998 resultados para empresas hoteleiras
Nesta pesquisa, o que se pretendeu foi conhecer o atual estágio dos sistemas de controle gerencial utilizados em cinco hotéis localizados no Estado do Espírito Santo, levando-se em conta as peculiaridades do ramo e suas características com relação à adaptação, se necessário, dos diversos conceitos já aplicados em outros tipos de atividades, notadamente no ramo de serviços. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma revisão de literatura e dos fundamentos teóricos sobre controle gerencial, principalmente aqueles voltados para a ciência comportamental, que serviram de suporte para estabelecer o plano de referência utilizado nesta pesquisa. Por tratar-se de trabalho descritivo, com riqueza de detalhes, foi adotada a metodologia do estudo de caso por ser a mais aconselhável neste tipo de trabalho. Entrevistas, utilizando questionários que continham em sua maior parte perguntas abertas, possibilitaram descrever o processo de controle gerencial existente nos hotéis pesquisados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram análises sobre a natureza deles e o estudo dos sistemas de controle gerencial dos hotéis estudados. Finalmente, uma comparaçao entre os resultados obtidos no trabalho de campo e os fundamentos teóricos levantados na revisão da literatura possibilitaram se chegasse a algumas conclusões importantes, além de permitirem formular algumas recomendações e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration
Dissertação de Mestrado, Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
This Thesis deals with the performance improvement on hotels that have adopted the ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems. It is researched the Brazilian hotels that have an ISO 9001 registration with an assessment form based on the Balanced Scorecard approach. The main findings are that ISO 9000 provided improvement on the performance of the hotels in general and also in all the BSC perspectives, and that are different perception on managers and directors, what suggests a need for a tool like BSC to register the performance improvements on the same basis. The Thesis contributes to provide information on the performance improvement in hotels, one of the claimed regarding the low ISO 9000 adoption rate in Brazilian hotels
Atualmente assistimos a um aumento exponencial do uso dos social media como meio para planear as viagens lazer, bem como procurar por informações relativas a hotéis, restaurantes e outras empresas na indústria de turismo e viagens. Os social media criaram um novo canal de distribuição, tendo este influenciado e alterado a forma como os viajantes determinam o local onde vão ficar alojados. É importante que as empresas hoteleiras compreendam o comportamento dos consumidores face aos social media e, assim, determinar qual a forma de comunicação e que informações deverão disponibilizar nos seus sites. A título de exemplo, os hotéis conseguem interagir com os clientes através das redes sociais, como o Facebook, Instagram ou Youtube, partilhar diversos tipos de conteúdos informativos e prestar assistência a questões. O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender o uso das redes sociais, apresentando-se um maior foco na rede social Facebook, na promoção de um estabelecimento hoteleiro e, com isto, determinar se a promoção dos serviços hoteleiros através deste meio, apresenta influência na tomada de decisão de escolha de alojamento turístico. Por outro lado, pretendese analisar o impacto das avaliações/recomendações realizadas pelos consumidores presentes no Facebook. Adotou-se uma metodologia quantitativa, através de um questionário online. Para analisar as hipóteses de estudo recorreu-se a diversos testes estatísticos. Os principais resultados demonstraram que são diversos os meios online e offline em que os consumidores se baseiam para fazer a sua decisão de escolha de alojamento, sendo um destes o Facebook, que apresenta uma grande representatividade. O word-of-mouth, contabilizado através das opiniões dos antigos clientes presentes em sites de avaliações e em redes sociais revela-se uma componente determinante no processo de recolha de informação sobre determinado alojamento e consequentemente influenciador na escolha de alojamento. Por último, verificou-se que o Facebook apresenta ter um papel decisivo no processo de decisão de escolha de alojamento turístico.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
A indústria hoteleira é altamente competitiva, principalmente, devido ao facto de acompanhar permanentemente as expetativas dos clientes. A concorrência existente, a crise atual e as constantes mudanças políticas e sociais, obrigam aos gestores hoteleiros a antecipar as necessidades dos clientes. Deste modo, é necessária a utilização de atuais ferramentas de gestão para que as empresas hoteleiras atinjam o sucesso. O presente estudo visa demonstrar a importância da contabilidade de gestão nos hotéis em Portugal, as suas finalidades e vantagens de utilização. Desta forma, pretende-se reunir diversa informação para fundamentar e apoiar a importância da contabilidade de gestão nos hotéis portugueses. Elaborou-se uma breve síntese da atividade turística e hoteleira e da contabilidade de gestão na hotelaria. Pretendeu-se evidenciar a contabilidade geral versus a contabilidade de gestão; apresentar as técnicas e métodos mais utilizados na medição da eficiência das operações correntes e para planear operações futuras; e, referenciar a utilização e vantagens do USALI. Com vista a fornecer aos gestores informação necessária para competirem num ambiente em constante mudança, evidencia-se a contabilidade de gestão como essencial na operação do hotel porque permite como, por exemplo, uma análise detalhada dos rendimentos e dos custos em cada departamento, uma análise de preços de venda e descontos, uma análise da rendibilidade do cliente, definição de estratégias, fixação de preços, entre outros. Optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa, mais concretamente por um estudo de caso. Este foi elaborado com base em entrevistas realizadas a dois hotéis e com base em documentos disponibilizados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que os dois hotéis utilizam tanto informação financeira como não financeira, realçando que a contabilidade de gestão é de extrema importância na gestão hoteleira. Contudo, os dois hotéis distinguem-se, na medida em que um utiliza o USALI, considerando que novas técnicas são de extrema importância, enquanto o segundo não utiliza o USALI, observando que as informações disponibilizadas pela contabilidade de gestão são suficientes.
El estudio del plan de bioseguridad de granjas de engorde de las cuatro empresas avícolas de engorde de Nicaragua se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar las medidas de bioseguridad, permitiéndonos: conocer las fortalezas y debilidades, desarrollo tecnológico y distribución de las cuatro empresas por departamento. La información se recopiló en el formato de encuesta de medidas de bioseguridad del MAGFOR, que consiste en un stop de 86 preguntas dirigidas a investigar su cumplimiento, las respuestas se analizaron mediante incorporación de datos en hoja electrónica en Excel y procesadas en Acces para estudiarlas con la formula V/TP x 100; El nivel tecnológico se calculó agregando un valor a cada pregunta con un puntaje de 2 a 5 para dar un peso o ponderación especifica, 2 las de menor tecnología y 5 las de mayor nivel ténológico. Encontrándose que el 78% de la encuestas del plan de bioseguridad es aprobado con rango de 98 a 60% de cumplimiento, estas son consideradas fortalezas para las granjas y el 22% tienen un menor nivel de aceptación considerándose las debilidades de las mismas. En el nivel tecnológico 26 de 44 granjas poseen la categoría alta que es mayor o igual al 80% de tecnología, 13 tienen una categoría media del 60% a 79% y 4 poseen un nivel bajo menor al 59%. Todas ellas ubicadas en los departamentos de Carazo, Estelí, Granada, León, Madríz, Managua. Masaya, Matagalpa y nueva Segovia, siendo Masaya la que presenta mayor cantidad de granjas.
Resumen: El tema de investigación será la Gestión de los Recursos Humanos en las Empresas Agropecuarias del NOA circunscribiéndome a las del Grupo CREA Bermejo de dicha zona asentadas en el Departamento General San Martín, de la provincia de Salta. Dentro de este marco conceptual analizaré el accionar de las personas, el conocimiento de las mismas en cuanto al desempeño laboral, orden y jerarquías, interés empresarial en las relaciones humanas en general, importancia de la creación del departamento de recursos humanos como factor esencial organizativo en el marco del desarrollo y crecimiento de la productividad de las mencionadas empresas en el período comprendido entre los años 2010-2014. El diseño que sustenta el desarrollo del presente trabajo se basa en experiencia personal y muestreo de encuestas realizadas mediante correo electrónico y sus resultados, los que indicaran la mirada sobre los recursos humanos y factores influyentes al momento de evaluar una gestión empresarial agraria óptima. Y es este el motivo inicial de la elección de la temática para este trabajo final de graduación: enriquecer mi formación técnica y obtener respuestas y conclusiones que no solo me permitan implementar mejoras en la organización para la cual trabajo, sino también compartirlas con el fin de poder aportar a la comunidad profesional del sector agropecuario para la gestión de los recursos humanos de sus organizaciones.
El presente trabajo fue realizado en las empresas procesadoras de frutas tropicales de Nicaragua que han venido desarrollando actividades encaminadas a la certificación HACCP según datos suministrados por el Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAG-FOR), las empresas visitadas fueron: APRONOT, ubicada en el Municipio de San Marcos Departamento de Carazo, La empresa Callejas Sequeira, S.A. ubicada en la ciudad de Granada, La empresa Exotic Food ubicada en el Km 107 carretera a Rivas y la empresa TROPIFRUTAS ubicada en Nueva Guinea, Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur. Se consultaron fuentes secundarías existentes en el país sobre el Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP), así como información de Internet. Para conocer la situación actual del proceso de certificación y adopción del Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP) en la Industria Agroalimentaria se procedió a entrevistar a funcionarios del Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAGFOR), y del Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio (MIFIC). La industria agroalimentaria de Nicaragua ha adoptado el sistema de Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP) y se encuentra en un proceso de verificación y Auditoria para obtener la certificación, todas las empresas entrevistadas mostraron toda la voluntad de certificar su producto ya que les abre las puertas en la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades de mercados para sus productos. Las mayores dificultades para lograr la certificación radican en la falta de recursos financieros para ejecutar las recomendaciones de los inspectores, así como la dificultad de garantizar la trazabilidad del origen de la materia prima.