978 resultados para franchise chains


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The primary goal of this paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home market and Brazilian franchise chains that operate internationally. The sample chosen for this study comprehends 96 Brazilian franchises operating in the home market and 67 franchises with international operations; logistic regression was used to analyze data obtained from these sources. Our findings suggest that the development of a brand in international operations can be strategic for certain Brazilian franchise chains; this seems to be, however, a scarce resource for many franchises and it could be developed through international operations. With regard to the fees charged, the outcomes demonstrate that Brazilian franchises with international operations tend to charge lower fees from its franchisees to install new units. Regarding the monitoring and control of franchises, there is evidence that the monitoring capability is one of the determining factors in the development of Brazilian franchises international operations.


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This paper aims to demonstrate which external environment factors are involved in the international commitment of Brazilian franchise chains. Our objectives herein are to understand which external country characteristics lead to international franchising operations and to ascertain the influence of such characteristics in the commitment of franchise chains in each country they operate in. The database has 54 Brazilian franchise chains with international operations in 26 countries, which implies in 157 franchises operating abroad. Regarding external environment factors, the independent variables form a group divided into market opportunity and business efficiency – trust and ease to doing business. The result of the three distinct clusters show how the market opportunity and the business efficiency (trust and ease in doing business) work as drivers to the international operation of Brazilian franchises. The paper shows that the franchise chains operating in the USA (cluster 3) have an inferior international commitment in comparison with the franchises which operate in developed countries and in small Latin American countries (cluster 2). It is also possible to notice a large number of franchises that operate in underdeveloped countries from Latin America and Africa (cluster 1) with worse business efficiency due to the advantage of learning how to operate in a country that could have some similarities with Brazil


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This article investigates the level of delegation in franchise chains, distinguishing the two most relevant franchising models: Business Format Franchising and Learning Network Franchising. The two models basically differ on the level of real authority (effective control over decisions) exercised by the franchisors. Differences in business features, such as the required standardization, monitoring costs and consumer sensitivity to variations in product attributes (consumer measurement costs), explain the adoption of the different models of franchising. These variables affect the trade-off between the risk of brand name loss and the gains in knowledge sharing and learning within the network. The higher the need for standardization, the higher is the risk of brand name loss, and, consequently, the more likely the franchisor will adopt an organizational design that confers more control over franchisees’ decisions, such as business format franchising. This paper presents two case studies with Brazilian food franchise chains that illustrate the main argument and suggest additional propositions. Moreover, an empirical analysis of 223 franchise chains provides additional support to the hypothesis of a negative the effect of required standardization on the level of delegation.


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Per tal d'iniciar el meu TFC, vaig decidir començar a desenvolupar un programa que contempla la gestió diària del comerç, així com la dels productes, clients, proveïdors, vendes i compres, d’un negoci que es tracta d’una botiga de roba, sabates,bosses i complements, per tal de convertir-ho en un sistema de gestió més complert. Actualment, l’entorn de negoci en el petit comerç està cada cop més desplaçat degut al gran creixement de les grans superfícies per part de franquícies de cadenes molt potents. A més, els clients són cada cop més exigents i el mercat està cada vegada més saturat. És per això que voldrem incloure un valor afegit al sistema, per poder donar un nou punt de vista al negoci, de tal manera que permeti nodrir la nostra relació amb el client, de manera que la col•laboració sigui satisfactòria per ambdues parts. I per acabar s’elabora una pàgina web per tal de fer promoció i publicitat per la botiga, ja que avui en dia és molt important existir en el món virtual.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää: - Miten franchisingvalmennus eroaa klassisesta yrittäjäkoulutuksesta? - Mitä mieltä franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksen läpikäyneet ovat valmennuksesta? - Mikä on franchisingin tila Suomessa? Yrittäjyyttä tarkasteltaessa huomiota kiinnitettiin käsitteen määrittämiseen yrittäjätypologioiden, motivaatioteorioiden ja toimintaympäristön kautta. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin myös yrittäjäksi ryhtymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja Suomen yrittäjyysaktiivisuuden tasoa. Franchisingin osalta määriteltiin eri toimintamuodot ja keskityttiin Business Format Franchising-toimintamalliin. Työssä selvitettiin myös franchisingyrittäjyyden eroja klassiseen yrittäjyyteen ja tarkasteltiin franchisingin tilaa Suomessa. Koulutuksen osalta keskityttiin tarkastelemaan aikuiskoulutusta ja vielä tarkemmin työvoimapoliittista yrittäjäkoulutusta sekä koulutuksen arviointia. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös franchisingyrittäjä-valmennusta ja sen tavoitteet käytiin myös läpi. Empiirinen tutkimus koostui 118:ta franchisingyrittäjä-valmennukseen vuosina 1998–2000 osallistuneesta henkilöstä. Tutkimus suoritettiin postikyselynä. Tutkimusaineistoa analysoitiin SPSS for Windows-tietojenkäsittelyohjelmalla ja tutkimusjoukon kuvailuun käytettiin frekvenssejä, prosenttilukuja ja ristiintaulukointia. Franchisingvalmennus ja klassinen yrittäjäkoulutus erosivat siinä vaiheessa, kun tarkasteltiin franchisingantajan ja – ottajan näkökulmaa. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksessa käsiteltiin hyvinkin tarkasti sekä franchisingantajan, että – ottajan roolit, velvollisuudet ja oikeudet. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksessa ei myöskään käsitelty lainkaan tuotekehitystä ja lanseerausta. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennus oli suurimmalle osalle koulutuksen läpäisseistä positiivinen kokemus. Yhdeksän kymmenestä oli myös valmiita suosittelemaan valmennusta franchisingyrittäjyydestä kiinnostuneille henkilöille. Suomessa franchisingin kehitys on siirtymässä suvantovaiheesta uuden kasvun vaiheeseen. Uusia franchisingketjuja perustetaan ja vanhat ketjut lisäävät toimipaikkojensa määrää. Jatkossa voidaan odottaa naisyrittäjien määrän lisääntyvän, sillä uusimmat Suomeen perustetut ketjut ovat terveys- ja hoiva-alalla, jotka ovat perinteisesti naisvaltaisia aloja.


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Per tal d'iniciar el meu TFC, vaig decidir començar a desenvolupar un programa que contempla la gestió diària del comerç, així com la dels productes, clients, proveïdors, vendes i compres, d’un negoci que es tracta d’una botiga de roba, sabates,bosses i complements, per tal de convertir-ho en un sistema de gestió més complert. Actualment, l’entorn de negoci en el petit comerç està cada cop més desplaçat degut al gran creixement de les grans superfícies per part de franquícies de cadenes molt potents. A més, els clients són cada cop més exigents i el mercat està cada vegada més saturat. És per això que voldrem incloure un valor afegit al sistema, per poder donar un nou punt de vista al negoci, de tal manera que permeti nodrir la nostra relació amb el client, de manera que la col·laboració sigui satisfactòria per ambdues parts. I per acabar s’elabora una pàgina web per tal de fer promoció i publicitat per la botiga, ja que avui en dia és molt important existir en el món virtual.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo pesquisar a influência dos franqueados na gestão estratégica de sua franqueadora. Dentre todos os tipos de franchising existentes, foram avaliados os modelos atuais, que conceitualmente oferecem possibilidade de diálogo e debate, entre franqueados e franqueadores, sobre assuntos relativos ao negócio, a saber: o Business Format Franchising, modelo mais utilizado e o Learning Network Franchising, uma versão mais evoluída do primeiro. Foi escolhido o estudo de caso múltiplo com quatro redes de franquias brasileiras, atuantes a nível nacional, associadas à ABF e com qualidade reconhecida e chancelada pelo selo de excelência em franchising por diversas vezes. Fundamentados na teoria de aprendizagem, a qual mostra a necessidade de maior participação e aprendizado mútuo para melhoria contínua do negócio e da competitividade, e nas demais teorias sobre o sistema, como a de agência e da escassez de recursos, as franquias das gerações mais recentes criaram meios de comunicação e troca de experiência com suas redes de franqueados. Procuramos entender como se dá esta interação e quais os meios que elas utilizam para facilitar este processo. Utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso múltiplo, por se tratar de um fenômeno contemporâneo. A pesquisa qualitativa teve um caráter exploratório-descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com franqueados, franqueadores e consultores do mercado, nas praças do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Os dados foram avaliados utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo para atingir os objetivos propostos. Foi realizada a análise horizontal, relativizando entre os grupos de entrevistados, principalmente franqueados e franqueadores e, em alguns momentos, a análise vertical, explorando as franquias individualmente, buscando semelhanças e divergências nas redes. A pesquisa ressalta formas alternativas de participação de franqueados no desenvolvimento e debate sobre questões estratégicas e mostra que hoje tais influências estão concentradas na estratégia funcional, aproveitando o conhecimento do franqueado em sua operação local em benefício da rede. Foram encontradas experiências interessantes na forma como as redes se organizam para interagir e conseguir influenciar na estratégia adotada por seu franqueador e os desafios presentes para aprimorar e expandir esta troca.


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Bettini et al (2006 Nat. Nanotechnol. 1 182-5) reported the first experimental realization of linear atomic chains (LACs) composed of different atoms (Au and Ag). The different contents of Au and Ag were observed in the chains from what was found in the bulk alloys, which raises the question of what the wire composition is, if it is in equilibrium with a bulk alloy. In this work we address the thermodynamic driving force for species fractionation in LACs under tension, and we present the density-functional theory results for Ag-Au chain alloys. A pronounced stabilization of the wires with an alternating Ag-Au sequence is observed, which could be behind the experimentally observed Au enrichment in LACs from alloys with high Ag content.


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Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a class 2 cytokine whose primary structure is similar to that of interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). IL-22 induction during acute phase immune response indicates its involvement in mechanisms of inflammation. Structurally different from IL-10 and a number of other members of IL-10 family, which form intertwined inseparable V-shaped dimers of two identical polypeptide chains, a single polypeptide chain of IL-22 folds on itself in a relatively globular structure. Here we present evidence, based on native gel electrophoresis, glutaraldehyde cross-linking, dynamic light scattering, and small angle x-ray scattering experiments, that human IL-22 forms dimers and tetramers in solution under protein concentrations assessable by these experiments. Unexpectedly, low-resolution molecular shape of IL-22 dimers is strikingly similar to that of IL-10 and other intertwined cytokine dimeric forms. Furthermore, we determine an ab initio molecular shape of the IL-22/IL-22R1 complex which reveals the V-shaped IL-22 dimer interacting with two cognate IL-22R1 molecules. Based on this collective evidence, we argue that dimerization might be a common mechanism of all class 2 cytokines for the molecular recognition with their respective membrane receptor. We also speculate that the IL-22 tetramer formation could represent a way to store the cytokine in nonactive form at high concentrations that could be readily converted into functionally active monomers and dimers upon interaction with the cognate cellular receptors.


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The formation of one-dimensional carbon chains from graphene nanoribbons is investigated using ab initio molecular dynamics. We show under what conditions it is possible to obtain a linear atomic chain via pulling of the graphene nanoribbons. The presence of dimers composed of two-coordinated carbon atoms at the edge of the ribbons is necessary for the formation of the linear chains, otherwise there is simply the full rupture of the structure. The presence of Stone-Wales defects close to these dimers may lead to the formation of longer chains. The local atomic configuration of the suspended atoms indicates the formation of single and triple bonds, which is a characteristic of polyynes.


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Defects in one-dimensional (1D) systems can be intrinsically distinct from its three-dimensional counterparts, and polymer films are good candidates for showing both extremes that are difficult to individuate in the experimental data. We study theoretically the impact of simple hydrogen and oxygen defects on the electron transport properties of one-dimensional poly(para-phenylenevinylene) chains through a multiscale technique, starting from classical structural simulations for crystalline films to extensive ab initio calculations within density functional theory for the defects in single crystalline-constrained chains. The most disruptive effect on carrier transport comes from conjugation breaking imposed by the overcoordination of a carbon atom in the vinyl group independently from the chemical nature of the defect. The particular case of the [C=O] (keto-defect) shows in addition unexpected electron-hole separation, suggesting that the experimentally detected photoluminescence bleaching and photoconductivity enhancement could be due to exciton dissociation caused by the 1D characteristics of the defect.


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Using the density matrix renormalization group, we investigate the Renyi entropy of the anisotropic spin-s Heisenberg chains in a z-magnetic field. We considered the half-odd-integer spin-s chains, with s = 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2, and periodic and open boundary conditions. In the case of the spin-1/2 chain we were able to obtain accurate estimates of the new parity exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) that gives the power-law decay of the oscillations of the alpha-Renyi entropy for periodic and open boundary conditions, respectively. We confirm the relations of these exponents with the Luttinger parameter K, as proposed by Calabrese et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 095701 (2010)]. Moreover, the predicted periodicity of the oscillating term was also observed for some nonzero values of the magnetization m. We show that for s > 1/2 the amplitudes of the oscillations are quite small and get accurate estimates of p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) become a challenge. Although our estimates of the new universal exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) for the spin-3/2 chain are not so accurate, they are consistent with the theoretical predictions.


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We have developed a nonlocal functional of the exchange interaction for the ground-state energy of quantum spin chains described by the Heisenberg Hamiltonian. An alternating chain is used to obtain the correlation energy and a local unit-cell approximation is defined in the context of the density-functional theory. The agreement with our exact numerical data, for small chains, is significantly better than a previous formulation, even for chains with several ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic bond defects. The results can be particularly relevant in the study of finite spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains, with exchange couplings changing, magnitude, or even sign, from bond-to-bond.


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A great deal of attention in the supply chain management literature is devoted to study material and demand information flows and their coordination. But in many situations, supply chains may convey information from different nature, they may be an important channel companies have to deliver knowledge, or specifically, technical information to the market. This paper studies the technical flow and highlights its particular requirements. Drawing upon a qualitative field research, it studies pharmaceutical companies, since those companies face a very specific challenge: consumers do not have discretion over their choices, ethical drugs must be prescribed by physicians to be bought and used by final consumers. Technical information flow is rich, and must be redundant and early delivered at multiple points. Thus, apart from the regular material channel where products and order information flow, those companies build a specialized information channel, developed to communicate to those who need it to create demand. Conclusions can be extended to supply chains where products and services are complex and decision makers must be clearly informed about technology-related information. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.