparticles were confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) studies. The average particle size have been found to be about 7-24 nm and the compositional analysis is done with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) results shows that the band gap of ZnO nanoparticles is blue shifted with decrease in particle size. Photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanoparticles at room temperature were studied and the green photoluminescent emission from ZnO nanoparticles can originate from the oxygen vacancy or ZnO interstitial related defects.


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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Bacterial cellulose (BC) hydrated membranes present nanometric reticulated structure that can be used as a template in the preparation of new organic-inorganic hybrids. BC-silica hybrids were prepared from BC membranes and tetraethoxysilane, (TEOS) at neutral pH conditions at room temperature. Macroscopically homogeneous membranes were obtained containing up to 66 wt.% of silica spheres, 20-30 nm diameter. Scanning electron micrographs clearly show the silica spheres attached to cellulose microfibrils. By removing the cellulose, the silica spheres can be easily recovered. The new hybrids are stable up to 300 degrees C and display a broad emission band under UV excitation assigned to oxygen-related defects at the silica particles surface. Emission color can be tuned by changing the excitation wavelength.


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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This thesis work is focused on the use of selected core-level x-ray spectroscopies to study semiconductor materials of great technological interest and on the development of a new implementation of appearance potential spectroscopy. Core-level spectroscopies can be exploited to study these materials with a local approach since they are sensitive to the electronic structure localized on a chemical species present in the sample examined. This approach, in fact, provides important micro-structural information that is difficult to obtain with techniques sensitive to the average properties of materials. In this thesis work we present a novel approach to the study of semiconductors with core-level spectroscopies based on an original analysis procedure that leads to an insightful understanding of the correlation between the local micro-structure and the spectral features observed. In particular, we studied the micro-structure of Hydrogen induced defects in nitride semiconductors, since the analysed materials show substantial variations of optical and electronic properties as a consequence of H incorporation. Finally, we present a novel implementation of soft x-ray appearance potential spectroscopy, a core-level spectroscopy that uses electrons as a source of excitation and has the great advantage of being an in-house technique. The original set-up illustrated was designed to reach a high signal-to-noise ratio for the acquisition of good quality spectra that can then be analyzed in the framework of the real space full multiple scattering theory. This technique has never been coupled with this analysis approach and therefore our work unite a novel implementation with an original data analysis method, enlarging the field of application of this technique.


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La vaccination est largement utilisée pour la génération de lymphocytes T spécifiques contre les tumeurs. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'est pas adaptée aux personnes âgées car leur thymus régresse avec l'âge conduisant ainsi à une baisse dans la production de cellules T et à l'accumulation de cellules immunitaires âgées ayant des défauts liés à leurs stimulations. Comme il a été démontré auparavant que L’IL-21 est capable d’induire des fonctions thymiques, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’injection d’IL-21 à des souris âgées stimulera la thymopoïèse. Nos résultats montrent que l’administration de l’IL-21 augmente le nombre absolu de thymocytes chez les souris âgées et augmente la migration de ces cellules vers la périphérie ou ils contribuent à la diversité du TCR. De plus les cellules T en périphérie expriment un niveau plus élevé de miR181-a, et par conséquent moins de phosphatase comme SHP2, DUSP5/6 qui inhibent le TCR. En vaccinant des souris âgées avec le peptide Trp2, les souris traitées avec l’IL-21 montrent un retard dans la croissance des cellules B16 tumorales. Cette étude montre que l’IL-21 pourrait être utilisé comme stratégie pour le rétablissement du systeme immunitaire chez les personnes âgées.