910 resultados para earth fault current, relay protection, long cable lines


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Recent Storms in Nordic countries were a reason of long power outages in huge territories. After these disasters distribution networks' operators faced with a problem how to provide adequate quality of supply in such situation. The decision of utilization cable lines rather than overhead lines were made, which brings new features to distribution networks. The main idea of this work is a complex analysis of medium voltage distribution networks with long cable lines. High value of cable’s specific capacitance and length of lines determine such problems as: high values of earth fault currents, excessive amount of reactive power flow from distribution to transmission network, possibility of a high voltage level at the receiving end of cable feeders. However the core tasks was to estimate functional ability of the earth fault protection and the possibility to utilize simplified formulas for operating setting calculations in this network. In order to provide justify solution or evaluation of mentioned above problems corresponding calculations were made and in order to analyze behavior of relay protection principles PSCAD model of the examined network have been created. Evaluation of the voltage rise in the end of a cable line have educed absence of a dangerous increase in a voltage level, while excessive value of reactive power can be a reason of final penalty according to the Finish regulations. It was proved and calculated that for this networks compensation of earth fault currents should be implemented. In PSCAD models of the electrical grid with isolated neutral, central compensation and hybrid compensation were created. For the network with hybrid compensation methodology which allows to select number and rated power of distributed arc suppression coils have been offered. Based on the obtained results from experiments it was determined that in order to guarantee selective and reliable operation of the relay protection should be utilized hybrid compensation with connection of high-ohmic resistor. Directional and admittance based relay protection were tested under these conditions and advantageous of the novel protection were revealed. However, for electrical grids with extensive cabling necessity of a complex approach to the relay protection were explained and illustrated. Thus, in order to organize reliable earth fault protection is recommended to utilize both intermittent and conventional relay protection with operational settings calculated by the use of simplified formulas.


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A modular superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) consisting of 16 elements was constructed and tested in a 220 V line for a fault current between 1 kA to 7.4 kA. The elements are made up of second generation (2G) YBCO-coated conductor tapes with stainless steel reinforcement. For each element four tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element, totaling 16 elements connected in series. The evaluation of SFCL performance was carried out under DC and AC tests. The DC test was performed through pulsed current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analysed by changing the shunt resistor value. The AC test performed using a 3 MVA/220 V/60 Hz transformer has shown the current limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 10 during fault of up to five cycles without conductor degradation. The measurement of the voltage for each element during the AC test showed that in this modular SFCL the quench is homogeneous and the transition occurs similarly in all the elements.


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Thesis talks about relay protection for microgrids. Microgrid operation sets more challenges than traditional utility grid protection because of lower fault current levels. Solutions for these challenges are discussed in this paper. Thesis also studies available relay protection solutions and figures out how they would fit for microgrid protection.


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Increasingly growing share of distributed generation in the whole electrical power system’s generating system is currently a worldwide tendency, driven by several factors, encircling mainly difficulties in refinement of megalopolises’ distribution networks and its maintenance; widening environmental concerns adding to both energy efficiency approaches and installation of renewable sources based generation, inherently distributed; increased power quality and reliability needs; progress in IT field, making implementable harmonization of needs and interests of different-energy-type generators and consumers. At this stage, the volume, formed by system-interconnected distributed generation facilities, have reached the level of causing broad impact toward system operation under emergency and post-emergency conditions in several EU countries, thus previously implementable approach of their preliminary tripping in case of a fault, preventing generating equipment damage and disoperation of relay protection and automation, is not applicable any more. Adding to the preceding, withstand capability and transient electromechanical stability of generating technologies, interconnecting in proximity of load nodes, enhanced significantly since the moment Low Voltage Ride-Through regulations, followed by techniques, were introduced in Grid Codes. Both aspects leads to relay protection and auto-reclosing operation in presence of distributed generation generally connected after grid planning and construction phases. This paper proposes solutions to the emerging need to ensure correct operation of the equipment in question with least possible grid refinements, distinctively for every type of distributed generation technology achieved its technical maturity to date and network’s protection. New generating technologies are equivalented from the perspective of representation in calculation of initial steady-state short-circuit current used to dimension current-sensing relay protection, and widely adopted short-circuit calculation practices, as IEC 60909 and VDE 0102. The phenomenon of unintentional islanding, influencing auto-reclosing, is addressed, and protection schemes used to eliminate an sustained island are listed and characterized by reliability and implementation related factors, whereas also forming a crucial aspect of realization of the proposed protection operation relieving measures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Fault Current Limiter (FCL) based on high temperature superconducting elements with four tapes in parallel were designed and tested in 220 V line for a fault current peak between 1 kA to 4 kA. The elements employed second generation (2G) HTS tapes of YBCO coated conductor with stainless steel reinforcement. The tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element (16 elements connected in series) constituting a single-phase unit. The FCL performance was evaluated through over-current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analyzed using optimized value of the shunt protection. The projected limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 4 during fault of 5 cycles without degradation. Construction details and further test results will be shown in the paper. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This research presents the development and implementation in a computational routine of algorithms for fault location in multiterminal transmission lines. These algorithms are part of a fault-location system, which is capable of correctly identifying the fault point based on voltage and current phasor quantities, calculated by using measurements of voltage and current signals from intelligent electronic devices, located on the transmission-line terminals. The algorithms have access to the electrical parameters of the transmission lines and to information about the transformers loading and their connection type. This paper also presents the development of phase component models for the power system elements used by the fault-location algorithms.


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O tema do sistema de automação da protecção diferencial de linha e comparação direccional é merecedor de uma nova abordagem devido às recentes inovações tecnológicas ocorridas desde o aparecimento dos relés digitais e à consequente comunicação entre os sistemas de protecção, em particular na comunicação entre protecções diferenciais de linha. A protecção diferencial de linha apresenta claras vantagens face às protecções actualmente utilizadas para a protecção de linhas de transmissão e distribuição, tais como, Protecção de Máximo Intensidade de Fase, Máximo Intensidade Homopolar Direccionale Protecção de Distância. Contudo, existem alguns problemas associados a este tipo de protecções, nomeadamente na comunicação entre relés. Para automação e comunicação de protecções diferenciais de linhas de transmissão, no caso da ocorrência de defeitos na zona protegida pelo sistema de protecção diferencial foi empregue um método inovador para este tipo de sistema. Uma vez que a eficácia da actuação das protecções diferenciais depende do rigor das variáveis que são necessárias enviar entre protecções que se encontram localizadas em subestações distintas, recorreu-se à utilização de um automatismo para comunicação entre relés suportado pelo desenvolvimento de novos algoritmos para detectar quase instantaneamente um defeito em qualquer zona de protecção de uma linha de transmissão. Estes algoritmos são baseados na Transformada de Park, pelo que, é introduzido um novo conceito neste tipo de protecções. Através destes algoritmos é possível atenuar os problemas associados à protecção diferencial de linha. No sentido de verificar a aplicabilidade destes algoritmos à protecção diferencial de linha são apresentados diversos casos de estudo. Através dos resultados obtidos também foi possível verificar as vantagens associadas à utilização dos algoritmos propostos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, we report on the evaluation of a superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL). It is consisted of a modular superconducting device combined with a short-circuited transformer with a primary copper winding connected in series to the power line and the secondary side short-circuited by the superconducting device. The basic idea is adding a magnetic component to contribute to the current limitation by the impedance reflected to the line after transition of the superconducting device. The evaluation tests were performed with a prospective current up to 2 kA, with the short-circuited transformer of 2.5 kVA, 220 V/660 V connected to a test facility of 100 kVA power capacity. The resistive SFCL using a modular superconducting device was tested without degradation for a prospective fault current of 1.8 kA, achieving the limiting factor 2.78; the voltage achieved 282 V corresponding to an electric field of 11 V/m. The test performed with the combined SFCL (xsuperconducting device + transformer) using series and toroidal transformers showed current limiting factor of 3.1 and 2 times, respectively. The test results of the combined SFCL with short-circuited transformer showed undesirable influence of the transformer impedance, resulting in reduction of the fault current level. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Resistive-type of superconducting fault current limiters (RSFCL) have been developed for medium voltage class aiming to operate at 1 MVA power capacity and short time recovery (< 2 s). A RSFCL in form of superconducting modular device was designed and constructed using 50 m-length of YBCO coated conductor tapes for operation under 1 kV / 1 kA and acting time of 0.1 s. In order to increase the acting time the RSFCL was combined with an air-core reactor in parallel to increase the fault limiting time up to 1 s. The tests determined the electrical and thermal characteristics of the combined resistive/ inductive protection unit. The combined fault current limiter reached a limiting current of 583 A, corresponding to a limiting factor of 3.3 times within an acting time of up to 1 s.


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The multiterminal dc wind farm is a promising topology with a voltage-source inverter (VSI) connection at the onshore grid. Voltage-source converters (VSCs) are robust to ac-side fault conditions. However, they are vulnerable to dc faults on the dc side of the converter. This paper analyzes dc faults, their transients, and the resulting protection issues. Overcurrent faults are analyzed in detail and provide an insight into protection system design. The radial wind farm topology with star or string connection is considered. The outcomes may be applicable for VSCs in the multi-VSC dc wind farm collection grid and VSC-based high-voltage direct current (HVDC) offshore transmission systems.


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A bifilar Bi-2212 bulk coil with parallel shunt resistor was tested under fault current condition using a 3 MVA single-phase transformer in a 220 V-60 Hz line achieving fault current peak of 8 kA. The fault current tests are performed from steady state peak current of 200 A by applying controlled short circuits up to 8 kA varying the time period from one to six cycles. The test results show the function of the shunt resistor providing homogeneous quench behavior of the HTS coil besides its intrinsic stabilizing role. The limiting current ratio achieves a factor 4.2 during 5 cycles without any degradation.


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Several high temperature superconductor (HTS) tapes have been developed since the late eighties. Due to the new techniques applied for their production, HTS tapes are becoming feasible and practical for many applications. In this work, we present the test results of five commercial HTS tapes from the BSCCO and YBCO families (short samples of 200 mm). We have measured and analyzed their intrinsic and extrinsic properties and compared their behaviors for fault current limiter (FCL) applications. Electrical measurements were performed to determine the critical current and the n value through the V-I relationship under DC and AC magnetic fields. The resistance per unit length was determined as a function of temperature. The magnetic characteristics were analyzed through susceptibility curves as a function of temperature. As transport current generates a magnetic field surrounding the HTS material, the magnetic measurements indicate the magnetic field supported by the tapes under a peak current 1.5 times higher than the critical current, I(c). By pulsed current tests the recovery time and the energy/volume during a current fault were also analyzed. These results are in agreement with the data found in the literature giving the most appropriate performance conductor for a FCL device (I(peak) = 4 kA) to be used in a 220 V-60 Hz grid.


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Tässä työssä tutkitaan maasulkuvirtoja sekä niiden vaikutusta ja kehitystä Haminan Ener-gia Oy:n keskijänniteverkossa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan erilaisia mahdollisuuksia rajoittaa maasulkuvirtojen suuruuksia. Tutkimusalueena käytetään koko Haminan Energia Oy:n keskijänniteverkkoaluetta. Maasulkuvirtojen suuruuden ja vaikutusten tutkimiseksi suori-tetaan erilaisin lähtökriteerein maasulkujen vikavirtalaskennat verkkotietojärjestelmällä. Verkon kehittymisen analysoimiseksi selvitetään sen ikätietoja, kaava-alueiden muutok-sia sekä päämuuntaja- ja varasyöttökapasiteetteja. Analyysien pohjalta saatujen tulosten perusteella työssä laaditaan arvio maasulkuvirtojen kehityksestä tulevaisuudessa. Maasulkuvirtojen kompensoimiseksi päädytään rakenta-maan uusi päämuuntaja Laurilan sähköasemalle sekä parantamaan eräiden muuntamoiden ja erottimien maadoituksia. Nämä parannusehdotukset toteuttamalla pystytään sähkötur-vallisuusmääräykset täyttämään maasulkujen osalta pitkälle tulevaisuuteen sekä vähentä-mään asiakkaiden kokemia keskeytyksiä. Lisäksi työssä tehdään ohjeistus Haminan Energia Oy:lle maasulkuvirtojen laskentaa varten.