973 resultados para helical screw piles


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Le facteur empirique de correlation du torque K(T), qui represente la capacite de soulevement du torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux, est generalement utilise comme instrument de controle de la qualite sur le terrain pour ce type de fondations. Dans cet article, une relation theorique entre la capacite de soulevement et le torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux places profondement dans du sable est presentee. Un programme experimental, qui comprend des essais centrifuge et de cisaillement direct a l`interface, a ete effectue dans le but de valider cette relation theorique. Les resultats experimentaux ont ete compares aux resultats predits par l`approche suggeree, et les resultats montrent une bonne concordance. Puisque le modele developpe depend de l`angle de friction residuel a l`interface delta(r) entre la surface de l`helice du pieu et le sable, les resultats de delta(r) obtenus a partir de differents echantillons de sable sont presentes afin d`etre utilises lors de l`application sur le terrain de la relation theorique proposee. De plus, les valeurs de K(T) obtenues dans ces travaux ont ete comparees a celles reportees dans la litterature; celles-ci ayant ete obtenues lors d`essais sur le terrain et en laboratoire sur des pieux helicoidaux dans le sable. Cette analyse a permis de demontrer que les valeurs mesurees de K(T) diminuent lorsque la dimension des pieux augmente, ainsi qu`avec une augmentation de l`angle de friction du sable, dans la plupart des cas. Ces derniers resultats ont aussi ete demontres avec le modele presente.


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Introducción: Las fracturas intertrocantéricas han llegado a nuestros días con una mayor incidencia dado el envejecimiento de la población, con fracturas más complejas, menos estables y asociadas a osteoporosis, se estima que representan aproximadamente 1,75 millones de años de vida perdidos ajustados a discapacidad es decir 0,1% de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial. Existe consenso en el tratamiento quirúrgico de este tipo de fracturas, presentando una incidencia variable de fallos, principalmente cuando son inestables, entre estos el denominado “cuto ut”. La utilización de un método de fijación con placa y tornillo helicoidal (DHHS) aparentemente disminuye la incidencia de dichos fallos con respecto a otras técnicas. Metodología: Por medio de una muestra calculada en 128 de pacientes con fracturas intertrocantéricas operados con DHS y DHHS entre el 2007 y el 2012 en La Clínica San Rafael de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, se realizó un análisis multivariado para determinar si existe o no diferencias significativas en los índices de fallo entre estas dos técnicas. Resultados: Los pacientes incluidos en el estudio 54 (42,1%) fueron hombres y 74 (57,8%) fueron mujeres. 75 fueron operados con DHHS y 53 con DHS; en cuanto a las comorbilidades las principales fueron Hipertensión con 40 pacientes para DHS y 30 para DHHS, para el caso de Diabetes Mellitus fueron 13 y 9 para DHS y DHHS, respectivamente; en cuanto al tipo de fractura más común la principal fue la clasificación Tronzo II con 9 pacientes para DHS y 13 para DHHS. Conclusión. Para el estudios se evidencia que para los 3 desenlaces principales evaluados, 1. El porcentaje de re intervención (p=0,282), 2. La supervivencia en el primer año (p=0,499) y 3. El desempeño funcional con la escala de Oxford (p=0,06); no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos.


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The uplift capacity of helical piles depends on the shear resistance of the soil above the helical plates. During helical pile installation, the soil traversed by the plates are sheared and displaced laterally, and consequently the soil structure is disturbed. Considering this fact, the aim of this paper is presenting the effect of helical piles installation in the soil mass by means of CPT tests carried out close to the soil cylinder above the pile helices. The CPT tests were performed at the CRHEA site from the Sao Carlos School of Engineering, Sao Carlos city, inland of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In addition, an interpretation of CPT tests data for stratigrafic logging are presented and compared to Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) carried out at this site. This study showed that the CPT sleeve friction fs data were affected by the installation of helical pile in this particular tropical soil site. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.


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Face à la diminution des ressources énergétiques et à l’augmentation de la pollution des énergies fossiles, de très nombreuses recherches sont actuellement menées pour produire de l’énergie propre et durable et pour réduire l’utilisation des sources d’énergies fossiles caractérisées par leur production intrinsèque des gaz à effet de serre. La pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) est une technologie qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur pour produire l’énergie qui s’inscrit dans un contexte de développement durable. La PEMFC est un dispositif électrochimique qui fonctionne selon le principe inverse de l’électrolyse de l’eau. Elle convertit l’énergie de la réaction chimique entre l’hydrogène et l’oxygène (ou l’air) en puissance électrique, chaleur et eau; son seul rejet dans l’atmosphère est de la vapeur d’eau. Une pile de type PEMFC est constituée d’un empilement Électrode-Membrane-Électrode (EME) où la membrane consiste en un électrolyte polymère solide séparant les deux électrodes (l’anode et la cathode). Cet ensemble est intégré entre deux plaques bipolaires (BP) qui permettent de collecter le courant électrique et de distribuer les gaz grâce à des chemins de circulation gravés sur chacune de ses deux faces. La plupart des recherches focalisent sur la PEMFC afin d’améliorer ses performances électriques et sa durabilité et aussi de réduire son coût de production. Ces recherches portent sur le développement et la caractérisation des divers éléments de ce type de pile; y compris les éléments les plus coûteux et les plus massifs, tels que les plaques bipolaires. La conception de ces plaques doit tenir compte de plusieurs paramètres : elles doivent posséder une bonne perméabilité aux gaz et doivent combiner les propriétés de résistance mécanique, de stabilité chimique et thermique ainsi qu’une conductivité électrique élevée. Elles doivent aussi permettre d’évacuer adéquatement la chaleur générée dans le cœur de la cellule. Les plaques bipolaires métalliques sont pénalisées par leur faible résistance à la corrosion et celles en graphite sont fragiles et leur coût de fabrication est élevé (dû aux phases d’usinage des canaux de cheminement des gaz). C’est pourquoi de nombreuses recherches sont orientées vers le développement d’un nouveau concept de plaques bipolaires. La voie la plus prometteuse est de remplacer les matériaux métalliques et le graphite par des composites à matrice polymère. Les plaques bipolaires composites apparaissent attrayantes en raison de leur facilité de mise en œuvre et leur faible coût de production mais nécessitent une amélioration de leurs propriétés électriques et mécaniques, d’où l’objectif principal de cette thèse dans laquelle on propose: i) un matériau nanocomposite développé par extrusion bi-vis qui est à base de polymères chargés d’additifs solides conducteurs, incluant des nanotubes de carbone. ii) fabriquer un prototype de plaque bipolaire à partir de ces matériaux en utilisant le procédé de compression à chaud avec un refroidissement contrôlé. Dans ce projet, deux polymères thermoplastiques ont été utilisés, le polyfluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) et le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET). Les charges électriquement conductrices sélectionnées sont: le noir de carbone, le graphite et les nanotubes de carbones. La combinaison de ces charges conductrices a été aussi étudiée visant à obtenir des formulations optimisées. La conductivité électrique à travers l’épaisseur des échantillons développés ainsi que leurs propriétés mécaniques ont été soigneusement caractérisées. Les résultats ont montré que non seulement la combinaison entre les charges conductrices influence les propriétés électriques et mécaniques des prototypes développés, mais aussi la distribution de ces charges (qui de son côté dépend de leur nature, leur taille et leurs propriétés de surface), avait aidé à améliorer les propriétés visées. Il a été observé que le traitement de surface des nanotubes de carbone avait aidé à l’amélioration de la conductivité électrique et la résistance mécanique des prototypes. Le taux de cristallinité généré durant le procédé de moulage par compression des prototypes de plaques bipolaires ainsi que la cinétique de cristallisation jouent un rôle important pour l’optimisation des propriétés électriques et mécaniques visées.


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This study evaluated the loss of the torque applied after use of new screws and after successive tightening. Four infrastructures (IE), using UCLA castable abutment type, were cast in cobalt-chromium alloy and new abutment screws (G1) were used in a first moment. Subsequently, the same abutment screws were used a second time (G2) and more than two times (G3). The values of the torques applied and detorques were measured with a digital torque wrench to obtain the values of initial tightening loss (%). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (?=0.05). Significant differences were observed between the G1 (50.71% ± 11.36) and G2 (24.01% ± 3.33) (p=0.000) and between G1 (50.71% ± 11.36) and G3 (25.60% ± 4.64) (p=0.000). There was no significant difference between G2 and G3 (p=0.774). Within the limitations of the study, it may be concluded that the percentage of the initial torque loss is lower when screws that already suffered the application of an initial torque were used, remaining stable after application of successive torques.


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Background: The New World screw-worm (NWS), Cochliomyia hominivorax, is one of the most important myiasis-causing flies, causing severe losses to the livestock industry. In its current geographical distribution, this species has been controlled by the application of insecticides, mainly organophosphate (OP) compounds, but a number of lineages have been identified that are resistant to such chemicals. Despite its economic importance, only limited genetic information is available for the NWS. Here, as a part of an effort to characterize the C. hominivorax genome and identify putative genes involved in insecticide resistance, we sampled its transcriptome by deep sequencing of polyadenylated transcripts using the 454 sequencing technology. Results: Deep sequencing on the 454 platform of three normalized libraries (larval, adult male and adult female) generated a total of 548,940 reads. Eighteen candidate genes coding for three metabolic detoxification enzyme families, cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, glutathione S transferases and carboxyl/cholinesterases were selected and gene expression levels were measured using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Of the investigated candidates, only one gene was expressed differently between control and resistant larvae with, at least, a 10-fold down-regulation in the resistant larvae. The presence of mutations in the acetylcholinesterase (target site) and carboxylesterase E3 genes was investigated and all of the resistant flies presented E3 mutations previously associated with insecticide resistance. Conclusions: Here, we provided the largest database of NWS expressed sequence tags that is an important resource, not only for further studies on the molecular basis of the OP resistance in NWS fly, but also for functional and comparative studies among Calliphoridae flies. Among our candidates, only one gene was found differentially expressed in resistant individuals, and its role on insecticide resistance should be further investigated. Furthermore, the absence of mutations in the OP target site and the high frequency of mutant carboxylesterase E3 indicate that metabolic resistance mechanisms have evolved predominantly in this species.


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The objective of this work was to select indigenous vegetal species for restoration programs aiming at the regeneration of ombrophilous dense forest. Thirty-five spoil piles located in the county of Sideropolis, Santa Catarina, that received overburden disposal for 39 years (1950-1989) were selected for study because they exhibited remarkable spontaneous regrowth of trees compared to surrounding spoil piles. Floristic inventory covered the whole area of the 35 piles, whereas survey on phytosociology and natural regeneration studies were conducted in 70 plots distributed along the 35 piles. Floristic inventory recorded 83 species from 28 botanical families. Herbaceous terricolous plants constituted the predominant species (47.0%), followed by shrubs (26.5%), trees (19.3%), and vines (7.2%). Results from surveys on phytosociology and natural regeneration, focused on shrubs and trees, recorded incipient ecological succession. In addition, the most adapted species recorded on the overburden piles, as ranked by index of natural regeneration (RNT) plus importance value index (IVI), were as follows: Clethra scabra (RNT = 23.93%; IVI = 17.28%), Myrsine coriacea (RNT = 20.93%, IVI = 11.26%), Eupatorium intermedium (RNT 7.56%, IVI 0.40%), Miconia ligustroides (RNT 5.84%, IVI 2.37%), Ossaea amygdaloides (RNT 3.84%, IVI 1.30%), Tibouchina sellowiana (RNT 3.29%, M 1.94%), Eup. inulaefolium (RNT = 2.65%, IVI = 0.80%), and Baccharis dracunculifolia (RNT = 2.28%; IVI = 0.56%). High values of IVI and RNT exhibited by the exotic species Eucalyptus saligna (IVI = 21.73%, RNT = 51.41%) indicated strong competition between exotic and indigenous species. Severe chemical (acidic pH and lack of nutrients) and physical (coarse substrate and slope angle of 40-50 degrees) characteristics displayed by the overburden piles constituted limitations to floristic diversity and size of indigenous trees, indicating the need for substrate reclamation prior to forest restoration.


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The behavior of S. platensis was investigated in this study through fed-batch pulse-feeding cultures performed at different carbon dioxide feeding rates (F = 0.44-1.03 g L-1 d(-1)) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD = 80-250 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) in a bench-scale helical photobioreactor. To achieve this purpose, an inorganic medium lacking the carbon source was enriched by gaseous carbon dioxide from a cylinder. The maximum cell concentration achieved was 12.8 g L-1 at PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and F= 0.44 g L-1 d(-1) of CO2. At PPFD = 80 and 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the carbon utilization efficiency (CUE) reached maximum values of 50 and 69%, respectively, after about 20 days, and then it decreased, thus highlighting a photolimitation effect. At PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), CUE was >= 90% between 20 and 50 days. The photosynthetic efficiency reached its maximum value (9.4%) at PPFD = 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The photoinhibition threshold appeared to strongly depend on the feeding rate: at high PPFD, an increase in the amount of fed CO2 delayed the inhibitory effect on biomass growth, whereas at low PPFD, excess CO2 addition caused the microalga to stop growing. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Retrovirus entry into cells follows receptor binding by the surface exposed envelope glycoprotein (Env) subunit (SU), which triggers the membrane fusion activity of the transmembrane (TM) protein. TM protein fragments expressed in the absence of SU adopt helical hairpin structures comprising a central coiled coil, a region of chain reversal containing a disulfide-bonded loop, and a C-terminal segment that packs onto the exterior of the coiled coil in an antiparallel manner. Here we used in vitro mutagenesis to test the functional role of structural elements observed in a model helical hairpin, gp21 of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1. Membrane fusion activity requires the stabilization of the N and C termini of the central coiled coil by a hydrophobic N cap and a small hydrophobic core, respectively. A conserved Gly-Gly hinge motif preceding the disulfide-bonded loop, a salt bridge that stabilizes the chain reversal region, and interactions between the C-terminal segment and the coiled coil are also critical for fusion activity. Our data support a model whereby the chain reversal region transmits a conformational signal from receptor-bound SU to induce the fusion-activated helical hairpin conformation of the TM protein.


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Introduction: The vertebrae fixation system using pedicular screws is one of the most efficient methods to treat vertebral spine pathologies. When the screw is submitted to pullout strength, it causes internal tension near the medullar canal and this situation can be analyzed by using the photoelasticity technique. Objective: Were analyzed those internal tensions near the medullar canal of photoelastic vertebra models using different sizes of screws of the vertebral fixation system submitted to pullout strength. Methods: A lumbar vertebral model made of photoelastic material with three different USS1-type pedicular screw sizes (5, 6, and 7 mm) was used. The internal tensions around the screw were tested in 12 predetermined points by a plain transmission polaroscope. Results: The areas of greater tension concentration were between the medullar canal and the curves of the transverse process. Comparing the maximum average pulling tension, statistical differences were observed between screws 5 and 7, and 6 and 7. On the other hand, for screws 5 and 6, there were no significant differences. Conclusion: The study evidenced that the internal tensions are greater in irregular areas, next to the medullar canal, showing that this is a critical region.


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Introduction: Mini-implants are placed in restricted sites, requiring an accurate surgical technique. However, no systematic study has quantified technique accuracy to reliably predict the surgical risks. Therefore, a graduated 3-dimensional radiographic-surgical guide (G-RSG) was proposed, and its inaccuracy and risk index (RI) were estimated. Methods: The sample consisted of 6 subjects (4 male, 2 female), who used mini-implant anchorage. Ten drill-free screws (DFS) were placed by using the G-RSG. The central point of the mesiodistal septum width (SW) was the selected implant site on the presurgical radiograph. The distances between DFS and the adjacent teeth (5-DFS and 6-DFS) were measured to evaluate screw centralization and inaccuracy degree (ID). These distances were statistically compared by independent t tests, and inaccuracy was determined by the expression ID = (5-DFS-6-DFS)/2, which represents deviation of the mini-implant`s final position regarding the central point initially selected. Then SW, ID, and screw diameter (SO) were combined to estimate the surgical risk with RI expressed by RI = SO/SW-ID. Results: The 5-DFS and 6-DFS distances were not significantly different. The ID of the G-RSG was 0.17 mm. The low ID ensured a safe RI (<1) in spite of the restricted SW. Conclusions: The G-RSG accuracy allowed fine prediction of the final DFS position in the inter-radicular septum, with a low RI, which is a helpful tool to estimate surgical risks. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 722-35)


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Purpose: Nonpassive fit frameworks are believed to lead to implant overload and consequently loss of osseointegration. This is one of the most commonly reported failures of implant prostheses. In an ideal situation of passive fit, when torque is applied to bring the abutment-cylinder interface together some amount of deformation can be expected, and it should be homogeneous along the periphery of the abutment. The aim of this study was to verify the amount of abutment deformation that can be expected when a free-standing cylinder is screwed into place. This could give insight into what should be accepted as passive fit. Materials and Methods: Strain gauges were bonded to the sides of five standard abutments that had machined palladium-silver cylinders or cobalt-chromium cast cylinders screwed into place. Measurements were taken to verify the deformation at each site. Results: Values of abutment deformation after abutment screw tightening ranged from -127.70 to -590.27 mu epsilon. The deformation recorded for palladium-silver prosthetic cylinder tightening ranged from 56.905 to -381.50 mu epsilon (mean: 173.298 mu epsilon) and from -5.62638 to -383.86 mu epsilon ( mean: 200.474 mu epsilon) for cobalt-chromium cylinders. There was no statistically significant difference among the two groups. Conclusion: Both abutment screw tightening and prosthetic cylinder screw tightening result in abutment deformation, which is compressive most of the time. Int J Prosthodont 2009; 22: 391-395.


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Objectives Bacterial penetration along the implant-abutment interface as a consequence of abutment screw loosening has been reported in a number of recent studies. The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of repeated tightening of the abutment screw on leakage of Streptococcus mutans along the interface between implants and pre-machined abutments. Materials and methods Twenty pre-machined abutments with a plastic sleeve were used. The abutment screws were tightened to 32 N cm in group 1 (n=10 - control) and to 32 N cm, loosened and re-tightened with the same torque twice in group 2 (n=10). The assemblies were completely immersed in 5 ml of Tryptic Soy Broth medium inoculated with S. mutans and incubated for 14 days. After this period, contamination of the implant internal threaded chamber was evaluated using the DNA Checkerboard method. Results Microorganisms were found on the internal surfaces of both groups evaluated. However, bacterial counts in group 2 were significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion These results suggest that bacterial leakage between implants and abutments occurs even under unloaded conditions and at a higher intensity when the abutment screw is tightened and loosened repeatedly. To cite this article:do Nascimento C, Pedrazzi V, Kirsten Miani P, Daher Moreira L, de Albuquerque Junior RF. Influence of repeated screw tightening on bacterial leakage along the implant-abutment interface.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 1394-1397.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01769.x.


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Resistively loaded helical antennas, used in the normal mode and horizontally polarised, are modelled using the moment method above typical lossy ground. The distributed resistive loading was adjusted to maintain a two octave bandwidth. The centre frequency of 1 m dipoles was reduced from 250 MHz for the straight resistive wire to 50 MHz for a helix of pitch 2.5 cm and diameter 5 cm. The reduction in efficiency required to maintain the bandwidth for this helix was 12 dB. This agrees reasonably with the theory for small antennas in free space. The results were also verified by comparing measurements performed on a monopole resistively loaded helical antenna in a watertank with the numerical model used elsewhere.