439 resultados para frail elders
To frail elders, the consumption of nutrients is a challenge. Individuals participating in home delivered meal programs achieve higher daily intakes of key nutrients over non participants. However many elders require special diet and modifications in food texture, features generally not provided by such programs.^ This study compared a pilot program providing individual homemaker prepared meals based on special needs with the traditional home delivered meal program. Eight participants in the model group and 19 participants in the control group completed the 180 day study. The high drop out rate in the model group was due to scheduling difficulties.^ No significant differences existed between the two groups with respect to weight gain/maintenance, macronutrient intake, intake of most micronutrients and customer satisfaction. Homemaker prepared meals is a viable option for individuals needing dietary adjustments. ^
Discusses the findings of a recent doctoral thesis looking at the life of frail elderly people in rest homes. Explains how encouraging as much self-management as possible and the continuation of many daily activities can help elderly people keep their self-esteem and dignity.
Aims To describe the nature and size of long-term residential care homes in New Zealand; funding of facilities; and the ethnic and gender composition of residents and residential care workers nationwide. Methods A postal, fax, and email survey of all long-term residential care homes in New Zealand. Results Completed surveys were received from an eligible 845 facilities (response rate: 55%). The majority of these (54%) facilities housed less than 30 residents. Of the 438 (94%) facilities completing the questions about residents’ ethnicity, 432 (99%) housed residents from New Zealand European (Pakeha) descent, 156 (33%) housed at least 1 Maori resident, 71 (15%) at least 1 Pacific (Islands) resident, and 61 (13%) housed at least 1 Asian resident. Facilities employed a range of ethnically diverse staff, with 66% reporting Maori staff. Less than half of all facilities employed Pacific staff (43%) and Asian staff (33%). Registered nursing staff were mainly between 46 and 60 years (47%), and healthcare assistant staff were mostly between 25 and 45 years old (52%). Wide regional variation in the ethnic make up of staff was reported. About half of all staff were reported to have moved within the previous 2 years. Conclusions The age and turnover of the residential care workforce suggests the industry continues to be under threat from staffing shortages. While few ethnic minority residents live in long-term care facilities, staff come from diverse backgrounds, especially in certain regions.
Le but général de la thèse consiste à mieux connaître l’influence du milieu d’évaluation (domicile vs clinique) sur la réalisation de tâches liées à la préparation de repas auprès de personnes âgées fragiles. La thèse s'articule autour de trois objectifs spécifiques, dont les résultats sont présentés dans le cadre de cinq articles scientifiques. Le premier objectif vise à faire état des connaissances relatives au concept de fragilité en ergothérapie et à l'influence du milieu d'évaluation auprès des personnes âgées fragiles. Dans un premier temps, une analyse critique d'écrits portant sur la fragilité a été effectuée. Les résultats (article 1) démontrent la pertinence du concept de fragilité en ergothérapie, en suggérant qu'une meilleure compréhension de ce concept puisse aider les ergothérapeutes à offrir aux personnes fragiles des soins et services mieux adaptés à leurs besoins. Dans un deuxième temps, une recension des études ayant comparé la réalisation d'activités de la vie domestique (AVD) entre les milieux d'évaluation a été réalisée. Les résultats (article 2) révèlent que les personnes âgées sans déficit cognitif important tendent à offrir une meilleure performance à domicile, plutôt qu'en milieu clinique, lors de la réalisation d'AVD. Quelques facteurs, tels que la familiarité avec l’environnement, contribueraient à expliquer cette différence entre les milieux d'évaluation. Cette recension critique suggère que des résultats similaires puissent être obtenus auprès de personnes âgées fragiles. Le second objectif cherche à comparer la réalisation de tâches liées à la préparation de repas entre les milieux d’évaluation auprès de personnes âgées fragiles. Pour atteindre cet objectif, trente-sept personnes âgées répondant aux critères de fragilité (Fried et al.,2001) ont été évaluées en milieux clinique et domiciliaire suivant un devis contrebalancé au moyen du Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) et du Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills (PASS). Les résultats (articles 3, 4 et 5) concourent, dans l'ensemble, à démontrer une meilleure performance des personnes fragiles lorsqu’elles sont évaluées à domicile. Le dernier objectif a pour but d'identifier les facteurs sociodémographiques,physiques, cognitifs, psychologiques et environnementaux susceptibles d'expliquer la différence entre les milieux d'évaluation. Les résultats de la thèse (articles 3, 4 et 5) tendent à démontrer que le déclin de certaines fonctions exécutives constitue un facteur prépondérant pour expliquer une meilleure performance à domicile. Nos analyses révèlent que d'autres facteurs cognitifs, sociodémographiques, psychologiques, physiques et environnementaux contribuent également, mais de façon moins importante, à la différence observée entre les milieux d'évaluation. Les résultats de cette thèse peuvent aider les ergothérapeutes à mieux distinguer les personnes âgées fragiles susceptibles de présenter une performance différente selon le milieu dans lequel elles sont évaluées et conséquemment, pour qui une visite à domicile devrait être préconisée. Les connaissances générées par la thèse pourraient ultimement contribuer à offrir aux personnes âgées fragiles des services mieux adaptés à leurs besoins, tout en favorisant une gestion efficiente des ressources en matière de santé.
Introducción: Ingresar a la UCI no es una experiencia exclusiva del paciente; implica e involucra directamente a la familia, en aspectos generadores de estrés, estrategias de afrontamiento, temores, actitudes y expectativas, la participación de la familia en el cuidado y el rol del psicólogo. Objetivo: Revisar de los antecedentes teóricos y empíricos sobre la experiencia de la familia en UCI. Metodología: Se revisaron 62 artículos indexados en bases de datos. Resultados: la UCI es algo desconocido tanto para el paciente como para la familia, por esto este entorno acentúa la aparición de síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y en algunos casos estrés post traumático. La muerte es uno de los principales temores que debe enfrentar la familia. Con el propósito de ajustarse a las demandas de la UCI, los familiares exhiben estrategias de afrontamiento enfocadas principalmente en la comunicación, el soporte espiritual y religioso y la toma de decisiones. El cuidado centrado en la familia permite una mejor comunicación, relación con el paciente y personal médico. El papel del psicólogo es poco explorado en el espacio de la UCI, pero este puede promover estrategias de prevención y de rehabilitación en el paciente y su grupo familiar. Discusión: es importante tener en cuenta que la muerte en UCI es una posibilidad, algunos síntomas como ansiedad, depresión pueden aparecer y mantenerse en el tiempo, centrar el cuidado en la familia permite tomar las decisiones basados en el diagnóstico y pronóstico y promueve expectativas realistas. Conclusiones: temores, expectativas, actitudes, estrategias de afrontamiento, factores generadores de estrés permiten explicar y comprender la experiencia de la familia del paciente en UCI.
Gait speed has been described as a predictive indicator of important adverse outcomes in older populations. Among the criteria to evaluate frailty, gait speed has been identified as the most reliable predictor of fragility, practical and low cost. Objective: This study assesses the discriminating capability of gait speed in determining the presence of fragility in the elderly community in northeast of Brazil. Method: We performed an observational analytic study with a transversal character with a sample of 391 community-living elders, aged 65 years or older, of both sexes, in the city of Santa Cruz-RN. Participants were interviewed using a multidimensional questionnaire to obtain sociodemographic information, physical-related and mental health-related information. The unintentional weight loss, muscle weakness, self-reported exhaustion, slow gait and low-physical activity were considered to evaluate the frailty syndrome. Gait velocity was measured as the time taken to walk the middle 4,6 meters of 8,6 meters (excluding 2 meters to warm-up phase and 2 meters to deceleration phase).We calculate the sensitivity and specificity of gait speed test in different cutoff points for the test run time, from which ROC curve was constructed as a measure of test predictive value to identify frail elders. The prevalence of frailty in Santa Cruz-RN was 17.1%. The gait speed test accuracy was 71%when speed is below 0,91m/s. Among women, the gait speed test accuracy was 80%(gait speed below 0.77m/s) and among men, the test accuracy was 86% (gait spend below 0,82%) (p<0,0001).Conclusion: our findings have clinical relevance when we consider that the detection of frailty presence by the gait speed test can be observed in elderly men and women by a simple, cheap and efficient exam
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a sobrecarga dos cuidadores de idosos fragilizados que residem no domicílio; caracterizar os idosos que são considerados frágeis e seus cuidadores; avaliar o grau de dependência dos idosos de acordo com o nível de fragilidade e correlacioná-lo com a sobrecarga de trabalho dos seus cuidadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra de 60 cuidadores e de idosos frágeis, que viviam no domicílio. A coleta de dados realizada no domicílio com idosos frágeis e seus cuidadores. Utilizaram-se os instrumentos de perfil sociodemográfico do idoso e do cuidador, a Escala de Fragilidade de Edmonton, a Medida da Independência Funcional para os idosos e a Escala Zarit Burden Interview, para os cuidadores. Para a análise foram empregados a estatística descritiva e o teste de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos cuidadores era do sexo feminino (75%), casados (58,3%) e, 45% eram filhos. Quanto à sobrecarga, 31,7% responderam que raramente se sentiam sobrecarregados. Mas, houve correlação entre a fragilidade e a sobrecarga, ou seja, quanto maior o nível de fragilidade, maior a sobrecarga do cuidador. CONCLUSÃO: Evidenciou-se a maioria dos cuidadores do sexo feminino e quanto maior o grau de dependência funcional, maior o grau de fragilidade o que eleva o nível de sobrecarga do cuidador.
Objectives: Malnutrition is common in older hospitalised patients, and barriers to adequate intake in hospital limit the effectiveness of hospital-based nutrition interventions. This pilot study was undertaken to determine whether nutrition-focussed care at discharge and in the early post-hospital period is feasible and acceptable to patients and carers, and improves nutritional status. Design: Prospective cohort study Setting: Internal medicine wards of a tertiary teaching hospital in Brisbane, Australia Participants: Patients aged 65 and older admitted for at least 3 days, identified as malnourished or at risk of malnutrition using Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Interventions: An interdisciplinary discharge team (specialist discharge planning nurse and accredited practicing dietitian) provided nutrition-focussed education, advice, service coordination and follow-up (home visits and telephone) for 6 weeks following hospitalisation Measurements: Nutritional intake, weight, functional status and MNA were recorded 6 and 12 weeks after discharge. Service intensity and changes to care were noted, and hospital readmissions recorded. Service feedback from patients and carers was sought using a brief questionnaire. Results: 12 participants were enrolled during the 6 week pilot (mean age 82 years, 50% male). All received 1-2 home visits, and 3-8 telephone calls. Four participants had new community services arranged, 4 were commenced on oral nutritional supplements, and 7 were referred to community dietetics services for follow-up. Two participants had a decline in MNA score of more than 10% at 12 week follow-up, while the remainder improved by at least 10%. Individualised care including community service coordination was valued by participants. Conclusion: The proposed model of care for older adults was feasible, acceptable to patients and carers, and associated with improved nutritional status at 12 weeks for most participants. The pilot data will be useful for design of intervention trials.
Background There is growing consensus that a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and standardised process for assessing the fitness of older patients for chemotherapy should be undertaken to determine appropriate cancer treatment. Aim This study tested a model of cancer care for the older patient incorporating Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), which aimed to ensure that 'fit' individuals amenable to active treatment were accurately identified; 'vulnerable' patients more suitable for modified or supportive regimens were determined; and 'frail 'individuals who would benefit most from palliative regimens were also identified and offered the appropriate level of care. Methods A consecutive-series n=178 sample of patients >65 years was recruited from a major Australian cancer centre. The following instruments were administered by an oncogeriatric nurse prior to treatment: Vulnerable Elders Survey-13; Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (Geriatric); Malnutrition Screening Tool; Mini-mental State Examination; Geriatric Depression Scale; Barthel Index; and Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale. Scores from these instruments were aggregated to predict patient fitness, vulnerability or frailty for chemotherapy. Physicians provided a concurrent (blinded) prediction of patient fitness, vulnerability or frailty based on their clinical assessment. Data were also collected on actual patient outcomes (eg treatment completed as predicted, treatment reduced) during monthly audits of patient trajectories. Data analysis Data analysis is underway. A sample of 178 is adequate to detect, with 90% power, kappa coefficients of agreement between CGA and physician assessments of K>0.90 ("almost perfect agreement"). Primary endpoints comprise a) whether the nurse-led CGA determination of fit, vulnerable or frail agrees with the oncologist's assessments of fit, vulnerable or frail and b) whether the CGA and physician assessments accurately predict actual patient outcomes. Conclusion An oncogeriatric nurse-led model of care is currently being developed from the results. We conclude with a discussion of the pivotal role of nurses in CGA-based models of care.
Purpose: To present the results of a mixed-method study comparing the level of agreement of a two-phased, nurse-administered Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) with current methods that assess the fitness for chemotherapy of older cancer patients. A nurse-led model of multidisciplinary cancer care based on the results is also described. Methods: The two phases comprised initial screening by a nurse with the Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 [VES-13], followed by nurse administration of a detailed CGA. Both phases were linked to a computerised algorithm categorising the patient as ‘fit’, ‘vulnerable’ or ‘frail’. The study determined the level of agreement between VES-13- and CGA-determined categories; and between the CGA and the physicians’ assessments. It also compared the CGA’s predictive abilities in terms of subsequent treatment toxicity; while interviews determined the acceptability of the nurse-led procedure from key stakeholders' perspectives. Results: Data collection was completed in December 2011. The results will be presented at the conference. A consecutive-series n=170 will be enrolled, 33% of whom are ‘fit’; 33% ‘vulnerable’; and 33% ‘too frail’ for treatment. This sample can detect, with 90% power, kappa coefficients of agreement of ≥ 0.70 or higher (“substantial agreement”). Fitness sub-group comparisons of agreement between the medical oncologist and the nurse assessments can detect kappa estimates of Κ ≥ 0.80 with the same power. Conclusion: The results have informed a nurse-led model of cancer care. It meets a clear need to develop, implement and test a nurse-led, robust, evidence-based, clinically-justifiable and economically-feasible CGA process that has relevance in national and international contexts.
This doctoral thesis contributes to critical gerontology research by investigating the lived experiences of residents in the everyday world of New Zealand rest homes. There is a need to understand how frail rest home residents experience "age". This study focuses on describing and understanding residents lived experiences. As the New Zealand population is ageing, this phenomenological focus adds clarity to the poorly understood lived experiences about being aged in rest homes. Policy initiatives such as the Positive Ageing Strategy with its emphasis on keeping older people living in the community largely ignore the life practices of the increasing proportions of frail older people who require long-term residential care. My mixed-methods modified framework approach draws on the lifeworld as understood by Max van Manen (1990) and Alfred Schütz (1972). The lifeworld is made up of thematic strands of lived experience: these being lived space, lived time, lived body and lived relations with others, which are both the source and object of phenomenological research (van Manen, 1990). These strands are temporarily unravelled and considered in-depth for 27 residents who took part in audio-recorded interviews, before being interwoven through a multiple-helix model, into an integrated interpretation of the residents‟ lifeworld. Supplementing and backgrounding the interviews with these residents, are descriptive data including written interview summaries and survey findings about the relationships and pastimes of 352 residents living in 21 rest homes, which are counted and described. The residents day-to-day use of rest home space, mediated temporal order, self-managed bodies and minds, and negotiated relationships are interpreted. The mythology of the misery of rest home life is challenged, and a more constructive critical gerontology approach is offered. Findings of this research reveal how meanings around daily work practices are constructed by the residents. These elders participate in daily rest home life, from the sidelines or not at all, as they choose or are able, and this always involves work for the residents. They continue to actively manage satisfactory and fulfilling pastimes and relationships, because in their ordinary, everyday lifeworld it is “all in a day‟s work”.