918 resultados para embedded socket foundation
The present research studies the behavior of reinforced concrete locking beams supported by two capped piles with the socket embedded; used as connections for pre-cast concrete structures. The effect provoked by locking the beam on the pile-caps when supported by the lateral socket walls was evaluated. Three-dimensional numerical analyses using software based on the finite element method (FEM) were developed considering the nonlinear physical behavior of the material. To evaluate the adopted software, a comparative analysis was made using the numerical and experimented results obtained from other software. In the pile caps studied, a variation in the wall thickness, socket interface, strut angle inclination and action on beam. The results show that the presence of a beam does not significantly change pile cap behavior and that the socket wall is able to effectively transfer the force from the beam to the pile caps. By the tensions on the bars of longitudinal reinforcement, it was possible to obtain the force on the tie and the strut angle inclination before the collapse of models. It was found that the angles present more inclinations than those used in the design, which was made based on a strut-and-tie model. More results are available at http://www.set.eesc.usp.br/pdf/download/2009ME_RodrigoBarros.pdf
This paper analyzes the behavior of the base of a precast column in the socket foundation with smooth interfaces. This research is motivated by the lack of information and guidelines on the behavior of column bases in the embedded region. An experimental program with two full-scale specimens was carried-out. These two specimens had smooth interfaces at the internal faces of the socket, different embedded lengths and were subjected to loads with large eccentricities. The experimental results showed that the failure of the specimens occurred by the yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement out of the embedded region, while the transverse reinforcement was not very stressed. Some recommendations on the anchorage of the longitudinal reinforcement and a strut-and-tie model for the behavior of column bases in the embedded region are proposed.
This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures with regard to the behavior of transverse walls. The experimental program included seven specimens, for which the type of interface in contact with cast-in-place concrete, the load eccentricities and the embedded lengths were all varied, A design model was proposed to calculate the reinforcements of the transverse walls. Based on the obtained results, some conclusions can be drawn: (a) The top of the transverse wall on the compression side of the smooth connections and the top of the two transverse walls of the rough connections are submitted to a bending-tension and this tension prevails on the bending; (b) The design model proposed for the calculation of the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the compression side provides the best prediction of the experimental results for all specimens when compared to the current design models; (c) For rough interfaces, the top of the transverse wall on the tension side is more requested than the top of transverse wall on the compression side; (d) The results of the proposed design model for the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the tension side of rough connections were in close agreement with the experimental results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with the determination of crack openings in 2D reinforced concrete structures using the Finite Element Method with a smeared rotating crack model or an embedded crack model In the smeared crack model, the strong discontinuity associated with the crack is spread throughout the finite element As is well known, the continuity of the displacement field assumed for these models is incompatible with the actual discontinuity However, this type of model has been used extensively due to the relative computational simplicity it provides by treating cracks in a continuum framework, as well as the reportedly good predictions of reinforced concrete members` structural behavior On the other hand, by enriching the displacement field within each finite element crossed by the crack path, the embedded crack model is able to describe the effects of actual discontinuities (cracks) This paper presents a comparative study of the abilities of these 2D models in predicting the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete structures Structural responses are compared with experimental results from the literature, including crack patterns, crack openings and rebar stresses predicted by both models
This paper proposes a wireless EEG acquisition platform based on Open Multimedia Architecture Platform (OMAP) embedded system. A high-impedance active dry electrode was tested for improving the scalp- electrode interface. It was used the sigma-delta ADS1298 analog-to-digital converter, and developed a “kernelspace” character driver to manage the communications between the converter unit and the OMAP’s ARM core. The acquired EEG signal data is processed by a “userspace” application, which accesses the driver’s memory, saves the data to a SD-card and transmits them through a wireless TCP/IP-socket to a PC. The electrodes were tested through the alpha wave replacement phenomenon. The experimental results presented the expected alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) reactiveness to the eyes opening task. The driver spends about 725 μs to acquire and store the data samples. The application takes about 244 μs to get the data from the driver and 1.4 ms to save it in the SD-card. A WiFi throughput of 12.8Mbps was measured which results in a transmission time of 5 ms for 512 kb of data. The embedded system consumes about 200 mAh when wireless off and 400 mAh when it is on. The system exhibits a reliable performance to record EEG signals and transmit them wirelessly. Besides the microcontroller-based architectures, the proposed platform demonstrates that powerful ARM processors running embedded operating systems can be programmed with real-time constrains at the kernel level in order to control hardware, while maintaining their parallel processing abilities in high level software applications.
In order to maximize their productivity, inter-disciplinary multi-occupation teams of professionals need to maximize inter-occupational cooperation in team decision making. Cooperation, however, is challenged by status anxiety over organizational careers and identity politics among team members who differ by ethnicity-race, gender, religion, nativity, citizenship status, etc. The purpose of this paper is to develop hypotheses about how informal and formal features of bureaucracy influence the level of inter-occupation cooperation achieved by socially diverse, multi-occupation work teams of professionals in bureaucratic work organizations. The 18 hypotheses, which are developed with the heuristic empirical case of National Science Foundation-sponsored university school partnerships in math and science curriculum innovation in the United States, culminate in the argument that cooperation can be realized as a synthesis of tensions between informal and formal features of bureaucracy in the form of participatory, high performance work systems.
This paper proposes a methodology for improvement of energy efficiency in buildings through the innovative simultaneous incorporation of three distinct phase change materials (here termed as hybrid PCM) in plastering mortars for façade walls. The thermal performance of a hybrid PCM mortar was experimentally evaluated by comparing the behaviour of a prototype test cell (including hybrid PCM plastering mortar) subjected to realistic daily temperature profiles, with the behaviour of a similar prototype test cell, in which no PCM was added. A numerical simulation model was employed (using ANSYS-FLUENT) to validate the capacity of simulating temperature evolution within the prototype containing hybrid PCM, as well as to understand the contribution of hybrid PCM to energy efficiency. Incorporation of hybrid PCM into plastering mortars was found to have the potential to significantly reduce heating/cooling temperature demands for maintaining the interior temperature within comfort levels when compared to normal mortars (without PCM), or even mortars comprising a single type of PCM.
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Convergens Oy:lle. Convergens on elektroniikan suunnittelutoimisto, joka on erikoistunut sulautettuihin järjestelmiin sekä tietoliikennetekniikkaan. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella tietokonekortti tietoliikennesovelluksia varten asiakkaalle, jolta vaatimusmäärittelyt tulivat. Työ on rajattu koskemaan laitteen prototyypin suunnittelua. Työssä suunnitellaan pääasiassa WLAN-tukiaseman tietokone. Tukiasema onasennettavissa toimistoihin, varastoihin, kauppoihin sekä myös liikkuvaan ajoneuvoon. Suunnittelussa on otettu nämä asiat huomioon, ja laitteen akun pystyy lataamaan muun muassa auton akulla. Langattomat tekniikat ovat voimakkaasti yleistymässä, ja tämän työn tukiasema tarjoaakin varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon lukuisilla ominaisuuksillaan. Mukana on mm. GPS, Bluetooth sekä Ethernet-valmius. Langattomien tekniikoiden lisäksi myös sulautetut järjestelmät ovat voimakkaasti yleistymässä, ja nykyään mikroprosessoreita löytääkin lähesmistä vain. Tässä projektissa käytetty prosessori on nopeutensa puolesta kilpailukykyinen, ja siitä löytyy useita eri rajapintoja. Jatkossa tietokonekortille on myös tulossa WiMAX-tuki, joka lisää tukiaseman tulevaisuuden arvoa asiakkaalle. Projektiin valittu Freescalen MPC8321E-prosessori on PowerPC-arkkitehtuuriin perustuva ja juuri markkinoille ilmestynyt. Tämä toi mukanaan lisähaasteen, sillä kyseisestä prosessorista ei ollut vielä kaikkea tietoa saatavilla. Mekaniikka toi omat haasteensa mukanaan, sillä se rajoitti piirilevyn koonniin, että ylimääräistä piirilevytilaa ei juurikaan jäänyt. Tämän takia esimerkiksi DDR-muistit olivat haastavia reitittää, sillä muistivetojen on oltava melko samanpituisia keskenään. Käyttöjärjestelmänä projektissa käytetään Linuxia. Suunnittelu alkoi keväällä 2007 ja toimiva prototyyppi oli valmis alkusyksystä. Prototyypin testaus osoitti, että tietokonekortti kykenee täyttämään kaikki asiakkaan vaatimukset. Prototyypin testauksessa löytyneet viat ja optimoinnit on tarkoitus korjata tuotantomalliin, joten se antaa hyvän pohjan jatkosuunnittelua varten.
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are developing rapidly, and therefore there exist several standards of interconnection protocols and platforms. The existence of heterogeneous protocols and platforms has become a critical challenge for IoT system developers. To mitigate this challenge, few alliances and organizations have taken the initiative to build a framework that helps to integrate application silos. Some of these frameworks focus only on a specific domain like home automation. However, the resource constraints in the large proportion of connected devices make it difficult to build an interoperable system using such frameworks. Therefore, a general purpose, lightweight interoperability framework that can be used for a range of devices is required. To tackle the heterogeneous nature, this work introduces an embedded, distributed and lightweight service bus, Lightweight IoT Service bus Architecture (LISA), which fits inside the network stack of a small real-time operating system for constrained nodes. LISA provides a uniform application programming interface for an IoT system on a range of devices with variable resource constraints. It hides platform and protocol variations underneath it, thus facilitating interoperability in IoT implementations. LISA is inspired by the Network on Terminal Architecture, a service centric open architecture by Nokia Research Center. Unlike many other interoperability frameworks, LISA is designed specifically for resource constrained nodes and it provides essential features of a service bus for easy service oriented architecture implementation. The presented architecture utilizes an intermediate computing layer, a Fog layer, between the small nodes and the cloud, thereby facilitating the federation of constrained nodes into subnetworks. As a result of a modular and distributed design, the part of LISA running in the Fog layer handles the heavy lifting to assist the lightweight portion of LISA inside the resource constrained nodes. Furthermore, LISA introduces a new networking paradigm, Node Centric Networking, to route messages across protocol boundaries to facilitate interoperability. This thesis presents a concept implementation of the architecture and creates a foundation for future extension towards a comprehensive interoperability framework for IoT.
slides to take students through part of task of preparing portfolio - also addresses skills development (embedded in tasks)this week - self knowledge and using feedback
This work considers the development of a filtering system composed of an intelligent algorithm, that separates information and noise coming from sensors interconnected by Foundation Fieldbus (FF) network. The algorithm implementation will be made through FF standard function blocks, with on-line training through OPC (OLE for Process Control), and embedded technology in a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) that interacts with the fieldbus devices. The technique ICA (Independent Component Analysis), that explores the possibility of separating mixed signals based on the fact that they are statistically independent, was chosen to this Blind Source Separation (BSS) process. The algorithm and its implementations will be Presented, as well as the results
[EN]Different phenomena such a soil consolidation, erosion, and scour beneath an embedded footing supported on piles may lead to loss of contact between soil and the pile cap underside. The importance of this separation on the dynamic stiffness and damping of the foundation is assessed in this work.
High-quality software, delivered on time and budget, constitutes a critical part of most products and services in modern society. Our government has invested billions of dollars to develop software assets, often to redevelop the same capability many times. Recognizing the waste involved in redeveloping these assets, in 1992 the Department of Defense issued the Software Reuse Initiative. The vision of the Software Reuse Initiative was "To drive the DoD software community from its current "re-invent the software" cycle to a process-driven, domain-specific, architecture-centric, library-based way of constructing software.'' Twenty years after issuing this initiative, there is evidence of this vision beginning to be realized in nonembedded systems. However, virtually every large embedded system undertaken has incurred large cost and schedule overruns. Investigations into the root cause of these overruns implicates reuse. Why are we seeing improvements in the outcomes of these large scale nonembedded systems and worse outcomes in embedded systems? This question is the foundation for this research. The experiences of the Aerospace industry have led to a number of questions about reuse and how the industry is employing reuse in embedded systems. For example, does reuse in embedded systems yield the same outcomes as in nonembedded systems? Are the outcomes positive? If the outcomes are different, it may indicate that embedded systems should not use data from nonembedded systems for estimation. Are embedded systems using the same development approaches as nonembedded systems? Does the development approach make a difference? If embedded systems develop software differently from nonembedded systems, it may mean that the same processes do not apply to both types of systems. What about the reuse of different artifacts? Perhaps there are certain artifacts that, when reused, contribute more or are more difficult to use in embedded systems. Finally, what are the success factors and obstacles to reuse? Are they the same in embedded systems as in nonembedded systems? The research in this dissertation is comprised of a series of empirical studies using professionals in the aerospace and defense industry as its subjects. The main focus has been to investigate the reuse practices of embedded systems professionals and nonembedded systems professionals and compare the methods and artifacts used against the outcomes. The research has followed a combined qualitative and quantitative design approach. The qualitative data were collected by surveying software and systems engineers, interviewing senior developers, and reading numerous documents and other studies. Quantitative data were derived from converting survey and interview respondents' answers into coding that could be counted and measured. From the search of existing empirical literature, we learned that reuse in embedded systems are in fact significantly different from nonembedded systems, particularly in effort in model based development approach and quality where the development approach was not specified. The questionnaire showed differences in the development approach used in embedded projects from nonembedded projects, in particular, embedded systems were significantly more likely to use a heritage/legacy development approach. There was also a difference in the artifacts used, with embedded systems more likely to reuse hardware, test products, and test clusters. Nearly all the projects reported using code, but the questionnaire showed that the reuse of code brought mixed results. One of the differences expressed by the respondents to the questionnaire was the difficulty in reuse of code for embedded systems when the platform changed. The semistructured interviews were performed to tell us why the phenomena in the review of literature and the questionnaire were observed. We asked respected industry professionals, such as senior fellows, fellows and distinguished members of technical staff, about their experiences with reuse. We learned that many embedded systems used heritage/legacy development approaches because their systems had been around for many years, before models and modeling tools became available. We learned that reuse of code is beneficial primarily when the code does not require modification, but, especially in embedded systems, once it has to be changed, reuse of code yields few benefits. Finally, while platform independence is a goal for many in nonembedded systems, it is certainly not a goal for the embedded systems professionals and in many cases it is a detriment. However, both embedded and nonembedded systems professionals endorsed the idea of platform standardization. Finally, we conclude that while reuse in embedded systems and nonembedded systems is different today, they are converging. As heritage embedded systems are phased out, models become more robust and platforms are standardized, reuse in embedded systems will become more like nonembedded systems.
The effect of foundation embedment on settlement calculation is a widely researched topic in which there is no scientific consensus regarding the magnitude of settlement reduction. In this paper, a non-linear three dimensional Finite Element analysis has been performed with the aim of evaluating the aforementioned effect. For this purpose, 1800 models were run considering different variables, such as the depth and dimensions of the foundation and the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the soil. The settlements from models with foundations at surface level and at depth were then compared and the relationship between them established. The statistical analysis of this data allowed two new expressions, with a mean maximum error of 1.80%, for the embedment influence factor of a foundation to be proposed and these to be compared with commonly used corrections. The proposed equations were validated by comparing the settlements calculated with the proposed influence factors and the true settlements measured in several real foundations. From the comprehensive study of all modelled cases, an improved approach, when compared to those proposed by other authors, for the calculation of the true elastic settlements of an embedded foundation is proposed.
This work considered the micro-mechanical behavior of a long fiber embedded in an infinite matrix. Using the theory of elasticity, the idea of boundary layer and some simplifying assumptions, an approximate analytical solution was obtained for the normal and shear stresses along the fiber. The analytical solution to the problem was found for the case when the length of the embedded fiber is much greater than its radius, and the Young's modulus of the matrix was much less than that of the fiber. The analytical solution was then compared with a numerical solution based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using ANSYS. The numerical results showed the same qualitative behavior of the analytical solution, serving as a validation tool against lack of experimental results. In general this work provides a simple method to determine the thermal stresses along the fiber embedded in a matrix, which is the foundation for a better understanding of the interaction between the fiber and matrix in the case of the classical problem of thermal-stresses.