867 resultados para emotional competences


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Cooperative learning allows students acquisition of competences that are essential for the labour market such as leadership, critical thinking, communication, and so on. For this reason, different cooperative activities were designed in a language subject in English Studies so that students could work in groups and acquire those competences. This article describes some such activities and the emotional competences that students acquire with them. Moreover, a survey was conducted in order to establish students’ opinions about the main competences they acquired with the activities designed and their opinion about a cooperative methodology. Students’ answers were positive and they were aware of what they had learned.


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This study aims at providing evidence of the effectiveness of the Program-Guide to Develop Emotional Competences in promoting positive parenting. Contextual, institutional, methodological and professional issues were taken into account to develop a social innovation experience to support parenting as a preventive measure to family conflicts. The study describes both the contents of the Program-Guide and the methodological and evaluation issues that trained professionals need to consider when delivering the Program-Guide to families in natural contexts. Information was gathered and analyzed from 259 parents with children of ages 1-18 who participated in 26 parent training groups. A pre- and post-test design showed that after finishing the sessions parents perceived themselves more competent as parents according to the five dimensions of parenting competences considered: (1) emotional self-regulation abilities; (2) self-esteem and assertiveness; (3) communication strategies; (4) strategies to solve conflicts and to negotiate; and (5) strategies to establish coherent norms, limits and consequences to promote positive discipline. The study presents a discussion on these results from evidence-based parenting programs, as well as some strengths and limitations of the study, together with some suggestions for further research.


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Teachers’ emotional competences and well-being are fundamentally important to developing and maintaining positive relationships in the classroom, which can contribute to improving pedagogical action. References to several intervention programmes are found in the literature with the purpose of changing the practices, attitudes, and beliefs of teachers, who show evidence of a significant improvement in personal competences and school success. Therefore, an intervention with teachers integrating a broader line of research was carried out, involving parents and students as well. It consists of a programme which promotes personal (well-being and emotional intelligence) and professional (acquiring differentiated pedagogical strategies) competences over a period of six months, followed by a focus group to assess the contribution of an empowerment programme with the intention of promoting school success. The preliminary action-research study involved 10 teachers of two classes with students who show disruptive behaviour in the 7th year in a school in the central region of Portugal. The teachers, of both genders, are aged between 44 and 52, and belong to several recruitment groups. The main research question was: “To what extent does an intervention programme, intended for training, contribute to developing personal and professional competences in teachers of the 3rd cycle of basic education?” The teachers revealed a rather favourable view of their participation in the programme, considering that it helped them perceive some behaviours and practices which are less adjusted to their action in the classroom with these students (shouting, scolding, etc.). From the pretest to the posttest, statistically significant differences were found in assessing their own emotions and in their use. Signs of improvement in positive affections and satisfaction with life were also found, though with a marginal significance. The preliminary data in this empowerment programme for these educational agents points towards the importance of teachers’ awareness in what concerns their pedagogical action, as well as the need to change traditional pedagogical practices that contribute to discouraging students towards learning. The need to establish closer and systematic contact with the students and their families in order to meet their needs and expectations was also highlighted.


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The perceptions about school play a central role in behavior, performance and learning outcomes. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher school success. The aim of this paper is to know the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success of students of the 3rd cycle of basic education. In order to promote students social and emotional skills, a pilot study in a School Grouping of the central region (Portugal) was carried out. It was made a diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) and identified 6 children aged between 12 and 14 years old and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers, respectively. Six students mostly male were identified, with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. They don’t like school and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflictive. All parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceived good practices, but without success. This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the systemic intervention program on the improvement of the social and emotional competences and academic achievement.


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The aim of a university education is the intellectual development of citizens, and the training of professionals for their subsequent entry into the workforce. However, this entry into the workforce, following the theoretical education usually provided by the university, implies that students have to manage this difficult transition by themselves. Society, in a continual process of transformation, requires of universities that they adjust, adapting the education they offer to comply with the demands of society and the workplace. Socio-emotional skills would seem to have influence predicting professional performance. These skills also influence job-finding and employability. Consequently, providing teachers with an education in socioemotional competences is becoming a necessary task within universities, and the majority of teaching staff consider these skills to be fundamental to the personal and socio-emotional development of students. The objective of our proposed work is to establish the characteristic profile of competences of a sample of teachers in training, and compare it with the competences profile of graduate students belonging to the fields of law sciences, social sciences, humanities, science and technology, and health. Starting from results, implications will be derived for the development of generic competences of socio-emotional type in the framework of the European Frame of Higher Education.


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El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.


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Las ONG de Desarrollo (ONGD) contribuyen a informar sobre lo las distintas realidades sociales del siglo XXI. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, la representación de las personas culturalmente diferentes está llena de prejuicios y de estereotipos, hecho que todavía queda más marcado cuando se trata de mujeres. Así, nuestro objetivo con esta comunicación es observar la representación de mujeres de otras culturas en una muestra de las revistas publicadas por la ONGD Oxfam Intermón desde mayo de 2013 hasta mayo de 2014. El corpus empleado para el análisis serán las portadas de las revistas. Se seleccionaron algunos de estos textos donde aparecían representadas mujeres para llevar a cabo una experiencia didáctica. Se explicó el modo de analizar textos con imagen y se pidió al alumnado que los analizara con el fin de desarrollar su capacidad crítica y su conciencia social. Los marcos teóricos de este estudio serán los principios del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (van Dijk 2005, 2009) y la Gramática Visual (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006) para explorar las principales estrategias lingüísticas y visuales empleadas para presentar a mujeres. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que la práctica docente llevada a cabo hace que el alumnado tome conciencia de que el modo en que las mujeres aparecen representadas en las revistas de Oxfam Intermón contribuye a modificar la imagen negativa que normalmente tenemos sobre éstas. La representación positiva que se observa contribuye a cambiar la percepción del alumnado. Como conclusiones podemos señalar la importancia del emplear textos sobre temas sociales para que el alumnado adquiera competencias emocionales y mejore su capacidad crítica. Además, estos textos señalan que las mujeres van avanzando hacia el empoderamiento en todos los lugares del planeta de modo que se cumplen progresivamente los objetivos del milenio.


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Artigo teórico: O presente artigo tem como objetivo permitir uma visão global sobre as circunstâncias que podem influenciar, positiva ou negativamente, a vida das crianças e apresentar programas desenhados para promover o seu correto desenvolvimento, mesmo em casos menos favoráveis. Para isto, são revistos os conceitos mais importantes associados às noções de risco, perigo, proteção e resiliência, sintetizadas as relações que estes estabelecem entre si e abordados quais os principais contextos nos quais o profissional pode intervir. Este trabalho foca-se principalmente nas crianças da cidade de Tijuana, pelo que é realizado um trabalho de comparação de estatísticas oficiais entre Portugal e México (quando aplicável, cingido ao estado da Baja Califórnia) de modo a contextualizar os diferentes perigos e proteções que as respetivas culturas providenciam. Para concluir, são apresentados alguns exemplos de intervenções recentes que visam promover a resiliência através de abordagens distintas e em contextos culturais diversos, de modo a deixar no leitor uma ideia das possibilidades e da importância da intervenção nesta área. Artigo teórico-prático: O presente artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto de uma adaptação do programa “Ultrapassar Dificuldades e Vencer Desafios: Manual de Promoção da Resiliência na Adolescência” numa população de crianças em situação de risco, do 1.º ao 6.º ano de escolaridade, da cidade de Tijuana (Baja California, México). Foram realizadas intervenções com dois grupos de crianças que se encontravam em contexto familiar e com um grupo de crianças em contexto institucional. As sessões realizadas, que adaptaram o programa dando-lhe um enfoque psicomotor, compreenderam a duração total de 20 horas e foram realizadas nas instituições de ensino. A intervenção demonstrou ter alguns efeitos positivos ao nível da auto-perceção de competências relacionadas com a resiliência, bem como um efeito de diminuição de alguns fatores de riscos intra-individuais. Na ótica dos prestadores de cuidados, foram ainda encontrados resultados significativos ao nível da diminuição da hiperatividade, dos problemas de comportamento e do total de dificuldades (avaliados pelo instrumento Strenghts and Difficulties Questionnaire). Este programa apresenta assim resultados encorajadores, num contexto diferente ao que serviu de substrato para o desenho do programa, e reforça a noção de que as competências sociais e emocionais são vitais para o correto desenvolvimento infantil em qualquer cultura.


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Os pais e os professores vivenciam o quotidiano das crianças e constituem-se como observadores significativos (Guaragna e tal., 2005; Pires et al, 2008) e as suas perceções acerca dos filhos e alunos influenciam os comportamentos destes (Zirkel, 2002). Porém, as características das crianças parecem influir na perceção de pais e na perceção de professores (Pires et al., 2008). As crianças com DA apresentam características sócio emocionais próprias: instabilidade emocional, pouca tolerância à frustração (Fonseca, 2008) e dificuldades na interação social (Framer et al., 2008). As competências sociais e emocionais são muito relevantes no processo adaptativo da criança e contribuem para a consecução de objetivos sociais (Candeias, 2008; Anderson-Butcher et al., 2008; Buckley & Saarnni, 2006; Saarni, 2002). Neste contexto, considerando o papel especial dos pais e professores no processo desenvolvimental das crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem (DA), desenvolvemos um estudo que investigou a perceção de 37 pais e 66 professores acerca das competências sócio emocionais de crianças entre os 6 e 11 anos com DA. No estudo foram utilizados o Inventário do Quociente Emocional Bar-On, (EQ-i: Pa, versão original de Bar-On & Parker, 2004) nas suas versões para pais e para professores, e a Prova de Avaliação da Competência Social (PACS-6/11, Candeias et al., 2008; Candeias, 2008b), para avaliar, respetivamente, a perceção sobre a inteligência emocional e sobre a competência social. Os principais resultados sugerem que os pais avaliam mais positivamente as competências emocionais das crianças e que a avaliação das competências sociais dos pais é semelhante à dos docentes /ABSTRACT: Parents and teachers are significant observers and participants in every day’s children's life's and their perceptions about their sons and pupils can influence their on behavior (Zirkel, 2002). However, children’s characteristics can influence parent’s perceptions and teacher’s perceptions (Pires et a/., 2008). Children with learning disabilities (LD) have singular social-emotional characteristics: emotional instability, low tolerance to frustant events (Fonseca, 2008) and difficulties in social interactions (Framer et al., 2008). Social and emotional competences are relevant in children's adaptation process and contribute to the fulfillemente of social goals (Candeias, 2008; Anderson-Butcher et a/., 2008; Buckley & Saarnni, 2006; Saarni, 2002). ln this context, considering teachers’ and parent’s special role throughout the growing process, we developed a study that investigated the perception of 37 parents and 66 teachers about the social-emotional competences of children’s (with ages between 6 and 11 years) with LO. Results suggests that (a) parent’s perception of emotional competence has higher values, (b) there is no significate differences between parents and teacher’s perception about social competence.


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The problematic situation faced by clients, associated to the processes of health and disease, is expressed through emotions that nursing students have to deal with in the course of care and their formative experiences in clinical teaching. Students have learning needs not only to manage emotions in the context of customer care, but also in terms of their own internal world, emotional conflicts, emotional stress and burn-out. With the present literature review, we intend to explore existing evidence regarding the ways in which the nurse supervisor's support towards nursing students potentiates the development of their competences for the performance of emotional labour. These skills prove to be the key in the ability to manage the emotionally intense situations of care practice and the support function of the nursing supervisor contributes to the development of such competences.


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Background: High level piano performance requires complex integration of perceptual, motor, cognitive and emotive skills. Observations in psychology and neuroscience studies have suggested reciprocal inhibitory modulation of the cognition by emotion and emotion by cognition. However, it is still unclear how cognitive states may influence the pianistic performance. The aim of the present study is to verify the influence of cognitive and affective attention in the piano performances. Methods and Findings: Nine pianists were instructed to play the same piece of music, firstly focusing only on cognitive aspects of musical structure (cognitive performances), and secondly, paying attention solely on affective aspects (affective performances). Audio files from pianistic performances were examined using a computational model that retrieves nine specific musical features (descriptors) - loudness, articulation, brightness, harmonic complexity, event detection, key clarity, mode detection, pulse clarity and repetition. In addition, the number of volunteers' errors in the recording sessions was counted. Comments from pianists about their thoughts during performances were also evaluated. The analyses of audio files throughout musical descriptors indicated that the affective performances have more: agogics, legatos, pianos phrasing, and less perception of event density when compared to the cognitive ones. Error analysis demonstrated that volunteers misplayed more left hand notes in the cognitive performances than in the affective ones. Volunteers also played more wrong notes in affective than in cognitive performances. These results correspond to the volunteers' comments that in the affective performances, the cognitive aspects of piano execution are inhibited, whereas in the cognitive performances, the expressiveness is inhibited. Conclusions: Therefore, the present results indicate that attention to the emotional aspects of performance enhances expressiveness, but constrains cognitive and motor skills in the piano execution. In contrast, attention to the cognitive aspects may constrain the expressivity and automatism of piano performances.


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Background/Aims: To investigate the association between cortisol levels, chronic stress and coping in subjects with amnestic-type mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Methods: Cortisol levels were measured using morning saliva samples from 33 individuals with aMCI and from 41 healthy elderly. Chronic stress was evaluated with the Stress Symptoms List (SSL), whereas coping strategies were assessed using the Jalowiec Coping Scale. Results: aMCI subjects with high SSL scores presented higher cortisol levels (p = 0.045). Furthermore, aMCI subjects who employed emotion-focused coping had higher SSL scores (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The association between increased cortisol secretion, chronic stress and coping strategies may be modulated by the presence or absence of cognitive impairment, where memory deficit awareness constitutes an additional potential factor involved in high stress severity. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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This study has as objective identifies the necessary competences to the physical education teachers of the basic education, in the teachers` of the public network of teaching of the Sao Paulo state perspective, licentiates and exits of the Physical Education School and Sport of the Sao Paulo University starting from 1995. It is a qualitative research, of nature no experimental, consisting of two studies (diagnostic and deepening). As instruments, questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used. It happened what the teachers judge importantly mobilize determined knowledges placed in a hierarchy or associated during the teaching practice, such as: knowledges pedagogic-educational, technical knowledges and cultural luggage, inserted in the current context and considering the cultural, social, political, economical and education transformations occurred along the history. There was shown up in this study the relevance of the formation continued for the teachers of Physical Education, who found her essential and basic added to the initial formation.