838 resultados para generative and performative modeling


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Dans une époque de changements des moyens de représentation et communication en architecture, cette recherche porte sur l’enseignement de la conception architecturale et plus spécifiquement sur l’apport que l’informatique pourrait avoir dans ce processus. En nous basant sur une méthodologie qualitative, exploratoire et participative, nous y procédons par enchainement de questions, celle de départ étant la suivante: Comment l’enseignement de la conception architecturale pourrait tirer avantage des moyens numériques? Notre objectif est de proposer des méthodes et des outils d’apprentissage aux étudiants en architecture pour enrichir leurs démarches de conception grâce à l’ordinateur. Après une revue de la littérature dans le domaine, et un approfondissement de l’étude sur le rôle des référents architecturaux et sur la conception intégrée, nous avons procédé à une observation exploratoire du travail des étudiants en atelier d’architecture. Ces premières étapes de la recherche ont permis de dégager des discordances entre les positions théoriques et la pratique en l’atelier, pour concrétiser ultérieurement la question de recherche. Dans le but de discerner des méthodes efficaces et innovatrices pour répondre aux discordances identifiées, nous avons engagé une étude de la littérature sur les théories cognitives par rapport aux connaissances, l’apprentissage et la conception. Certaines stratégies ont pu être définies, notamment la nécessité de représentation multimodale des référents architecturaux, l’importance de représenter le processus et non seulement le résultat, ainsi que l’avantage d’inciter les étudiants à travailler dans leur ‘zone proximale’ de développement. Suite à ces recherches, une méthode d’enseignement complémentaire a été définie. Elle propose aux étudiants des explorations de l’objet en conception basées sur la manipulation des savoir-faire architecturaux. Cette méthode a été opérationnalisée d’un point de vue pédagogique ainsi que didactique et mise à l’épreuve auprès des étudiants en atelier. Un prototype de librairie de référents architecturaux interactifs (LibReArchI) a été créé dans ce but. Elle a été conçue en tant qu’environnement de conception et espace de partage de savoir-faire entre étudiants et enseignants. Les principaux résultats de cette recherche démontrent le rôle positif de la méthode proposée pour le transfert des savoir-faire architecturaux lors de l’apprentissage en atelier. Son potentiel d’assister la conception intégrée et de stimuler l’émergence d’idées a été constaté. Au niveau théorique, un modèle d’un cycle du processus de design avec le numérique a été esquissé. En conclusion, des avenues de développements futurs de cette recherche sont proposées.


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The paper describes three design models that make use of generative and evolutionary systems. The models describe overall design methods and processes. Each model defines a set of tasks to be performed by the design team, and in each case one of the tasks requires a generative or evolutionary design system. The architectures of these systems are also broadly described.


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Computer aided technologies, medical imaging, and rapid prototyping has created new possibilities in biomedical engineering. The systematic variation of scaffold architecture as well as the mineralization inside a scaffold/bone construct can be studied using computer imaging technology and CAD/CAM and micro computed tomography (CT). In this paper, the potential of combining these technologies has been exploited in the study of scaffolds and osteochondral repair. Porosity, surface area per unit volume and the degree of interconnectivity were evaluated through imaging and computer aided manipulation of the scaffold scan data. For the osteochondral model, the spatial distribution and the degree of bone regeneration were evaluated. In this study the versatility of two softwares Mimics (Materialize), CTan and 3D realistic visualization (Skyscan) were assessed, too.


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The importance of reflection in higher education, and across disciplinary fields is widely recognised. It is generally embedded in university graduate attributes, professional standards and course objectives. Furthermore, reflection is commonly included in assessment requirements in higher education subjects, often without necessary scaffolding or clear expectations for students. It is essential that academic staff have substantive knowledge and clear expectations about the aims of reflective activities, the most effective mode of representation, and appropriate teaching strategies to support students in deep, critical reflection. The paper argues the case for reflection to be represented in different modes, using discursive (language) or performative (symbolic practice) forms of expression according to disciplinary context and individual communicative strengths. It introduces key discursive and expressive elements that constitute different modes of representation in reflective tasks. This functional analysis of textual elements provides explicit knowledge for teaching and assessing multiple modes of reflection in higher education.


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Unstable density-driven flow can lead to enhanced solute transport in groundwater. Only recently has the complex fingering pattern associated with free convection been documented in field settings. Electrical resistivity (ER) tomography has been used to capture a snapshot of convective instabilities at a single point in time, but a thorough transient analysis is still lacking in the literature. We present the results of a 2 year experimental study at a shallow aquifer in the United Arab Emirates that was designed to specifically explore the transient nature of free convection. ER tomography data documented the presence of convective fingers following a significant rainfall event. We demonstrate that the complex fingering pattern had completely disappeared a year after the rainfall event. The observation is supported by an analysis of the aquifer halite budget and hydrodynamic modeling of the transient character of the fingering instabilities. Modeling results show that the transient dynamics of the gravitational instabilities (their initial development, infiltration into the underlying lower-density groundwater, and subsequent decay) are in agreement with the timing observed in the time-lapse ER measurements. All experimental observations and modeling results are consistent with the hypothesis that a dense brine that infiltrated into the aquifer from a surficial source was the cause of free convection at this site, and that the finite nature of the dense brine source and dispersive mixing led to the decay of instabilities with time. This study highlights the importance of the transience of free convection phenomena and suggests that these processes are more rapid than was previously understood.


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Graphene and carbon nanotubes are the most promising nanomaterials for application in various modern nanodevices. The successful production of the nanotubes and graphene in a single process was achieved by using a magnetically enhanced arc discharge in helium atmosphere between carbon and metal electrodes. A 3-D fluid model has been used to investigate the discharge parameters.


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The major diabetes autoantigen, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), contains a region of sequence similarity, including six identical residues PEVKEK, to the P2C protein of coxsackie B virus, suggesting that cross-reactivity between coxsackie B virus and GAD65 can initiate autoimmune diabetes. We used the human islet cell mAbs MICA3 and MICA4 to identify the Ab epitopes of GAD65 by screening phage-displayed random peptide libraries. The identified peptide sequences could be mapped to a homology model of the pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) binding domain of GAD65. For MICA3, a surface loop containing the sequence PEVKEK and two adjacent exposed helixes were identified in the PLP binding domain as well as a region of the C terminus of GAD65 that has previously been identified as critical for MICA3 binding. To confirm that the loop containing tile PEVKEK sequence contributes to the MICA3 epitope, this loop was deleted by mutagenesis. This reduced binding of MICA3 by 70%. Peptide sequences selected using MICA4 were rich in basic or hydroxyl-containing amino acids, and the surface of the GAD65 PLP-binding domain surrounding Lys358, which is known to be critical for MICA4 binding, was likewise rich in these amino acids. Also, the two phage most reactive width MICA4 encoded the motif VALxG, and the reverse of this sequence, LAV, was located in this same region. Thus, we have defined the MICA3 and MICA4 epitopes on GAD65 using the combination of phage display, molecular modeling, and mutagenesis and have provided compelling evidence for the involvement of the PEVKEK loop in the MICA3 epitope.


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A number of analogues of diaryl dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamides have been synthesized. Their activities were evaluated for appetite suppression and body weight reduction in animal models. Depending on the chemical modification of the selected dihydropyrazole scaffold, the lead compoundsthe bisulfate salt of (±)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 26 and the bisulfate salt of (−)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 30showed significant body weight reduction in vivo, which is attributed to their CB1 antagonistic activity and exhibited a favorable pharmacokinetic profile. The molecular modeling studies also showed interactions of two isomers of (±)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 9 with CB1 receptor in the homology model similar to those of N-piperidino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-3-pyrazole-carboxamide (rimonabant) 1 and 4S-(−)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N‘-[(4-chlorophenyl)-sulfonyl]-4-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1-carboxamidine (SLV-319) 2.


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11β-hydroksisteroididehydrogenaasientsyymit (11β-HSD) 1 ja 2 säätelevät kortisonin ja kortisolin määrää kudoksissa. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin ylimäärä erityisesti viskeraalisessa rasvakudoksessa aiheuttaa metaboliseen oireyhtymän klassisia oireita, mikä tarjoaa mahdollisuuden metabolisen oireyhtymän hoitoon 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin selektiivisellä estämisellä. 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin inhibitio aiheuttaa kortisonivälitteisen mineralokortikoidireseptorien aktivoitumisen, mikä puolestaan johtaa hypertensiivisiin haittavaikutuksiin. Haittavaikutuksista huolimatta 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin estäminen saattaa olla hyödyllistä tilanteissa, joissa halutaan nostaa kortisolin määrä elimistössä. Lukuisia selektiivisiä 11β-HSD1 inhibiittoreita on kehitetty, mutta 11β-HSD2-inhibiittoreita on raportoitu vähemmän. Ero näiden kahden isotsyymin aktiivisen kohdan välillä on myös tuntematon, mikä vaikeuttaa selektiivisten inhibiittoreiden kehittämistä kummallekin entsyymille. Tällä työllä oli kaksi tarkoitusta: (1) löytää ero 11β-HSD entsyymien välillä ja (2) kehittää farmakoforimalli, jota voitaisiin käyttää selektiivisten 11β-HSD2 -inhibiittoreiden virtuaaliseulontaan. Ongelmaa lähestyttiin tietokoneavusteisesti: homologimallinnuksella, pienmolekyylien telakoinnilla proteiiniin, ligandipohjaisella farmakoforimallinnuksella ja virtuaaliseulonnalla. Homologimallinnukseen käytettiin SwissModeler -ohjelmaa, ja luotu malli oli hyvin päällekäinaseteltavissa niin templaattinsa (17β-HSD1) kuin 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin kanssa. Eroa entsyymien välillä ei löytynyt tarkastelemalla päällekäinaseteltuja entsyymejä. Seitsemän yhdistettä, joista kuusi on 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä, telakoitiin molempiin entsyymeihin käyttäen ohjelmaa GOLD. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymiin yhdisteet kiinnittyivät kuten suurin osa 11β-HSD1 -selektiivisistä tai epäselektiivisistä inhibiittoreista, kun taas 11β-HSD2 -entsyymiin kaikki yhdisteet olivat telakoituneet käänteisesti. Tällainen sitoutumistapa mahdollistaa vetysidokset Ser310:een ja Asn171:een, aminohappoihin, jotka olivat nähtävissä vain 11β-HSD2 -entsyymissä. Farmakoforimallinnukseen käytettiin ohjelmaa LigandScout3.0, jolla ajettiin myös virtuaaliseulonnat. Luodut kaksi farmakoforimallia, jotka perustuivat aiemmin telakointiinkin käytettyihin kuuteen 11β-HSD2 -selektiiviseen yhdisteeseen, koostuivat kuudesta ominaisuudesta (vetysidosakseptori, vetysidosdonori ja hydrofobinen), ja kieltoalueista. 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyden kannalta tärkeimmät ominaisuudet ovat vetysidosakseptori, joka voi muodostaa sidoksen Ser310 kanssa ja vetysidosdonori sen vieressä. Tälle vetysidosdonorille ei löytynyt vuorovaikutusparia 11β-HSD2-mallista. Sopivasti proteiiniin orientoitunut vesimolekyyli voisi kuitenkin olla sopiva ratkaisu puuttuvalle vuorovaikutusparille. Koska molemmat farmakoforimallit löysivät 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä yhdisteitä ja jättivät epäselektiivisiä pois testiseulonnassa, käytettiin molempia malleja Innsbruckin yliopistossa säilytettävistä yhdisteistä (2700 kappaletta) koostetun tietokannan seulontaan. Molemmista seulonnoista löytyneistä hiteistä valittiin yhteensä kymmenen kappaletta, jotka lähetettiin biologisiin testeihin. Biologisien testien tulokset vahvistavat lopullisesti sen kuinka hyvin luodut mallit edustavat todellisuudessa 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyttä.


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The circular dichroism, fluorescence, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and BLM conductance studies indicate that A23187 forms a stable complex with amino acids at low ionophore concentrations (<10(-4)M). However, A23187 prefers to be in a dimeric structure with no significant binding to amino acids, at concentrations higher than 10(-4)M. It was also observed that at lower concentrations, at which the amino acids bind to the ionophore, the affinity for calcium ions was several orders of magnitude lower than that at higher ionophore concentrations. We have also conducted molecular modeling studies to examine the structure of the A23187 dimer and its amino acid complexes. The results of these modeling studies strongly support our experimental results and validate the formation of a hydrogen bonded and energetically stable A23187 dimer and its amino acid complexes.


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Droplet collision occurs frequently in regions where the droplet number density is high. Even for Lean Premixed and Pre-vaporized (LPP) liquid sprays, the collision effects can be very high on the droplet size distributions, which will in turn affect the droplet vaporization process. Hence, in conjunction with vaporization modeling, collision modeling for such spray systems is also essential. The standard O'Rourke's collision model, usually implemented in CFD codes, tends to generate unphysical numerical artifact when simulations are performed on Cartesian grid and the results are not grid independent. Thus, a new collision modeling approach based on no-time-counter method (NTC) proposed by Schmidt and Rutland is implemented to replace O'Rourke's collision algorithm to solve a spray injection problem in a cylindrical coflow premixer. The so called ``four-leaf clover'' numerical artifacts are eliminated by the new collision algorithm and results from a diesel spray show very good grid independence. Next, the dispersion and vaporization processes for liquid fuel sprays are simulated in a coflow premixer. Two liquid fuels under investigation are jet-A and Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME). Results show very good grid independence in terms of SMD distribution, droplet number distribution and fuel vapor mass flow rate. A baseline test is first established with a spray cone angle of 90 degrees and injection velocity of 3 m/s and jet-A achieves much better vaporization performance than RME due to its higher vapor pressure. To improve the vaporization performance for both fuels, a series of simulations have been done at several different combinations of spray cone angle and injection velocity. At relatively low spray cone angle and injection velocity, the collision effect on the average droplet size and the vaporization performance are very high due to relatively high coalescence rate induced by droplet collisions. Thus, at higher spray cone angle and injection velocity, the results expectedly show improvement in fuel vaporization performance since smaller droplet has a higher vaporization rate. The vaporization performance and the level of homogeneity of fuel-air mixture can be significantly improved when the dispersion level is high, which can be achieved by increasing the spray cone angle and injection velocity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.