968 resultados para entrepreneurial marketing characteristics
Entrepreneurial marketing is newly established term and there is need for more specific studies in order to understand the concept fully. SMEs have entrepreneurial marketing elements more visible in their marketing and therefore provide more fruitful insights for this research. SMEs marketing has gained more recognition during the past years and in some cases innovative characteristics can be identified despite constraints such as lack of certain resources. The purpose of this research is to study entrepreneurial marketing characteristics and SME processes in order to wider understanding and gain more insights of entrepreneurial marketing. In addition, planning and implementation of entrepreneurial marketing processes is examined in order to gain full coverage of SMEs marketing activities. The research was conducted as a qualitative research and data gathering was based on semi-structured interview survey, which involved nine company interviews. Multiple case research was used to analyze data so that focus and clarity could be maintained in organized manner. Case companies were chosen from different business fields so that more variation and insights could be identified. The empirical results suggest that two examined processes networking and word-of-mouth communication are very important processes for case companies which supports the previous researches. However, the entrepreneurial marketing characteristics had variation some were more visible and recognizable than others. Examining more closely the processes companies did not fully understand that networking or word-of-mouth marketing could be used as efficiently as other conventional marketing methods.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore empirically whether there are meaningful relationships between key entrepreneurial marketing (EM) variables and the demographic characteristics of the organization and its manager. Design/methodology/approach – The data were gathered from a sample of 369 hotels from all regions of Thailand through the use of a postal survey. Several multiple regression models were used to test the relationships in the study. Interaction terms were added to some models to test the moderating effects of major demographic variables on various EM attributes. Findings – The study shows which types of hotels and which types of managers were associated with EM characteristics. The results indicate that demographic characteristics, such as age, size, location, experience, and gender, significantly explain sets of entrepreneurial marketing variables. It was found, for instance, that both a young hotel and a large hotel are positively associated with entrepreneurial marketing, while owner management is positively associated with market orientation and negatively associated with growth aspirations but has no significant relationship with entrepreneurial orientation. Originality/value – The paper provides a comprehensive overview of selected relationships between key EM dimensions in the existing literature. It is suggested that future research involves a more in-depth exploration of some of the relationships found in this study.
The first objective of this master's thesis is to find out how the concepts solution and solution marketing are defined in the literature. In order to do so, solution marketing literature is reviewed widely. Another target is to identify the characteristics of solution marketing and to explain how solution marketing can be carried out. The final objective is to determine how well the described solution marketing practices are executed in the target company, and this will be studied with a survey. A solution can be described as a co-created and customized combination of products and services. Solution marketing aims at developing and anticipating customer's business needs and it involves close collaboration between customer and supplier. Solution marketing communication is targeted to a specific audience. It entails deep customer intimacy and is focused on understanding customer's business problem. Solution marketing also requires close collaboration between sales and marketing as well as customer focused mindset. Solution marketing can be executed by promoting thought leadership, presenting solution offering, creating close customer relationships and treating customers as individuals. Solution provider's whole organization must engage customer focus.
This paper examines the phenomenon of 'entrepreneurial failure' from a UK regionally-based qualitative study, being that of explanations for failure provided by entrepreneurial CEOs. This paper contends that there are valuable lessons to be learned, from explanations provided of failure, that may reduce the very high recorded mortality rates of entrepreneurial businesses, in particular that of nascent entrepreneurs. Our intention is to make nascent entrepreneurs and their advisors more aware of the consequences of the likely personal risks they will be assuming, especially before they embark on their new business ventures. This paper focuses strongly on entrepreneurial 'personality characteristics' which can detrimentally influence the quality of decision-making. We provide data of some 'experiential learning from failure' from our case studies, that were compiled from interviews with the former directors, following their completion of the questionnaire survey. We describe 'failed entrepreneurs' who have successfully restarted their businesses as 'phoenix' entrepreneurs.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Tällä hetkellä markkinoinnin yksi tuoreimmista tutkimusalueista on yrittäjämäinen markkinointi. Yrittäjämäinen markkinointi on suomennos englanninkielisistä sanoista entrepreneurial marketing. Yrittäjämäinen markkinointi yhdistää markkinoinnin ja yrittäjyyden. Yrittäjämäisellä markkinoinnilla tarkoitetaan yksilön tai organisaation käyttäytymistä tavalla, joka haastaa markkinoiden tavanomaiset toimintamallit. Se on proaktiivinen, innovatiivinen ja riskejä ottava markkinointimalli, joka tunnistaa ja hyödyntää mahdollisuuksia markkinoilla houkutellakseen asiakkaita ja luodakseen kannattavia asiakassuhteita. Vaikka tai ehkä juuri siksi, että yrittäjämäinen markkinointi eroaa markkinoinnin oppikirjoissa esitetyistä perinteisistä teorioista, tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että yritykset ovat onnistuneet luomaan menestyvää liiketoimintaa toimimalla yrittäjämäisesti. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella yrittäjämäisen markkinoinnin käsitettä. Tutkielma on teoreettinen, käsiteanalyyttinen työ. Tutkielmassa lähdetään liikkeelle tarkastelemalla markkinoinnin ja yrittäjyyden käsitteitä sekä näiden käsitteiden muodostamaa rajapintaa. Markkinoinnin uudelleen käsitteellistäminen, jossa yrittäjämäisessä markkinoinnissakin on kysymys, vaatii kuitenkin myös markkinoinnin ymmärtämistä kolmella tasolla ¿ kulttuurina,strategiana ja taktiikkana. Yrittäjämäinen markkinointi tarjoaa viitekehyksen markkinoinnin uusille vaatimuksille tulevaisuudessa vastauksena perinteiseen markkinointiin kohdistuneeseen kritiikkiin.
The objective of the thesis was to examine methods of cost-effective marketing in a car rental company supported by headquarters. The subject was first familiarised by theoretical examination of cost-effective and relationship marketing, after which five entrepreneurs were interviewed. Based on these results the evaluations of how an entrepreneur can make their marketing more effective thereby increase the sales and decrease seasonal changes during financial year. The results of the study revealed several innovative and cost effective ways to improve marketing and in addition to this, instructions to marketing planning so the seasonal changes can be reduced. By following these instructions and taking advantage of the marketing devices, entrepreneurs can easily improve their marketing.
Gemeinsam selbständig. Eine Analyse kooperativen Handelns bei partnerschaftlichen Existenzgründungen
Im Zentrum der empirischen Arbeit steht einerseits eine besondere Form der Unternehmensgründung, andererseits eine besondere Form der Kooperation: die partnerschaftliche Existenzgründung. Das Forschungsvorhaben geht dem Ziel nach, Kooperationsprozesse in solchen unternehmerischen Partnerschaften zu explorieren. Um letztendlich eine praktisch nutzbare Grundlage für Maßnahmen zur Förderung beruflicher Selbständigkeit zu gewinnen, werden Merkmale und Rahmenbedingungen erfolgreicher partnerschaftlicher Existenzgründungen aufgezeigt. Die Empirie stützt sich auf qualitative Interviews mit Personen, die erfolgreich im Team ein Unternehmen gegründet haben und führen. In einem ersten Schritt werden anhand der Interviews konkrete alltägliche Kooperationsprozesse präzise beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend zeichnen tiefer gehende qualitative Analysen Entwicklungen auf einer abstrakteren Handlungsebene nach. Das Spektrum der Betrachtung umfasst neben individuellen Entwicklungen der Unternehmensgründer auch Prozesse auf der Teamebene sowie auf unternehmerischer Ebene. Zur Exploration der Handlungsprozesse werden die eigenen Ergebnisse durch ausgewählte theoretische Ansätze aus Kognitions- und Sozialpsychologie, aus soziologischer Handlungstheorie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre bereichert. Als relevant auf individueller Ebene erweisen sich insbesondere Prozesse der Identitätsentwicklung hin zu einer unternehmerisch-partnerschaftlichen Identität. Auf der Teamebene sind die Bewahrung und Überwindung von Eigensinn in der Interaktion sowie der Aufbau einer vertrauensvollen Beziehung zentral. Auf Unternehmensebene schließlich spielen Prozesse der Sinnfindung zwischen individuellen Erwerbsentwürfen und ökonomischen Strukturen, die Entstehung von Ordnung sowie Problemlösungsprozesse eine entscheidende Rolle. Insgesamt wird deutlich, dass der Weg in eine partnerschaftliche Selbständigkeit ein vielschichtiger Lernprozess ist, der aus der Praxis heraus entsteht, im Wesentlichen von den Gründern selbst organisiert und von gemeinsamen Reflexionen getragen wird. Diese Erkenntnisse stellen erste Ansatzpunkte dar zur Förderung beruflicher Selbständigkeit in Hochschule und im beruflichen Bildungswesen.
This article considers the attempted change to the image of an established brand by studying the semiotics within the brand’s historical advertising campaigns. The use of semiotics to study the interpretation of messages is discussed, and the link between interpretation of messages and advertising effectiveness in changing brand image is explored. The authors deconstruct advertisements of a brand to provide a model containing opposing dialectics that may aid managers by highlighting alternative symbolic messages contained in advertisements. Oncwe identified, these alternative symbolic messages may be used to help change brand image and influence advertising effectiveness. Although the study focuses upon a major brand of beer, this is an industry in which there are numerous small firms, and many of those have constrained marketing budgets, and thus need to make sure that their advertising is effective. Equally, entrepreneurial marketing is not to found only in the small firm, and the case study discusses a radical and imaginative brand repositioning of a well established product.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2011
Dentro de este trabajo de investigación se quiere profundizar en la teoría que abarca la relación estratégica comunitaria en los mercados internacionales donde se quiere resaltar si ha habido investigaciones alrededor de este tema y si el aporte que se está dando en esta investigación realmente si es información nueva que se está investigando. Se quiere enfocar la investigación hacia como las empresas están realizando la penetración de mercados internacionales pensando en la comunidad en la que están ingresando, sus costumbres, creencias y aspectos sociales.
Uma vez que as perspectivas de crescimento económico nos países mais desenvolvidos, como a Europa, os EUA eo Japão estão diminuindo, os mercados emergentes têm se tornado cada vez mais importante para muitas empresas multinacionais. Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China (BRICs) são agora os principais mercados em crescimento em todo o mundo e as empresas estão buscando estratégias para explorar ao máximo o potencial de consumo promissor nessas regiões. Um dos modos mais elaborados de prosseguir essa estratégia é conhecida como "localização" - uma adaptação das práticas de negócios (ao longo de toda a cadeia de suprimentos) com as preferências e condições locais. Este artigo é projetado para analisar as atividades de localização de empresas multinacionais no Brasil. O foco da análise é o de investigar as características do mercado brasileiro, que induzem as multinacionais a localizar o seu marketing mix (composto de produto, preço, colocação e promoção). Em dois estudos de casos com a empresa Suiça Nestlé e a empresa Alemã Volkswagen vários padrões de localização foram no mercado consumidor brasileiro. Os quatro resultados mais significativos da análise são os diferentes padrões sociais o Brasil, que forçar as empresas a reformular certas funções do seu mix de marketing (por exemplo, a colocação no caso da Nestlé), a aceitação dos consumidores brasileiros a pagar preços relativamente elevados (por exemplo, taxas de Volkswagen até 100% mais por seus produtos em relação à Alemanha); o enorme tamanho do Brasil ea infra-estrutura deficiente, que exigem uma abordagem de distribuição localizada; eo caráter atualmente ainda menos exigente dos estratos de consumidores brasileiros emergentes, que permitem às empresas oferecer produtos menos sofisticados em comparação aos mercados europeus.
"Serial no. 92-72."