984 resultados para free groups


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We show that the algebraic intersection number of Scott and Swarup for splittings of free groups Coincides With the geometric intersection number for the sphere complex of the connected sum of copies of S-2 x S-1. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Splittings of a free group correspond to embedded spheres in the 3-manifold M = # (k) S (2) x S (1). These can be represented in a normal form due to Hatcher. In this paper, we determine the normal form in terms of crossings of partitions of ends corresponding to normal spheres, using a graph of trees representation for normal forms. In particular, we give a constructive proof of a criterion determining when a conjugacy class in pi (2)(M) can be represented by an embedded sphere.


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We construct for free groups, which are codimension one analogues of geodesic laminations on surfaces. Other analogues that have been constructed by several authors are dimension-one instead of codimension-one. Our main result is that the space of such laminations is compact. This in turn is based on the result that crossing, in the sense of Scott-Swarup, is an open condition. Our construction is based on Hatcher's normal form for spheres in the model manifold.


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Let L be a function field over the rationals and let D denote the skew field of fractions of L[t; sigma], the skew polynomial ring in t, over L, with automorphism sigma. We prove that the multiplicative group D(x) of D contains a free noncyclic subgroup.


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Let G be a finite group and ZG its integral group ring. We show that if alpha is a nontrivial bicyclic unit of ZG, then there are bicyclic units beta and gamma of different types, such that and are non-abelian free groups. In the case when G is non-abelian of order coprime to 6 we prove the existence of a bicyclic unit u and a Bass cyclic unit v in ZG, such that < u(m), v > is a free non-abelian group for all sufficiently large positive integers m.


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Let R be a noncommutative central simple algebra, the center k of which is not absolutely algebraic, and consider units a,b of R such that {a,a(b)} freely generate a free group. It is shown that such b can be chosen from suitable Zariski dense open subsets of R, while the a can be chosen from a set of cardinality \k\ (which need not be open).


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We compute the E-polynomial of the character variety of representations of a rank r free group in SL(3,C). Expanding upon techniques of Logares, Muñoz and Newstead (Rev. Mat. Complut. 26:2 (2013), 635-703), we stratify the space of representations and compute the E-polynomial of each geometrically described stratum using fibrations. Consequently, we also determine the E-polynomial of its smooth, singular, and abelian loci and the corresponding Euler characteristic in each case. Along the way, we give a new proof of results of Cavazos and Lawton (Int. J. Math. 25:6 (2014), 1450058).


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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Cornell University, August, 1998.


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A finitely generated group is called a Church-Rosser group (growing context-sensitive group) if it admits a finitely generated presentation for which the word problem is a Church-Rosser (growing context-sensitive) language. Although the Church-Rosser languages are incomparable to the context-free languages under set inclusion, they strictly contain the class of deterministic context-free languages. As each context-free group language is actually deterministic context-free, it follows that all context-free groups are Church-Rosser groups. As the free abelian group of rank 2 is a non-context-free Church-Rosser group, this inclusion is proper. On the other hand, we show that there are co-context-free groups that are not growing context-sensitive. Also some closure and non-closure properties are established for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive groups. More generally, we also establish some new characterizations and closure properties for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive languages.


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We classify the quadratic extensions K = Q[root d] and the finite groups G for which the group ring o(K)[G] of G over the ring o(K) of integers of K has the property that the group U(1)(o(K)[G]) of units of augmentation 1 is hyperbolic. We also construct units in the Z-order H(o(K)) of the quaternion algebra H(K) = (-1, -1/K), when it is a division algebra.


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Marciniak and Sehgal showed that if u is a non-trivial bicyclic unit of an integral group ring then there is a bicyclic unit v such that u and v generate a non-abelian free group. A similar result does not hold for Bass cyclic units of infinite order based on non-central elements as some of them have finite order modulo the center. We prove a theorem that suggests that this is the only limitation to obtain a non-abelian free group from a given Bass cyclic unit. More precisely, we prove that if u is a Bass cyclic unit of an integral group ring ZG of a solvable and finite group G, such that u has infinite order modulo the center of U(ZG) and it is based on an element of prime order, then there is a non-abelian free group generated by a power of u and a power of a unit in ZG which is either a Bass cyclic unit or a bicyclic unit.


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Let G be a group of odd order that contains a non-central element x whose order is either a prime p >= 5 or 3(l), with l >= 2. Then, in U(ZG), the group of units of ZG, we can find an alternating unit u based on x, and another unit v, which can be either a bicyclic or an alternating unit, such that for all sufficiently large integers m we have that < u(m), v(m)> = < u(m)> * < v(m)> congruent to Z * Z.


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Let D be a division ring with center k, and let D-dagger be its multiplicative group. We investigate the existence of free groups in D-dagger, and free algebras and free group algebras in D. We also go through the case when D has an involution * and consider the existence of free symmetric and unitary pairs in D-dagger.


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A group is termed parafree if it is residually nilpotent and has the same nilpotent quotients as a given free group. Since free groups are residually nilpotent, they are parafree. Nonfree parafree groups abound and they all have many properties in common with free groups. Finitely presented parafree groups have solvable word problems, but little is known about the conjugacy and isomorphism problems. The conjugacy problem plays an important part in determining whether an automorphism is inner, which we term the inner automorphism problem. We will attack these and other problems about parafree groups experimentally, in a series of papers, of which this is the first and which is concerned with the isomorphism problem. The approach that we take here is to distinguish some parafree groups by computing the number of epimorphisms onto selected finite groups. It turns out, rather unexpectedly, that an understanding of the quotients of certain groups leads to some new results about equations in free and relatively free groups. We touch on this only lightly here but will discuss this in more depth in a future paper.


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In this paper we study when the minimal number of roots of the so-called convenient maps horn two-dimensional CW complexes into closed surfaces is zero We present several necessary and sufficient conditions for such a map to be root free Among these conditions we have the existence of specific fittings for the homomorphism induced by the map on the fundamental groups, existence of the so-called mutation of a specific homomorphism also induced by the map, and existence of particular solutions of specific systems of equations on free groups over specific subgroups