996 resultados para grape chitinases


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Chitinase is produced by a wide variety of plants as a defense against peste attacks. In this study, grape chitinases were purified 16 times by fractionation in 80% ammonium sulfate followed by dialysis and filtration. Purified chitinases exhibited enzymatic activity toward chitin azure. The yield of purified chitinase was 229 mg/L with chitinase activity of 563 U/g. Chitinases had molecular masses of 24 and 30 kDa, as evaluated by SDS-PAGE 12.5%. Two pH optima were determined 3.0 and 6.0. The optimal temperature was 42 °C. Pre hydrolysis of crystalline shrimp chitin by chitinases caused in an increase in the deacetylation ratio triggered by chitin deacetylase producing chitooligosaccharides with DA (degree acetylation) of 58.8%.


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Two new Tetranychidae (Prostigmata) mites are described from Brazil Monoceronychus tchecensis n. sp., a bryobiine collected from weeping fingergrass, Eustachys distichophylla (Lag.) Nees (Poaceae), in the State of Rio Grande do Sul; and Oligonychus fileno n. sp., a tetranychine collected from grape, Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae), in the State of Minas Gerais. Monoceronychus tchecensis n. sp. is the second species in this genus described from South America. In addition to the description of these new species, the tetranychine Eotetranychus smithi Pritchard and Baker, 1955 was recorded for the first time for South America.


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The phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of seed and skin of pomace from the vinification of grape varieties widely produced in Brazil were investigated with a view to their exploitation as a potential source of natural antioxidants. There was a greater concentration of phenolic compounds in the seeds (2128 to 16,518 mg of catechin equivalents (CE)/100 g) than in the skins (660 to 1839 mg CE/100 g). The highest antioxidant activity values determined as DPPH radical-scavenging ability and ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP) were found for the seeds of the Pinot Noir variety (16,925 mu mol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g and 21,492 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively) and in the skin extracts of the Isabel variety (3640 mu mol TE/100 g and 4362 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively). The skin of Cabernet Sauvignon and Primitivo varieties had the highest contents of anthocyanins (935 and 832 mg/100 g, respectively). The grape seed extracts were rich in oligomeric and polymeric flavanols. The data suggested that grape seed and skin extracts may be exploited as antioxidant agents. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims: Geographical indication plays an important role in the improvement of wine quality. In this context, the search for new grape growing areas has been constant. The Sao Francisco River Valley in the cerrado of Minas Gerais State (Brazil) has been pointed out in the Geoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (MCC System) as a potentially winegrowing region, especially considering the autumn-winter period when night temperatures are favorable to grape ripening. In this work, we studied the maturation curves and fruit composition of four wine grape varieties (Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc) in two growing seasons in order to validate the state of Minas Gerais as a new winegrowing region in Brazil. Methods and results: Quality parameters (berry weight, pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids) were measured weekly from veraison to harvest, and sugar, organic acid, anthocyanin and phenolic concentrations were determined in must and berry skins and seeds at harvest. Syrah berries showed the highest weight throughout maturation which contributed to higher yield (8.92 ton ha(-1)), followed closely by Merlot (8.07 ton ha(-1)). Bern, sugar concentrations were higher and malic acid levels were lower than the values usually observed in wine grapes harvested during summer in traditional winegrowing regions in Brazil. Cabernet Franc showed lower levels of anthocyanins and skin phenolics per kg berries and the highest values of seed phenolics, which were not affected by growing season. Conclusion: Weather conditions of the cerrado of Minas Gerais State in Brazil during winter allowed complete maturation of Cabernet-Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Syrah cultivars as revealed by the satisfactory sugar, anthocyanin and skin phenolic accumulation. Significance and impact of the study: This study revealed the potential of the cerrado ecoregion in the northeast of Minas Gerais to become a new winemaking region in Brazil.


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Phenolic compounds constitute a diverse group of secondary metabolites which are present in both grapes and wine. The phenolic content and composition of grape processed products (wine) are greatly influenced by the technological practice to which grapes are exposed. During the handling and maturation of the grapes several chemical changes may occur with the appearance of new compounds and/or disappearance of others, and consequent modification of the characteristic ratios of the total phenolic content as well as of their qualitative and quantitative profile. The non-volatile phenolic qualitative composition of grapes and wines, the biosynthetic relationships between these compounds, and the most relevant chemical changes occurring during processing and storage will be highlighted in this review.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Plant Physiology


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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The EM3E Master is an Education Programme supported by the European Commission, the European Membrane Society (EMS), the European Membrane House (EMH), and a large international network of industrial companies, research centers and universities


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The world energy consumption is expected to increase strongly in coming years, because of the emerging economies. Biomass is the only renewable carbon resource that is abundant enough to be used as a source of energy Grape pomace is one of the most abundant agro-industrial residues in the world, being a good biomass resource. The aim of this work is the valorization of grape pomace from white grapes (WWGP) and from red grapes (RWGP), through the extraction of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, as well as through the extraction/hydrolysis of carbohydrates, using subcritical water, or hot compressed water (HCW). The main focus of this work is the optimization of the process for WWGP, while for RWGP only one set of parameters were tested. The temperatures used were 170, 190 and 210 °C for WWGP, and 180 °C for RWGP. The water flow rates were 5 and 10 mL/min, and the pressure was always kept at 100 bar. Before performing HCW assays, both residues were characterized, revealing that WWGP is very rich in free sugars (around 40%) essentially glucose and fructose, while RWGP has higher contents of structural sugars, lignin, lipids and protein. For WWGP the best results were achieved at 210 °C and 10 mL/min: higher yield in water soluble compounds (69 wt.%), phenolics extraction (26.2 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (49.3 wt.% relative to the existing 57.8%). For RWGP the conditions were not optimized (180 °C and 5 mL/min), and the values of the yield in water soluble compounds (25 wt.%), phenolics extraction (19.5 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (11.4 wt.% relative to the existing 33.5%) were much lower. The antioxidant activity of the HCW extracts from each assay was determined, the best result being obtained for WWGP, namely for extracts obtained at 210 °C (EC50=20.8 μg/mL; EC50 = half maximum effective concentration; EC50 = 22.1 μg/mL for RWGP, at 180 ºC).


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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The aim of this work was the partial purification and subsequent evaluation of chitinase expression during the various growth phases of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Initially, PbCTS1r was expressed as a recombinant protein and displayed enzymatic activity against 4-MU-[N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)]3 and 4-MU-(GlcNAc)2. Two proteins, 45 kDa and 39 kDa in size, were partially purified from P. brasiliensis yeast crude extract using cation-exchange chromatography coupled with HPLC and were characterised as PbCTS1 and PbCTS2, respectively. Anti-PbCTS1r antibody recognised two proteins in the crude extracts of yeast and the transitional stage between mycelial and yeast phases. In crude extracts of mycelium, only the 45 kDa protein was detected. However, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction led to the detection of small quantities of Pbcts2 transcript in the mycelial phase. In the yeast cell wall extract, only the 39 kDa protein was detected. Moreover, both proteins were secreted by the yeast parasitic phase, suggesting that these proteins participate in the modulation of the fungal environment. Phylogenetic analysis of the predicted PbCTS1 and PbCTS2 proteins indicated that they code for distinct chitinases in P. brasiliensis. During evolution, P. brasiliensis could have acquired the paralogues Pbcts1 and Pbcts2 for growth and survival in diverse environments in both saprophytic and parasitic phases.


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The role of root systems in drought tolerance is a subject of very limited information compared with above-ground responses. Adjustments to the ability of roots to supply water relative to shoot transpiration demand is proposed as a major means for woody perennial plants to tolerate drought, and is often expressed as changes in the ratios of leaf to root area (AL:AR). Seasonal root proliferation in a directed manner could increase the water supply function of roots independent of total root area (AR) and represents a mechanism whereby water supply to demand could be increased. To address this issue, seasonal root proliferation, stomatal conductance (gs) and whole root system hydraulic conductance (kr) were investigated for a drought-tolerant grape root system (Vitis berlandieri×V. rupestris cv. 1103P) and a non-drought-tolerant root system (Vitis riparia×V. rupestris cv. 101-14Mgt), upon which had been grafted the same drought-sensitive clone of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot. Leaf water potentials (ψL) for Merlot grafted onto the 1103P root system (–0.91±0.02 MPa) were +0.15 MPa higher than Merlot on 101-14Mgt (–1.06±0.03 MPa) during spring, but dropped by approximately –0.4 MPa from spring to autumn, and were significantly lower by –0.15 MPa (–1.43±0.02 MPa) than for Merlot on 101-14Mgt (at –1.28±0.02 MPa). Surprisingly, gs of Merlot on the drought-tolerant root system (1103P) was less down-regulated and canopies maintained evaporative fluxes ranging from 35–20 mmol vine−1 s−1 during the diurnal peak from spring to autumn, respectively, three times greater than those measured for Merlot on the drought-sensitive rootstock 101-14Mgt. The drought-tolerant root system grew more roots at depth during the warm summer dry period, and the whole root system conductance (kr) increased from 0.004 to 0.009 kg MPa−1 s−1 during that same time period. The changes in kr could not be explained by xylem anatomy or conductivity changes of individual root segments. Thus, the manner in which drought tolerance was conveyed to the drought-sensitive clone appeared to arise from deep root proliferation during the hottest and driest part of the season, rather than through changes in xylem structure, xylem density or stomatal regulation. This information can be useful to growers on a site-specific basis in selecting rootstocks for grape clonal material (scions) grafted to them.


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There is no study aiming to investigate if Noctuidae moths are responsible for piercing cultivated fruits in South America. This research aims to survey noctuid moths and list the species with mouth-parts (proboscis) morphology that suggest the capacity to cause damages to grape orchards in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Catches were carried out weekly from late November 2007 to late March 2008 (fructification period) using light traps and McPhail traps in three grape orchards in the region of Serra Gaúcha. The catches resulted in 187 taxa, with 149 identified at the specific level and 38 at genus level. The proboscises of representative taxa were removed and analyzed under stereomicroscope and scan electron microscope. It was verified that only Oraesia argyrosema (Hampson, 1926) and Gonodonta biarmata Guenée, 1852 show proboscis with suitable morphology for piercing rind and pulp of a grape berry. Achaea ablunaris (Guenée, 1852); Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus, 1758); Letis mineis Geyer, 1827; Mocis latipes Hübner, 1823; Ophisma tropicalis Guenée, 1852, and Zale exhausta (Guenée, 1852) show proboscis only adapted to lacerate the pulp. The proboscis morphology of the remaining noctuid moths suggests lack of capacity to cause damage. Despite the presence of species capable of piercing grape berries, the populations of such species are very reduced and unable to cause damage of economic level.


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FY2007 was a productive year for the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. Fourteen proposals were recommended for funding totaling over $390,000 in outlays. Included in the approved proposals were funds for the establishment and staffing of a Midwest Grape and Wine Institute at Iowa State University, a newly created viticulturist position at Des Moines Area Community College, funding for the first annual Mid-American Wine Competition, and marketing and promotion of four regional cooperative wine events and one wine trail. Commission funding supported a survey of commercial wine producers and grape growers and a new brochure on Iowa’s vineyards. A committee was formed to provide details for a Scholarship Program to aid vineyard and winery staff with the expenses of accredited coursework. Based on the survey conducted and from other governmental and industry sources, the Iowa grape and wine industry appears to continue to be very viable and growth continues at a strong pace. Wine produced in the state for 2007 was estimated at a market value in excess of $12.3 million. A tabulation of the budget revealed that just over $800,000 in wine gallonage tax appropriations have been received into the Grape and Wine Development Fund from 15 FY2003 through FY2007. Expenditures have totaled just over $607,000 during that same time. Just over 80% of expenditures have gone to “Technical” spending. Over time, funds invested in “Technical” programs will translate into an increasingly educated and institutionally-supported industry. Local, regional, and statewide events also appear to be increasing in popularity and the Commission plans to continue and increase support for these events. It is hoped the Scholarship Program will be up and running and funding will need to be appropriated for that project. The Commission also believes many projects and events will become more and more self sustaining as they develop and mature. As they continue to support Iowa’s grape and wine industry, the members of the Commission look forward to working with individuals, commercial enterprises, state and federal agencies, and industry-sponsored institutions in the upcoming year and in years to come.


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FY2008 was a productive year for the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. Sixteen proposals were recommended for funding from FY2008 funds and carryover totaling just over $396,000 in outlays. Included in the approved proposals were staffing and equipment for the Midwest Grape and Wine Industry Institute’s wine diagnostics laboratory at Iowa State University, continued support for the viticulturist position at Des Moines Area Community College, funding for the second annual Mid-American Wine Competition, and assistance for marketing and promotion of Ice coats an Iowa vineyard after a February 2008 ice storm. Photo by Mike White and courtesy of Iowa State University. 16 two wine trail associations and seven festivals and events. Commission funding supported a salaried position within IDALS to manage the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Fund and to serve as the Director of the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. The Commission approved funding for a Scholarship Program. The formally created Scholarship Committee met twice in FY2008 to finalize details for the Program and to approve scholarships to twenty-six applicants to aid with the expenses of accredited coursework. Based on data collected by IDALS, the Iowa Department of Economic Development, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division, and Iowa State University the Iowa grape and wine industry appears to continue to be very viable and growth continues at a strong pace. Presently, Iowa ranks 14th in the nation for the number of wineries, and wine produced in the state for 2008 was estimated at a market value in excess of $14.0 million. A tabulation of the budget revealed that just over $1,080,000 in wine gallonage tax appropriations and legislative appropriations have been deposited into the Grape and Wine Development Fund from FY2003 through FY2008. Removing encumbered funds, expenditures have totaled just over $942,500 during that same time. “Financial” funding – used for fostering public awareness and participation of industry events - increased from 6% of expenditures in FY2007 to 9% in FY2008. Used for support of research, education, and outreach, a little over 80% of expenditures and encumbered funds were earmarked for “Technical” spending. Over time, funds invested in “Technical” programs will translate into an increasingly educated and institutionally-supported industry. Local, regional, and statewide events also appeared to be increasing in popularity. The Commission was encouraged to see increased support for these events. It is hoped, too, that the Scholarship Program will provide needed funding to help meet the educational goals of the industry’s workforce. As they continue to support Iowa’s grape and wine industry, the Commissioners look forward to working with individuals, commercial enterprises, state and federal agencies, and industry-sponsored institutions in FY2009 and in years to come.