942 resultados para growth form


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Purpose: Myopia is a common eye disorder affecting up to 90% of children in South East Asia and 30% of the population worldwide. Myopia of high severity is a leading cause of blindness around the world (4th to 5th most common). Changes and remodelling of the sclera i.e. increase cellular proliferation & increase protein synthesis within scleral cells (↑ scleral DNA) and thinning and lose of extracellular matrix of sclera (↓ scleral GAG synthesis) have been linked to myopic eye growth in animal models. Signals acting on the sclera are thought to originate in the retina, and are modulated by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) with limited evidence suggesting that the RPE can modify scleral cell growth in culture. However, the mechanism of retinal signal transmission and the role of posterior eye cup tissue, including the RPE, in mediating changes in scleral fibroblast growth during myopia development are unclear. Retinal transmitter systems are critically involved in pathways regulating eye growth, which ultimately lead to alterations in the sclera if eye size is to change. A dopaminergic agonist and muscarinic antagonists decrease the proliferation of scleral chondrocytes when co-cultured with chick’s retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). GABA receptors have recently been localised to chick sclera. We therefore hypothesised that posterior eye cup tissue from myopic eyes would stimulate and from hyperopic eyes would inhibit growth of scleral fibroblasts in vitro and that GABAergic agents could directly interact with scleral cells or indirectly modify the effects of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissue on scleral fibroblast growth. Method: Fibroblastic cells obtained from 8-day-old chick sclera were used to establish cell banks. Two major experiments were performed. Experiment 1: To determine if posterior eye cup tissues from myopic eye stimulates and hyperopic eye inhibits scleral cell proliferation, when co-cultured with scleral cells in vitro. This study comprised two linked experiments, i) monocular visual treatments of FDM (form-deprivation myopia), LIM (lens-induced myopia) and LIH (lens-induced hyperopia) with assessment of the effect of full punch eye cup tissue on DNA and GAG synthesis by cultured chick scleral fibroblasts, and ii) binocular visual treatments comprising LIM and LIH with assessment of the effect of individual layers of eye cup tissues (neural retina, RPE and choroid) on cultured chick scleral fibroblasts. Visual treatment was applied for 3 days. Experiment 2: To determine the direct interaction of GABA agents on scleral cell growth and to establish whether GABA agents modify the stimulatory/inhibitory effect of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissues on cultured scleral cell growth in vitro. Two linked experiments were performed. i) GABA agonists (muscimol and baclofen) and GABA antagonists (bicuculine (-), CGP46381 and TPMPA) were added to scleral cell culture medium to determine their direct effect on scleral cells. ii) GABAergic agents (agonists and antagonists) were administered to scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with posterior eye cup tissue (retina, RPE, retina/RPE, RPE/choroid). Ocular tissues were obtained from chick eyes wearing +15D (LIH) or -15D lenses (LIM) for 3 days. In both experiments, tissues were added to hanging cell culture insert (pore size 1.0ìm) placed over each well of 24 well plates while scleral cells were cultured in DMEM/F12, Glutamax (Gibco) plus 10% FBS and penicillin/streptomycin (50U/ml)) and fungizone (1.25ug/ml) (Gibco), at seeding density of 30,000 cells/well at the bottom of the well and allowed to grow for 3 days. Scleral cells proliferation rate throughout the study was evaluated by determining GAG and DNA content of scleral cells using Dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) dye and Quant-iTTm Pico Green® dsDNA reagent respectively. Results and analysis: Based on DNA and GAG content, there was no significant difference in tissue effect of LIM and LIH eyes on scleral fibroblast growth (DNA: 8.4 ± 1.1μg versus 9.3 ± 2.3 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 10.13 ± 1.4 μg versus 12.67 ± 1.2 μg, F2,23=6.16, p=0.0005) when tissues were obtained from monocularly treated chick eyes (FDM or +15D lens or -15D lens over right eyes with left eyes untreated) and co-cultured as full punch. When chick eyes were treated binocularly with -15D lens (LIM) right eye and +15D lens (LIH) left eyes and tissue layers were separated, the retina from LIM eyes did not stimulate scleral cell proliferation compared to LIH eyes (DNA: 27.2 ± 6.7 μg versus 23.2 ± 1.5 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 28.1 ±3.7 μg versus 28.7 ± 4.2 μg, p=0.21). Similarly, the LIH and LIM choroid did not produce a differential effect based on DNA (LIM 46.9 ± 6.4 μg versus LIH 53.5 ± 4.7 μg, p=0.18), however the choroid from LIH eyes induced higher scleral GAG content than from LIM eyes (32.5 ± 6.7 μg versus 18.9 ± 1.2 μg, p=0.023). In contrast, the RPE from LIM eyes caused a significant increase in fibroblast proliferation whereas the RPE from LIH eyes was relatively inhibitory (72.4 ± 6.3 μg versus 27.9 ± 2.3 μg, F1, 6=69.99, p=0.0005). GAG data were opposite to DNA data e.g. the RPE from LIH eyes increased (33.7 ± 7.9 μg) while the RPE from LIM eyes decreased (28.2 ± 3.0 μg) scleral cell growth (F1, 6=13.99, p=0.010). Based on DNA content, GABA agents had a small direct effect on scleral cell growth; GABA agonists increased (21.4 ± 1.0% and 18.3 ± 1.0% with muscimol and baclofen, p=0.0021), whereas GABA antagonists decreased fibroblast proliferation (-23.7 ± 0.9% with bicuculine & CGP46381 and -28.1 ± 0.5% with TPMPA, p=0.0004). GABA agents also modified the effect of LIM and LIH tissues (p=0.0005).The increase in proliferation rate of scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with tissues (RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid) from LIM treated eyes was enhanced by GABA agonists (muscimol: 27.4 ± 1.2%, 35.8 ± 1.6%, 8.4 ± 0.3% and 11.9 ± 0.6%; baclofen: 27.0 ± 1.0%, 15.8 ± 1.5%, 16.8 ± 1.2% and 15.4 ± 0.4%, p=0.014) whereas GABA antagonists further reduced scleral fibroblasts growth (bicuculine: -52.5 ± 2.5%, -36.9 ± 1.4%, -37.5 ± 0.6% and -53.7 ± 0.9%; TPMPA: 57.3 ± 1.3%, -15.7 ± 1.2%, -33.5 ± 0.4% and -45.9 ± 1.5%; CGP46381: -51.9 ± 1.6%, -28.5 ± 1.5%, -25.4 ± 2.0% and -45.5 ± 1.9% respectively, p=0.0034). GAG data were opposite to DNA data throughout the experiment e.g. GABA agonists further inhibited while antagonists relatively enhanced scleral fibroblasts growth for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture. The effect of GABA agents was relatively lower (p=0.0004) for tissue from LIH versus LIM eyes but was in a similar direction. There was a significant drug effect on all four tissue types e.g. RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture (F20,92=3.928, p=0.0005). However, the effect of GABA agents was greatest in co-culture with RPE tissue (F18,36=4.865, p=0.0005). Summary and Conclusion: 1) Retinal defocus signals are transferred to RPE and choroid which then exert their modifying effect on scleral GAG and DNA synthesis either through growth stimulating factors or directly interacting with scleral cells in process of scleral remodeling during LIM and LIH visual conditions. 2) GABAergic agents affect the proliferation of scleral fibroblasts both directly and when co-cultured with ocular tissues in vitro.


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Monoculture plantations of Pinus, Eucalyptus and Acacia have been established oil rainforest lands throughout the world. However, this type of reforestation generally supplies low quality timber and contributes to landscape simplification. Alternatives to exotic monoculture plantations are now beginning to gain momentum with farmers and landholders attempting to establish a variety of rainforest trees in small plantations. When compared to the well studied commercial species, knowledge concerning the growth and management of many of these rainforest species is in its infancy. To help expand this limited knowledge base an experimental plantation of 16 rainforest tree species in a randomised design was established near Mt. Mee, in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Changes in growth, form (based on stem straightness, branch size and branchiness), crown diameters and leaf area of each species were examined over 5 years. Patterns of height growth were also measured monthly for 31 months. Species in this trial could be separated into three groups based on their overall growth after 5 years and their growth patterns. Early successional status, low timber density, high maximum photosynthetic rates and large total leaf areas were generally correlated to rapid height growth. Several species (including Araucaria cunninghamii, Elaeocarpus grandis, Flindersia brayleyana, Grevillea robusta and Khaya nyasica) had above average form and growth, while all species in the trial had considerable potential to have increased productivity through tree selection. As canopy closure occurred at the site between years four and five, growth increments declined. To reduce stand competition a number of different thinning techniques could be employed. However, simple geometric or productivity based thinnings appear to be inappropriate management techniques for this mixed species stand as they would either remove many of the best performing trees or nearly half the species in the trial. Alternatively, a form based thinning would maintain the site's diversity, increase the average form of the plantation and provide some productivity benefits.


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Prolonged near work is associated with myopia development in children and young adults but the reason underlying this association is unknown. Two potentially important factors are the near work induced ocular adaptations of contrast and accommodative adaptation. This study measured the degrees of contrast and accommodative adaptation during and following reading in myopic and emmetropic children and young adults in Singapore, where myopia is highly prevalent. Reading caused significantly greater contrast and accommodative adaptations in myopic children and myopic young adults compared to that measured in emmetropes of comparable ages. The adaptations were greater in magnitude in children than young adults, suggesting that children are more susceptible to ocular changes induced by reading and thus are potentially at greater risk of adverse refractive outcomes from these adaptations. In addition to the magnitude of the adaptations the regression time of these adaptations, (i.e. their durations) are also important. Longer accommodative adaptation regression times were measured for myopic children than for emmetropic children. Although the regression of contrast adaptation was not measured, its duration may likewise be important. The refractive effects of both of these adaptations are likely to be cumulative across the day and this could promote myopia in susceptible individuals performing considerable amounts of near work. Whether the type of text read affected the magnitude of the adaptations was also explored. Given the high prevalence of myopia in Chinese children and the fact that Chinese text is more complicated to write than English text, it was hypothesized that Chinese text would induce greater adaptation. However, both Chinese and English text produced similar amounts of accommodative and contrast adaptation in young adult subjects. We propose that children who spend prolonged periods reading at a young age are most vulnerable to near work induced adaptations and hence near work induced myopia. Both Chinese and English texts produce these effects and we propose that these adaptations are likely to occur for all types of common reading texts.


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The present study examined experimentally the phenological responses of a range of plant species to rises in temperature. We used the climate-change field protocol of the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX), which measures plant responses to warming of 1 to 2°C inside small open-topped chambers. The field study was established on the Bogong High Plains, Australia, in subalpine open heathlands; the most common treeless plant community on the Bogong High Plains. The study included areas burnt by fire in 2003, and therefore considers the interactive effects of warming and fire, which have rarely been studied in high mountain environments. From November 2003 to March 2006, various phenological phases were monitored inside and outside chambers during the snow-free periods. Warming resulted in earlier occurrence of key phenological events in 7 of the 14 species studied. Burning altered phenology in 9 of 10 species studied, with both earlier and later phenological changes depending on the species. There were no common phenological responses to warming or burning among species of the same family, growth form or flowering type (i.e. early or late-flowering species), when all phenological events were examined. The proportion of plants that formed flower buds was influenced by fire in half of the species studied. The findings support previous findings of ITEX and other warming experiments; that is, species respond individualistically to experimental warming. The inter-year variation in phenological response, the idiosyncratic nature of the responses to experimental warming among species, and an inherent resilience to fire, may result in community resilience to short-term climate change. In the first 3 years of experimental warming, phenological responses do not appear to be driving community-level change. Our findings emphasise the value of examining multiple species in climate-change studies.


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Corals inhabit high energy environments where frequent disturbances result in physical damage to coralla, including fragmentation, as well as generating and mobilizing large sediment clasts. The branching growth form common in the Acropora genus makes it particularly susceptible to such disturbances and therefore useful for study of the fate of large sediment clasts. Living Acropora samples with natural, extraneous, broken coral branches incorporated on their living surface and dead Acropora skeletons containing embedded clasts of isolated branch sections of Acropora were observed and/or collected from the reef flat of Heron Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef and Bargara, Australia respectively. Here we report three different outcomes when pebble-sized coral branches became lodged on living coral colonies during sedimentation events in natural settings in Acropora: 1) Where live coral branches produced during a disturbance event come to rest on probable genetic clone-mate colonies they become rapidly stabilised leading to complete soft tissue and skeletal fusion; 2) Where the branch and underlying colony are not clone-mates, but may still be the same or similar species, the branches still may be stabilised rapidly by soft tissue, but then one species will overgrow the other; and 3) Where branches represent dead skeletal debris, they are treated like any foreign clast and are surrounded by clypeotheca and incorporated into the corallum by overgrowth. The retention of branch fragments on colonies in high energy reef flat settings may suggest an active role of coral polyps to recognise and fuse with each other. Also, in all cases the healing of disturbed tissue and subsequent skeletal growth is an adaptation important for protecting colonies from invasion by parasites and other benthos following disturbance events and may also serve to increase corallum strength. Knowledge of such adaptations is important in studies of coral behaviour during periods of environmental stress.


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Indigofera linnaei (or Birdsville Indigo) is a native legume with widespread abundance in pastures across northern Australian, and occurs in all northern regions of Australia from the tropical Kimberleys and arid central Australia to subhumid coastal Queensland (Figure 1). I. linnaei in central Australia has been linked to canine fatalities due to the toxin indospicine. Indospicine, an analog of arginine, is an unusual non-protein amino acid found only in a number of Indigofera species including I. linnaei. Dogs are particularly sensitive to the heptatoxicity of indospicine, and while they do not themselves consume the plant, dogs have been poisoned indirectly through the consumption of indospicine-contaminated meat from horses and camels grazing in regions where I. linnaei is common (Hegarty and Pound 1988, FitzGerald et al 2011). I. linnaei is observed to occur in various forms from strongly prostrate in south-east Queensland to an erect shrub-like form growing to more than 50cm in height in some northern regions. It mostly occurs as a minor proportion of native pasture but denser stands develop under certain circumstances. The indospicine content of I. linnaei has not previously been reported outside of central Australia, and in this study we investigate the indospicine content of plant samples collected across various regions, including both prostrate and upright forms. All samples were collected in March-July, dried, milled and analysed by UPLC-MS/MS in an adaption of our method (Tan et al 2014). Indospicine was determined in all I. linnaei plant samples regardless of region or growth form (Table 1). Measured levels were in the range 159.5 to 658.8 mg/kg DM and indicate that this plant may pose a similar problem in all areas dependent on local seasonal abundance.


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The reliable assessment of macrophyte biomass is fundamental for ecological research and management of freshwater ecosystems. While dry mass is routinely used to determine aquatic plant biomass, wet (fresh) mass can be more practical. We tested the accuracy and precision of wet mass measurements by using a salad spinner to remove surface water from four macrophyte species differing in growth form and architectural complexity. The salad spinner aided in making precise and accurate wet mass with less than 3% error. There was also little difference between operators, with a user bias estimated to be below 5%. To achieve this level of precision, only 10–20 turns of the salad spinner are needed. Therefore, wet mass of a sample can be determined in less than 1 min. We demonstrated that a salad spinner is a rapid and economical technique to enable precise and accurate macrophyte wet mass measurements and is particularly suitable for experimental work. The method will also be useful for fieldwork in situations when sample sizes are not overly large.


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This dissertation is focused on the taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology of the vagrant, erratic and allied terricolous and saxicolous species of the genera Aspicilia A. Massal. and Circinaria Link (Megasporaceae), particularly those traditionally referred to as manna lichens . The group has previously been defined on the basis of few morphological characters. The phylogeny of the family Megasporaceae is inferred from the combined dataset of nuLSU and mtSSU sequences. Five genera Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora, and Sagedia are recognized. Lobothallia is sister of the four other genera, while Aspicilia and Sagedia form the next clade. All these genera have small asci with eight spores. Circinaria is a sister genus of Megaspora, and these two have in common asci with (1 4) 6 8 large spores. Circinaria forms a monophyletic group and sphaerothallioid species form a monophyletic group within Circinaria. The presence of certain morphological characters such as pseudocyphellae, thickness of cortex and medulla layers, as well as ecological differences in sphaerothallioid species distinguish it from some other crustose species, especially those containing aspicilin and characterised by thin cortex and medulla layers, conidium length c. 6 12 µm and absence of pseudocyphellae. If sphaerothallioid species are accepted as a distinct genus, the rest of the Circinaria species would remain as a paraphyletic assemblage. Currently, the genus Circinaria includes all the sphaerothallioid species and its generic position is confirmed and accepted. Thus, it is proposed as a correct generic name also for the manna lichens described originally in other genera. Phylogeny at the species level was studied using nrITS sequence data. Traditionally, morphological characters have been used for the recognition of species. They were re-evaluated in the light of molecular data. Since characters such as vagrant, erratic and crustose growth forms proved to be misleading for the recognition of some species, a combination of several characters (including molecular data) is recommended. Vagrant growth form seems to have evolved several times among the distantly related lineages and even within a single population. The reasons behind the high plasticity in the external morphology of the sphaerothallioid Circinaria remain, however, unknown. Six new species are recognized: Aspicilia tibetica, Circinaria arida, C. digitata nom provis., C. gyrosa nom. provis., C. rogeri nom. provis., and C. rostamii nom. provis. Based on an analysis of nrITS dataset, three new erratic, vagrant and crustose species were also recognized, but these require additional study. The results also reveal that C. elmorei and C. hispida are not monophyletic as currently understood. In addition, 13 new combinations in the genus Circinaria are proposed.


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Background: The present paper documents the uses of plants in traditional herbal medicine for human and veterinary ailments, and those used for dietary supplements, religious purpose, local beverage, and plants used to poison fish and wild animals. Traditional botanical medicine is the primary mode of healthcare for most of the rural population in Arunachal Pradesh. Materials and methods: Field research was conducted between April 2006 and March 2009 with randomly selected 124 key informants using semi-structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed through informant consensus factor (F(IC)) to determine the homogeneity of informant's knowledge on medicinal plants. Results: We documented 50 plants species belonging to 29 families used for treating 22 human and 4 veterinary ailments. Of the medicinal plants reported, the most common growth form was herbs (40%) followed by shrubs, trees, and climbers. Leaves were most frequently used plant parts. The consensus analysis revealed that the dermatological ailments have the highest F(IC) (0.56) and the gastro-intestinal diseases have F(IC) (0.43). F(IC) values indicated that there was high agreement in the use of plants in dermatological and gastro-intestinal ailments category among the users. Gymnocladus assamicus is a critically rare and endangered species used as disinfectant for cleaning wounds and parasites like leeches and lice on livestocks. Two plant species (Illicium griffithii and Rubia cordifolia) are commonly used for traditional dyeing of clothes and food items. Some of the edible plants recorded in this study were known for their treatment against high blood pressure (Clerodendron colebrookianum), diabetes mellitus (Momordica charantia), and intestinal parasitic worms like round and tape worms (Lindera neesiana, Solanum etiopicum, and Solanum indicum). The Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh have traditionally been using Daphne papyracea for preparing hand-made paper for painting and writing religious scripts in Buddhist monasteries. Three plant species (Derris scandens, Aesculus assamica, and Polygonum hydropiper) were frequently used to poison fish during the month of June-July every year and the underground tuber of Aconitum ferrox is widely used in arrow poisoning to kill ferocious animals like bear, wild pigs, gaur and deer. The most frequently cited plant species; Buddleja asiatica and Hedyotis scandens were used as common growth supplements during the preparation of fermentation starter cultures. Conclusion: The traditional pharmacopoeia of the Monpa ethnic group incorporates a myriad of diverse botanical flora. Traditional knowledge of the remedies is passed down through oral traditions without any written document. This traditional knowledge is however, currently threatened mainly due to acculturation and deforestation due to continuing traditional shifting cultivation. This study reveals that the rural populations in Arunachal Pradesh have a rich knowledge of forest-based natural resources and consumption of wild edible plants is still an integral part of their socio-cultural life. Findings of this documentation study can be used as an ethnopharmacological basis for selecting plants for future phytochemical and pharmaceutical studies.


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  中国植被的1860个样方资料的统计结果表明,克隆植物存在于不同类型的生态系统中,并在大部分生态系统中占有重要地位。同非克隆植物相比,克隆植物大多具有更强的适应环境压力的能力。在高纬度、高海拔地区,克隆植物的丰富度较高。在寒冷、低氮含量、养分贫瘠的生境中出现频率较高。在高山草甸、冻原、高山裸岩和砾石稀疏植被带等胁迫生境中克隆植物占的比例较高。克隆植物中,具有不同克隆生长器官的植物在不同生境中出现频率不同。根起源克隆植物在低纬度、低海拔,以及较温暖、湿润的生境中丰富度较高,相反,茎起源克隆植物在高纬度、高海拔,较寒冷、干旱的生境中丰富度较高。根起源克隆植物中,根出条型植物的生境条件和根起源克隆植物的相同,出现在灌丛、阔叶林和竹林中的频率较高;茎起源克隆植物中,根茎型植物的生境条件和茎起源植物的相同,出现在水生植被、草甸和草原中的频率较高,而匍匐茎型植物在较温暖、湿润、阴蔽的生境中出现频率较高。不同克隆生长构型的植物对生境的适应性不同。密集型克隆植物在高纬度、高海拔,寒冷、养分贫瘠生境中较丰富,如高山灌丛、草原,荒漠草原;同密集型克隆植物相比,游击型克隆植物在低纬度、低海拔,相对温暖、湿润的生境中丰富度较高,如水生植被、草甸。   在低植物密度生境中,物种多样性随密集型和游击型克隆植物相对重要值的增加而增加。在高植物密度生境中,高度密集的密集型克隆分株,阻止其它物种的定居,容易形成局部垄断的格局,从而降低群落物种多样性。当游击型克隆植物进入高密度生境中时,它会借助于其分散分株的空间扩展优势迅速在生境中取得优势地位,排斥其它物种,导致物种多样性的降低。群落中克隆性与多样性的关系同植物的克隆生长构型和克隆植物种群内部的调节机制,以及植物的生境状况有关系。在低密度生境中,物种多样性随克隆植物重要性的增加而增加,在高密度生境中,物种多样性随克隆植物重要性的增加而降低。克隆性与多样性的关系还需要通过生态学实验深入研究。


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机械刺激效应(Effects of mechanical stimulation)是风生态学直接效应的主要表现形式。研究机械刺激对植物的影响,有利于将风的直接与间接效应区别开来,从而精确研究植物对风的反应格局;研究不同生活型植物对机械刺激的反应是植物力学与植物生态学的重要内容,有助于揭示植物对生境的适应机制。 本研究涉及三个实验。第一个实验探讨不同生活型植物对机械刺激和水分互作的响应格局;第二个实验研究匍匐茎草本植物蛇莓对部分机械刺激的反应;最后一个实验揭示不同水分供应条件下,番茄和紫花苜蓿对不同机械刺激频度的响应。在第一个实验中,克隆半灌木羊柴(Hedysarum laeve),一年生草本植物虫实(Corispermum mongolicum),多年生大型禾草沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)和多年生丛生禾草黑麦草(Lolium perenne)分别接受由两个水平机械刺激(无刺激和刺激60 s d-1)和两个水平水分供应(200 ml d-1和400 ml d-1)组成的处理。在第二个实验中,匍匐茎草本蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)接受4个不同水平的机械刺激:(1)整个克隆不受机械刺激;(2)整个克隆都受机械刺激;(3)除顶端外其余克隆部分受机械刺激;(4)仅克隆顶端受机械刺激,其余部分不受机械刺激。在最后一个实验中,番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)接受由三个水平机械刺激频度(0,25赫兹和50赫兹)和三个水平水分供应(50ml,150ml和250ml)组成的处理。这些实验主要回答不同生活型植物的生长和(或)机械性状如何响应机械刺激。主要结果如下: (1)在对机械刺激和水分交互效应的实验中,交互效应随物种发生变化。机械刺激和水分的交互效应对羊柴、番茄和紫花苜蓿作用不显著,但对虫实、沙鞭和黑麦草作用显著。 (2)在对机械刺激的研究中,机械刺激对植物的效应有正负之分。如机械刺激降低羊柴和沙鞭的总生物量,表明其是一种胁迫因子。但对于虫实、番茄和紫花苜蓿来说,机械刺激却能不同程度地促进植物的生长。 (3)机械刺激对虫实的机械性状没有显著影响,但对羊柴的机械性状恰好相反。此外,水分对虫实机械性状有显著影响。 (4)不同植物对机械刺激频度的敏感性存在差异。对番茄来而言,50赫兹的机械刺激对其生长具有较强的促进作用;对紫花苜蓿来说,25赫兹的机械刺激对其生长具有较强的促进作用。 (5)蛇莓对局部机械刺激具有显著反应,特别是在顶端进行机械刺激的处理中,整个克隆片段的叶柄长度缩短,根冠比发生改变,将较多的生物量分配到根。 这些结果表明:(1)不同物种对机械刺激和水分互作的反应可能与机械震动方式及物种本身有关;(2)单位植物大小所承受的机械刺激的强度及物种的生长速率是不一样的;(3)不同反应间的相互作用及相互独立可部分解释物种间的效应差异;(4)接触性形态建成的效应不能从一个物种外推到另外一个物种。 以前的研究集中探讨直立茎植物对机械刺激的响应,而对匍匐茎植物的研究极为贫乏。我们对蛇莓部分机械刺激的研究仅仅是一个初步探索。蛇莓的可塑性行为可能是一种适应性策略,因为这类植物常常生长在机械刺激频繁的开阔生境中。上述三个实验仅仅从生长和机械角度探讨了植物的适应性,而要真正揭示植物对多风生境的适应需要对不同物种进行多水平、多层面的研究,以期掌握不同生活型植物对机械刺激响应的一般格局。例如,从激素、细胞、解剖结构等方面探索其内在机制。


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Samples from stone surfaces were collected in pools within four unpolluted hillstreams (two shaded and two unshaded) in monsoonal Hong Kong (lat. 23 degrees N) to elucidate the extent of spatial (within and among streams) and temporal (seasonal) variations in algal biomass and assemblage composition. Sampling continued for over 12 months, incorporating the dry season when streams were at baseflow, and the wet season when spates were frequent. We anticipated that algal biomass would be lower in shaded streams and during the wet season, with associated seasonal differences in assemblage composition or relative abundance of different growth forms (e. g. erect versus prostrate). Benthic chlorophyll a (a proxy for algal biomass) varied among streams from an annual mean of 11.0-22.3 mg m(-2). Dry-season standing stocks were 18% higher than during the wet season when spate-induced disturbance reduced algal standing stocks. Algal biomass varied significantly at the stream scale, but not at the pool scale, and was lower in unshaded streams, where standing stocks may have been limited by high densities of algivorous balitorid loaches (mainly Pseudogastromyzon myersi). An overriding effect of grazers on algal biomass could also have reduced variations resulting from spate-induced disturbance. Significant differences in assemblage composition among streams, which were dominated by diatoms and cyanobacteria (totally 82 taxa) were not systematically related to shading conditions. Seasonal variations in algal assemblages were statistically significant but rather minor, and did not involve major shifts in composition or growth form caused by spate-induced disturbance. The abundance of filamentous cyanobacteria in all the streams may have been due to 'gardening' by balitorid loaches that removed erect or stalked diatoms and favoured cyanobacteria that persist through basal regeneration of filaments. This explanation requires validation through manipulative experiments.


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Whether climate change will turn cold biomes from large long-term carbon sinks into sources is hotly debated because of the great potential for ecosystem-mediated feedbacks to global climate. Critical are the direction, magnitude and generality of climate responses of plant litter decomposition. Here, we present the first quantitative analysis of the major climate-change-related drivers of litter decomposition rates in cold northern biomes worldwide. Leaf litters collected from the predominant species in 33 global change manipulation experiments in circum-arctic-alpine ecosystems were incubated simultaneously in two contrasting arctic life zones. We demonstrate that longer-term, large-scale changes to leaf litter decomposition will be driven primarily by both direct warming effects and concomitant shifts in plant growth form composition, with a much smaller role for changes in litter quality within species. Specifically, the ongoing warming-induced expansion of shrubs with recalcitrant leaf litter across cold biomes would constitute a negative feedback to global warming. Depending on the strength of other (previously reported) positive feedbacks of shrub expansion on soil carbon turnover, this may partly counteract direct warming enhancement of litter decomposition.