979 resultados para electronic density of states
Space-charge-limited currents measurements have been carried out on undoped amorphous poly p-phenylene sulfide. The scaling law is checked for different samples with varying thickness, and J-V data analyzed. The position of the quasi-Fermi level and the density of states was obtained.
Point defects in metal oxides such as TiO2 are key to their applications in numerous technologies. The investigation of thermally induced nonstoichiometry in TiO2 is complicated by the difficulties in preparing and determining a desired degree of nonstoichiometry. We study controlled self-doping of TiO2 by adsorption of 1/8 and 1/16 monolayer Ti at the (110) surface using a combination of experimental and computational approaches to unravel the details of the adsorption process and the oxidation state of Ti. Upon adsorption of Ti, x-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS and UPS) show formation of reduced Ti. Comparison of pure density functional theory (DFT) with experiment shows that pure DFT provides an inconsistent description of the electronic structure. To surmount this difficulty, we apply DFT corrected for on-site Coulomb interaction (DFT+U) to describe reduced Ti ions. The optimal value of U is 3 eV, determined from comparison of the computed Ti 3d electronic density of states with the UPS data. DFT+U and UPS show the appearance of a Ti 3d adsorbate-induced state at 1.3 eV above the valence band and 1.0 eV below the conduction band. The computations show that the adsorbed Ti atom is oxidized to Ti2+ and a fivefold coordinated surface Ti atom is reduced to Ti3+, while the remaining electron is distributed among other surface Ti atoms. The UPS data are best fitted with reduced Ti2+ and Ti3+ ions. These results demonstrate that the complexity of doped metal oxides is best understood with a combination of experiment and appropriate computations.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The metallic carbides exhibit many novel prototypes of crystalline structure. Among these compounds Th2NiC2 was reported in 1991 as a new carbide which crystallizes in the U2IrC2 prototype structure. In this work we report a reinvestigation of the synthesis of this compound. We find that Th2NiC2 is a new superconductor. Our results suggest that this phase is stable only at high temperatures in the system Th-Ni-C. The substitution of Th by Sc stabilizes the phase and improves the superconducting properties. The highest superconducting critical temperature occurs at 11.2 K with nominal composition Th1.8Sc0.2NiC2. The electronic coefficient determined by specific heat measurements is close to zero. This unusual result can be explained by covalent bonding in the compound.
The electronic properties of liquid ammonia are investigated by a sequential molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics approach. Quantum mechanics calculations for the liquid phase are based on a reparametrized hybrid exchange-correlation functional that reproduces the electronic properties of ammonia clusters [(NH(3))(n); n=1-5]. For these small clusters, electron binding energies based on Green's function or electron propagator theory, coupled cluster with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations, and density functional theory (DFT) are compared. Reparametrized DFT results for the dipole moment, electron binding energies, and electronic density of states of liquid ammonia are reported. The calculated average dipole moment of liquid ammonia (2.05 +/- 0.09 D) corresponds to an increase of 27% compared to the gas phase value and it is 0.23 D above a prediction based on a polarizable model of liquid ammonia [Deng , J. Chem. Phys. 100, 7590 (1994)]. Our estimate for the ionization potential of liquid ammonia is 9.74 +/- 0.73 eV, which is approximately 1.0 eV below the gas phase value for the isolated molecule. The theoretical vertical electron affinity of liquid ammonia is predicted as 0.16 +/- 0.22 eV, in good agreement with the experimental result for the location of the bottom of the conduction band (-V(0)=0.2 eV). Vertical ionization potentials and electron affinities correlate with the total dipole moment of ammonia aggregates. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Transparent conducting oxides (TCO) are widely used in technological applications ranging from photovoltaics to thin-film transparent field-effect transistors. In this work we report a first-principles investigation, based on density-functional theory, of the atomic and electronic properties of Ga(2)O(3)(ZnO)(6) (GZO(6)), which is a promising candidate to be used as host oxide for wide band gap TCO applications. We identify a low-energy configuration for the coherent distribution of the Ga and Zn atoms in the cation positions within the experimentally reported orthorhombic GZO(6) structure. Four Ga atoms are located in four-fold sites, while the remaining 12 Ga atoms in the unit cell form four shared Ga agglomerates (a motif of four atoms). The Zn atoms are distributed in the remaining cation sites with effective coordination numbers from 3.90 to 4.50. Furthermore, we identify the natural formation of twin-boundaries in GZO(6), which can explain the zigzag modulations observed experimentally by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy in GZO(n) (n=9). Due to the intrinsic twin-boundary formation, polarity inversion in the ZnO tetrahedrons is present which is facilitated by the formation of the Ga agglomerates. Our analysis shows that the formation of fourfold Ga sites and Ga agglomerates are stabilized by the electronic octet rule, while the distribution of Ga atoms and the formation of the twin-boundary help alleviate excess strain. Finally we identify that the electronic properties of GZO(6) are essentially determined by the electronic properties of ZnO, i.e., there are slight changes in the band gap and optical absorption properties.
We consider the statistical properties of the local density of states of a one-dimensional Dirac equation in the presence of various types of disorder with Gaussian white-noise distribution. It is shown how either the replica trick or supersymmetry can be used to calculate exactly all the moments of the local density of states.' Careful attention is paid to how the results change if the local density of states is averaged over atomic length scales. For both the replica trick and supersymmetry the problem is reduced to finding the ground state of a zero-dimensional Hamiltonian which is written solely in terms of a pair of coupled spins which are elements of u(1, 1). This ground state is explicitly found for the particular case of the Dirac equation corresponding to an infinite metallic quantum wire with a single conduction channel. The calculated moments of the local density of states agree with those found previously by Al'tshuler and Prigodin [Sov. Phys. JETP 68 (1989) 198] using a technique based on recursion relations for Feynman diagrams. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the determination of the interface density of states in amorphous silicon-based multilayers. Photothermal deflection spectroscopy is used to characterize two series of aSi:H/aSi1-xCx:H multilayers, and a new approach in the treatment of experimental dada is used in order to obtain accurate results. From this approach, an upper limit of 10^10 cm-2 is determined for the interface density of states.
The density of states and the low temperature specific heat of higb-Tc superconductors are calculated in a functional integral formalism using the slave boson technique. The manybody calculation in a saddle point approximation shows that the Iow energy sector is dominated by 3 single band. The calculated values of density of states are in good agreement with experimental results.
Many ultrafast structural phenomena in solids at high fluences are related to the hardening or softening of particular lattice vibrations at lower fluences. In this paper we relate femtosecond-laser-induced phonon frequency changes to changes in the electronic density of states, which need to be evaluated only in the electronic ground state, following phonon displacement patterns. We illustrate this relationship for a particular lattice vibration of magnesium, for which we—surprisingly—find that there is both softening and hardening as a function of the femtosecond-laser fluence. Using our theory, we explain these behaviours as arising from Van Hove singularities: We show that at low excitation densities Van Hove singularities near the Fermi level dominate the change of the phonon frequency while at higher excitations Van Hove singularities that are further away in energy also become important. We expect that our theory can as well shed light on the effects of laser excitation of other materials.
Low frequency admittance measurements are used to determine the density of interface states in metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes based on the unintentionally doped, p-type semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene). After vacuum annealing at 90 degrees C, interface hole trapping states are shown to be distributed in energy with their density decreasing approximately linearly from similar to 20x10(10) to 5x10(10) cm(-2) eV(-1) over an energy range extending from 0.05 to 0.25 eV above the bulk Fermi level. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We theoretically investigate the local density of states (LDOS) probed by an STM tip of ferromagnetic metals hosting a single adatom and a subsurface impurity. We model the system via the two-impurity Anderson Hamiltonian. By using the equation of motion with the relevant Green's functions, we derive analytical expressions for the LDOS of two host types: a surface and a quantum wire. The LDOS reveals Friedel-like oscillations and Fano interference as a function of the STM tip position. These oscillations strongly depend on the host dimension. Interestingly, we find that the spin-dependent Fermi wave numbers of the hosts give rise to spin-polarized quantum beats in the LDOS. Although the LDOS for the metallic surface shows a damped beating pattern, it exhibits the opposite behavior in the quantum wire. Due to this absence of damping, the wire operates as a spatially resolved spin filter with a high efficiency. © 2013 American Physical Society.
In this work, we investigate theoretically the spin-resolved local density of states (SR-LDOS) of a ferromagnetic (FM) island hybridized with an adatom, which is described by the Single Impurity Anderson Model (SIAM). Our results are comparable with Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) experimental data. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In a finite size bag like picture consisting of quarks (2 flavour) and gluons with SU(3) colour singlet restriction on the partition function and the chemical potential μ ≠ 0 with the constraint that the baryon number b = 0 and b = 1 for mesons and baryons, respectively we find a very good agreement with baryon density of states upto 2 GeV and with mesonic ones upto 1.3 GeV. Similar to a hadron-scale string theory our calculation also suggests that beyond 1.3 GeV there should exist exotic mesons.