Competence profile differences among graduates from different academic subject fields: implications for improving students’ education

Autoria(s): Castejón, Juan Luis; Gilar Corbi, Raquel; Pertegal Felices, María Luisa

Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica

Investigación en Inteligencias, Competencia Social y Educación (SOCEDU)

Habilidades, Competencias e Instrucción






The aim of a university education is the intellectual development of citizens, and the training of professionals for their subsequent entry into the workforce. However, this entry into the workforce, following the theoretical education usually provided by the university, implies that students have to manage this difficult transition by themselves. Society, in a continual process of transformation, requires of universities that they adjust, adapting the education they offer to comply with the demands of society and the workplace. Socio-emotional skills would seem to have influence predicting professional performance. These skills also influence job-finding and employability. Consequently, providing teachers with an education in socioemotional competences is becoming a necessary task within universities, and the majority of teaching staff consider these skills to be fundamental to the personal and socio-emotional development of students. The objective of our proposed work is to establish the characteristic profile of competences of a sample of teachers in training, and compare it with the competences profile of graduate students belonging to the fields of law sciences, social sciences, humanities, science and technology, and health. Starting from results, implications will be derived for the development of generic competences of socio-emotional type in the framework of the European Frame of Higher Education.

This research has been funded by the PSI2009-12696 Research and Development Project of the State Secretariat for Research, of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, titled: Intellectual, Personal and Socio-emotional Competences in the Entry to the Workforce of University Graduates.


CASTEJÓN COSTA, Juan Luis; GILAR CORBI, Raquel; PERTEGAL FELICES, María Luisa. "Competence profile differences among graduates from different academic subject fields: implications for improving students’ education". En: Facilitating effective student learning through teacher research and innovation / edited by Milena Valenčič Zuljan and Janez Vogrinc. Ljubljana : Faculty of Education, 2010. ISBN 978-961-253-051-8, pp. 253-276





University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Education



Palavras-Chave #Competences profile #Teachers in training #University formation #Socio-emotional competences #Competency based teacher education #Emotional intelligence #Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación
