35 resultados para ePortfolios


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This chapter seeks to develop an analysis of the contemporary use of the ePortfolio (Electronic Portfolio) in education practices. Unlike other explorations of this new technology which are deterministic in their approach, the authors seek to reveal the techniques and practices of government which underpin the implementation of the e-portfolio. By interrogating a specific case study example from a large Australian university’s preservice teacher program, the authors find that the e-portfolio is represented as eLearning technology but serves to govern students via autonomization and self responsibilization. Using policy data and other key documents, they are able to reveal the e-portfolio as a delegated authority in the governance of preservice teachers. However, despite this ongoing trend, they suggest that like other practices of government, the e-portfolio will eventually fail. This however the authors conclude opens up space for critical thought and engagement which is not afforded presently.


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In this research I have examined how ePortfolios can be designed for Music postgraduate study through a practice led research enquiry. This process involved designing two Web 2.0 ePortfolio systems for a group of five post graduate music research students. The design process revolved around the application of an iterative methodology called Software Develop as Research (SoDaR) that seeks to simultaneously develop design and pedagogy. The approach to designing these ePortfolio systems applied four theoretical protocols to examine the use of digitised artefacts in ePortfolio systems to enable a dynamic and inclusive dialogue around representations of the students work. The research and design process involved an analysis of existing software and literature with a focus upon identifying the affordances of available Web 2.0 software and the applications of these ideas within 21st Century life. The five post graduate music students each posed different needs in relation to the management of digitised artefacts and the communication of their work amongst peers, supervisors and public display. An ePortfolio was developed for each of them that was flexible enough to address their needs within the university setting. However in this first SoDaR iteration data gathering phase I identified aspects of the university context that presented a negative case that impacted upon the design and usage of the ePortfolios and prevented uptake. Whilst the portfolio itself functioned effectively, the university policies and technical requirements prevented serious use. The negative case analysis of the case study found revealed that Access and Control and Implementation, Technical and Policy Constraints protocols where limiting user uptake. From the semistructured interviews carried out as part of this study participant feedback revealed that whilst the participants did not use the ePortfolio system I designed, each student was employing Web 2.0 social networking and storage processes in their lives and research. In the subsequent iterations I then designed a more ‘ideal’ system that could be applied outside of the University context that draws upon the employment of these resources. In conclusion I suggest recommendations about ePortfolio design that considers what the applications of the theoretical protocols reveal about creative arts settings. The transferability of these recommendations are of course dependent upon the reapplication of the theoretical protocols in a new context. To address the mobility of ePortfolio design between Institutions and wider settings I have also designed a prototype for a business card sized USB portal for the artists’ ePortfolio. This research project is not a static one; it stands as an evolving design for a Web 2.0 ePortfolio that seeks to refer to users needs, institutional and professional contexts and the development of software that can be incorporated within the design. What it potentially provides to creative artist is an opportunity to have a dialogue about art with artefacts of the artist products and processes in that discussion.


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We analyse the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) in higher education policy and practice. While evangelical accounts of the ePortfolio celebrate its power as a new eLearning technology, we argue that it allows the mutually-reinforcing couple of neoliberalism and the enterprising self to function in ways in which individual difference can be presented, cultured and grown, all the time within a standardised framework which relentlessly polices the limits of the acceptable and unacceptable. We point to the ePortfolio as a practice of (self-) government, arguing that grander policy coalesces out of a halting, experimental set of technological instruments for thinking about how life should be lived.


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This article examines the design of ePortfolios for music postgraduate students utilizing a practice-led design iterative research process. It is suggested that the availability of Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs and social network software potentially provide creative artist with an opportunity to engage in a dialogue about art with artefacts of the artist products and processes present in that discussion. The design process applied Software Development as Research (SoDaR) methodology to simultaneously develop design and pedagogy. The approach to designing ePortfolio systems applied four theoretical protocols to examine the use of digitized artefacts to enable a dynamic and inclusive dialogue around representations of the students work. A negative case analysis identified a disjuncture between university access and control policy, and the relative openness of Web2.0 systems outside the institution that led to the design of an integrated model of ePortfolio.


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Se relata el proceso de b??squeda que llevan a cabo dos profesores de secundaria para encontrar una herramienta que pueda servir de alternativa al dosier como actividad did??ctica. La creaci??n social del conocimiento en el aula y la apropiaci??n del proceso de aprendizaje por parte del alumno son algunas de las pistas que han llevado a la creaci??n de tres portafolios digitales con distintas estructuras y formatos. El eporfolio promueve nuevas din??micas en el aula.


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To be launched in March 2016, this study explores the transformative potential of ePortfolios in business education. Educators and higher education institutions are increasingly looking for innovative ways to enhance learning outcomes through technology. Given their potential to aid in the development of engaged, reflective lifelong learners, and develop and showcase employability skills, ePortfolios are increasingly being used around the globe.

This study shares the experience of, and lessons learned from, the implementation of ePortfolios in one general business management course and three accounting related courses at three higher education institutions. The recommendations and principles proposed provide benchmarks for best practice and practical guidance for embedding ePortfolios into business curricula.


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While research surrounding ePortfolios abounds, few studies make explicit the pedagogical underpinnings of their use. Some suggest that the decision to use new technologies, like ePortfolios, is often made in ignorance of pedagogic evidence. Developed over the course of a two-year national study on the implementation of ePortfolios, this paper argues the importance of a considered approach to ePortfolio use; one that is premised on carefully linking the purpose and context to the type of portfolio. The paper explores the potential of ePortfolios as they align with four specific pillars of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. It discusses the pedagogic underpinnings – that is, the why – of ePortfolios including: skills and competencies; transformative potential; reflection; identity; active learning; employability; and assessment. The succeeding section provides recommendations for practical ePortfolio use – that is, the how – and an original framework linking ePortfolio purpose to design is proposed.


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This project will enable academic leadership of Australian Business and Management education programs to design into the curriculum, and best use, ePortfolios and associated technologies in assessing students' learning of highly valued professionally-based capabilities. The project will investigate and support the best ways of broadly and deeply embedding ePortfolios across entire undergraduate business and management education curricula. ePortfolios for enabling and assessing student learning is seen as a key means for integrating student learning across the curriculum and, therefore, creating a holistic learning experience. The project will work with Program Leaders across the sector through liaison with the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Teaching and Learning Network to both draw in better practices and disseminate project findings as the project progresses through its key phases. These planned actions will lead to the progressive development of a Business Education ePortfolio Professional Learning Capabilities Assessment Framework.


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A aprendizagem e consolidação do conhecimento fora da sala de aulas é uma tarefa cada vez mais importante e necessária no dia-a-dia, úteis para aprofundar conhecimentos, desenvolver capacidades complementares ou obter melhores resultados. Neste sentido, a adoção de ferramentas que integrem diversas abordagens como o eLearning, ePAL e ePortfolio, revelam ser uma mais-valia para auxiliar nesta tarefa. Foi com base na integração destes conceitos e abordagens que surgiu a plataforma eGuided, passando a disponibilizar um conjunto de ferramentas específicas para promover e incentivar a aprendizagem dos alunos, assim como o desenvolvimento de determinadas competências e capacidades a vários níveis. De um modo geral, esta plataforma permite disponibilizar informações dos utilizadores relacionadas com o seu percurso académico e profissional, assim como informação pessoal. Por sua vez, estas informações são organizadas de forma a, entre outras coisas, (i) ser possível mostrar a evolução do aluno nos vários níveis; (ii) determinar a abordagem mais adequada para potenciar a aprendizagem do aluno, tendo em conta as suas características; (iii) encontrar pessoas com determinadas características ou capacidades pessoais, profissionais ou académicas. No entanto, ao longo do funcionamento do eGuided tornou-se notória a falta de interação entre os seus membros, que revelaram sentir-se isolados na utilização da mesma. Daí a proposta desta dissertação de mestrado que visa estender a plataforma através da integração de novas funcionalidades características das redes sociais, que a tornassem participativa e promovesse a partilha efetiva e flexível de informação, experiências e conhecimento entre os seus utilizadores. A ideia é promover a utilização de um meio comum e complementar à aprendizagem, que estimule a cooperação entre os membros, dando visibilidade às suas capacidades e competências e, ao mesmo tempo, estabeleça uma ponte entre os alunos e os potenciais empregadores.


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In October 2008, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) released the final report for the commissioned project ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and practice. The Australian ePortfolio Project represented the first attempt to examine the breadth and depth of ePortfolio practice in the Australian higher education sector. The research activities included surveys of stakeholder groups in learning and teaching, academic management and human resource management, with respondents representing all Australian universities; a series of focus groups and semi-structured interviews which sought to explore key issues in greater depth; and surveys designed to capture students’ pre-course expectations and their post-course experiences of ePortfolio learning. Further qualitative data was collected through interviews with ‘mature users’ of ePortfolios. Project findings revealed that, while there was a high level of interest in the use of ePortfolios in terms of the potential to help students become reflective learners who were conscious of their personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, the state of play in Australian universities was very fragmented. The project investigation identified four individual, yet interrelated, contexts where strategies may be employed to support and foster effective ePortfolio practice in higher education: government policy, technical standards, academic policy, and learning and teaching. Four scenarios for the future were also presented with the goal of stimulating discussion about opportunities for stakeholder engagement. It is argued that the effective use of ePortfolios requires open dialogue and collaboration between the different stakeholders across this range of contexts.


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In mid 2007, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), formerly the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, commissioned an intensive research project to examine the use of ePortfolios by university students in Australia. The project was awarded to a consortium of four universities: Queensland University of Technology as lead institution, The University of Melbourne, University of New England and University of Wollongong.---------- The overarching aim of the research project, which was given the working title of the Australian ePortfolio Project, was to examine the current levels of ePortfolio practice in Australian higher education. The principal project goals sought to provide an overview and analysis of the national and international ePortfolio contexts, document the types of ePortfolios used in Australian higher education, examine the relationship with the National Diploma Supplement project funded by the Federal government, identify any significant issues relating to ePortfolio implementation, and offer guidance about future opportunities for ePortfolio development. The research findings revealed that there was a high level of interest in the use of ePortfolios in the context of higher education, particularly in terms of the potential to help students become reflective learners who are conscious of their personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, as well as to make their existing and developing skills more explicit. There were some good examples of early adoption in different institutions, although this tended to be distributed across the sector. The greatest use of ePortfolios was recorded in coursework programs, rather than in research programs, with implementation generally reflecting subject-specific or program-based activity, as opposed to faculty- or university-wide activity. Accordingly, responsibility for implementation frequently rested with the individual teaching unit, although an alternative centralised model of coordination by ICT services, careers and employment or teaching and learning support was beginning to emerge. The project report concludes with a series of recommendations to guide the process, drawing on the need for open dialogue and effective collaboration between the stakeholders across the range of contexts: government policy, international technical standards, academic policy, and learning and teaching research and practice.


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This report documents Stage Two of the Australian ePortfolio Project (AeP2), to specifically explore the current scope of national and international ePortfolio communities of practice in order to identify the factors that have contributed to their success and sustainability. The study has built on Stage One of the Australian ePortfolio Project (Hallam, Harper, McCowan, Hauville, McAllister, & Creagh, 2008), which outlined the broad range of issues and challenges, as well as significant opportunities, that faced the higher education sector in terms of ePortfolio practice, to determine how the emergent community of ePortfolio researchers and practitioners in Australia might be advanced. ---------- The overarching aims of this project were to focus on building the Australian community of practice through an online forum and further symposium activities. Through the research activities the project sought to generate the following major outcomes: develop a forum within the ALTC Exchange to support an ePortfolio community of practice; develop strategies to encourage interest in and engagement with community of practice activities; develop and promote resources to support the diverse stakeholders in ePortfolio practice; collaborate in the establishment of a cross-sector ePortfolio community of practice; host a second Australian ePortfolio Symposium (AeP2) to disseminate the findings from the Australian ePortfolio Project, to explore innovative practice in ePortfolio use in higher education, to articulate policy developments, and to stimulate discussion on international ePortfolio issues; host an associated trade display as a forum for strengthening the higher education sector’s understanding of the features and functionality of ePortfolio platforms; develop resources to support an ePortfolio symposium model that may be adopted for future events. ----------- The project activities encompassed a survey of stakeholders, a program of semi-structured interviews with community managers and a series of case studies depicting successful ePortfolio communities. The survey of ePortfolio practitioners sought to determine the potential value of an ePortfolio CoP, the preferred focus for and the desired features of such a community, as well as the options for the technical and social architecture of an online forum. Through the semi-structured interviews it was possible to examine current examples of CoP activity, to identify the critical success factors and the challenges faced by individual ePortfolio CoPs, so that the attributes of good practice could be presented. The data collected in the interviews contributed to the development of 14 case studies, which have been beneficial in illustrating the diverse nature of CoPs in Australia and overseas.----------- The report presents a rich picture of national and international ePortfolio communities of practice, with an examination of the factors that have contributed to their success and sustainability.


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At a time when global uncertainty is paramount and when a new form or re-form of curriculum is emerging – with content displaced by skills and knowledge acquisition by learning - assessment, too, begins to take on a new from or re-form. The focus for assessment has shifted to that which engages and promotes learning as s process rather than an assessment that focuses solely on measuring and reporting learning as product or score. The use of the portfolio for assessment offers the potential for the process and progress – integral to learning - to be included.


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The impact of government policy can become a strong enabler for the use of e-portfolios to support learning and employability. E-portfolio policy and practice seeks to draw together the different elements of integrated education and learning, graduate attributes, employability skills, professional competencies and lifelong learning, ultimately to support an engaged and productive workforce. Drawing on and updating the research findings from a nationwide research study conducted as part of the Australian ePortfolio Project, the present chapter discusses two important areas of the e-portfolio environment, government policy and academic policy. The focus is on those jurisdictions where government and academic policy issues have had a significant impact on e-portfolio practice, such as the European Union, the Netherlands, Scandinavian countries and the United Kingdom, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. These jurisdictions are of interest as government policy discussions are currently focusing on the need for closer integration between the different education and employment sectors. Finally, issues to be considered as well as strategies for driving policy decision making are presented.