949 resultados para government planning


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The Legislative Council established the Continuity of Government Planning Interim Study Committee in 2006 and authorized the Committee to meet during the 2006 Legislative Interim. The Committee was given the following charge: Examine issues relating to the continued functioning of state government following a disaster, including gubernatorial succession, replacement of constitutional officers and department heads, legislative elections to fill vacancies, and continued funding of state government if the General Assembly is unable to meet and pass a budget.


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"November, 1989."


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel do Estado na formula????o do planejamento no Brasil a partir dos anos 30, per??odo que deu origem ??s primeiras iniciativas de planejamento, at?? os anos 80, momento em que se inicia a decad??ncia do planejamento governamental no pa??s. Optou-se por uma retrospectiva hist??rica que levantasse os principais aspectos inerentes ao planejamento como instrumento do desenvolvimento econ??mico deste per??odo, verificando as principais mudan??as ocorridas na sociedade. O artigo n??o pretende dar conta de todas as dimens??es e complexidades do tema nem esgotar o assunto, que ?? pol??mico e envolve muitas articula????es te??ricas com outras ??reas, como administra????o p??blica, economia e ci??ncia pol??tica. Desse modo, o artigo aponta na dire????o de que este balan??o de an??lises das experi??ncias de planejamento no Brasil demonstrou grandes avan??os econ??mico-financeiros e alguns fracassos de coordena????o e articula????o com outras esferas, como a executiva e a financeira. Assim, desde os anos 80, em detrimento da crise do Estado, o planejamento entra em decl??nio nas agendas governamentais, impossibilitado, por quest??es de ordem financeira, de realizar suas fun????es de racionaliza????o e efici??ncia econ??mica. Dessa forma, o Estado, nesse contexto, sempre representou, de forma geral, as diversas articula????es de interesses capitaneados pelo planejamento como instrumento de interven????o e controle social no Brasil.


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Criado pela Constitui????o Federal de 1988, o Plano Plurianual (PPA) ainda padece de uma crise de identidade. N??o obstante a previs??o de orientador das pe??as or??ament??rias, o certo ?? que ainda n??o foi reconhecido como um efetivo instrumento de planejamento e gest??o estrat??gica. Na administra????o federal, ainda h?? uma consider??vel resist??ncia ?? sua efetiva incorpora????o. Como reflexo, a sua tramita????o no Congresso Nacional tamb??m n??o mobiliza os parlamentares, que se limitam ?? discuss??o de itens reproduzidos no or??amento anual. Nesse contexto, o PPA ?? comumente definido como um documento burocr??tico e de pouca utilidade. No presente trabalho, procuramos demonstrar que o legislador constituinte criou o PPA para ser um instrumento de planejamento e gest??o estrat??gica, com o papel de integrar o planejamento ?? execu????o das pol??ticas p??blicas. Contudo, a estrutura e as op????es metodol??gicas adotadas ao longo dos anos o t??m afastado desse prop??sito.


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The history of the development of the modern Portuguese state shows, since the liberal revolution (1820), many difficulties in resolving issues relating to local government planning. Apart from the turbulent history of municipalities in the days of absolute monarchy and of liberalism, the Portuguese Republican ideology was far beyond what was expected. Much more serious in the case of the Salazar regime, a regime which sought to impose the state as the center of planning, settling the long history of subsidiary municipalities.


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El presente artículo presenta un análisis del régimen vigente en materia de la inversión privada extranjera, partiendo de las disposiciones pertinentes incorporadas en el código orgánico de la Producción, comercio e Inversiones (dic. 2010), cotejando las mismas frente a los preceptos establecidos por la constitución de la República del Ecuador relativos al sistema económico y otros ámbitos pertinentes. La evaluación se complementa contrastando las disposiciones legales de reciente vigencia, a los criterios de consistencia de los correspondientes lineamientos del esquema de planificación gubernamental y a varios principios del sistema de reglas internacionales sobre la inversión. Se aportan, finalmente, conclusiones sobre probables líneas de ajuste normativo futuras, resultantes de dicho proceso de comparación analítica.


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From 2001, the construction of flats and high-density developments increased in England and the building of houses declined. Does this indicate a change in taste or is it a result of government planning policies? In this paper, an analysis is made of the long-term effects of the policy of constraint which has existed for the past 50 years but the increase in density is identified as occurring primarily after new, revised, planning guidance was issued in England in 2000 which discouraged low-density development. To substantiate this, it is pointed out that the change which occurred in England did not occur in Scotland where guidance was not changed to encourage high-density residential development. The conclusion that the change is the result of planning policies and not of a change in taste is confirmed by surveys of the occupants of new high-rise developments in Leeds. The new flat-dwellers were predominantly young and childless and expressed the intention, in the near future, when they could, of moving out of the city centre and into houses. From recent changes in guidance by the new coalition government, it is expected that the construction of flats in England will fall back to earlier levels over the next few years.


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O objetivo da presente monografia é descreveruma experiência de planejamento governamental, mediante a utili zação do modelo de desenvolvimento institucional e enfocando o caso do Estado do Paraná. A escolha do tema decorreu, em grande parte, da existência de um sentimento generalizado nos meios técnicos oficiais, da inviabilidade do planejamento governamental a nível estadual no Brasil; sentimento motivado pela constat~ ção de uma excessiv'a centralização da formulação de políticas públicas e dos seus principais instrumentos implementadores pelo Governo Fedéral. E, .também~ da possibilidade de estar a experiência de planejamento vivida pelo Governo do Paraná, ~o período de 1975 a 1980, sendo conduzida de forma a consti tuir uma exceçao a esse sentimento. o desenvolvimento do estudo utilizou como refe rencial teórico o modelo formulado por Milton J.Esman e Hans C.Blaise, do Inter-University Research program in Institution Building - IRPIB, capitaneado pela Universidade de Pittsburgh. O,modelo fundamenta-se na teoria geral de sistemas e, conse qUentemente, visualiza as organizações como sistemas abertos, em contínuo relacionamento com o meio ambiente,pelo que as diversas variáveis exploradas pelo modelo concentram-se na caracterização de três elementos básicos: a organização, o meio ambiente e as transações. A monografia está dividida em cinco capítulos.No primeiro, uma introdução ao tema procura apontar a sua impor tância, os seus objetivos e a metodologia adotada. O segundo capítulo descreve o modelo teórico e sua utilização como um guia de pesquisa no campo organizacional e faz uma breve re visão da literatura mais relevante. No terceiro capítulo en contra-se uma resenha histórica da utilização do planejameg to governamental no Brasil, mais especificamente no Estadodo Paraná, que evolui até mostrar a configuração organizacio nal atual do sistema de planejamento estadual. O quarto ca pítulo refere-se ã aplicação do modelo teórico, através da identificação das variáveis institucionais (liderança.doutri na. programa. recursos e estrutura interna). dos elos insti tucionais-ambientais (elos capacitadores. normativos. funci~ nais e difusos) e das transações. o que permitiu a formula ção de considerações sobre o grau de institucionalidade. Fi nalmente. no quinto capítulo, estão formuladas as conclusões, com comentários gerais sobre o organismo objeto do estudo e suas perspectivas.


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This work, developed within the Master's Degree Program in Public Administration and Government of Eaesp-FGV, consists of an exploratory study on performance measurement in the public sector. It is focused on the identification of complexity elements embedded in the implementation of public policies, to which the goals and targets of a target-oriented system relate, and especially on the implementation of this system as a management tool itself, from the case study of the then ongoing "Programa de Metas da Cidade de São Paulo 2013-2016". All information was obtained from municipal managers, in Government Departments responsible for strategic support activities to the implementation of the system, and sectoral Government Departments whose scope also included crosscutting actions, through interviews conducted from a starting question, and then followed by the free talk of the respondents. Through discourse analysis, an assortment of information was conducted, concerning to: 1) the impacts on management, articulation, and governance of the use of performance measurement and result-oriented management; 2) the flow and publicity of information on performance, produced within the monitoring process of this given target-oriented system, and also concerning the use given to this information; 3) the recording and register of experiences and learning related to the Programa de Metas, and its potential to result as a legacy for the public administrative structure of the City of São Paulo. Assuming that the stories managers tell, in this field of Applied Social Sciences, are as valid as Science or the theoretical constructs on the subject, all information gathered from the point of view of the interviewed public officials was segmented and problematized under the light of the literature on performance measurement. The main objective of this research is to contribute to the creation of parameters for qualitative analysis of the information generated in the implementation of a target-oriented system in Public Management at the local level. It is, from then on, expected that these parameters may help managers and researchers on the monitoring and evaluation of performance of a given government, by favoring the translation of merely arithmetic data on percentage of fulfillment of specific commitments, into eloquent elements more enabled to express the evolution of a mandate. Keywords: result-oriented system, Programa de Metas, management for results, performance measurement, government planning, public policy evaluation, monitoring, implementation, transparency, information legacy.


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Este Estudo de Caso para Ensino e Aprendizagem aborda a eleição de um político que em sua campanha eleitoral, ciente da disponibilidade de recursos para serem utilizados em projetos voltados ao esporte, promete reformar e construir praças com equipamentos esportivos. Quando o projeto foi enviado ao banco público analisar, descobriu-se que já havia uma benfeitoria feita no local pelos próprios moradores. Com a decisão da Prefeitura em demolir a obra, houve reação por parte dos moradores que tinham outras demandas. Os objetivos de aprendizagem do caso são incentivar o leitor a refletir sobre a ineficiência do planejamento na gestão pública quando desconsidera as necessidades dos cidadãos; identificar pontos críticos do processo de planejamento e execução de obras públicas; e debater conceitos como valor público, participação e controle social sobre as políticas públicas em um Município. Os diversos exemplos de obras inacabadas ou que extrapolam constantemente os orçamentos iniciais e que não beneficiam a população mostram a necessidade de refletir sobre o que acontece com o planejamento governamental brasileiro.


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This article examines the healthcare regionalization process in the Brazilian states in the period from 2007 to 2010, seeking to identify the conditions that favor or impede this process. Referential analysis of public policies and especially of historical institutionalism was used. Three dimensions sum up the conditioning factors of regionalization: context (historical-structural, political-institutional and conjunctural), directionality (ideology, object, actors, strategies and instruments) and regionalization features (institutionality and governance). The empirical research relied mainly on the analysis of official documents and interviews with key actors in 24 states. Distinct patterns of influence in the states were observed, with regionalization being marked by important gains in institutionality and governance in the period. Nevertheless, inherent difficulties of the contexts prejudice greater advances. There is a pressing need to broaden the territorial focus in government planning and to integrate sectorial policies for medium and long-term regional development in order to empower regionalization and to overcome obstacles to the access to healthcare services in Brazil.


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Government policy change to self detennination over the past two decades has gradually given rise to various structures of Indigenous self government across Australia. Indigenous Local Government Authorities (LGAs) are the governing structure which receive the greatest devolution of State authority, especially those found in Queensland and the Northern Territory. Their statutory basis has developed over a relatively short period of time and is still very much evolving. This paper explores what opportunities exist for Indigenous LGAs to adopt statutory planning mechanisms.


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This report sets out the findings and recommendations of a review of the Public Management Career (EPPGG) undertaken between 5 and 9 January 2009. The purpose of the review was to clarify EPPGG???s role, functions and profile, and to develop proposals for improving its effectiveness and management, taking account of the context within which such improvements would have to be implemented. Specific objectives were to examine a number of human resources management (HRM) aspects of the career in the light of international practice, including recruitment; initial education; professional development; performance evaluation; deployment; mobility and networking.


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This handbook deals with the duties and responsibilities of a mayor of a city, a member of a county board of supervisor or a sheriff of a county from the standpoint of their relationship with a county/municipal civil defense and emergency planing administration.


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Water planning efforts typically identify problems and needs. But simply calling attention to issues is usually not enough to spur action; the end result of many well-intentioned planning efforts is a report that ends up gathering dust on a shelf. Vague recommendations like “Water conservation measures should be implemented” usually accomplish little by themselves as they don’t assign responsibility to anyone. Success is more likely when an implementation strategy — who can and should do what — is developed as part of the planning process. The more detailed and specific the implementation strategy, the greater the chance that something will actually be done. The question then becomes who has the legal authority or responsibility to do what? Are new laws and programs needed or can existing ones be used to implement the recommendations? ... This document is divided into four main parts. The first, “Carrots and Sticks” looks at two basic approaches — regulatory and non-regulatory — that can be, and are, used to carry out water policy. Both have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. The second, “The powers of federal, state and local governments…,” looks at the constitutional powers the federal government and state and local governments have to carry out water policy. An initial look at the U. S. Constitution might suggest the federal government’s regulatory authority over water is limited but, in fact, its powers are very substantial. States have considerable authority to do a number of things but have to be mindful of any federal efforts that might conflict with those state efforts. And local governments can only do those things the state constitution or state legislature says they can do and must conform to any requirements or limitations on those powers that are contained in the enabling acts. Parts three and four examine in more detail the main programs and agencies at the federal level as well as Iowa’s state and local levels and the roles they play in national and state water policy.