1000 resultados para flavonoid analysis


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The chloroform partition of methanol extract of leaves of Caesalpinia pyramidalis was submitted to different chromatographic procedures which afforded besides agathisflavone and taxifolin, the minor biflavones loniflavone, amentoflavone, 5'- hydroxyamentoflavone and podocarpusflavone A. The structures of the compounds were established on the basis of NMR and MS data analysis. Besides, the content of biflavones of different specimens of C. pyramidalis, which are collected in different habitats of the Brazilian semi-arid region, was determinated by LC-APCI-MS analysis. These analysis demonstrated that only the specimens harvested in Bahia state showed collectively the presence of agathisflavone, amentoflavone, sequoiaflavone and podocarpusflavone A.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Seven phenolic acids related to the botanical origins of nine monofloral Eucalyptus honeys from Australia, along with two abscisic isomers, have been analyzed. The mean content of total phenolic acids ranges from 2.14 mg/100 g honey of black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) honey to 10.3 mg/100 g honey of bloodwood (Eucalyptus intermedia) honey, confirming an early finding that species-specific differences of phytochemical compositions occur quantitatively among these Eucalyptus honeys. A common profile of phenolic acids, comprising gallic, chlorogenic, coumaric and caffeic acids, can be found in all the Eucalyptus honeys, which could be floral markers for Australian Eucalyptus honeys. Thus, the analysis of phenolic acids could also be used as an objective method for the authentication of botanical origin of Eucalyptus honeys. Moreover, all the honey samples analyzed in this study contain gallic acid as the main phenolic acid, except for stringybox (Eucalyptus globoidia) honey which has ellagic acid as the main phenolic acid. This result indicates that the species-specific differences can also be found in the honey profiles of phenolic acids. Further-more, the analysis of abscisic acid in honey shows that the content of abscisic acid varies from 0.55 mg/100 g honey of black box honey to 4.68 mg/ 100 g honey of bloodwood honey, corresponding to the contents of phenolic acids measured in these honeys. These results have further revealed that the HPLC analysis of honey phytochemical constituents could be used individually and/or jointly for the authentication of the botanical origins of Australian Eucalyptus honeys. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eight phenolic acids and two abscisic acid isomers in Australian honeys from five botanical species (Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus) have been analyzed in relation to their botanical origins. Total phenolic acids present in these honeys range from 2.13 mg/100 g sunflower (Helianthus annuus) honey to 12.11 mg/100 g tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) honey, with amounts of individual acids being various. Tea tree honey shows a phenolic profile of gallic, ellagic, chlorogenic and coumaric acids, which is similar to the phenolic profile of an Australian Eucalyptus honey (bloodwood or Eucalyptus intermedia honey). The main difference between tea tree and bloodwood honeys is the contribution of chlorogenic acid to their total phenolic profiles. In Australian crow ash (Guioa semiglauca) honey, a characteristic phenolic profile mainly consisting of gallic acid and abscisic acid could be used as the floral marker. In brush box (Lophostemon conferta) honey, the phenolic profile, comprising mainly gallic acid and ellagic acid, could be used to differentiate this honey not only from the other Australian non-Eucalyptus honeys but also from a Eucalyptus honey (yellow box or Eucalyptus melliodora honey). However, this Eucalyptus honey could not be differentiated from brush box honey based only on their flavonoid profiles. Similarly, the phenolic profile of heath (Banksia ericifolia) honey, comprising mainly gallic acid, an unknown phenolic acid (Phl) and coumaric acid, could also be used to differentiate this honey from tea tree and bloodwood honeys, which have similar flavonoid profiles. Coumaric acid is a principal phenolic acid in Australian sunflower honey and it could thus be used together with gallic acid for the authentication. These results show that the HPLC analysis of phenolic acids and abscisic acids in Australian floral honeys Could assist the differentiation and authentication of the honeys. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of soil characteristics (pH, macro- and micro-nutrients), environmental factors (temperature, humidity, period of the year and time of day of collection) and meteorological conditions (rain, sun, cloud and cloud/rain) on the flavonoid content of leaves of Passiflora incarnata L., Passifloraceae. The total flavonoid contents of leaf samples harvested from plants cultivated or collected under different conditions were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV/PAD). Chemometric treatment of the data by principal component (PCA) and hierarchic cluster analyses (HCA) showed that the samples did not present a specific classification in relation to the environmental and soil variables studied, and that the environmental variables were not significant in describing the data set. However, the levels of the elements Fe, B and Cu present in the soil showed an inverse correlation with the total flavonoid contents of the leaves of P. incarnata.


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2D DOSY (1)H NMR has proved to be a useful technique in the identification of the molecular skeleton of the four major compounds of ethyl acetate extract of aerial parts of Bidens sulphurea (Asteraceae). The combination of this technique with HPLC, mass spectrometry and other NMR techniques enabled the identification of four flavonoid glycosides: quercetin-3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-beta-D-glycopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-alpha-L-arabinofuranoside and quercetin-3-O-beta-D-rhamnopyranoside. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Flavonoid compounds were analyzed in ripe fruit pulp of ten species of Coffea, including two cultivars of C. arabica and two of C. canephora. Three coefficients of similarity: Simple-Matching, Jaccard and Ochiai and three different clustering methods, Single Linkage, Complete Linkage and Unweighted Pair Group, Using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA), were used to analyze the data.Jaccard and Ochiai's coefficients of association showed a more coherent result, when compared with taxonomic and hybridization studies. Inclusion of Psilanthopsis kapakata in the genus Coffea, as C. kapakata, is justified by the similarity of this species with other studied species, and clusters clearly approximate the species C. arabica and C. eugenioides. The latter is one of the possible parents of the allotetraploid species C. arabica, C. congensis is the only species whose position remains ambiguous, probably due to the fact that the plants of this species that were introduced into the Campinas collections, were hybrids and not typical of C. congensis.


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Aqueous infusions of Brazilian Maytenus leaves are used as beverages, foodstuffs, and phytomedicines. Previously, we isolated two new flavonoid tetrasaccharides from the infusion of Maytenus aquifolium leaves that showed antiulcer activity. In this investigation a new flavonoid tetrasaccharide, kaempferol-3-O-alpha -L-rhamnopyranosyl (1-6)-O-[alpha -L-arabinopyranosyl (1 -->3)-O-alpha -L-rhamnopyranosyl (1-2)]-O-beta -D-galactopyranoside (3), was isolated, together with kaempferol tri- and disaccharides and quercetin trisaccharides from the aqueous infusion of Maytenus ilicifolia leaves. All structures were elucidated by ES-MS and NMR spectroscopic methods. The quantitative analysis of the flavonoid glycosides from Maytenus ilicifolia and M. aquifolium has been performed by HPLC.


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Orange juice is a rich source of flavonoids, mainly the flavanones hesperidin and narirutin, associated with health benefits in humans. The objective of this study was to analyze the uptake of flavonoids in humans after the consumption of two types of orange juice, fresh squeezed (fresh juice, FJ) and commercially extracted and pasteurized (processed juice, PJ). Preliminary measurements showed that the main flavanones in PJ were approximately three-fold higher than in FJ. This study involved healthy volunteers including 12 men and 12 women, aged 27 ± 6, with a BMI of 24 ± 3 kg/m2. Volunteers drank 11.5 mL/kg body weight of fresh orange juice, and after an interval of 30 days they drank the same quantity of pasteurized orange juice. Urine was collected from each volunteer during 24 hours following juice consumption. Urine metabolites were recovered by solid phase extraction, and measured by HPLC–ESI–MS. Analyses of the urine samples showed high concentrations of glucuronic acid and sulfate conjugates of hesperetin and naringenin. The data indicate that the concentrations of the flavanone metabolites following consumption of PJ were approximately three times higher than for FJ, thus matching the relative doses of these compounds in the juices provided to the volunteers.


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Transthyretin (TTR) is a carrier protein involved in human amyloidosis. The development of small molecules that may act as TTR amyloid inhibitors is a promising strategy to treat these pathologies. Here we selected and characterized the interaction of flavonoids with the wild type and the V30M amyloidogenic mutant TTR. TTR acid aggregation was evaluated in vitro in the presence of the different flavonoids. The best TTR aggregation inhibitors were studied by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in order to reveal their thermodynamic signature of binding to TTRwt. Crystal structures of TTRwt in complex with the top binders were also obtained, enabling us to in depth inspect TTR interactions with these flavonoids. The results indicate that changing the number and position of hydroxyl groups attached to the flavonoid core strongly influence flavonoid recognition by TTR, either by changing ligand affinity or its mechanism of interaction with the two sites of TTR. We also compared the results obtained for ITRwt with the V30M mutant structure in the apo form, allowing us to pinpoint structural features that may facilitate or hamper ligand binding to the V30M mutant. Our data show that the TTRwt binding site is labile and, in particular, the central region of the cavity is sensible for the small differences in the ligands tested and can be influenced by the Met30 amyloidogenic mutation, therefore playing important roles in flavonoid binding affinity, mechanism and mutant protein ligand binding specificities. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Much information on flavonoid content of Brazilian foods has already been obtained; however, this information is spread in scientific publications and non-published data. The objectives of this work were to compile and evaluate the quality of national flavonoid data according to the United States Department of Agriculture`s Data Quality Evaluation System (USDA-DQES) with few modifications, for future dissemination in the TBCA-USP (Brazilian Food Composition Database). For the compilation, the most abundant compounds in the flavonoid subclasses were considered (flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, flavanones, flavan-3-ols, and anthocyanidins) and the analysis of the compounds by HPLC was adopted as criteria for data inclusion. The evaluation system considers five categories, and the maximum score assigned to each category is 20. For each data, a confidence code (CC) was attributed (A, B, C and D), indicating the quality and reliability of the information. Flavonoid data (773) present in 197 Brazilian foods were evaluated. The CC ""C"" (as average) was attributed to 99% of the data and ""B"" (above average) to 1%. The main categories assigned low average scores were: number of samples; sampling plan and analytical quality control (average scores 2, 5 and 4, respectively). The analytical method category received an average score of 9. The category assigned the highest score was the sample handling (20 average). These results show that researchers need to be conscious about the importance of the number and plan of evaluated samples and the complete description and documentation of all the processes of methodology execution and analytical quality control. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports a method for the analysis of secondary metabolites stored in glandular trichomes, employing negative ion `chip-based` nanospray tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses of glandular trichomes from Lychnophora ericoides, a plant endemic to the Brazilian `cerrado` and used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, led to the identification of five flavonoids (chrysin, pinocembrin, pinostrobin, pinobanksin and 3-O-acetylpinobanksin) by direct infusion of the extracts of glandular trichomes into the nanospray ionisation source. All the flavonoids have no oxidation at ring B, which resulted in a modification of the fragmentation pathways compared with that of the oxidised 3,4-dihydroflavonoids already described in the literature. The absence of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant di-C-glucosylflavone vicenin-2, or any other flavonoid glycosides, in the glandular trichomes was also demonstrated. The use of the,`chip-based` nanospray QqTOF apparatus is a new fast and useful tool for the identification of secondary metabolites stored in the glandular trichomes, which can be useful for chemotaxonomic studies based on metabolites from glandular trichomes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper describes an analytical method for the rapid screening and identification of the phenolic constituents present in the polar extracts of different Lychnophora spp. using LC-UV/DAD-ESI-MS and LC-UV/DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Compounds were identified based on UV, retention time, MS experiments and MS/MS of precursor ion or standard. On-line phytochemical investigation of Lychnophora spp. allowed for the identification of flavonoids, chlorogenic acid derivatives and lactones. Some of the observed compounds were for the first time identified in Lychnophora species in a fast analytical procedure. The data obtained here may be helpful to the investigation of polar constituents from other Lychnophora species.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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The total phenolic and flavonoid content, color, and antioxidant activity were evaluated from ten honey samples from Apis mellifera L. collected from Roraima State, Brazil. The total phenolic content was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and ranged from 250 to 548 mg gallic acid kg-1 of honey. The total flavonoid content was obtained using two methods: total flavones/flavonols were determined with aluminum chloride, and flavonones/dihydroflavonols were determined with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The results ranged from 9 to 48.6 mg of quercetine kg-1 of honey and 1805 to 2606 mg of pinocembrin kg-1 of honey, respectively. Antioxidant activity was measured with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavengers, and the results of the IC50 ranged from 3.17 to 8.79 mg/mL. Statistical analysis demonstrated positive correlations between color intensity, flavone and flavonol content, and phenolic content and negative correlations with antioxidant capacity.