International analysis of the countries where Brazilian franchise chains operate

Autoria(s): Melo,Pedro Lucas de Resende; Borini,Felipe Mendes; Oliveira Junior,Moacir de Miranda; Parente,Ronaldo Couto



This paper aims to demonstrate which external environment factors are involved in the international commitment of Brazilian franchise chains. Our objectives herein are to understand which external country characteristics lead to international franchising operations and to ascertain the influence of such characteristics in the commitment of franchise chains in each country they operate in. The database has 54 Brazilian franchise chains with international operations in 26 countries, which implies in 157 franchises operating abroad. Regarding external environment factors, the independent variables form a group divided into market opportunity and business efficiency – trust and ease to doing business. The result of the three distinct clusters show how the market opportunity and the business efficiency (trust and ease in doing business) work as drivers to the international operation of Brazilian franchises. The paper shows that the franchise chains operating in the USA (cluster 3) have an inferior international commitment in comparison with the franchises which operate in developed countries and in small Latin American countries (cluster 2). It is also possible to notice a large number of franchises that operate in underdeveloped countries from Latin America and Africa (cluster 1) with worse business efficiency due to the advantage of learning how to operate in a country that could have some similarities with Brazil







Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo


Revista de Administração (São Paulo) v.50 n.1 2015

Palavras-Chave #franchise chains #franchising #Brazilian franchise chains #international business #entrepreneurship

journal article